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Teenage stepchildren who lie about everything

rainbowgirl's picture

Sad I have a 13yr, old step daughter who is impossible to love or like. I have tried really hard but I give up. Her mom (my wife is in denial & won't believe that her daughter does anything wrong). Last year she falsely accused 2 young men of committing rape against her and her mom feels nothing is wrong with that. what do I do with that, I love my wife but I HATE her child.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I totally get what you are feeling! There are many of us in similar situations. Best we can do is disengage as much as possible. I avoid my SD as much as I possibly can, and pray the next 2 1/2 years go by quickly!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Your wife thinks there's nothing wrong with her teen daughter falsely accusing young men of rape? What the what?

Get out before one or both of them accuse YOU of something. Really, imo, this is a dangerous situation for YOU and no matter how good the rest of your relationship is, it is not worth the risk to you and your freedom and reputation.

Rags's picture

I would normally say just don't position any interface with SD where she can lie. However, in this case I would get hold of the parents of the falsely accused teen boys and let them know that you will help them in any way possible if they sue the shit out of your SD, your bride, and BioDad for defamation, etc....

Were I the parents of those innocent young men I would own SD's toxic ass and her mother's and father's idiot asses too. I would have them all living in a cardboard box under an over pass for the rest of their toxic enabling and lying lives.


How could you have anything but abject and absolute contempt for a parents who has no issue with her daughter accusing two innocent kids of rape.

I would not make a life with that woman under any circumstances based on her behavior and actions regardhign her toxic lying whore of a daughter. Any 13yo this toxic and willing to destroy the lives of two other kids will make Jeffrey Dahmer look like an eagle scout when they get older. that mommy not only tolerates this crap from her spawn but can't even recognize it as a problem writes her off completely in my book wife or not.

Move on.