Need guidance dealing with manipulative Adult stepdaughters
I am new to this forum and thrilled to find this site. I am in the middle of a melt down and I don't know what to do. Both my husband and I are on our second marriage. I have two biological sons (12 & 16) and three step-daughers (25, 22 & 15.) My husband has been divorced from his ex-wife for approximately ten years. We have been married for two years and together for four years.
There is a ten year age difference between my husband and I and there is a 14 year age difference between myself and my oldest step-daughter.
My relationship with my stepdaughters, started off okay, but has since taken a major turn for the worse. There have been at least a dozen incidents where the older two step-daughters have been extremely rude to me. My husband doesn't hold them accountable and says he doesn't want to get into the middle of it. My relationship with my step-daughers continues to get worse. They were VIVIDLY clear from the beginning that I wasn't their step-mother. I was their Dad's wife and they didn't have as step-father, their biological Mom had a husband.
The incidents that continue to take place are very childlike, immature and very hurtful. They vary from stealing photos off of my walls of my home, de-friending me and my sons from Social Networking sites, Telling me off in front of large groups of people in public places, not talking to me when I talk with them, being exceptionally ungrateful when they receive gifts, and just downright rude.
My husband tells me he will do anything to fix the situation. We have started marriage counseling, however things aren't getting any better. I find myself angry about the blatent disrespect that they continue to dish out to me without any accountability. I have tried to be the better person and I don't see anything changing.
I have had countless conversations with my girlfriends about the situation. I have heard everything from they are jealous to they are just spoiled brats. My first conclusion was they were jealous and they weren't seeing their Dad enough. Both of the older step-daughters live out of state. I encouraged my husband to take trips to spend alone time with them thinking that would re-assure his daughters that I am not here to threaten their relationship, but encourage it. Nothing has changed. One of the daughers recently found out she is pregnant and I sent a few gifts via the mail and I didn't even get a thank you. I sent the gifts hoping that we would be some sort of a peace offering and didn't even get as much as a text message or e-mail acknowledging she received the gifts.
I work full time and pay about 80% of the bills. My husband still pays for both his daughter's student loans and a massive amount of child support for the youngest step daughter. My husband doesn't have enough money to pay for his fair share after he spends all his money on his girls.
I don't know if they think I am taking his money? The reality is he doesn't have any. I am really concerned that my marriage can't withstand this turmoil with this rude behavior and no one holding them accountable for their actions. I have drafted letters/e-mails to send to them about my hurt feelings, however after reading posts on this website, I don't think that is the correct way to handle this situation.
I don't enjoy being around my step daughters. I find myself quiet and withdrawn when they come over. I am normally a very positive person that is known for being upbeat and an eternal optimist. I am not a depressed person, however I am very depressed about this situation and I don't think it will ever get better. I look forward to any advice that any of you may be able to offer...
wow I think we must be
wow I think we must be related!! My sd is 18 and we she comes in my house I feel like "let the games begin". I ALWAYS get a miagraine while she is there ALWAYS. This girl thinks she is a model, and thinks we all owe her everything. I pay 100% of the bills at home, and he barely makes a 1/4 of my income. (I know that sounded witchy) I guess part of the resentment is I pay all the bills, but he sends her ALL of his money. Now she had medical bills and if they are not paid he said "I guess we will have to file bankrupcy!" Now wait a minute I have a farm and a home, MY HOME, the one I pay for and the farm I grew up on as a kid!! The girl is 18 and if anyone needs to file bankrupcy it needs to be her because she will most likely not have anything for the next 7 years any way. He is not the one that pays anything for home, so I am really hurt that #1 he would expect me to lose what I work for #2 expect me to lose a farm that has been in my family for forever #3 ruin his credit for a child that does not even care about him. I have tried, I promise, but sd is bent on destroying our marriage, and I am at the point I just want to give up. I am starting to withdrawl and going into bad depression. My children LOVE this man and he is the base of our is not my fault they got a divorce it is her mothers!!So I completely understand!
It is puzzling how to make
It is puzzling how to make it better. It keeps me up at night and I cry about it often.
Disengaging myself seems to be the only answer. I hate that my step-daughters' dislike for me is hurting their relationship with their Dad. I don't know what to do. My husband was crying today saying, my girls won't even talk to me. He won't say anything to them about how they have treated me because they won't like him then. I recently was so upset that I told him I wanted a divorce. He cried and said that it wouldn't make things better.
I love him so, however I don't want to be responsible for tearing apart his relationship with his kids. He cried and said that would only make it worse.
