I did something really horrible to BM
I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. I have done something really mean and I just have to get it off my chest.
BM is like most BMs on this site. A pITA. She does everything she possibly can to make our lives miserable. DF is a good father. He does goes above and beyond for his kid. But it's never enough for the fucking vampire. She just sucks the life out of anybody she is around. I got so fed up with her sh*t. I just couldn't take it anymore.
BM is on section 8. She was living in her section 8 townhouse with her husband, a convicted felon. I called the office and told them that she was living with a convicted felon. They did an investigation and determined that she was living with him. She got evicted and lost her section 8. Ha! Time to get a job like the rest of us! And pay your way. Stop depending on the government to take care of you. She gets every subsidy imaginable. She really knows how to work the system.
(The whole section 8 thing happened last year)
BM is back on her annual make TheMean1 and family lives miserable campaign. And she is really going hard this time. She is pulling out all the stops. She keeps take DF to court for the dumbest shit. We just got served papers for an increase in CS.
So I did something really horrible and immature. I had my sister call BM and pretend to be having an affair with her DH. She also told BM that she was pregnant by her DH. Needless to say BM went crazy. She was crying and hyperventilating. It was the funniest thing ever! She posting all these sad poems on FB and talking about how she can't trust anyone. Her life is over. Just knowing that she is finally feeling some of the misery she's been giving me for the past 3 years is so worth it. I'm enjoying every.single.minute of it!
I think you made a big
I think you made a big mistake. If bm and her dh get divorced over this she'll just have more time to make your life a nightmare. She'll just do it more often.
Hello Kettle? This is
Hello Kettle? This is Pot.....You're black.
You are no better than bm. Probably worse. People like you disgust me.
I agree with this. Obviously
I agree with this.
Obviously she's in your head to have you spending your days focused on how to make her life hell. I wouldn't give our BM that kind of power over me.
It may all sound like fun, but you get what you give. You can't very well bitch about someone creating misery when you're doing the same thing.
I am better than BM. I don't
I am better than BM. I don't have 5 kids by 5 different men. I am not a 32 year old grandmother. I'm just helping speed up the inevitable. Her "DH" they aren't really married is probably going to leave her anyway.
Well, you're not technically
Well, you're not technically married to yours either. Just beware that someone doesn't pull the same immature stunt on you.
And no, you're not better than bm if you do what you did (not the welfare reporting).
No, it's not up to me, you
No, it's not up to me, you are correct. But I am not going to make it right.
She has done so many awful things to me. Trying to get me fired from my job, accusing me hurting her kid, calling and harassing my mother at all hours of the night. My mother has a terminal illness. And I believe the stress caused her condition to become worse.
I am enjoying her suffering. I guess that makes me a horrible person.
How funny would you think it
How funny would you think it was if BM did it to you?
What the FUCK? What are you,
What the FUCK? What are you, twelve years old? Who does this to another human? I don't care HOW much I have disliked BM, or HOW wrong she has done DH.... that is a line that just isn't crossed.
ETA: Sorry about the language, but seriously, what the fuck?
>>Have you thought about how
>>Have you thought about how your little stunt will affect your SK(s)?
LF, something tells me "thinking" is not her strong point.
When BM got evicted, DF told
When BM got evicted, DF told her that he would take skid, but she wasn't having that. Skid is her only source of income.
As far as her leaving DH. It's probably for the best, does skid really need to be around a convicted felon?
Defamation of character,
Defamation of character, slander and libel are all civil, but she could get sued for her stunt. Some states have heart balm torts as well.
Wow.. why are you so
Wow.. why are you so consumed with the drama?
I mean seriously.. that is sick.
You are messing with a persons life just to be wicked.. ever heard of Kharma? Uh, yea.. eventually she would have gotten hers.. but now.. you turned the tide and Kharma is gonna come after your ass with a vengeance.. good luck with that.
Oh, and if DH doesn't know about this.. you bet your butt he will.. this will all surface and come back to haunt you.. people get pissed and ever the darkest secrets get spilled.. from even the best of friends..
Karma doesn't apply to me.
Karma doesn't apply to me.
Keep telling yourself
Keep telling yourself that...let's see how it works out.
