WOW - A bit surprising
DH and BM have a full time mediator/Parenting coordinator.
Apparently this parenting coordinator has decided that BM and *I*, yes, I the evil SM to the golden vejayjay BM...should go to counselling together. (Note to all: she is a classic cluster B, Golden Vejayjay, sociopatic like BM)
Seriously - he knows WHO the problem is (hint: NOT ME) - as she rants one and on about how "SM has no rights, Parenting should be between her and DH (but includes BF in that?!), SM writes DH messages, SM THIS...SM THAT...SM the evil BIOTCH" Wanna know how many times I write messages and bring her up - ... (if you guess ZERO you are right - I dont communicate with her. at. all.)...
I bet she losses her SHIT when she gets the message he wants her to face me in a counselor~! She can't STAND me is horribly jealous and envious - I see this going well Thats is assuming she even agrees...Might have to go buy a new outfit and shoes for this one!
Honestly - as much as I wouldn't normally agree to this (and have no choice here) - I might actually enjoy the car wreck likely to happen!
I would go along. I would sit
I would go along. I would sit there and listen to her yell and scream and pout and cry. And then tell the counsellor "I am sorry. I have no idea what she is going on about. I have zero interaction with her." And when he asks why you reply "Because what happens in MY home is MY business. As long as her son is not being neglected or mistreated or no one is exposing him to negative opinions about other parents or step parents, then we should all mind our own business."
I wonder what this parenting
I wonder what this parenting coordinator qualifications are. Why they would even think a therapist would want to touch this situation with a 10 ft pole? I know I wouldn't. If both parties do not wish to work together and get along counseling is a waste of time. Not to mention, IMO, inappropriate to this situation. Sm and bm do not have to like one another, talk to one another, or work on anything together. The only thing they really need to do is be mature enough to not start crap with one another.
^^^^this.....what kind of
^^^^this.....what kind of "parenting counselor" is this????? :jawdrop: .....
The counselor is making the
The counselor is making the assumption that there are two reasonable people here. Biggest issue causer with blended family is BM's do not want to compete with motherhood. I find with BM's that are less mature and emotionally developed that no matter what the situation they feel threatened by the SM. Doesn't matter how good the SM is or how hard she tries to not step on toes.
If you do go; Listen but expect that her perspective will be very different. The counselor will probably ask "why do you feel this way?" to BM. I am not sure if this will be good or bad. My SS and BM have teamed up since I moved in to just cause a lot of harm to me. So, I am not sure if this will help or not. Expect the worse if you go. Don't get defensive.
Remember - all us Step mom's are EVIL!!!! Those damn Disney movies.
I would say no. Nobody can
I would say no. Nobody can make me do anything lol. If BM has issues, she needs to work them out. But you don't have to be a part of that.
Unless you truly want to go
Unless you truly want to go for the shits and giggles and to provide an obvious comparison between maturity and sane (you) and batshit crazy (BM) I wouldn't go. Her problems aren't your problems. If she's like the BM I deal with, the utter lack of communication will drive her even crazier. I never respond to BM unless it is absolutely necessary for the well-being of my SS7.
Take popcorn.
Take popcorn.
I wouldn't waste my time or
I wouldn't waste my time or energy. For one thing, in my case, the BM acts very sane around others and puts on a big show. Nothing would be accomplished.
I wouldn't go. And I'd
I wouldn't go. And I'd seriously question the credentials and experience of a counselor who suggested it.
Its amediator and I think
Its amediator and I think they are ttrying to do this because the disfunction in the coparenting with DH/BM is BM's attitude/feelings towards me (there a suprise...not). I think they feel that if BM could find a way to move past that then things would perhaps be more civil...which while I dont disagree with, don't think she ever will.
The riding issue seems to be that because we were one on good terms, both prior to and after they split up - that there is some unresolved issue stemming from that. The only unresolved issue is that BM hates me - I believe that stems from jealousy, envy and competition moreso than actual *I* have done anything. TBH - I see it for the most part as her feeling = her problem to get over. I dont see how I would help....