Guess who finally washed clothing last night!
I get home from the gym, and the dryer is going. is MY laundry day. My last load was in the dryer when I left for the gym. I ask my husband if the dryer was still going (thinking something may be wrong with it), or if he put it on refresh for me, knowing I was on my way home to put the clothes away (to get out the wrinkles). He said it was SheSloth's clothes. Horrified that SheSloth just left my clean clothing on top of the dryer, I ask where our clothes are. DH said that he had gotten the clothes out of the dryer and put them away (color me shocked)! I'm now at ease. I'm pretty sure that DH told SheSloth to wash, and I make the comment, "So, she finally decides to wash after about 3 months? Come on, I know she doesn't have that many pair of underwear!" It seriously still has not hit DH that she doesn't wipe her butt, and I'm not saying a word about it. I look at it as birth control! I mean...she is getting hot and heavy with a guy, he slips off those panties, and sees those poop stains? He isn't going to go forward with that! LOL
Awe Can't you just made me
Awe Can't you just made me spit my coffee out everywhere n now I have a visual.
Sorry about that...but you
Sorry about that...but you have to admit the truth in what I'm saying!
LOL...I've decided for my own
LOL...I've decided for my own protection, I'm not going to say anything about SheSloth's poor hygiene. If DH is not going to question SheSloth's last minute schedule changes, "boyfriends", and online activity, I need to embrace the one thing I have in my favor helping to prevent an unwanted teen pregnancy! Poor hygiene narrows down the pool of guys who will have sex with the girl, and the harder it is for her to have sex, the harder it is for her to get knocked up! Poop panties, yuck mouth, only doing laundry once every three months...these things could work in my favor!
And she only washed one small load last night...probably just some underwear, a towel (considering she waited until after the clothes were dry to shower), and a few of her favorite items that she wears over, and over, and over, and over again. It had to be because DH saw the mountains of clothing in her room and told her to do laundry. Like everything else, she does the bare minimum, if even that.
I've noticed SD doing the
I've noticed SD doing the same thing. Only washing the things she thinks she looks hot in. I wish she thought that way about her bedding.
She can look as hot as she
She can look as hot as she wants! With poopy pants, she isn't going to get far. I seriously don't know why I didn't think about the automatic birth control the lack of butt wiping generates before! Genius! If DH will not take the girl for birth control, at least we have the poopy panties as backup!
This is true...but I don't
This is true...but I don't think she would give those boys the time of day. I mean, she is all about the pretty boys...nice bod, good hair, etc. A guy that puts that much attention into himself is not likely to have his own poopy pants! Yes, SheSloth does spend a lot of time trying to get her makeup and the FRONT of her hair perfect, but that is about it. Yes, I put emphasis on the front of her hair. The back of her head always looks like it hasn't been washed in weeks. Don't know how she accomplishes that! Oh, wait...just because the shower is running doesn't mean she is in it the whole time...forgot about that. She could be making duck faces in the mirror, texting (though she isn't supposed to have her phone in the bathroom, she still always does), popping blackheads...oh, and let's not forget that she likes to shave her legs every single day! I mean, the time she spends actually washing could be minimal!
"Oh hell no!" coming from a
"Oh hell no!" coming from a guy is a far better BC method than "Just say no!" coming from a parent. Love it!!!
She must have swamp ass ten
She must have swamp ass ten times over, without any wiping?
Maybe she doesn't poop? Buy everybody poops......Didn't they write a kid's book on that? LOL
~ Moon
Oh, she poops. The
Oh, she poops. The poop-stained panties peeking out from under the bathroom door the other day is proof. How does her butt not itch terribly? With undies like that, I would expect her to be scratching at her butt constantly!
i just pictured a gross nasty
i just pictured a gross nasty girl scooting her butt on the floor like a dog when i read this! lol
Not necessarily. BO was a
Not necessarily. BO was a non starter for me when I was a single, sex minded, young male horn dog in my teens and early 20s. Crotch odor was a close second. If the pants came off and anything but amazing endorphin loaded lady smells wafted I was long gone before the clothing hit the floor. I was diligent about bathing myself and expected my lovers, whether one night stand partners or longer term partners. As a HS and college athlete I showered as many as several times per day with particular focus on scrubbing the junk. I was not a cologne guy but I was a shower and scrub everything well with soap guy.
Interesting my XW was not the most consistent bather on the planet. After we married I noticed a notable degradation in her hygiene. Odd since she was very diligent about it when we were dating and engaged. On a couple of occasions I had to say something to her when we had plans to meet friends or family for an evening or weekend event. That would cause some notable battles in the car on the way to the event. She never appreciated being told she had some funk going.
