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Motion for Temporary Emergency Custody and Motion for Psychological Exam

spittenfire's picture

So we have a hearing date on the 29th for a Motion for Emergency Temporary Custody as well as a Motion for Pshycological exam. BM lawyer was aware that our Lawyer reserved this date for this hearing through his office and even acknowledges it in some letter he sent our lawyer. So now he is requesting a continuance.....but our Lawyer doesnt think he will get away with it. So my question is what will happen at this hearing? Will temporary custody possibly be granted to my DH that day? Or will it have to be set for another hearing date?

EvilWickedSM's picture

My sister's BM asked for a psych eval on my BIL, which was granted, but the BM had to pay for it since she was the one requesting it...hehe.

I personally think she needs one, as she is a psycho. Was pregnant (very newly) when she started dating BIL. When she found out she was pregnant she didn't ever tell him there was any possibility the baby was not his, they got married, she had the baby, they divorced while she was still very stage. For 10 years of that little girl's life BIL has been her dad, paid CS, exercised his visitation, etc. Then PAS starts, the girl begins making up stories about my sister, BM withholds visitation, wants supervised visitation, etc. BIL and BM go to mediation to try to get it figured out, and in there she drops the bomb that the little girl probably isn't his, but she's been so scared of him that she never told him. Really, you think he's nuts and you're terrified of him, but you allow him to be father to your child and keep seeing her for 10 years?!?!? So, DNA test proves she isn't his...he still wants to be in her life, but BM isn't allowing it. SHE needs the psychiatric eval if you ask me.