Psssht.. ok.. Well then
Psssht.. ok..
Well then "what goes around comes around"..
Ok, I think this is really
Ok, I think this is really funny. Fucked up? YES, but funny. Immature? Absolutely. Wrong? YES. However, funny non the less. These crazy ass BMs make any sane woman stoop to levels that none of us ever dream of stooping to. I am constantly daydreaming of how I could bring serious shit down in BMs life but of course, I just daydream. I don't know if I'd actually GO FOR IT. If she has any type of brain cells she'll do her own investigating and find out the BF isn't cheating and she'll figure out it was a prank. She'll get over it.
You keep referring to this as
You keep referring to this as a "prank" .. which is a joke, usually between friends or people who don't despise each other.
I'm embarrassed for this OP. She gives SMs everywhere a bad name.
You're conducting your life
You're conducting your life around BM. She's coming out on top here.
Well looks like you decided
Well looks like you decided to start a shit show, I hope it will be worth it. I feel bad for your step children, they clearly are lacking any type of adult presence in their lives. What I don't get is the glee that seems to radiate off your blog because of what you did. You screwed someone else's relationship up and you aren't even feeling bad about it.
She'll get what she's got
She'll get what she's got coming, don't worry.
Of course, the universe
Of course, the universe always corrects things. I'm far from perfect and have done things I'm not proud of, but I always felt horrible guilt after KWIM? I have a hard time understanding someone who is proud of doing something that intentionally hurts another.
When BM got evicted, DF told
When BM got evicted, DF told her that he would take skid, but she wasn't having that.
So, where is BM and the kid living?
They got an apartment that
They got an apartment that she actually has to pay for. Instead of using the government to pay for it.
I guess I am just amused that
I guess I am just amused that so many of the old timers are even responding to this blog. I mean really? She has been a member for an hour. Does none of this ring any bells for any of you?? lol
Shall we call it??
Shall we call it??
TheMean1, I'm going to quote
I'm going to quote lesson 1 from my Sun Tzu Blogs.
"When you are about to engage in War, first measure the cost".
Let's leave aside the fact of whether or not what you did is right or wrong....What if BM has call display? What if she finds out that the person that called her was your sister? Would you have been ready for the blowback? Is your DF involved in this prank?
Never EVER engage in a battle with an ex if the potential for loss is great and the potential loss to you and your DF could be significant here. I am not trying to lecture you or anything, but basking in one moment of glory may not be worth the windfall you'll face should the truth be discovered. This woman you despise so much may come seeking revenge. I hope you are ready to deal with the consequences.
I am well versed in the Art
I am well versed in the Art of War. I was well prepared. We bought a prepaid phone from Walmart. DF knows nothing about this. I'm not really worried about this being traced back to me.
But what if your DF finds
But what if your DF finds out?
I don't really think this
I don't really think this story/poster/post is real. I suspect there's some trickery at play.
1 hr 5 minute member...I
1 hr 5 minute member...I think you hit the nail on the head there
I wish I was making this up.
I wish I was making this up.
I guess it sounds fake because I don't have any remorse? And it was very immature.
I hope I never have to stoop this low again.
It is people like you who
It is people like you who perpetuate the stereotype of the "Evil Stepmom" and you aren't even technically a SM yet!
Report people who are doing wrong. Great! Lying or having someone else lie just to make your enemy's life hell...makes you no better than her.
Do any of you ladies doubt
Do any of you ladies doubt that given the opportunity, all the BMs in OUR lives wouldn't do something this vicious to any of us? My own SIL would have her co-worker calling me at work to tell me that my DH was sticking it in BM. She didn't get quite the reaction she was hoping for because I'd always respond with "Wow, really? That's too bad, that she is now his mistress. Way to degrade herself! You should give her some advice on pride and self esteem."
I think these women really push buttons that we aren't even aware that we have and everyone responds differently. Right now this poster is feeling that this is the only way she can cause some pain on someone who clearly has caused HER much pain. Tit for Tat, maybe not the best approach, but I mean, come on. It's what women are known for. CATTINESS!
