Even Tori Spelling deals with Step Hell
so im a reality junkie, and have been watching "True Tori".
This weeks episode involved her 16 year old step son, the ex-wife, and a party.
The whole time Tori was saying things like "im just the step mom, i cant say anything" and "he really needs boundaries, we have 4 other young children who are learning right from wrong that we need to think about" (this when the kid invited 90 people to a party he was only supposed to invite 30 to). Another comment was "dean tries his best to make me feel included but i know we arent one big happy family" and he at one point said "we are definitely not the brady bunch"
love her or hate her it was nice to see her realistically portraying her take on step life since every magazine we ever see about divorced/co-parenting celebrities is all puppies and rainbows.
I posted a blog about this. I
I posted a blog about this.
I love Tori!
You reap what you sow. She's
You reap what you sow. She's not someone I feel a lot of sympathy for. The father is an asshole so no wonder the kid is one too.
I'm telling just how old I
I'm telling just how old I am, but every time I see Tori Spelling I always here the chant...
Donna Martin graduates!!
HA!! Yeah, her punishment
Yeah, her punishment for that drinking incident in 12th grade was a trip to stephell!
Okay, it was the night of
Okay, it was the night of graduation from college at the end of a season. That's when I stopped watching so I was thinking it was the series finale.
It think that when Step Mom
It think that when Step Mom or Step Dad was involved in an adulterous affair that ended the kids intact family that all bets are off when it comes to treating either the adulterous Bio Parent or their adulterous partner with any respect what-so-ever. I also believe that the cuckolded former spouse has no boundaries regarding how they treat of speak of the cheater or the cheater’s partner if that partner was involved in the adulterous relationship.
I believe that Dean cheated with Tori if I am not mistaken, so all bets are off on how she or Dean are treated by his earlier brood of spawn and his X. They deserve what they get. Not only is she “just the step mom” and he only a looser POS cheater, together they are a home wrecking team of characterless losers.
Yes, I have baggage along these lines. My XW left me for her geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar daddy who she met while giving him sponge baths during her post op care rotation in her BSRN program. She was pregnant with GrandPa Sugar Daddy’s spawn when she moved out though I did not find out until she lost the pregnancy 3 most later. She did go on to brood him 2 more out of wedlock spawn before he would marry her. Laughably he left her about 10 years later when she was investigated by the Feds along with the rest of her family for embezzlement. My XMIL had been ripping off her employer for more than 30 years. Interestingly when Grandpa Sugar/Baby daddy left her she was pregnant with out of spawn #3 by her boyfriend. Like me, Grandpa Sugar/Daddy did not know she was cheating and pregnant with the product of an adulterous relationship though I have to laugh over the Karma of the monster CS that Grandpa Sugar/Baby daddy was stuck with during the divorce since he was the one she was cheating with who’s efforts stuck and got her pregnant. Apparently there were several other lovers during out 2.5 year façade of a marriage.
He was smart though. My XW was stuck with ~$2Mil in settlement when her family settled with my XMIL’s former employer. Each of them was hit for ~$2Mil. As soon as he heard that XMIL was being investigated he apparently filed immediately for divorce.
So, Tori is getting what she deserves IMHO. That Dean is apparently shopping the magic wand of fertility around the available recipients in Hollywood should be no surprise to Tori. If it is then she is as big an idiot as the tabloids make her out to be.
Conceptually I completely
Conceptually I completely agree with you. The issue is that a parent who has proven themselves completely devoid of character will never be worthy of respect and what kid will respect the rules that such a waist of skin useless parent tries to enforce? People of no character rarely raise children with have any use for them.
regardless of how a marriage
regardless of how a marriage ended, i see ZERO benefit in one parent trash talking the other parent to the child(ren).
i think in MANY instances (as clearly evidenced on this site) that women in particular are blamed for the ending of a marriage even tho the relationship didnt start until after the divorce.
there are also different kinds of cheaters (not that cheating is ever right). There are cheaters like Dean, who are serial cheaters, have a sex addiction, get bored, whatever. Those types should never be married and they should certainly never have children. then there are cheaters like Tori who were in the wrong marriage to begin with, and ended up cheating as they truly did fall in love with someone else. there are couples (albeit very rare) who cheated and ended up on lifelong marriages with the partners they cheated with. But i think that can only work when you have a cheater like Tori, not the Dean type.
Of the two (at least as seen on the show) Tori has shown what i believe true remorse about what happened with her first husband and what she did to him and their marriage. Dean i have never seen express true remorse which is pretty telling.