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Christmas GIft from SS35

Justme54's picture

I got a package from SS35. DH is at work. I opened it. It is tin box with 4 homemade brownies and 5 homemade cookies. We just sent him $2000 for his wedding rehearsal dinner. He is getting married a woman that he has lived with 5 years.

I was so insulted but should not be surprised. And I know, DH and BM has created this low life. What I do not getis...of the 3 adult skids...SS35 is the worst of 3 for asking and holding their hand out.

I understand money is tight...they are saving for the honeymoon to Italy. How dare I be so ungrateful.

I showed the box to my SIL. I told her we just sent him $2000 and this is our Chirstmas but I am not saying a word. SIL...THAT IS SAD! Ok, I did not think I was a bad person.

onthefence2's picture

What do you think would be "enough" after giving him $2000? I think the fact that you got anything is way ahead of most people here. I think it's kind of stupid for adults to exchange gifts at Christmas. WE are the ones who have ruined Christmas by making it such a materialistic holiday and being unhappy with what we've received 50% of the time (at least!) I was speaking the other day with some friends, and the consensus was that children shouldn't even expect gifts from aunts/uncles because the kids get enough from parents/grandparents. They already have too much stuff! If someone is hurting financially and you still got something, it should be enough. Isn't it the thought that counts?

Justme54's picture

You really do not get you.LOL He get nothing if it was up to me. What man at 35 ask for money for a wedding dinner rehearsal. He also owes his dad $3500 which he said he would pay back. When he asked for money for the wedding..OH, I know you gave me money in the past...but... Ok, he never attending to pay the money back. If I was his parent, my reply would be...consider IOU paid...they is your wedding gift and funds for your wedding dinner rehearal...GROW UP SON!

DH is a Disney Dad. His son has a very good paying job...union job. His son should take a class in INCOME 101.

As for Chirstmas,I am not one for all those gift. We only started getting any gift from this son...about a year beofore he hit up DH for money for the wedding. I knew he was up to something...I said nothing.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yuck. What an insult. I'd rather get nothing. You didn't eat those wonderful culinary delights, did you? They may have been infused with Ex-Lax.

Rags's picture

Selfish dirtbags do not have the intellect to realize that they are useless and have no redeeming character or integrity. I would put a card in the box, send it back and tell SS35 that you and DH can feed yourself just fine and obviously the 4 brownies and 5 cookies will go a long way to keeping SS and his bride from starving to death.

Make sure to address it to 'Mr & Mrs Enjoy your honeymoon on our dime’.

Justme54's picture

In ways, ir is funny...It only confirmed what I aready new. The fact is SS and his woman are ME people. SHIT, SS's woman has not work half the time they have been together. Now, she has started
a businees. The last I heard, the business has not brought in any income. After she pays the bills, she has only enought money to cover business bills for 2 months. DH says...well, she is spoiled but he loves her..WTF!! I wanted to be spoiled to but I am not sponge.

The fun part, I am going to let DH eat everyone of those brownies and cookies. Your figure about 1k per cookie or brownie...nothing like uncondition love. LOL! I will keep my mouth shut and try not to roar with laughter when DH eats them.

sandye21's picture

Oh! This brings up the last Christmas celebration we spent with SD and her Husband. They came into my home, used my kitchen, without asking me, to bake cookies for their friends and family. I am assuming it was mostly for family since SD can't keep a friend. Anyway, I rated ONE cookie!

Someone mentioned this might not be your Christmas gift, you may be getting something more. The 'giving history' with SS will give you a good idea if the box of cookies IS your Christmas gift, and I strongly suspect it is. But then, you could be surpised like I was. After having a meltdown and screaming at me because I asked SD and her Husband to speak up instead of constantly whispering, I was presented with a gift bag which had been taken from my wrapping supplies. It contained an outdated bottle of syrup and a miniscule jar of jam SD made. Yes, you might get lucky!!!

It is obvious you did not want to give SS that $2000 for his rehearsal dinner, and I can't blame you. Here's what I would do: I'd take a small amount out of your joint checking account every payday and place it in a separate account (or place) until you have $1000 to spend on a nice 'gift' just for you.

Justme54's picture

Used your gift bag and outdate syrup...but the jam...that is a gift of LOVE! OMG!