BM has tried, with many of us
BM has tried, with many of us to pull this crap. For me, she had her best friend call me and tell me that DH was sleeping with BM. Problem with that was, nothing she said made any sense. She claimed they were together "right now"... DH was sitting next to me at that moment. There have been many many attempts by BM to mess with me. None of which have been successful, because she is not smart enough to come up with anything that would actually WORK. Nonetheless, just because she stooped to that level, doesn't mean that I am low enough to do so in return.
Sure we have all day dreamed about some sort of revenge. Most of us never act on it. This one is WAY over the top IMHO.
We can't very well come on here and complain about how CRAZY these women are, if it is going to be "the norm" to retaliate in the same crazy manner.
There is nothing "ok" about this. You never know where someone is emotionally. How wretched would OP feel if this was BM's straw that broke the camels back, and she ended up killing herself? At least I hope she would feel bad. Remorse doesn't seem to come easy to her.
Maybe she'd feel bad if the
Maybe she'd feel bad if the lady went and off'ed herself. Maybe she wouldn't. Who knows. I can only speak for myself. Whenever I have heard BM crying in hysterics when something is going wrong for her, I can't help but feel a twinge of "That's good for you bitch."
BM has made me cry numerous tears. She has brought insurmountable sadness and pain and drama to my home, life and marriage thruout the years. So whenever shit goes really fucked up for her, I smile inside. The best part for me is, that she has yet to hit rockbottom. Her little princess (my SD13) is going to rip her heart right out of her chest and I will be leaning on a wall, arms crossed, watching the shit show feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
I totally get feeling that
I totally get feeling that little twinge of "HA" when BM's life is taking a toll on her. But I can't imagine doing something to make that happen. It just HAPPENS at her own hands, lack of common sense and poor life choices take care of that for most of us here. Why put ourselves in that situation?
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you are saying. I just don't think WE should be the puppeteer in any of it. It will happen. Karma may not be punctual in our eyes, but she always comes!
I won't sit here and try to
I won't sit here and try to understand or sympathize with a person that is a diabolical liar..
The BM in my life is a major piece of shit.. causes soooo many problems.. lies to her kids to perpetuate drama.. She has even done some of the shit you claim to have done - prepaid cell phones so she can send malicious lies via text, fake email accounts, having people call and "pretend to know something" about me or DH to start drama..
Yet, I won't do anything to her.. why? Because she is ultimately the mother of my stepsons.. and even though I hate her, and her kids annoy the shit out of me and make my life a living hell most days, I love my husband - and these are also his kids..
Hurting their mom = hurting the kids. Why? Because the kids love their BM.. doesn't matter if she is a piece of shit or not, they love her.. when they get older, that may change, but for now, she is mom and if she is stressed or hurting and they know it, they feel it too..
And if the kids hurt and are stressed it affects my DH and ultimately our home..
It's all tied together and eventually what this crazy psycho did will all come back around and smack her right in the face.. and I hope it does with a vengeance.
Lady.. you need help. Anyone that goes through this much trouble to create drama for someone who apparently already has a life in the shitter is just a whack-a-doo..
You are way better than I,
You are way better than I, because honestly if I wasn't so afraid of Karma, I'd probably do a LOT of fucked up shit to the fucking bitch baby momma. I despise her. Don't give a damn how her fucked up life affects her kids. Simply, because if SHE doesn't give a shit about her kids, neither should I. Any woman that can PAS their kids, spend their CS on herself and let them do without deserves loads of misery. Granted, I believe she will get plenty of misery in her own time, but I am not sure I would play the holier than thou card and pretend I wouldn't do some shady ass shit to her ass if I could.
I'm with you. I sometimes
I'm with you. I sometimes fantasize about putting schemes into play that would make Machiavelli blush but I don't. Even though I despise my SS's father, I have to respect the love that my SS has for him so I say and do nothing. Seing my SS's father fall would only hurt my SS.
In the end, these wicked ex's hang themselves with their own rope. Well that is my hope anyways.
Draco-yes. Absolutly. Big
Draco-yes. Absolutly. Big difference between inner monologue/ fantasy and acting.
