Should I check his head for 6's?
My fiance and I have been together for a little over 2 years. He has a 10 year old son, and within the past year, he has slowly become quite a little sh!t. He bosses my fiance around, tells him when its bedtime (they sleep together.. while i sleep in the kids bed). Even though we only have him half the time, he drives me insane. He has a smartass reply to everything, and he is so very disrespectful. What gets me, is my fiance and "granma" constantly are wiping this kids ass! The kid kisses my butt when he wants something, but if i go near my fiance when the kid is at our house, he throws a fit. My fiance is "not allowed" to kiss me goodnight, sit near me or touch me "or else". Am I a complete moron? Is it terrible that I would love to see an eagle swoop down and carry this kid off to some deserted island? HELP
I would be sleeping in the
I would be sleeping in the kid's bed ALL of the time if some things didn't change.
I've thought about trying
I've thought about trying that, also to show that enough is enough. This has been going on way too long, and I have been very patient. The childs mother is a real POS and I know she really bothers him (not more then my fiance and I). I'm just so sick of fighting with my fiance, the little bit of time we do have together has been spent fighting! Im getting so close to just walking away, but it's very hard. I love him very much...
Honestly I have no advice
Honestly I have no advice except for run. I know that may sound mean but it's not going to change. He is letting his child control him and you can try to talk I him but I highly doubt it work...sounds like you need to just leave and find you a man that won't let a kid kick you out of the bed which is creep to me anyways and dictate how you are treated.
You deserve better!
You know, when I started
You know, when I started dating my now DH, 5yrs ago, we took about 6 months before he introduced me to SDthen8. (I was very reluctant)She was an odd kid, but whatever, I'm not very maternal, so I figured, ok- this is how 8yr olds are. She was clingy, whiny bratty....ugh!
Flash forward to a year or so later, SDalmost10. I never stayed over on the weekends she was around, so sleeping was never an issue. Then one day, I went over there and her headband was on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I must have looked at him funny, bc he said, "Oh- she sleeps here sometimes. She sleeps in her mom's bed, so she feels alone in her room."
I looked at him like he had 2 heads, and pointed out the wet spot stain from a few days prior.... Then just said, "really???"
It stopped and trust me- they had some fights about it. NEVER in our bed again.
Or maybe you should be
Or maybe you should be checking your fiancee's shorts for testicles. Why on earth would you want to deal with a grown man behaving like this, even 50% of the time? The eagle has two claws, and I think it would be best for it to swoop down and carry them both away. I am sorry you are having to go through this, and your husband is doing nothing about clearly inappropriate behavior.
im sorry, but you lost me at
im sorry, but you lost me at the fact he sleeps in the bed with a 10 year son.....what the what?????????????????????????????????? :jawdrop:
It will only get worse your
It will only get worse your problem is not the kid it's the "man" in this equation. Run Little Sheba, run!!
I think instead of ass wiping
I think instead of ass wiping it is time for consistant ass whuppin on this little POS kid. I have zero tolerance for this kind of crap both from illbehaved little POS kids and their inept parents. This kid is 10 not 2 and a stinging ass any time he steps out of line will adjust his behavior nicely.
IMHO of course.
ok so update: I packed my
ok so update:
I packed my shit, was ready to go and he finally agreed to get him out of our bed.....
his kid says hes scared of robbers because his moms house has been robbed before... demands we get him a dog before he sleeps alone.
w...t....f.... im so fed up with this bullshit
Sorry - didn't see this post
Sorry - didn't see this post earlier. Ok - this is not a solution. This is the same sh*t, different day so to speak. Circumstances changed...beds changed...still the same problem ergo, nothing has changed.
The kid is manipulating your fiance - and fiance is too blind (or scared) to see it. He "demands" a dog. Give me a break. He can "demand" until the cows come home. It's not his place - he has no rights to demand a thing. This kid needs to LEARN how to adjust to problems in life. He needs to learn that he needs to adapt because (surprise surprise!) the world...doesn't adapt to you.
Your fiance needs to get a spine. IF he doesn't - like I said before...I'd get out of this situation - and fast.
You're not married. No need to put up with this sh*t.
Your SO truly is a worthless
Your SO truly is a worthless POS isn't he? He needs to put a hand between his legs, grab a big handful of man sack, give it a squeeze and become a man rather than the ball-less pussy that he is.
The 10yo is afraid of robbers because mom's house has been broken in to and won't sleep by himself unless daddy gets him a dog????? :? The 10yo future man pussy won't let daddy kiss his wife and daddy allows this bullshit? All daddy is doing is playing in to the 10yo's manipulations at best and at worst he is the very reason that this 10yo is so puke worthy. Daddy needs to take a belt to this little fuck trophy's bare ass rather than coddling and causing this bullshit.
Time to leave for real and find a real man of character to be your partner. Find a man who will be your mate and have more confidence and character than to allow himself to be manipulated by a child. A partner that will not raise a future worthless POS who will undoubtedly ruin the lives of his own children and their mother(s).
IMHO of course.
Take care of yourself and be happy.
Your OH needs parenting
Your OH needs parenting classes quick smart!
He is allowing a kid to rule the roost.
That is NOT healthy for the kid (let alone the ADULTS in the house!)
At some point this kid is going to be out in the big, bad world, with a job and a boss. What in his life to that point will have prepared him for being a subordinate?
Can you imagine his first day of work? "I demand you get me blah, and do not do blah, and I will have THIS office - YOU can move over there...."
Your fired, don't let the door hit you on the way out son!
Dad is setting his kid up for failure.
Get out the belt, call the
Get out the belt, call the locksmith to have the locks rekeyed and tell your fiance to put his hands between his legs, grab a big ole handful of man sack and man up. Tell him he can take the belt and go fix the issues with his toxic spawn trough direct stinging force applied to the ass of the little POS or grab his POS kid and GTF out of your house.
Either way, end of problem.
Have fun! }:)
Why is this man still your
Why is this man still your fiance? Why hasn't someone in the child's life called children services on the father and grandmother for "constantly whipping his ass"?????
I think there is some
I think there is some disconnect in the OPs post. Wiping Vs. whiping. I think dad and grandma wipe the kids ass not whip it.
Haha - not to laugh at your
And yes...he may have some sixes under that hair... }:)
Anyway - seriously? He's SLEEPING with your fiance? At 10? That is not right. Your fiance needs to kick him the h*ll out of bed with him - and give you the real bed. The kid's bed is for the kid. Simple as that. That's why it's called a "kid's" bed - right?
Seems your fiance has created a little demon - letting this child get whatever the heck he wants. If fiance doesn't get that child in line, and tell that kid to respect you - I would say...exit gracefully. You're not married yet. It's up to your fiance to make this work.
Your feelings are valid. This is not normal. None of this is normal or right.
this is good advice... my SO
this is good advice... my SO did similar crap when we first got serious..... way too many fights later and he has seen the light of day and we have SOME normalcy to our situation now.
If you love him... let him KNOW and stick with it. You sound way too nice... that'll get you crying all night and aggravated as hell in these SM situations. put your foot down or be out the door til he figures it out. NOT okay and it won't change until they have a reason to change it.
good luck