Child services visited skids today in school!
So apparently child services paid a visit to sd12 and ss7 today at school. We had NO idea. My sd said it was all about my dogs. I've posted before that the bm has told me to get rid of my pitbull mix because she's apparently vicious. She has NEVER bit anyone and loves those kids to death and they love her. We also have 3 boxers. 2 of those were hers that she abandoned at my house. There are no pitbull laws where I live but there is a max amount of animals you can have which is 5. I have 3 cats too. I know I have a zoo :). My house is always clean and none of the animals have caused harm to any one! The bm just knows I'm an animal lover and is just trying to hurt me. I'm sick of it. It amazes me how pathetic people can be. Can child services take the kids away? Will they pay a visit to us? I'm just sick over this. I will not get rid of my animals because of this jealous pathetic bitch!
No she's complaining about my
No she's complaining about my dog. It's VERY aggravating. My dogs are my kids. It's pathetic. She's tried everything to break me an eh up and none of it worked. This appears to be her last ditch effort.
I really don't want 7 animals
I really don't want 7 animals but that's the situation I was put in. Before I met my husband it was just me and my 2 dogs and 3 cats. His ex abandoned the other 2 dogs on us. We could have taken them to a shelter where they prob would have been murdered or just deal with the situation. I do have a larger home and they don't just have free roam of the house. They are actually separated for the most part. And pitbulls are not vicious it's how they are raised. She LOVES those kids
I really don't want 7 animals
I really don't want 7 animals but that's the situation I was put in. Before I met my husband it was just me and my 2 dogs and 3 cats. His ex abandoned the other 2 dogs on us. We could have taken them to a shelter where they prob would have been murdered or just deal with the situation. I do have a larger home and they don't just have free roam of the house. They are actually separated for the most part. And pitbulls are not vicious it's how they are raised. She LOVES those kids
Most dogs classified as
Most dogs classified as pitbulls are classified incorrectly thus raising stats against them. I'm not on here to debate breeds. I just want to know if child services can do anything.
Yep I posted about it before.
Yep I posted about it before. That was just when she was threatening it... now she's gone too far. Child services?? Come on and get a life!
I actually called my dad this
I actually called my dad this morning and asked him if he thought my house was clean and talked about my dogs' behavior lol. He said he can never tell i have that many animals because the house is clean and smells good. They are very cared for. I guess they were asked how many animals we had, what kind, if the house was clean, and if they were afraid of any of them. She said she wasnt afraid of anything, the house is clean, and the only annoying thing about my pitbull is that she is so demanding of affection because she loves people so much
Would she be craven enough to
Would she be craven enough to try to get your pit to bite her?
The b*tch is NOT allowed to
The b*tch is NOT allowed to step foot in MY house
AND my pit wouldnt bite her any ways (unfortunatley
Drama13... So sorry you're
Drama13... So sorry you're going through this!
We have 7 (did have 8- one passed away) cats and a hamster in our house. Two are mine, 4 are DHs, and 2 were BMs. BM decided to leave them when she left DH.
BM has never tried what yours has. But I would have to agree with most f the other posters, I think you're fine since your furbabies haven't harmed/bitten anyone.
Given there are no pitbull
Given there are no pitbull laws where you live, & your dogs haven't hurt anybody, I don't see where they could do anything in regards to the breed you have.
However, you ARE breaking the law by owning too many animals. There are reasons for those laws & "I don't want to take them to a shelter" doesn't excuse someone from abiding by the law.
7 animals IS a lot to have in a home along with 4 people. Especially considering the size of the dogs. I would think that it COULD come down to them removing some of your animals from your home.
OP stated herself, that there
OP stated herself, that there is a law allowing 5 animals & admits that she is over the limit. The ordinance allows 5 & she chooses to keep 7.
