Stepmonster, but for men?
Hello Gents!
I see many references to "Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin" all over the forum. I'm sure this is a great resource for the female of our species (species being step parents), but is there a "go to" book for step-dads? I don't want to read a book that is written from the SM's perspective for other SMs and change all the gender specific text to relate to step-dads because I'm sure it would fail miserably and not be a book that would end up being helpful to anyone but a trans-gender step-parent who fills neither role in the family.
So, is there a written book for us step-dads? Something published? Our "Step-Fathering Bible"? I could really use all the help I can get.
Thanks guys (and gals, if you're reading).
Hey dtzyblnd Yeah.... I
Hey dtzyblnd![Smile](
Yeah.... I don't have one of those "nothing boxes". My brain runs 24/7 and if I'm pissed, in overdrive. I wish I could just think of nothing. I will keep looking for this subject written from the male perspective. I will see if I can get my hands on a copy of Step Monster for the read and general info, though. Should be interesting to see it from the female side, though it makes little difference because my wife isn't a step-mother.
Hang in there, dtzy! (not all blondes are ditzy, you know!)
HRNYC - Can you tell me what
HRNYC - Can you tell me what Divorce Poison is like? I mean - I have heard it mentioned here many times - what is it about? What kind of info/advice?
I read the synopsis of it and
I read the synopsis of it and some notes from the author. It looks really interesting, but more about divorced parents dealing with their bio children and custody and raising the kids in a split household.
HRNYC - what is the issue
HRNYC - what is the issue with Dr. Wednesday Martin? You put her title in quotes... did she falsify her PhD like Gillian McKeith?
Dr. Martin has a Ph.D in
Dr. Martin has a Ph.D in comparative literature vs the author of Divorce Poison who is apparently a mental health professional.
I do not believe that HRNYC is questioning Dr. Martin's doctorate only pointing out that it is not in a related field to her book StepMonster.
HRNYC will undoubtedly answer your question but I am awake and thought I would venture a response.