Gimme Gimme
Just as I totally suspected, SD15 is claiming she DESPERATELY needs shorts. When summer band started in August, we bought her enough shorts that she could go an entire week without having to wash. I know what size we bought, and supposedly she is still that size. She tried to pull this while we were out wasting time yesterday. I immediately told her, "We bought you shorts last season that you hardly wore! Guess you better get to finding them!!!" I told DH that SD15 probably gave the shorts the Goodwill, because they "weren't her style" (i.e., didn't show half of her butt). Girlfriend is going to learn you don't get new clothes every season just because...just like you don't get new clothes every school year just because.
DH saw the bill for BS19's college, and he is freaking out, especially since he still doesn't know about my promotion. I just keep telling him, "Don't worry...I've got it figured out." I almost hate not telling him, but at least while he is in this state, he doesn't bow to the princess! He even helped back me yesterday on the "find your shorts" issue, as he is thinking there is no way we can go drop money for a new summer wardrobe! Shoot, I'm still wearing the shorts from two summers ago, and the only reason they are that new is because of my weight loss!
I still wear shorts/clothes
I still wear shorts/clothes from more than 5 years ago!
I hate how kids (step or bio) think that just because its a new season that means getting new clothes.
SD always asks us to take her to the mall and buy new clothes. BM takes her shopping like once a week and everytime I see her she is something new, but yet still wants us to buy her new clothes.
Sorry honey, if I cant afford to buy myself new clothes then I sure as hell am not going to buy you new clothes for the fun of it!
Exactly! I've got some pretty
Exactly! I've got some pretty "old" stuff in my closet (I put that in quotes, because it is several years old, but I take care of my stuff so it still looks great). These days, the only new "clothes" I buy are the basics...underwear, camis, basic t-shirts...the things that tend to wear out pretty fast from regular everyday use and lots of washing.
As a kid and in my teens, I remember having to wear things until I outgrew them, or they basically were ready to fall apart. There was no "hey, it's a new school year, so that means you get new clothes" kind of thing. You are right, kids these days think that they DESERVE a shopping spree every 3-4 months at the very least! How dare they wear last season's shorts (even though they were blue jean shorts that the very same store brought back the exact same style this year because it is their standard jean short that is ALWAYS in)!! And there are all kinds of clothes that were bought for SD15 in the last 2 years by us that I have NEVER seen her wear! Not her style, not from a high end store, etc. My bio kids, their whole lives, we shopped on the clearance racks and in consignment/thrift stores. I rarely pay full price for an item of clothing (outside of the basics mentioned above, which I usually get on sale or are usually inexpensive to begin my favorite H&M cami that is $5.95 all year). I remember when BD23 was in high school...everyone thought she was rich! Why? Because I taught her how to look like a million bucks without spending a million bucks! I taught her the note the consignment and thrift stores in "rich" parts of town and shop those. You often name brand stuff there with tags still on them, because people have more money than they know what to do with! $300 pair of jeans for $30 (7 for all mankind), A&F shirts for like $3 each, etc. BD23 still shops that way now that she is on her own, and BS19 loves to hit up Plato's closet for some inexpensive clothes! We look like we spend a fortune on our clothes, but we spend the same as someone shopping only at Wal-Mart! And I get some crazy compliment on my clothes! Just yesterday at church, one of the ladies commented on my outfit and said I always look so fashionable and well put together. I have no shame...told her I spent like $7 on the whole outfit at consignment stores! Her jaw hit the floor!
However, this is not good enough for SD15. I mean, wear something that someone else "threw away"? WHAT?!?! Ewe! I her eyes...wearing second-hand clothing is like being...poor! It's gross! You know, I have a good washer and dryer!
It will probably come down to summer band, and she will not find her shorts, and will complain that she needs new ones. Will love to see her face when she doesn't get those more expensive jean shorts this year like last year, and she has to deal with the $5 cotton workout shorts they have at Academy! Wonder if she will suddenly find those jean shorts from last season then?
You don't ? I get my kids new
You don't ? I get my kids new clothes every season, and every school year they get a new wardrobe….
Please tell me you are being
Please tell me you are being sarcastic?