I agree, they all get theirs
I agree, they all get theirs in the end. I'm not condoning what the OP did, I just won't bash her for doing what I think about doing but can never bring myself to do. Like I said, I'm pretty afraid of Karma and won't play those games for fear of what can come my way. But all this "seeing my Skids hurt over their BM" stuff? Nope. I feel nothing of the sort. I'm sure that must make me 50 shades of all types of evil, but I really could give a rats ass if that woman walked out her door and fell into a fire pit. God forgive me.
That's my theory. BM1 has
That's my theory. BM1 has kids with every man she marries, divorces for another and ends up with child support. BUT as the kids get older and see her ways, she's losing them one by one to the dads - child support included. BM2 used the welfare system and when BF was going to court because of BM1, he stated he had full custody of both of BM2's 2 kids (which is entirely true). Cops and child services came to BM2's house one day based on her frauding the system because she told them SHE had full custody (she barely saw them). She lost all benefits that day and her hours got cut at her new job so she had to move back in with her parents.
They will all get theirs, some way or the other.
You think so? Sounds pretty
You think so? Sounds pretty legit to me.
I don't know...I think it's
I don't know...I think it's more a case of stupid than crew
...unless her next blog is about how BM drove over to her house so she could throw op's cat out a window or something...
hahahahah, yes!! now I can
hahahahah, yes!! now I can laugh again!!:)
My bm with my first dh used
My bm with my first dh used to try and set up all sorts of plots like this. She was so foolish because she'd tell all sorts of people prior that she was going to do it. Then she'd call dh and try to arrange a one on one meeting. He'd simply confront her that he knew what she was up to because 12 people had already called and told him what she had planned. He told him it was a wasted effort anyway as I'd simply never believe her.
If someone randomly called me today telling me they were having an affair with dh-I wouldn't flip my lid. I would find dh and go talk to him about it. Unless the caller could provide some really compelling evidence in about 30 seconds I'd probably be done with the whole call and situation by then.
I don't think you thought
I don't think you thought this through.....you do realize that by causing her to lose her subsidized housing, she will come after your household for more c.s. money??? Granted, she should not have had a felon living in her child's home, but it wasn't your place to turn her in if you didn't have your skid's best interest at heart; you did it to be mean. This could come back to bite you in the face! Did it work? Has she gotten a job?
I think she did say that she
I think she did say that she got a job and an apartment.
If this guy is so bad, you
If this guy is so bad, you should call CPS on bm.
Wow.....that's a first. A BM
Wow.....that's a first. A BM with a job. Most of them expect the ex husband to support their entire household forever.
I know my dh's ex sure as
I know my dh's ex sure as fuck does....smh. :sick:
I'm surprised by the comments
I'm surprised by the comments you have gotten! I actually laughed out loud while I was reading your post. If ever I have the opportunity to make BM's life hell the way she has attempted to do to us, you bet your ass I am going to take it! Good for you! She got what she deserved.
Karma, justice, etc takes
Karma, justice, etc takes WAAAY too damn long, if it happens at all so it seems/feels
BUT I wouldn't say something like that UNLESS it was true. I won't lie; I would feel warm and fuzzy inside if it was true of someone that ruined my day, life, etcd but I wouldn't want to say it if it wasn't true...I most definitely would not want to deal with the backlash...life has a funny way of making sure the "people who know better" get theres a bit faster then the pieces of shit...again, so it seems...
Not cool.Have no other words.
Not cool.Have no other words.
Wow. Ok, reporting for
Ok, reporting for welfare fraud I will actually applaud you for. Thanks for saving my tax dollars.
The other?
Uncalled for. Unnecessary. Childish.
I do not care what problems BM may have caused you. There is no reason to lie and intentionally incite discord within her relationship/ household. You just created a theater of hellish emotional pain for your skids.
Upset Step dad gets thrown out
Listening to mom and step dad argue as the man attempts to prove himself innocent.
having to move again due to mom being unable to afford to live @ current location without step dad income.
Seeing their mother emotionally upset/devestated- that seriously screws with a kids head.
I hope Karma bites you and your sister hard on the ass.
I commend the welfare fraud
I commend the welfare fraud as well, as long as its true.