My amazing bride on the other hand is very cognizant in the hygiene department both body and feminine, asks frequently if she is “okay” and if I did suggest a shower though she would be mortified she would thank me later. That never has happened nor will it ever happen. She is very hygiene focused as am I.
The Skid had a phase in his early teens where he would get a little funky. Most notably after he returned from a Sperm Land visitation. Even after he was in his teens they would send him home like they had when he was a toddler reeking so bad a septic worker would be proud of him. Once he got past his mid teens he became very focused on hygiene. I think someone said something to him at school one day when he was about 15 because it was like someone flipped a switch with him and his hygiene habits. For years we had to do battle with him on his shower habits. Often refusing to allow him out in public with us unless he showered and actually scrubbed everything well. Then one day, Mr. Hygiene.
I have no issue with getting hot and sweaty and waking up to a room that has obviously been the site of passionate fun but ..... to kick things off the odiferous emanations must be pleasant.
SD may find guys a bit pickier on this issue than may have been the case a decade or more ago. The opportunities are far more frequent for kids today and even the guys can afford to be more selective rather than entirely opportunity focused.
Exactly, Rags! I would thing
Exactly, Rags! I would thing the smell of poop would be a major turn off at that point. "Did you fart?" "No." "Then why do I smell sh*t?" LOL
B.O. is a major turn off for me! My ex was a heavy drinker, so he had the smell of stale beer coming out of his pores! YUCK! I got to the point I couldn't even sleep in the same room with him! I'm always very conscious about myself, too. DH will ask why I have this or that in the bathroom, or why I keep a small thing of deodorant in my purse. I've had to explain to him many times that I'm very self-conscious about any kind of B.O., and I've been known to reapply my deodorant if I feel I have sweated too much that day, and I can't get to a point where I can take another shower, etc. I will admit, I'm even one of those people that will use those bathroom wet wipes after I go potty, just to make sure I'm clean!
Ditto!! And I am a guy. Reek
Ditto!! And I am a guy. Reek is not something I tolerate. I live internationally among some of the least bathing populations in the world. There is nothing worse than being in a meeting with a group of busness people and one of the folks though looking good in their suit smells like something dead that a cat dragged in. :sick:
With my workforce I include hygiene in or safety briefings complete with pics and clips of poor hygiene induced skin ailments, etc.... We have hygiene month each year along with Hand Safety Month, Eye Safety Month, etc.....
The not wiping thing just
The not wiping thing just gets to me. She already had one infection, and she didn't learn from that. She wants to wear thongs, but why on earth would she want to wear thongs with huge crap stains on them??? Blood stains all over her regular underwear. She should be prepared every month. I just know she threw away her nasty stuff, and told DH her stuff was missing, so he would buy her new underwear to dispose of. We'll see how long she makes these last.
I just don't get it! I'm
I just don't get it! I'm seriously surprised that SheSloth hasn't pulled the bit asking for new underwear! I'm guessing she saves that for trips to BM's house, as she knows DH will not allow her to have thongs. Whenever she goes to BM's, she goes to the mall with either they give her money, or she is jacking stuff! Regardless, I'm sure this is when she gets her lacy thongs, because I don't see SheSloth's stepdad buying them for her, and BM doesn't leave the house...ever!
maybe instead of buying them
maybe instead of buying them new underwear you should buy them all adult diapers.
Right now, that sounds like
Right now, that sounds like the perfect Christmas gift! Those, and a book about how to stop lying! Looks like there are lots of good options on Amazon!
In my case, I do happen to
In my case, I do happen to have a sensitive nose. I'm the first one in the house to notice if something doesn't smell if someone didn't turn the stove completely off, the dog pooped ANYWHERE in the house because they were ignored (the poop could be back in the dog room, and the door to the room closed, and I will still walk in the front door and say "Ugh...which dog took a crap on my floor?"), when the water in unwashed dishes turns to that vomit smell, etc. When SheSloth had that onion in her room, it drove me insane for days until it was uncovered! I work from home, so I'm in the house all the time.
So yeah, when SheSloth gets into a car I'm in with unbrushed teeth, or smelly feet, or other general B.O., I pray the trip is short, and point all the vents in a manner to hopefully keep the smell in the back seat!
...Onion in her room? I'm new
...Onion in her room? I'm new here, and I keep seeing little bits and pieces of the Saga of SheSloth. It would be hilarious if it were the plot to a sitcom, but the fact that it's reality is terrifying. But seriously... An onion? In her room?
My cousin's daughter had
My cousin's daughter had horrible hygiene habits. My sis had to look after her for a couple of years because my niece is the CHAMPION of mini-wives and almost succeeded in breaking up her Dad's new relationship.
