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Wedding Band Idea

StepKat's picture

As many of you already know from reading my post, DH and I are in the military. And because of that I'm thinking about us getting wedding band tattoos. If we deploy it is not safe to have our wedding bands on because they can get caught on something. It's also not safe for DH to wear his during his drills. What are your thoughts on wedding band tattoos?

StepKat's picture

Lol. It's ok. I already have 6 tattoos and saving up for my 7th. Divorce is not acceptable in my family so DH is forever stuck with my ass lol.

StepKat's picture

After the crap storm he had to go through with BM divorcing him I seriously doubt he'll go through it again willingly lol. But I do understand the "it may not last" aspect. However, we didn't married with the idea in our heads that we would divorce one day. It's hard to explain.

StepKat's picture

Then I'm stuck lol. Before we deployed together I got a tattoo on my hip of a heart with his first name in it LOL.

StepKat's picture

Darn it! You're right! They did change the policy. Well that just ruined my wedding band tattoo idea. The new regs say no visible tattoos (hands, neck, lower arms, ect) unless you already had them before the new regs were put in place (I have a tattoo on each forearm)

StepKat's picture

I think it's because they are pulling us out of combat zones lol. They are bored so they have to come up with regs to annoy the crap out of us.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

What about ceramic wedding bands? They are meant for people who work with their hands a lot. If the band gets caught on something, it is supposed to break instead of ripping the finger or skin off. I plan to get my DH one for our anniversary. A friend of mine is getting married soon, and they both got regular bands and ceramic bands to wear for work. If the Army allows wedding bands during drill or deployment, this might be an option for you both.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

It is very hard to keep up with the tattoo regs because they are constantly changing. I remember a few years back the rule was changed (AF) and that resulted in a One Star having to fly himself to DC and appear in front of a Congressional committee.

When I was in, tats couldn't hang out more than an inch or so on your short sleeved blues shirt. I went to a retirement two weeks ago and the narrator (TSgt/E6) too off his service jacket and was completely sleeved on one arm with a tribal tattoo. Who knows what is in reg, it changes so much its annoying.

I go on base and see ladies in uniform with bright ass red or purple nail polish on, I thought it had to be flesh toned? Again, who knows???

derb84123's picture

I have a ton of tattoos (none visible due to work) and I actually just brought this up to DH the other day. He doesn't have any tattoos, so he is a bit hesitant. But I do agree that divorce happens... and it is totally up to you and your relationship on if you think you will last. 7 years in and I am still convinced we will be together forever- based on our beliefs and world views- but like others have said, you never know... Anyway, rambling. If tats aren't regulation for you, what about wood? That is one that DH brought up as an alternative. I currently have a brilliant earth "diamond" because I don't support mining, and we are always looking at alternatives for things like jewelry. Wood could be a good option for you guys. It shows wear, which is neat in terms of marriage, and would be easy to wear. They are light and could be cut very easily if needed. They also come in various types of wood so the colors can be different.