However, if my BF EVER caught me doing something that like (the affair bs) I would have my ass handed to me. Not in defense of BM but because he holds me in a much higher regard and would never, ever want to see me stoop so low. I also have more respect for myself then to do something like that.
Ok. I understand wanting
I understand wanting revenge and i'm sure everyone understands why too, BUT!
You should have done it the right way, like reporting her! you did good there not only saved tax payers money, but you gave her the middle finger while laughing your ass off. You should have done the same this time instead of something untrue and very childish, you've stooped to her level.
Also you need to think, you may think DF wont find out but what if he does? what if skids find out? DF may partly understand and forgive but Skids wont! and what you gonna say to them? "because your mums a bitch!" that's their mum and they will not look at things like that and in turn they will make YOUR life hell!! and BM will definitely encourage it and will get revenge through her kids, which could in turn affect DF who will get angry with you because of it and BOOM! your life is even more complicated and miserable and all of it will be your own fault.
I think you shouldn't have done what you did and i think in time you may regret it but i understand it completely, i would love to see my BM suffer like she's done to me!
Ok I am sitting on the fence
Ok I am sitting on the fence on this one. What you did was very wrong (and your sister too). No matter how bad the BM is, no one deserves to be treated like that. Please take time to realize how crazy you sound and that what you did was crazy mean stuff. Clearly with the ongoing drama and mean BM, your own sense of what is right and wrong has been eroded. Now you cannot see the wood for the trees as the step-insanity has infected you. Use this as a valuable life lesson to get some therapy for YOU, to help you to regain your self worth, your peace in life and rise above all of this.
OMG. I read this and I
OMG. I read this and I immediately fantasized about doing this to my dh's ex. But I would never ever do such a thing. I think that it would be crossing a line that I myself live by and I do think that when you do such a thing you are creating an enemy for life, but most importantly, you might trigger a dangerous reaction coming back at you. My dh's ex is ruthless, and to lash out at her would likely be ensuring a world of pain for myself. I prefer to keep them away and live my life in peace.
I admit, My BM is more than a
I admit, My BM is more than a PITA, and well shes horrid, accused me of all sorst of things and there are days I wish bad things on her - and sure, I will taunt her passively etc - but I woudl NEVER openely directly contact her/her family and do anything like this. Being so open and in your face is just as bad as her.
This has GOT to be a troll
This has GOT to be a troll
Wow. Ok, the Section 8 part
Wow. Ok, the Section 8 part I find absolutely funny and justified. Hard working people's taxes paid for her rent. People who abuse the system should be reported on. Get a job! Get three jobs!
The other stuff.... well.. it's mean. And funny. Yes, I find it funny. ::sigh::
Wow, I can't even answer this
Wow, I can't even answer this one.
Reporting her Section 8 fraud
Reporting her Section 8 fraud is absolutely commendable. Thanks for doing that.
The fake mistress thing, just cost you your own character and credibility. I understand not calling her to come clean. I am not sure I would come clean either if I had done this. However, I would have never done that in the first place.
As you can see from the majority of responses, you are not getting much traction in gaining support for your actions on this.
I completely understand and admire people who hold the idiot blended family opposition accountable for their toothless moron behavior. In fact I made bareing idiot SpermClan ass a sport for the 16+ years that my SS's Custody/Visitation/Support CO was in effect. I was very good at that sport and I truly enjoyed it in a sad slow motion oncoming train wreck sort of way.
We stuck to the facts of their behavior, we kept the CO, the supplemental county rules and state rules and regulations rolled tightly at hand and we smacked the crap out of the SpermIdiot and SpermClan any time they even thought about deviating from the CO. We took full advantage of their ignorance of the CO, the supplemental rules and the state regulations. If they were getting upity we would shut them down and tell them that they might want to read the CO or other governing documents without referring to a specific line on the rule books. It was not our responsibility to inform them of specifics. It was our job to protect our son's (My SS's) best interests. But we did not fabricate untruths.
I suggest that you do a personal reset, get very knowledgable on your CO and the administrative rules for all of BM's entitlment programs and make her feel the pain of her idiocy. Stick to the facts and use them to your full advantage. But, don't stoop to her level and jeopardize your own character.
IMHO of course.