If they wear the same size, they shouldn't get a whole new wardrobe every few months. I don't do that for myself, why is SD15 ENTITLED to a new wardrobe every few months? When shoes wear out, new ones are bought. Same with underwear, socks, and some basics (like t-shirts). Other or a few new items here and there is okay...replacing worn items is okay (like when that favorite pair of jeans are barely holding themselves together). But replacing ones wardrobe every few months is simply a waste! If you have the money for it, fine, but it isn't a necessity!!! Having clean clothing that fits is a necessity, and we aren't required to provide any more than that. the other poster...I refuse to do something for my kids if it isn't something I wouldn't or don't do for myself! If grocery store makeup is good enough for me, it is good enough for SD15. If last season's lightly worn shorts are good enough for me, they are good enough for SD15. I would say the same thing if she were my bio!!! Kids these days are getting too spoiled as parents are bending over backward simply to keep these little brats happy, rather than doing their job as a parent to teach them about real life. They get new wardrobes now when they don't need them, what will they expect when they hit real life? It isn't that way in real life unless you get yourself a really good job! BD23 has friends with this very problem!! They are always complaining they can't pay their bills and stuff, but once they get their paycheck, they hit the mall!! BD23 pays her bills first, puts money into savings, and with what is left MIGHT go get something for herself, and still shops the way I taught her...clearance racks and consignment/thrift!
I do agree that there has to
I do agree that there has to be a REASON to buy clothes! (It wore out, doesn't fit anymore, whatever.) The only thing that sort of snagged my attention there was "not her style". Why not let HER pick out her own clothes with the caveat that you have to approve purchases? Then stick to that - and if she can't find anything she'd wear that you'll buy, then you buy nothing. Better than buying her things she won't wear, that seems like waste of money and I HATE wasting money!
THANK YOU for the tip about consignment stores by the way! It hadn't occurred to me for some reason that the neighborhood would affect the type of clothes they get. I'm going to have to check some out next time I'm in the right kind of neighborhood!
"Not her style" means that
"Not her style" means that the clothes don't show enough...bottom line! If it doesn't show cleavage, her butt doesn't hang out the bottom, etc. she doesn't like it. Every time we take her shopping, we let her pick things out, and it has to pass the "appropriateness" tests. Nothing that shows the bottom of her butt, skirts must come at least to just above the knee, no v-necks (SD15 is very well endowed, and anything v-neck she nearly pops out of), no mid-drifts...basically, if it fits the school dress code, she can have it. We also try to get her to understand what her proper size is...if she is stuffing herself in the jeans and she has the muffin top thing going on, it isn't the right size. If her girls are about to pop out of a shirt, it isn't the right size. SD15 would rather stuff herself into a smaller size and be uncomfortable, than wear something that actually fits properly. Problem is, the school doesn't enforce the dress somehow, SD15 gets her hands on other clothing that is rather revealing, and wears that to school and everywhere else. The clothes we buy get stuffed in a corner or on the closet floor, and eventually she emerges with this bag of clothes to go to Goodwill that DH will not take the time to inspect to make sure that she isn't giving away the stuff we buy her but she doesn't wear. The shorts we got her last year met the school dress code (while standing, the length of the shorts was right at her fingertips with hands to the side). They were cute jean shorts from a popular store. Two bags of clothes left this house for Goodwill without inspection, and I can promise you the shorts were in there.
Really, I would rather she flat out thumb her nose at the store before any money is spent, instead of pretending that she likes her choices that are within the dress code to get us to buy them in case she can't get one of her mom's friends to buy her what she really wants, or get clothes by other means (I have suspected shoplifting for some time...she will come back from BM's with clothing that no one remembers buying for her, and that surely doesn't meet the school's or our dress code).
i dont think ive ever seen SD
i dont think ive ever seen SD in the same top twice. she always has new shirts.
she wears leggings as pants (hate that) so she has a bazillion pairs of black. hard to tell if they are all new since they are identical.
the other thing she pisses money away on (CS?) is stupid cases for her unnecessary iphone. she has well over 35 cases for her phone. and its a 4S so i guarantee you she will bet getting a 5 (not from us!) in the very near future, and guess what, the cases dont fit so more money wasted!