Has anyone in this forum done the group family counseling? Does that help?
so many the same
So sad that nearly all men are afraid to put up boundaries..
yes I would like to know about group counseling
You did not ruin his
You did not ruin his relationship with his daughter. You are just a symptom of a sickness that was all ready their before you came along. I have been blaming myself for 15 years. My husband just like yours will not and never has stood up for me. You like me are just his scapegoat. My husband is terrified of his daughter. He will not do anything to make her Mad. She holds all the power in our marriage. Look up mini wife syndrome. She can trash me, treat me like garbage, exclude me, make me invisible, it doesn’t matter. She is still Daddy’s little princess at 33 years old. It is not you.
I know right?
I so know how you feel! And yes, men are pathetic in putting boundaries especially to their little princessess. Mine also thinks his princess is just about the sun and the moon. And I am ashamed to finally acknowledge that I hate her, I hate her for taking her dad away from her younger brother, I hate her for trying to kill my marriage, I hate her for blaming everyone for everything and not taking responsibility for the stupid choices she herself made. But allas I still love her as a child that came out of a broken marriage a little girl I became a stepmom to when she was only 9. We used to have a good relationship but then she turned demon girl on me and decided she wants her dad for herself, on this group I identified the problem as mini wife syndrome. Know she even told her brother that he must leave his girlfriend because she is going to become a bitch just like me. Luckily, unlucky for my SD, me and the girlfriend have a good relationship and we are both more than willing and able to fight for our men. She wants to take them away from us so she can have them as dutifull little slaves running around for her. Please make sure your farm and house are safeguarded and yes, she can file bankruptcy on her own, do not let her take your farm and house. If I was in the position you are, I would most probably have told them both to take a hike
Your husband is the problem
Your husband is the problem and if he wants your marriage to survive, he had better understand that fully and very fast and make decisions about how he is going to let his wife be treated by his daughters. "Doesn't want to get in the middle of it?" Ridiculous! It is his passivity that is the cause of their unchecked hostility.
They are pulling some emotional blackmail on him right now and if your husband doesn't see their behaviour in a very clear light they will destroy your marriage. From what you have written these girls are jealous, envious, spiteful and ultra malicious. They don't like you, so don't waste one minute of your time trying to get them to like you. Their not liking you is not an indictment on your character. You are more than likely a great, loving person who is being abused by some vicious undisciplined chicks. Make no mistake those three girls work together behind the scenes to dream up schemes attack you any chance they get. Your husband should absolutely be letting them know their behavior will not be accepted. They don't have to like you, but they sure have to treat you with respect.
Until your DH finds the backbone to discipline his adult children, just back off completely, and let "daddy" deal with his own lovely daughters. No more gifts, no more emails, don't go anywhere they are going to be, give them nothing! Don't let him blackmail you into thinking his relationship with his daughters isn't the same because of you. Their problems are with each other...not with you! You are just being used as the punching bag.
He had better get it that your feelings matter! And, remember, your marriage has to come first. These are not little kids.
Just for the record stepmothers always have a much harder time than stepfathers.
This is excellent advice -
This is excellent advice - don't let them get to you Ann! Your DH needs to step up, HE is the only one that can fix this, NOT you. HUGS honey
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers
Yes I agree
Yes I agree many fathers try to be buddies to their kids! I have a 24 year old step daughter that I watched evolve into a self centered all about me show me the money girl! She even lied about being pregnant at Xmas and now has a 2 week year old son! So if you think they are bad on their own...wait till a grand child gets into the equation. Your husband will be totally deaf, dumb and blind to her acts!
I saw RUN!! Anyone getting into a relationship with small kids or adults are in for the horror of their lives! Especially if their spouse is so riddled with guilt he makes them becoming whinning, unaccountable adults!
Yep, I have that problem too,
Yep, I have that problem too, sick of the sights of her, just wish she would move to the other end of the Country!
heartbreking but true!
heartbreking but true!
It is amazing how parallel
It is amazing how parallel everyone's story is! I have a 33 year old Stepdaughter and I thought until last night we had gotten it together. It all started with her wanting to store a table and two chairs in our already overloaded garage that we have been trying to clean out formthe last 10 years lol. It has been a bit of a joke in the family. She called me, I am in bed with the flu, asked and for once in my life I said I would prefer not to have it in my garge. I didn't say it in a nasty tone but she slammed the phone down in me! Didn't get her way I guessed, but I was shocked at the reaction. My husband called her later to find it what gives, she started on a barrage of hateful things about me, dredging up stuff from two years ago and such. I could hear her on the phone, she was really pissed off, so unfortunately I heard everything. I'm jealous of her and her dads relationship, I'm insecure, so on, you all get the picture. I was so shocked and devasted because I thought we were in a good place but I guess not. And unfortunately, for me it's the last straw. I can not be any more giving or nice or buy things or cook for them, I just give up. It's not going to change. I am glad to hear all the other comments about husbands, mine does the same thing, it's like he is intimidated by her and like another woman said, his daughter has no idea the pain and frustration her attacks in me cause him! Yet he can't seem to stand up for me, well a little, but then she just man handles him once again! It makes me resent him, and think he's week and it makes me feel like I am the horrible step mummy! I'm not perfect, but I have literally gone out of my way (like a lot of women) to try and win her over, obviously it just won't work no matter how hard I try so I give up! I'm a very loving nice person and I am not going to sacrifice myself any more! So thanks for all the support in this forum, glad to know I am not the only one going through this, it sucks and really doesn't have to be this way! Hopefully my marriage can survive this, something has to change on the way my husband supports me or we are doomed.
