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I've been such a fool

Just me now's picture

Well after a week of being wooed by DH now that SS17 has been flown to his BM, I stuck to my guns as far as sharing a bedroom together and although we have kissed, not allowed anything else as I told him we need to take things slow.i have cooked and cleaned though and we have talked of our future together. He clearly told me that it will be great from now on. Stress free and uninterrupted. He apologised for forsaking our marriage over anything and will protect US in the future. Like a fool, I believed him!!! And guess what... I mentioned the words last night... Well now that SS has moved away... He came back with... Oh no you have it wrong. He hasn't moved away, he has just gone for a month and if he wants to stay at his BM then that's up to him but he hasn't moved away. AAAGGHHHH!!! I feel such a fool.

Orange County Ca's picture

Why don't you find someplace to go for the remaining time of the month the kid will be gone? This will pound home your resolve that you are not living with the kid. Let him sit there and figure out which of you two is more important.

Mom, sister, friend, Motel 6 is advertising $40 and they have weekly rates, recently renovated.

Just me now's picture

I run my business from home which can't be done from anywhere else or believe me, I would! I just acted like I wasn't here... Like room mates

Jsmom's picture

One month. You can work with that. Honestly, after a month of SD gone, DH seemed to wake up and realize when she left, the drama went with her. I know there is always the chance she will irritate BM or flunk out of college and need a place, but as long as he realizes that life is good with just me and BS and SS and no drama, he will not encourage her to come here.

Work with that and be really happy and make him happy and he many not encourage the kid to come back. Just don't discuss it with him or you will be evil for not wanting the kid back.