OMG! I HATE the leggings as
OMG! I HATE the leggings as pants thing! SD15 has to have leggings for guard during the season. Every time, she is flat out TOLD that she is to wear them ONLY for guard, but noooooooooo! Every other day, she is wearing them as pants with some short shirt! I don't have problem with leggings being worn a pants if you are wearing a long shirt or know, that comes about mid-thigh...but if the shirt stops before or at the butt, leggings as pants is not appropriate! Especially since most are so thin, the moment they bend over you can see right through them! But let her be wearing a skirt or dress that comes mid-thigh? NO LEGGINGS! Oh no!
I still refuse to allow SD15 to have a smart phone. She has "dumb" phone which there aren't cases for, or she would probably be the same way. The way she goes through electronics, she can stay with the free "dumb" phone!
yeah the smart phone was
yeah the smart phone was another brilliant (not) parental decision by BM that fiance was totally against.
When the Skids used to live
When the Skids used to live with us we would go and buy them new school clothes. We would buy clothes from walmart and kmart (still do for my Bio kids). These clothes were never good enough for the SD18. She would take them back to BM house and dump them off at the goodwill and then tell us she had no clothes to wear for school. BM would call freaking out on DH saying we needed for fork over more money so she could buy SD some new clothes. This SD would want the $100 jeans from the mall. Now she just steals the clothes from stores, but at least she's not my prob no more! lol
Very similar to SD15! Now, I
Very similar to SD15! Now, I don't shop at Wal-Mart...but it still isn't good enough. She's not happy with Rue21 (which has very trendy, cute clothes, but at reasonable prices). She wants Pac-Sun, Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic and those types of stores...where a simple shirt is $40 or more! Nope...don't thinks so! She shows up with clothes from there, and claims that her mom's friends would buy her stuff. I find that hard to believe, personally. I don't know why someone would buy someone $300+ in clothes that is not their child and for no special occasion! I've suspected shoplifting...she never has mall trips with friends while at our house. They always happen with friends she had down at BM's, which I know are questionable, as these are the same friends that would help her get pot in the past!
I have 10+yo jeans, 25+yo
I have 10+yo jeans, 25+yo shoes and decades old T-shirts in my closet and dresser. But, I am a man and classic works no matter what fad is active at the moment.
My bride on the other hand, she is a closet queen. There is a constant flow of new stuff in and out of DWs closets.
We hosted a dinner party last Saturday evening. A few of the ladies were talking about new kitchen gadgets and my bride and a few others were talking about purses, shoes, jewelry and clothes. The kitchen ladies coined the phrase "Kitchen Bitches" to refer to themselves and "Closet Bitches" to refer to the clothes, purses, shoes, and jewelry ladies.
It sounds that your SD is a budding "Closet Bitch".
I do have to admit...I've
I do have to admit...I've picked up quite a few things over the last couple of years...but I did go from a size 18 to a size everything I had needed to be replaced, and at various intervals as the weight came off. I find that now that I've maintained my current size for a couple of years, I see very few things that I MUST have, as I've got a pretty good wardrobe, in my opinion. I go to the thrift/consignment stores about once a season these days (and by season, I mean cold and fall and winter combine, spring and summer combine), and if I find anything, it is one or two items that run me less than $15 total! I'm not one to just buy to buy. Yes, I do like to look trendy and well put together, but I've truly noticed over the years, that does not really mean you have to get new clothing every season, because nothing really changes that drastically, and if you hold on to it for a couple of years, it DOES come back!
But, yes, by the definition I see you posted, "Closet Bitch" would definitely describe SD15. Oh, I've worn that about 5 times...can't be seen in it again, must give it to Goodwill and get something new! She won't even consign her stuff! That is so frustrating! I've tried to tell her, if you MUST get rid of it, at least take it to Plato's Closet, and see what they will give you for it, and then you can take that money and turn around and buy something else. I did that all the time while I was losing weight...I would sell my bigger clothing (especially my jeans), and use that money to get "new to me" clothing. Some of those places, if you request store credit, you get more than if you cash out, so I would take the store credit and walk out with about as many items as I came in with. Some things I sold on eBay, and turned around and bought other things on eBay. If you take the time, you can get some good stuff for little money. Last thing I got on eBay...$.99 for a dress + $3 basically a $4 dress! Same style dress brand new, $25+ easy!
