Just annoying.
Has anyone else felt little annoyed when SO compares your child(ren) together with a Skid?
At first I just went with it, FDH would say 'DD9mo looks just likeSD3.' I would say kind of, because she does have some ssimilarities to SD. I mean she is part FDH, so of course she's gonna look a little like SD. But DD9mo is (in my opinion) much cuter than SD was at her age. Not trying to be rude or mean, but SD was not the cutest baby I had ever seen. She's a gorgious toddler/little kid, but as a baby... Not so much.
And when I try to say that DD has similarities to BD1, he shrugsit off and says 'I don't see it, I think she looks more like SD.' I get that he's proud of SD and how much of his genes she has, but really, I don't need pictures sent to my phone of SD at DD's age saying 'they look like they could be twins.'
Siblings yes, but twins... No.
I just get annoyed. How have others handled this? Should I just keep biting my tounge, and go along with what FDH says? Or should Iput it blunt that DD and SD do have ssimilar traits? Same nose, and hair color. Thats really it.
No one wants to hear that
No one wants to hear that their child looks like another kid who's half BM.
EXACTLY!!!!! Or that our SO
Or that our SO procreated with another woman and we have to see and live with the proof of it!
I would get annoyed with it
I would get annoyed with it too, but I wouldn't say anything and just come here to vent about it. Your DH doesn't mean anything bad by it and it would only cause tension between the two of you. It's hard, but I would def not say anything to DH.
My MIL would go on and on
My MIL would go on and on about how my DS or DD looked like my SD, or like their dad...but never me. It drove me nuts! Especially since we all had blue eyes, light hair, etc. and my daughter is a mini-me. People just see what they want to see...