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exH seeing an attorney tonight

EvilWickedSM's picture

I've posted on here about the problems I've been having with exH. We have a CS conference scheduled next week with Domestic Relations, to establish a support order. (exH has recently taken it upon himself to cut our mutually agreed upon CS in half because he can't afford it). He has been hinting this past week that he wants to do what is fair, that he is willing to do a direct deposit if that's what I want, blah, blah, blah. He is seeing an attorney tonight and I'm curious as to what his proposition is going to be. I made it clear to him last night that I am not dismissing this conference and that I still want CS to go through support services, whether we come to an agreement ourselves or not. He has gone back on our agreements one too many times for me to be willing to do otherwise.

Last night when we were talking about this, he started hinting about troubles at home and the difficulty he's been having with his wife in regards to CS, etc. I quickly shut him up and just said that was his problem to deal with and I didn't want to know anything about it. I have a theory on where a lot of the issue is coming from, based on past interactions, although she is by no means entirely to blame. I don't care, I didn't marry her, he did. I don't have to deal with her, he does.

He then starts explaining to me about the new car they bought, and that they were trading in their other two vehicles for this one. I again told him that he doesn't need to explain that stuff to me because it's none of my business. I really wish he would listen to me when I tell him that I don't need, nor do I want, to know what goes on in their lives. If it doesn't involved DD I DON'T CARE. Part of it is my fault, as I did let him vent to me in the past, as I still considered him a friend. That, however, has changed in the past year. I want nothing more than to deal with him only when necessary.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Thanks so much! I really do try to treat people as I would want them to treat me. It's only the right thing to do IMHO Smile Now, that's not saying I haven't had some moments too, but thankfully they are incredibly few and far between.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Based on what he told me he is making, as he wouldn't cough up pay stubs, he is paying significantly less, even before he cut it, than what he would be ordered to pay. Compared to what he is currently paying, he's paying about $350-$400 short of what the Human Services calculator says he should be paying.

And yes, you are right, had he just kept up with the agreement I wouldn't even be going to get court ordered CS at this time.

Orange County Ca's picture

Stick to your guns and get a court order so there is no misunderstandings or wiggle room. He's making all these concessions up front in hopes of diverting a order.

Don't even discuss the issue with him - just let it take its natural course through the court system.

QueenBeau's picture

On the other side of the coin, he could be making significantly less than he told you & using his DW money to pay CS. Thus why she says he has to cut it & thus why he won't show u paystubs. No decent man wants to admit he isn't the main breadwinner. Especially if there's a chance his kids will find out. Be prepared for this just in case.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I know this isn't the case, as his income is public knowledge (although last years salaries haven't been posted yet) since he works in the law enforcement field. She is a nurses assitant who works part time Smile But good point. The reason he doesn't want me to see it more than likely because he told me he took a demotion and a pay cut, although I'm not certain he really did.

Rags's picture

Voluntary pay cuts or even unemployment rarely will result in lowered CS. Judges tend to impute an income on even an unemployed NCP that is in line with their historical earning levels and CS generally keeps on rolling.

My SS's Sperm Idiot remained commited to his long history of underemployment because he thought it would keep his CS levels low. Nope. We dug up all of his employment history details, his state plumbers license number, the county median plumber wage information, etc... and his CS went up by 600+%. This was after he had spawned 3 more out of wedlock children with two more baby mamas.

The easy thing to do for you IMHO is request direct payroll with holding from the court of CS from XHs pay. That takes any discretion he has to not pay his CS obligation completely away. Direct with holding was what finally helped us get my SS's Sperm Idiot and the Sperm Clan under control. Sperm Grand Ma had always paid her idiot son's CS obligation to my SS directly to the CSE office and when we invoked direct payroll with holding he then had to go to his mommy and daddy's house to grovel for his CS money because it was not fair that CSE was having it taken directly from his paycheck. That was the ultimate barring of his idiot ass and pretty much peeled away the last vestige of self dilusion he had regarding the fact that he is a worthless POS. }:)

Booo F-in Hoooo!