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Sort of O/T: I haven't always been an angry bitch

Merry's picture

But I feel like I am now. I'm mad at DH all the damn time.

DH, I'm sure, has adult attention deficit disorder, although undiagnosed. He can be fun, spontaneous, funny. Then forgetful and irresponsible with time, money, and my heart. I feel like I'm raising a damn teenager. His last few excuses were the ones I used when I was 16 -- I lost track of time, I didn't read the calendar right, I forgot the appointment, I forgot I didn't have money in the account.

I'm pretty tired of it. He made a "mistake" with his calendar this week so he has booked two band rehearsals at our house on Sunday. Without letting me know. So as one group loads out the other will load in, with all the requisite posturing. Me? I'm going to have retail therapy day or something. Except that I have to be the one responsible about money too of course.

We need couple's counseling. I know we do. I work 60+ hours a week, am out periodically for some medical issues, and I don't want to be out more because my husband acts like a frickin' child.

Thanks for the space to rant.

SugarSpice's picture

he chooses to forget. i am sure if he had a check for money to be paid to him he would not forget.

he is choosing to act like a child. go and have a great retail therapy day and buy yourself something nice and expensive. reward yourself.