is it just me?
I feel like an outsider with everybody but my husband. We have his one my two and then ours together. I have my two from my first marriage all the time. He had his one every other week. I am having a hard time dealing with his ex and my mother in law. On top of my own insecurities it is not helping. His ex wife calls my house every day. Doesn't sound like much but if we don't pick up she will call back over and over every 5 minutes till we pick up. She constantly criticises me in front of her child. My son got into some legal trouble because her child made some allegations at school and when the police finally questioned her she told them her mother told her to say it so she could go live with her. She constantly wants to change the custody arrangements that they agreed on and swap days as she calls it at least once a nth. She gets mad if my husband doesn't want to go to doctors appointment was with her and says he don't care about his child. She calls my mother in law and tells her lies which is where we wil now go onto her. She was great until we had our son. All I heard in the beginning is how much she hated the ex and all these lies she told on her and caused her nothing but problems then the tables turned. I noticed she always was yelling at my daughter and one day when I asked her she told me in front of the whole family she would never love my kids her bio grandson with me included as much as she did my husband bio daughter. I let that go at first for the kids but then one day she whipped my daughter and left bruises on her leg. I called DSS and filed a report. I also then made the decision my children would not go back to her house. Then she started calling his ex wife and arranging to pick up his daughter before 6 on Fridays of her week so when it was time to pick her up at six she was already there. That wouldn't have been a problem if when I went to get her at the request of my husband I was told she didn't have to listen to me and I want leaving with her. I let that go to for a while then just the other day my husband called to bring her home and my mil wanted to keep her he said no and by 5 I was getting calls from my sister in law saying I didn't want the child here anyway and I was going to quit acting and my husband shouldn't have had any more kids after his daughter. I didn't even have anything to do with it and I'm somehow the bad guy. Now because of that I put a stop to our son together from going down there because I am afraid they will say something negative about me in front of him or take out their dislike for me out on him. It's really taking a tole on me. I cringe c every time my husband calls his daughter when our week comes to have her. Just her being in my house makes me so upset. I don't mean to be upset at her and I need to find a way to fix it because I find myself trying to avoid her now and it was not like that in the beginning. Help me find a way to step up for myself and my kids but keep the peace. Help help help! My husband has tried the talking to both of them and it just makes it worse.
I have always tried to be a
I have always tried to be a better person when it comes to these things. Believe me I wanted to beat my mil ass for touching my kid his ex wives ass for getting her daughter to lie his daughters ass for lying and his ass for his screwed up family but I was afraid of the legal drama it would cause and my kids seeing me get arrested is the last thing I want. Funny thing is I do not go to these ppls houses I do not call them anymore but I'm still thrown in the middle. My husband does agree with me but I do think he is not standing up for me like he should
Your MIL certainly wasn't
Your MIL certainly wasn't worried about legal ramifications when she touched your child. It's okay for you to try and show yourself as the bigger person when it's all about you. It's not okay to not stand up for your daughter and let your daughter see you standing up for her under those circumstances. Those people are toxic stay well away and your husband needs to stand up for HIS family - you and his children. It's outrageous he is allowing this to go on.