Congratulations on your
Congratulations on your healthy lifestyle change and success. Size 18 to size 2. :jawdrop:
That is truly commendable.
My bride is on the same journey. She was a size 18 and is now a 10-12 on her way to an 8. She is nearly 6ft tall so size 2 is not an option for her. How I wish consignment and thrift was on her shopping list.
Now, I have to catch up. I am 6'1" and currently 260 down from a peak of 270. We married when I was 185lbs and she was a size 6-8. 20 years of good living and eating has made us far more than we were when we married.
Thanks for the example you are setting. I appreciate it.
Thanks!!! I'm only 5'2", so
Thanks!!! I'm only 5'2", so could image what 18 really was for me. I'm still shocked I didn't have more health problems than I did then...resting heart rate was 93 bpm, now it is 62 bpm. Blood pressure was in the high range, now it is on the low range of normal. I had pre-diabetic symptoms, which are now all gone. I used to get winded walking around the grocery store, now I can do a hard hitting hour long hip-hop dance class and still hold a conversation while my heart rate is at 160 bpm! I've decided to get into the field as a personal trainer to share all I've learned with others. I want to help others get their lives back by getting healthy!
Not being sarcastic at all.
Not being sarcastic at all. My kids always come before me, I buy for myself very seldom and my kids have wayyyy more clothes than I do. So yes every season I buy them new clothes, they are growing kids and even if they were same size I'd still buy for them. My parents did for me as well.
I guess that is fine if that
I guess that is fine if that is the way you do it in your home. Problem is, some of these kids are turning into entitled brats, so even if it isn't in the budget to so on that shopping spree, they will still expect it, and throw a fit if it doesn't happen. That is SD15. Every shopping trip, she expects to get something...even if it is just us going to the grocery store! Oh, she "needs" nail polish or something. And she isn't happy with the store brand (which I use, and personally, is probably the BEST nail polish I've ever used...lasts all week which I've never had the more expensive ones do), it MUST be OPI which costs twice as much!
SD15 her whole life has managed to manipulate people into buying her things if she is out with them...grandparents, aunts, even family friends! I don't why these people fall for the crap! She lays on the, "I need..." and "no one will buy me..." lines. Like when school started this last year. We took her out and got her a few things. In this case, when she moved in with us, she didn't bring all that much from BM's, so we figured she needed a few things. We didn't have a huge clothing budget, as this is something we don't do. We allowed SD15 to pick things at stores which were within our budget (like Rue21). She "seemed" happy with the purchases. 2 weeks later, she comes home from BM's with bags of brand new clothing from PacSun, Hot Topic, etc. When DH questioned BM about it, saying we just got her some stuff, she said that the live in babysitter took SD15 shopping because SD15 claimed we didn't do ANY shopping for school clothes with her! The stuff we bought, never saw her wear! Who knows if that stuff is even still in her room...but over the course of the last year, SD15 has gone from hardly any clothing to more clothing than DH and I have combined...when DH made her totally clean her room a few weeks ago, she did like 8 loads of laundry, and in none of that was her bedding! On top of that, she sent 2 of those big leaf bags full of clothes (that she didn't wash) with her grandmother to drop off a Goodwill! Now, we didn't buy her all of those clothes! She is always showing up with clothes...she supposedly gets BM's friends to buy her stuff, her other grandmother to buy her stuff, etc. I personally also suspect shop lifting, because when she is at BM's, there are an awful lot of unsupervised trips to the mall with friends...the same friends who got her into all kinds of trouble while she lived with BM (the reason SD15 lives with us).
if your kid is GROWING, that
if your kid is GROWING, that makes sense. but a 15 year old is pretty much done growing, unless its to get fatter or skinnier. height wont change much and even if it does, taht doesnt affect shorts.
SD15 is the same size as she
SD15 is the same size as she was last summer...girl hasn't grown an inch since age 12. She goes between a size 4 and a size 6...back and forth depending on her binge/starvation phases...but never over or under. She has cotton shorts, the infamous "butt" shorts (which she claims she needs to wear to do her dancing stuff for guard), b-ball type shorts (which are perfect for the dance stuff, but she still claims she can't move right in them), and a few pair of jean shorts. She was wearing the jean shorts just yesterday. So it seems that she ended up looking for her shorts after all when she was told we were not buying new shorts.
