my stepkids make me want to run and hide
I find myself spending every weekend totally pissed at the world because I cannot deal with my step kids, their joke of a mother, and my husbands denial that anything is wrong. I have my own child, and don't get me wrong he is no angel. However my poor son, 6, takes the brunt of them every weekend. He gets blamed for everything! My husbands kids, 8 and 4 are total brats! They will break something and blame it on my son. My husband always takes their side. That's just the beginning. The 8 year old is a huge bully. He is so bossy and controlling. If he doesn't get his way he just starts pouting and dad comes to the rescue. He has never been taught it's not ok to be a pain in the ass apparently. He refuses to play with my son if it's not his way so my son gets totally left out alot. They constantly gang up on him as well. The 4 yr old is also a real piece of work. You would think she is 2. She refuses to open doors for herself, won't get herself dressed. Until recently she wouldn't even wipe her own butt. She would sit there and scream until my husband came running over. When she needs something she refuses to ask me. It's always "I need to ask dad" if I press her on it she starts wailing and throwing a fit. It's a nightmare every weekend. They completely destroy the house and never pick up. Their idea of picking up is throwing things around the room. Well actually that's the 8yr old. The 4 year old will just stand there like she is incapable of lifting a finger. That's a normal day. However if one is sick or gets a scratch our house goes into total code red. Everything stops. Yesterday the 8 yr old fell at the park. He had a bruise on his side, not a big deal. He started SCREAMING like somebody shot him. I have heard stabbing victims yell less. Of course my husband runs over like the world is ending. He carrys him to the table and holds him like a baby. Today they both got sick and threw up in the night. The oldest laid in his vomit and his youngest started crying and screaming to get his attention. This is what I woke up to. I honestly thought there was a baby in the house! Don't even get me started on meal times. The youngestyoungest will EASILY take 45 mins to eat half a sandwich. It's like a game to her. My biggest pet peeve is my son is always compared to my husbands son. My son has ADHD so it's really not fair. It's always "well he would never do that or look what he did" my son may have some attention issues but at least he isnt a jerk like his son. I find myself instantly pissed the moment they get here. It's freaking torture. Doesn't help he gets his entitled whiny bratty kids half the time! Makes life pretty miserable. If that is not enough their mother is a joke. Low income housing, shitty minimum wage job, lives on the government. She also treats them like they are always dying. The youngest fell over her bike so mom has taken this 4 yr old to the chiropractor 4 times this month. This isn't the first time. She rushed the oldest to the er in the middle of the night insisting he had appendicitis. He was constipated! Ugh. I can't wait until they grow up so I can have my life back
Soooo, how much longer do you
Soooo, how much longer do you plan on living like this?
How can someone living off
How can someone living off the government making minimum wage afford a chiropractor 4 times per month?
Yep, my SD6 still can't wipe
Yep, my SD6 still can't wipe her own bum, and it takes her an hour to eat a bowl of spaghetti. She is clingy and whiney as heck...has serious social issues. She won't voluntarily play with other kids, she either clings to DH's leg or tries to sit with the grownups. It's irritating beyond all measures. I totally get how you feel!
Web cams will solve much of
Web cams will solve much of what you are struggling with. Web cams and a paddle!!!! Just make sure to turn off the cams when you use the paddle.
Good luck.
LMAO - I read the first bit
LMAO - I read the first bit and was thinking "now, Rags that's terrible advice, how can she use the paddle if she puts up webcams!"
Then I read on.
Need a thumbs up button.
(but seriously, I was thinking webcams too) just not the paddle }:)