I think it's weird and creepy, maybe it's just me
my BF refers to both me and his dd as" babe" or " baby" among other pet names as I just found out tonite- I think it's strange and told him to call me a different pet name! wth.. I know it's petty but is it just me that thinks it's weird?? when his dd came to visit the other nite, neither of us knew who he was talking to when he said baby.. makes me sick!
Oh, yes, that is a common
Oh, yes, that is a common thing around here.
Luckily, my husband uses SD's name, unless she's sad or upset. Then he might say something like, "It'll be ok, honey." But when she visits, he never just yells out honey or baby.
I agree, that would be weird. If I'm in the house and my husband calls out, "Babe", he better damn well be talking to me.
he asked me what my own dad
he asked me what my own dad called me when I was young.. he called me by my name! granted I'm not the gushy lovey dovey type but I think it's so fake when you call EVERYONE you've ever dated, like he has- by the same pet name, not to mention his dd, which I would think he'd want to not call us by the same name.. because she hadn't been around much lately I'd forgotten how much he does it- eh maybe I'm just picking at little things but I still think it's odd
I had a co-worker once who
I had a co-worker once who called everybody by anything BUT their name. He told me it was because he usually couldn't remember their name.
"baby" has both me and SD5
"baby" has both me and SD5 looking at each other for more information
That's funny. I guess if he continues with, "What's for dinner?", as opposed to, "do you need to go potty?", you know he's talking to you!
I think you're right... kids
I think you're right... kids regress like that. With a new baby and 2 moms (?), I'm sure there's going to be some of that. My little guy regressed with a new move.
lol about your sd calling
lol about your sd calling him dada again, bet that drives u nuts.. I call my dd at times by pet name but it's sweetie or something like that.. babe or baby to me is more of a sexual name if you will .esp with a20 something yr old dd
I went thru the same thing.
I went thru the same thing. It's gotten better he doesn't call her babe often but still has 15 other nicknames for her which I find very annoying.
And someone mentioned the dadda thing?? Omg I had to go see a therapist just for that reason, SO's 7 year old called him dadda and It was driving me crazy and had to tell SO she needed to stop he didn't understand why it bothered me so much, but I couldn't take it and had to go talk with my therapist about it. I needed to know if that was ok and if I'm over reacting?? He said I was so needed to hear from someone else and she said it sounded like I was jealous and it wouldn't bother her... Btw I never went back.
That sounds creepy. A man
:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
That sounds creepy.
A man using pet names with his bio kids is pretty normal, annoying, but normal. Doing that with an adult SK (especially when you've been married to her mom for such a short time) is just strange.
THIS It's amazing that she is
It's amazing that she is so close to a man who treats her mother like crap. Most kids would be filled with anger, contempt, disgust....for a man who treats their mother this way.
Either he's a master manipulator or his money/what he can provide is more important to her thhan how he treats mom.
I have to agree with the
I have to agree with the others - sounds creepy - esp when it's not even his own DD. I'd be curious to know the back story to your situation.
Cat, I caught that too "if I
I caught that too "if I had no feelings or thoughts or opinions". I have actually said something like that to my BF before - LOL. And I know my BF called his exes by the same pet names (Baby) because he repeats it when telling me stories about past conversations with them.... It's like he doesn't even think about it!! Dip shit!
All three of us are 'mami'.
All three of us are 'mami'. Makes me gag. Using actual names doesn't help much either, as OSD and I have the same name. Double gag.
Mami?? LOL - and YES double
Mami?? LOL - and YES double gag on the same name Ugh.
It's a Latin thing. And I
It's a Latin thing. And I think he got the hint I didn't particularly care for it, he doesn't call me that much anymore.
SO used to call SD babe. I
SO used to call SD babe. I started not answering him when he would call out babe. He asked why I didn't answer him and I said because I didn't know who he was talking to. He got the hint after a few times.
Haha - yeah the other nite
Haha - yeah the other nite when he said baby, neither his daughter nor I said anything to him - I am definitely going to keep that pattern going. And I have already told him I don't want him calling me specifically Babe anyway, for other reasons.
I used to think it was
I used to think it was weird... until we had our own BD. We're both baby, honey, sweetheart, cutiepie, what have you, and it just seems so natural. I have no answer for this except it might be a case of having to have different approaches depending on if you're in an intact family or not. I'm sure for us, when she starts getting to around 3-4, we're going to start calling her more by name, but for now it's mostly cutesy stuff.
I agree with you and think it
I agree with you and think it would be different if it were a biological child - however, not in their 20's - I don't think it's weird when it's young children though.
Same here, only I'm the one
Same here, only I'm the one who does it! My DH and I call each other "babe" all the time (although not "baby"), and I call my BS5 "baby" a lot (and have since he actually was a baby). Sometimes, since the nicknames are so close, I slip up and call DS "babe" and both he and DH give me a funny look.
It's so ingrained now though that it takes real effort NOT to call my son "baby"! I suppose I'm going to have to start making the effort though, as he's really not a baby any more. 
I guess I didn't mind my BF
I guess I didn't mind my BF calling everyone and their dog Babe or Baby lol... I just assumed "Sugar" was reserved for me only
I didn't know until yesterday he called his daughter that, or at least in a text message he did. (Edited for a typo)
My dad calls me "baby" or
My dad calls me "baby" or "hey big girl" (I'm the oldest). I'm in my 40's. When he calls me by my real name (not my nickname which is not baby) I know he is being serious. My DH calls me baby, I call my DH baby. I also call my sons baby, love bug, sweetheart, honey and doll". I guess we are just a bunch of babies in my family
I like it. Doesn't bother me in the least. Oh yeah, I still call my parents mommy and daddy. With us it's a cultural thing.