Yes. After the BM made a
Yes. After the BM made a comment about us having too many animals I called the city i live in to double check. She in fact stated 5 is the limit. I NEVER in my life had known about such ordinances. I've grown up with multiple pets my entire life. I asked the lady I spoke to what the penalty was and she said i'd get ticketed. I'll wait until I get ticketed before I try finding homes. I dont care if I'm breaking the law for now. I take care of them and I'm not hurting anyone. Laws like that exist for people that do neglect their animals. No one would know any different IF it wasnt for the pyscho BM.
Yes, we should only obey the
Yes, we should only obey the laws that suit us... :?
Would you be open to finding
Would you be open to finding different homes for some of your pets, so that at least your within the legal allowance?
At least that would remove the legality issue.
If it comes down to it my mom
If it comes down to it my mom said she would take a cat or 2 until i figured things out. I just dont think it's fair that i would have to do that considering the BM's 2 dogs put me over the limit in the first place! but at least i have family to help me out if it comes down to them making me get rid of a few
Last Feb she went out of town
Last Feb she went out of town for the weekend and asked if we could watch the dogs. This is before I knew the kind of person she was, i agreed. My stupidity. When she got back in town my husband asked her to pick them up and she said f u they are your problem now. He said he'd just take them to her house and drop them off and she said she'd take them to the pound. I'm sorry but i cant live with the possibility of a dog being euthanized so we decided to just deal with the situation. Trust me, I'm sick of taking care of all of them on top of taking care of the kids, the house, my dh, etc. BUT I deal with it because it has to be done
There are a lot of good boxer
There are a lot of good boxer rescues around. Honestly, violating the ordinances IS your choice. And yes, they could make you re-home enough to comply.
"Speak the truth in regards
"Speak the truth in regards to how she treats living creatures "that her children also love", you can't show the kids "how to abandon living things" & risk being put to sleep. "
You present this argument like she's doing all of this to teach children the right way to do things. You call it teaching children how to treat living creatures. The thing is, anyone associated with legalities of things (CPS in this case) is going to see her teaching children that they are an exception to the rules & that the laws don't apply to them.
Not cool.
The breed rescue is a great idea!
No need to ask forgiveness.
No need to ask forgiveness. You haven't hurt me. We've simply disagreed. It happens here. I'm okay.
Clearly, EVERY situation from here to forever will go just the same as yours did. What do I know, right? Who gives a shit about laws anyway... :?
I was simply trying to offer the idea of re-homing so that animal control didn't come & "re-home" them for her.
The pound isn't the only
The pound isn't the only option you have here. You're admittedly sick of taking care of them, which makes it less likely that they're getting the attention, play time, grooming, vetting, etc that each one of them deserves to have.
I know you mentioned that your mom agreed to take some. There are even options beyond her. A lot of people are happy to adopt pets. Post an ad on craigslist or in your local paper. Spread the word that you need to find homes for them.
It takes a little bit of effort, but you have a lot to take care of. Especially now, with CPS getting involved.
Every dog deserves a home that offers individual attention & care. The more animals you have to care for, the less of that you have to offer each one.
IMO, seven 4-legged pets is excessive to have in a home. Especially a home with children.
I understand what your
I understand what your saying. I am tired of all the work but I do it and I take very good care of all of them. They all are well feed, tons of attention, grooming, and vetting. 1 boxer has to have allergy pills x2 a day and 1 cat has to have 2 pills a day for a heart problem and he has to have an insulin shot every day. MOST people would have put the cat down. I spend $250 a month on pet food alone. This does not even take into consideration treats, toys, vet bills, flea prevention, litter, etc. I even have video cameras in my house to watch the animals while I'm at work to make sure they are ok. I go above and beyond and I know that every single one of them have better homes with me than they would anywhere else. I know we are breaking the ordinance (we didnt know this when we bought the house and just learned that there was a limit because the bm thru it in our faces) and will more than likely hand over a cat or 2 to my mom just to be safe and follow the law.
