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Love conquers all

BadNanny's picture

Blood is thicker than water? Love is stronger than blood. My skids are my life, just as my kids are. When I'm dead and gone, my legacy is Love and God. To all of them. I'm just the messenger of my Father in Heaven who wants me to love and keep their little hearts. My father gave me love. My god gave me love. These babies deserve both. When I have birth, I vowed two things: I will love you no matter what and I will be here no matter what. My kids and skids all deserve that. I might vent, and I appreciate all your replies, but I am here as a sacrifice to the next generation- blood or not.

BadNanny's picture

Cheers! Well, if BM did her job, I'd love go sit back and be the nanny. But, she is the nanny, so I have to be the Momma.

momagainfor4's picture

I wish the trolls would find another site to spew their crap. This site is for people that have real issues and problems that need a place to vent. Not for some troll to come and make up shit to mess with people. Take what you're selling and go home badnanny. you stink.

BadNanny's picture

I agree. But the World is what you make of it. I didn't want to have kids or skids or really even a marriage, but they all came fluttering their wings into my life one by one and here I am- might as well give it my all! Yes, the World is going to he'll, but my world is not. So, the economy, lack of spirituality or toxic people will not rain on my parade!

JustAgirl42's picture

If you are in fact a doctor, how do you possibly have the time to take care of so many kids, let alone post and blog on a website? Are you retired?

BadNanny's picture

Looks like the jealous trolls have found me out: state that you are a dictir or wealthy and here come the stonings. its painful enough weeding through your horrible misspellings... what do you know about what pros do in their lives? Some of us do THAT plus have time to go on social sites where we battle ignorant people for the sheer pleasure of it all. What do you know about attorneys and doctors? But yeah, I've outgrown the use of this site. Most of you just want to keep on hating your poor stepkids and find excuses for your own sorry marriages. Disengaging is the most idiotic concept. You Engaged them enough to marry their father, now go be an asset to their lives! And no, my SD has not had a perfect life, but she does now, because all she needs to heal and grow is LOVE from us, not psychobabble from pseudo-intellectuals that don't give a dang about her. We are now talking and hugging and laughing together and it won't be long before they all feel their existences validated by the ones that count, and not "disengaged" by the ones who God trusted to heal their little hearts. And you all can go spend more time with your families rather than hang out here and complain about some poor little souls that need your love and attention. For the ones that helped with heartfelt advice, you and your kids will be just fine, simply because you are positive, caring Mommas. Hang in there. And get off this site before this ignorant hatred becomes engrained into your hearts.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Ok Wait a minute! Not all of us who bitch about our skids on here have hate towards them. I loved my skids like they were my own and still do. Disengaging does not mean you stop loving them. It means you care enough about yourself and your health and your own children to stop the madness. So don't judge. Disengaging doesn't mean you don't miss the way things used to be. Shit disengaging got me sick and put me in therapy. You come on here with saying that your skid has been molested, has sent nude photos at the age of 11, and BM has drugs in her house and no one seems to want to help this kid with those situations including you. Then you come on and talk how things are so great and how you are winning her over her BM and blah blah blah. Well guess what, if this is true and I don't mean to be this harsh BUT if this were true you would get that girl help still because no amount of hair dying, eye brow waxing or any money spent on that child to spoil them is EVER going to take away the pain that she went through if she was molested and sending nudies..etc.

You come across as a troll because of not wanting to do anything about that stuff except now wanting that little girl to love you more. Well let me tell you, I dealt with a BM who had issues BUT she was STILL their mother and I was never going to pull them away from her. DH and I both agreed BM is BM.

Sorry I am on a rant but a lot of people on here have put time in to try and help you and only to find out differences in your stories which point to a crew or troll or what ever they call it.

If you are a crew, I would like to know why? Is it because your a disgruntled skid who found out their step parent is on here for moral support? Is it because you want to be nosey as to what us step parents have been through? Or is it just because you want to be mean?

If you are in fact a real person who has been going through what you say, then I apologize in advance but you have to understand that if you want advice you are going to get it whether its good or bad to you, most people who come across like they are being hard on you are only doing it to help you because they have been through it or know someone who has. I just get bugged by this because people come on here to get help. The only reason you would get attacked is when you come across as a troll and I am happy that goes on, no one wants a fake on a site that they come to for support. I know I don't.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Why do people think its ok to just come on a site when people really do need help and be a stupid crew or troll or what ever its called? Quit wasting the time of good people on here who want to help. I figured this badnanny person out a while ago when I was trying to tell her to get her skid help since she was supposedly molested. She just kept giving excuses. Now she talks like things are all wonderful and great with her when all she did was complain about her 11 year old skid who I felt sorry for.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Yeah that's why I made the comment above after her last comment she just made, I am sure it will stir the pot even more but I am in a don't mess with me type of mood tonight lol.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

LOL what is a "Dictir"? and also what is the meaning of crew or troll just to be sure I am using it correctly as I did get a bit bitchy with her in my previous comment on here. Smile Thank you!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Oh now I get it lol. Thank you! I had no idea about the T word...why is that such a bad word?

sbm014's picture

I love reading this lady's post about how she is all religious and such. Does the bible not state that you are not supposed to judge?

I am not saying I am innocent as I know I judge and I do it a decent amount but I try not to. However this chick apparently wants to put on her saint outfit over her judging clothes. I know that BM's suck and I am the worst at judging BM but like I said I admit to not being a perfect Christian and this chick is way overboard and still judges and is trying to steal another woman's child it is sickening.