Well if she's not wearing the
Well if she's not wearing the clothes, then I could under stand that. Forever 21 has shorts and pants for 7 bucks so I love stocking up on that stuff for myself. I understand entitled very well and can not stand entitled kids. I used to buy my kids new toys and stuff all the time and once I started seeing that behavior that stopped but with clothes, they wear the clothes out and they get faded, being they are boys they are very rough on it.
Perhaps you can ask her why she doesn't like the shorts you bought her ? She's in that age range where they need to have the hottest trends. My BS13 now is at the stage where he will only shop at 3 different stores, he likes the punk rock look. Clothes get very expensive but we manage to find some deals.
If you ask SD15 why she
If you ask SD15 why she doesn't like something, she can't give you a real reason....just, "I don't know...just don't like it." But it later become very obvious, because you will later see SD15 wearing something very similar, but a "sexier" cut...something that isn't appropriate. One of her favorite excuses for wearing the butt shorts are that they make it easier for her to dance (which she very little of for guard). You try to tell her that there are shorts just as easy to move in that cover her butt (that are more appropriate), she will argue to her last breath that she just can't move right in them! She also has this obsession with wearing tank tops, which with her bra size, even with camis under them, she still shows quite a bit of cleavage and side boob.
SD15 also thinks that all of her clothing has to be a size or two too small. You buy her something that fits the way it is supposed to, she won't wear it. If she doesn't have to stuff herself into it, she won't wear it outside of the house. Correct fitting or loose clothing is fine for around the house, but when she leaves the house, her clothes have to practically be painted on. She has been like this for years now...since she was younger! I remember tying ties on dresses for her, tying it just at that comfortable spot, and her whining and complaining that I didn't tie it tight enough! If it didn't leave imprints in her skin, it wasn't tight enough. Personally, I thinks she looks rather ridiculous walking around with a muffin top poking out between the top of her jeans and bottom of her shirt and her boobs ready to pop out of her top at any moment. SD15 is not crazy overweight, but like a lot of teen girls these days, she has some pudge around the middle, and likes to wear the low rise where her butt crack is just about to show and in a size where she can barely button them...causing the muffin top. It also doesn't help that she is seriously pushing a D-cup on her 5'1" frame!
Skids 16 and 17 wear 80
Skids 16 and 17 wear 80 dollar shirts that BM buys them..when they come here we go shopping at thrift stores and second hand shops...completely different worlds..
16 year old likes to brag that his tennis shoes cost more than anything that I would wear...Spoiled BRATS! Neither plan on getting jobs either..
SD15 also seems to
SD15 also seems to concentrate more on what an item costs that if it actually looks good! If one of BM's friends takes SD15 shopping, SD15 walks in the house beaming showing off her A&F, PacSun, and Urban Outfitter bags. I have nothing against the stores in general...I have gotten a thing or two from PacSun or Urban Outfitters...but only things that were on clearance to begin with. A&F I refuse to shop at! Having been much heavier in the past, I was offended by recent comments from their CEO about not wanting "fat people to wear their clothes" even though I am small enough to wear the clothes now, I won't even shop their clearance section! I won't even pick up anything from a consignment or thrift shop that has A&F or Hollister on it!
But kids these days think they have to have these things! SD15 sometimes tries to rub in how much x or y costs...doesn't bother me. I'm sitting there thinking, "And it still looks like crap because it isn't appropriate for your body type! I spent much less, and I look good!" I don't get this hang up on what things cost...seems to be a big deal to these teens! The more it costs, the better it must be! They don't get that this isn't really true!
modesty is a big thing with
modesty is a big thing with me. i have a somewhat decent body but i prefer to be dressed modestly and have my "assets" covered.
it pains me to see SD13 dressing, IMO, like a slut. Short shorts, bra straps showing, and skimpy bikinis. Sadly, her father thinks its "no big deal" and says he "can't tell her how to dress". Seriously? You are the parent, she is the child. How she is dressing is harmful to her. These same dads are the ones who will sit back and scratch their heads saying "i cant understand how that happened!" when these girls come home pregnant.