Thank you for saving her:)
Thank you for saving her:) all of my cats have been picked up off the side of the road lol. I would never give any of them to non-family. Someone also mentioned craigslist !!! Absolutely NO! People buy animals off of there for bait dogs for dog fighting and they buy animals to sell to labratories for animal testing! I dabble in animal rescue her and there (transporting them mostly) and I KNOW the horrible things that go on out there. It's horrible.
"I don't believe in giving my
"I don't believe in giving my animals away to non-family after I have taken them in for the long haul."
I agree that re-homing a pet is difficult. However, OP's home is apparently being investigated by CPS & is knowingly breaking the law by keeping 7 animals in her home.
You can bet I'd be working my ass off to re-home the dogs BM "dumped" that OP didn't even want before Animal Control came knocking to remove my animals & cite me for breaking the law.
I don't have kids of my own, but I have to be honest & say that if I were a BM, I think I'd be less than tickled by the idea of my children living in a zoo.
But BM didn't set her up.
But BM didn't set her up. Keeping the dogs is not the only option, & it was the one option that put Drama in violation of the law. She knows this.
They've had BM's 2 dogs since last February. If this was a set up, BM wouldn't "slip the drug into a purse" & wait for a year to "call the cops" on OP.
So, perhaps setups aren't taken lightly, but neither is lying & claiming someone "set you up".
She's making a conscious decision to continue to break the law.
ETA: I'm not going to continue arguing right vs wrong. She's choosing to break the law & asked about what CPS can do. People were addressing the breed, which doesn't break their laws. I just wanted to point out that she IS breaking another law & share some options.
Correct there are 2 issues.
Correct there are 2 issues. The BM did know about the # of animals being an issue. She's threatend it before. I've had the pitbull ever since my hubby n skids moved in which has been over a year ago SO why didnt she raise concern before? It's all simply because we are taking her to court and this is the ONLY thing she can 'get' us on.
I had a similar situation, BM
I had a similar situation, BM called on our dogs, we have sheep dogs, and said they were pitts. I love pitts and have no qualms about them or any dog as long as it is raised appropriately- but our dogs look NOTHING like a pit lol. So anyway she called and then Animal control had to come and look at the dogs. The lady literally laughed when she met them. Way to waste Tax Payers money BM! Anyway, we brought it up in court that BM makes false accusations all the time (this was among others) it was actually beneficial... That said, you obviously have a pitt, but without city regulations or laws, I think you are fine. When they come to look at the dogs, be honest about everything.
They have better things to do than worry about a family dog, I imagine it will all be fine.
And again - breed rescue.
And again - breed rescue.
she would take them right to
she would take them right to the shelter
If you are in violation of
If you are in violation of the pet ordinance (max of 5, you have 7) then get in to compliance or you very well may forfeit the Skids to BM. What parent, even a SParent, gives up children for pets?
This is not an issue of a vicious Pit Bull. In fact the most aggressive breeds are Dachshund, Chihuahua, and Jack Russell. But it is a potential issue of you being in violation of the pet ordinance which could have a negative health impact on your home.
That you seem to be ignoring your pet ordinance violation is making your position very suspect IMHO.
Send BM’s two boxers back to her and this all becomes a non issue.
IMHO of course.
Well. Child services just
Well. Child services just called me to set up a time for them to visit and see how the pitbull interacts with the kids. It's strictly about the pit. She did not even mention the number of animals we have.
We talked about that too. I
We talked about that too. I know sd12 wouldn't but ss7 probably would. I welcome the cps chic to come here. All the pitbull will do is lick her to death lol.
Well social services visited
Well social services visited today and I thought she was gonna take my vicious pitbull home with her
she loved her and talked about how sweet and beautiful she is. My pitbull even gave her kisses on her face lol. She loved on the dog longer than she asked us questions. She basically told us sorry for wasting our time
she even complimented how nice of a home I had 
None of my other animals were
None of my other animals were even mentioned!