Me again, my husband is
Me again, my husband is actually sending her a email in support of me, wow! I showed him these posts, he doesn't want to be spineless any more:)
I totally agree with donna123
I totally agree with donna123 here, I have just come out of a relationship because my ex refused to get involved and had no backbone and never had my back, he certainly threw me under the bus for his kids. I am so much happier now I have left him, once the little witches start, I am afraid it never gets any better. I thought he was my world, now I know different, I left him where he belongs - in the past and yes it is totally his fault.
Adult step daughter & son
I am reading these stories and it might as well be mine. Stepdaughter and stepson are either spoiled and entilted or dealing with addiction (of all kinds). Is it really in everyones best interest if I don't get involved in any way? My husband and SD tell me one thing and then make secret agreements behind my back...and do what they want, their way. I've considered sitting down with both of them and telling them that I am on to this little game of theirs. Is this a bad idea? I'm at a complete loss and have lost all trust in my husband right now. (I love this man....but can't live for the rest of my life in deception).
Fully agree. He can't just
Fully agree. He can't just ignore what's going on. At the very least, he needs to be paying 50% of the bills for his own family which obviously he can do if he backs off on giving them gifts and paying their loans, etc. You are, in fact, subsidizing people who treat you with contempt at best.
I'm a bit in the same boat. My son-in-law treated my husband terribly and I can't in any way foresee allowing him in my home until he remedies that, even if my daughter doesn't like it.
They're right, your dh is
They're right, your dh is the issue. He said , doesnt' want to get in the middle of it. BS! He needs to get in the middle of it and say" ok, she's not your stepmom but she's MY WIFE. Dotn come near me again or mouth off to her in any way or you'll be cut off from my life all together'
My dh has this attitude now with his daughter. He's been telling her off in cycles now for the last year. Basically telling her if she can't respect him to basically not come near him at all and he doesn't even want to hear from her.
Is it cruel. Yah, its sad, but remember they as individuals are acting this way, they as individuals CHOOSE to behave like pigs. My dh know better than to touch anything in my house, or remove any pics....cause her father would rip her!
i woudl advise you:
1. Do not make any contact anymore.
2. Do not send any gifts. NOTHING
3. At social events, do not talk to them
4. If they insult you in front of groups, turn about and tell them to leave you alone and in public tell them i'm tired of your abuse to me. You have serious psychological issues.
5. speak with your husband, the 2 older stepdaughter are nto allowed in your house. He gets to meet them outside from now one.
Your husband needs to grow a pair and stop spending any money on his girls. only the one who lives with you.
How is the 15 year old with you????
You are 200% correct!!!
Hi I just wanted to thank you for this post. I myself have 2 step kids. A SS and SD, bith young adults, but old enough to know better. After tons of disrespect, verbal abuse and having my wedding vows trashed, neither one of them are allowed in my home. They have access to their dad, but not in my home. If they want to see him or vise versa they can go sit at a restaurant or park. Im gratefulthat he agrees with me. I know it was hard for him at first but now after the verbal abuse has been directed at him, he's on board. They are both blocked on my phone and i have chosen to stay completely away from them. They are horrible horrible people who were raised with bith a Mom and Dad and they both dropped the ball.
StepAside nailed it, as
StepAside nailed it, as usual. Those of us in the unfortunate situation of having to deal with with aggressive adult SDs have had such similar experiences of survival--it's really uncanny.
First, YOU are not the problem. Like us, you are probably a good person who expects that kindness is rewarded with kindness. I bet the hostility you receive from your acts of kindness (gifts, etc.) is confusing, right? You may think that continuing to be kind to your SDs will turn them around. Wrong.
Oh, I suppose miracles can always happen, but the reality is that they look upon your kindness as weakness and stupidity. They mock you. So, like StepAside and others have said above, STOP the gifts, cards, etc. It's a waste of time to continue spending your goodwill and energy on people who despise you for no good reason.