My sis was absolutely horrified when she realised just how filthy this girl was. She was 13 when she moved in with my sis. My sis would find her dirty stained underwer under her bed.. dirty clothes mixed in with wrappers, half eaten pizza's..half drunk bottles of pepsi..strewn just everywhere. My sis had her youngest son at home (18) and had to have a sit down with niece to talk about her hygiene habits. Niece would also leave blood stained undies on the bathroom floor..unwrapped open used tampons in the bathroom bin..
After my sis spoke to her.. my niece rang her dad crying, saying her Aunt was abusing her. My sis and cousin had a huge fight. Sis told my Cuz to ship her out..she wasn't going to deal if she wasn't allowed to discipline her. When my cousin's new GF found out..she went niece went to stay with her Gma. Gma couldn't handle her and also ..kicked her out. She then stayed with various relatives..who all asked her to leave as well.
So then my Cousin begged my sis to reconsider. Sis did..and allowed her to move back in. After 3 days realised there was only one way to try to get our niece to have respect for herself and clean up her act.
Her son had a BBQ at home with mates. Usually niece likes to parade around his friends in short-shorts doing stupid things to get attention...and sure enough, she was doing this again.. so my sis strolls out with her stained underwear on the end of a stick..holds it up in front of ALL of them and says.."hey niece? I believe this is yours? I'm through trying to teach you to clean up after yourself..learn to have respect for yourself and the house we live in or I will take pics of your horribly stained undies and I will send them to EVERY SINGLE CONTACT ON YOUR FACEBOOK!! Boys..what do you think? Is this attractive to you?"
The look on my nephew and his friends faces was awesome. The look on nieces face was priceless. All the boys looked revolted and one even made vomiting noises. Niece went running off and called her dad. Dad came over..learnt the situation and spoke to my sis - he thanked her for trying and said he wasn't going to get involved. He tried talking to his daughter, but she swore at him, and stormed off. So he left.
Niece found a boyfriend (she was 15) and moved out 3 days after that. One week later, they were both thrown out. She is now living in another state.. with yet another relative..lets see how long THAT lasts.
It is just..absolutely horrible when you have to take such drastic measures - but sometimes this is the only thing that'd work. your's is a dancer, your's is a dancer, too? Yeah...SheSloth claims to be a dancer...but I have yet to see a dancer lay on their back side as much as she does! I don't call myself a dancer, but I do dance...mostly hip hop. I dance at least an hour a day...partially coming up with new stuff for a class I teach at the gym, and partially just to burn off steam! But bottom line is, I spend more time practicing the craft than the person in the house who calls herself a dancer!
Glad you bumped this thread. I was just thinking yesterday....when did SheSloth last wash clothes? A week shy of a month! Sad thing is, last time she washed, it was only one small basket of clothing, and half of that basket was towels. So, that means there is no way in hell she is wearing anything clean right now! Yeah, she got 2 new bras, but that was a week ago, so even those have had to been worn more than twice each now. I just can't fathom these girls being so gross! Maybe it is just me, but I've been self-conscious about my hygiene since before I can remember! I took 2 showers a day when I was in athletics in school. My mom used to get after me for washing clothing more than once a week. BD23 was always the same way. Even still today, I have like 3 things of deodorant at any given in the bathroom, one in my purse, and one in my gym bag. If I've had to sweat even a little, I have to go reapply or I feel like I stink. I just don't get it with these girls!
But what if she finds a
But what if she finds a fellow skid mark boy and wants to do the bump bump with him - my SS is one of those kids, I don't think it would bother him cause I know he doesn't like to bathe or wash clothes either.
i wonder if you could put
i wonder if you could put boxes of baking soda around her room to absorb in the fridge, right?
Well, SheSloth finally did a
Well, SheSloth finally did a load of laundry yesterday...another small basket. First one in a month!!! I couldn't help but say something to DH..."How does she get away with only one small load a month? Does she really have that many pair of underwear and socks?" It got DH thinking, and he actually asked her when she came out to switch the clothing to the dryer, "You sure you washed enough undies to make it until the next time you wash?" She claims she has LOTS of undies. Even if she does have 30 pair of undies, I know she doesn't have 30 pair of socks, or at least 15 bras (if she wore each for 2 days), or 15 pair of jeans/pants (as I can forgive wearing jeans twice). Yeah...girl has a lot of clothing, but it is ALL in a pile on her floor, and she only ever washes one small basket (by small, I mean one of those 24"x24"x24" baskets). There is no way she ever washes enough to have clean clothing for a month. The smell also speaks for itself. It's just gross!