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Guess who wants to come crawling back??

Tey860's picture

Well I have not felt the need to post in here for months. That came to a screeching halt today though. SD14 has been staying with her boyfriend's grandmother for the past few months, yes unbelievable and insane I know. Now she wants to come back to live with us. Things have been rocky with her father and I, this will surely be the icing on the cake. SD14 behaves like she is 21, smokes, drinks, has sex and thinks does not need to listen to anyone. Not to mention the fact that I had to call the police last month when she got into a brawl with the 17 year old neighbor. I told her father today that there is no way in hell she is coming back here to which he responded that I must want him to move out. I have an impressionable 11 year old to worry about, she does not need her sister setting a horrible example for her. I feel very strongly about this and I refuse to budge. So he claims that he is going to give me what I want and will move out. Oh the drama. Am I wrong???

Tey860's picture

LOL ok so her father has custody of her, she is not involved with her mother at all. When she moved in with us last year she really spread her demon wings and became a little hellion. She refused to listen to anyone and blossomed into a nightmare. She was sneaking boys into the house, sneaking out at night, having sex, smoking weed...the list goes on. One glorious day she ran away to her friend's house and said she wanted to stay there. Her awesome father said fine. After living with her friend for a few months, she wore out her welcome and begged to be able to stay with her boyfriend's grandma. I told her father that was totally inappropriate to which he basically told me it was none of my business. I told him that she needed to be put into a program and we needed to start doing home drug tests, he had no interest in pursuing that. Now I'm supposed to let this unbridled train wreck back in my home???

Tey860's picture

That is exactly how I feel! My daughter asks me when she is going to be allowed to walk around the neighborhood with her friends like her sister does...umm no you will not be trolling the neighborhood EVER.

Tey860's picture

Ok thank you. He told me if I cared about our relationship at all, I wouldn't walk away so easily. Are you kidding me???

hereiam's picture

If he cared about his daughter at all, he wouldn't be such a permissive parent.

Tey860's picture

She goes to school but her grades are awful. Last year she missed 21 days!!! Unreal.I have asked him where he sees her when she is 16? He wont answer. I want no part of it.

thinkthrice's picture

DAMN! Your husband; GUILTY MUCH? LoVe his spin and projection; trying to make HIS permissive parenting YOUR problem and create loyalty conflicts.

He'd make a GREAT PASinator BM. Put a wig on his head and your foot up his arse!!

Tey860's picture

Yes! I am so over it. He really expects me to just roll with the punches and let her come back.

thinkthrice's picture

Tell me about it. Chef thinks that his mere presence, not unlike Jesus Christ's, is enough for any woman just to bow down to him and do his bidding no matter how self destructive and ludicrous.

thinkthrice's picture

OMG I so WISH I could get an ultimatum like that: "I'm leaving if you don't want my crash and burn daughter back in this house"

You mean I can get rid of two pieces of baggage (garbage) for the price of one???!! Biggrin

Is that a threat or a PROMISE?

Orange County Ca's picture

Seems unanimous including me. Personally I think she needs to be in a military type school.

Rags's picture

No you are not wrong. Tell him not to let the door knob hit him in the ass on his way out.

Enjoy your new life and take care of yourself. Your 11yo will thrive without this drama and the thug assed worthless whore POS 14yo sister.

Good luck.

The_Atheist's picture

Tell him moving must be what HE wants because the other alternatives (counseling, being a parent, demanding respectable behavior) were not even considered. Tell him he must not give a fuck about DD or you considering he's all about kissing ass of the first born before even parenting her!

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Amazed that some jackass parents that let 14 yo to make life altering decisions ~ well how did that pan out for your DH !!!

Let's see ~ my darling SD who I refer to as veruca salt reigned hell on my oldest daughter at school for 6 months bullying her ~ with no help from the school or BM. My DF spoke to veruca n all that did was turn the nightmare up higher. I eliminated her from my home ~ banned her presence. I have 4 kids I need to protect not subject them to the drama roller coaster. Wasn't listening to her father n I am sure her mothers conversation was reve it up a notch. School got involved n veruca spun it in another direction ~ LIAR.

The lovely TD ( Tinkerdouche ~BM) was moving in with her bf de jour ~ out if state ( leaving veruca ) veruca was not coming to MY home ~ so veruca shacked up with her BF n his family. Who in their right mind ~ can be so god damn selfish as to take off n leave your child with the child's bf's family to finish out the school year. I would never sacrifice my child for my own selfish wants.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I remember your situation very well! I would not let that girl back in my house!!! I know it could be a strain on your relationship and all, but like you said, you have another child to be concerned about, and can't have this stuff going on in your home!

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

If you let her in your home ~ just for see all the nightmares you will be up against !

Your dd could easily be corrupted in ways you can't imagine. Having her in your home is showing acceptance of her behavior. You as a mother are to protect your daughter. Create a safe haven for her. Her safe haven is her home.

Tell delussional daddy to get his head out of his ass real quick.

Loveyoumore's picture

My Step daughter is 13. She is on her way to being your SD. My heart is sad for you and myself. We know what must be done. My SD recently told FCS she wanted to live with her mom. I raised her for 9 years without the BM. When I learned of this, I told SD to pack a bag. She was leaving for BM house in an hour. She has the nerve to say the horrible things she did, she gets the same thing back from me. And I will tell you, SD came back the next week and had an attitude. She had an attitude for a couple weeks, then back to normal. I had to put my foot down. I certainly was not going to let SD13 control me. It sounds like you are a strong mom. Of course easier to say than do, but I was so relieved I did it. It showed I will not be treated badly by SD13 words. I do not deserve that and neither do you. H eventually agreed I did the right thing. I didn't care what he thought. I was taking care of myself. Something we all need to do more.

Tey860's picture

Naturally he backed down...hmmm where is the moving truck, I thought you were leaving??? I told him he knows where I stand and if he thinks for one second that his daughter is moving in with us, he is out the door. This is too important for me to just roll over and allow her back in. NOPE!