I often think to myself--what would I do if these angry SD creatures were not related to my DH? I would RUN from these kind of people--that's what I would do! No person should ever be allowed to treat you with disrespect, steal from your home, and make you feel like crap. I'm sorry if they are related to your DH, but life is too short to deal with such negativity.
Surround yourself with the people who love and cherish you, and ditch the people who suck and try to make your life miserable. You can't make this situation better without DHs help, and it sounds like he won't (or can't) take responsibility. So free yourself.
HIS brats, HIS problem. YOUR life, YOUR happiness!
WOW! Big hugs, lots of
Big hugs, lots of love to all of you. Last night when I found this site, joined and posted I never dreamed that I would find the love and comaradarie that I have found here. THANK you all so much for "listening" and "hearing" my concerns.
It is so comforting to know that if I am crazy, I am not alone. haha.. (big laugh)
I really have been going nuts. It is so comforting to know that there are so many others going through what I am going through and their marriages have survived. My DH keeps telling me, they are not bad kids. I told him that I see that they treat other people differently than they treat me.
Based on the incredible advice that I have received from Mustang1,Humbersidegal, Donna123, Most Evil,Angel 72, goforit, Stepaside, & Sarah101 I will make some major changes and stop being the victim.
I am so excited about this forum and the support that it provides. I look forward to sharing stories and eventually getting to a place in my life where I may help others with their SD crisis'.
Again-lots of love and thanks to each of you for taking the time to post back and share your thoughts, advice and love...Ann is still sad...but feeling hopeful!
Hey, I can understand the
Hey, I can understand the fear that might perpetuate being victimized by DHs adult daughters. For years I played the "kill them with kindness" game with the adult SDs and went out of my way because I knew that DH so desperately wanted us all to get along. When I finally had enough of their abuse (and started writing my thoughts on this board), I disengaged from the whole situation.
I am an intelligent, educated woman with fine friends, a loving, NORMAL teenage BD, and a great reputation. Why, oh WHY had I waited so long to declare Game Over with these awful women?
Bottom line: I was afraid that DH would immediately side with his SDs and dump me. I was afraid of Divorce #2. When I disengaged from the SDs, I became a "bitch." The response was immediate and shrill. (See Dad? Sarah HATES US! We told you she was strange. SHE doesn't want our family to be together. SHE is pulling you away from us! SHE is breaking up our family!).
To stay strong, I had to lose the fear that DH would dump me. Perhaps because I took the crap for so long, at the point of disengagement I really didn't care anymore. I figured that any man who perpetuated a situation where his wife was disrespected and abused was not the man for me.
It took months, but DH has now come to terms with my decision to be free. He is free too--I encourage him to visit his precious daughters as much as he wants. DH can spend all his money on them too--after he pays half the household expenses, that is. We now have seperate accounts. When I see the SDs at family functions, I always smile and say hello--and they turn around and ignore me. DHs relatives have commented on this behavior, but I politely change the subject.
Hmmmm..the tables sure have turned!
I like how you see things
I like how you see things differently. I appreciate you putting it in words that I couldn't form. I never wanted to join THEIR family...and they waged the war.
My skids weren't adults when
My skids weren't adults when I came into their lives, but I had a similar experience with my DH. I kept begging and pleading and crying...asking to be considered, to have my needs considered, too, when he was making plans about the kids. Was always lectured about the fact that he was a DAD and sometimes had to be free to just DO STUFF for his KIDS (with my money...) and I couldn't possibly understand what it was like.
I will say...he was and is a very good dad. He had a Disney period of a couple years early on but, since, has expected stuff and had rules and boundaries...and all three kids have launched or have a launch plan / college plan. However, early on when he was coddling and spoiling them, it was unbearable.
After much begging and pleading, and worrying that if I just did my own thing DH would dump me...I was just too miserable. I actually just started leaving...getting a Priceline deal and enjoying my alone time anytime he decided to extend visitation without asking me...anytime he said they could have a million friends over to spend the night without asking or even informing me...etc. Didn't whine. Didn't make sarcastic, cutting remarks. Just packed a bag and told him to enjoy his visitation with his kids.
Took very few times of doing that for DH to get much better about keeping me in the loop. Now, our communication is much better, kids are all grown or nearly-grown...and DH makes it clear all the time that 'we' are the primary family and his kids are second to that.
But nothing changed by me trying to get my DH to see that what he was doing was wrong or trying to get him to agree with me and how I saw things...which is how I started. I just wanted him to understand how badly he was hurting and frustrating me...agree with how I saw the situation and maybe apologize. It wasn't until I took my happiness into my own hands that he responded.
Sarah, Thank you for posting
Thank you for posting your experience. I did indeed come to terms with if DH is not okay with me disengaging with his girls, and wanted a divorce, that is something I was going to have to accept.
Wish me luck. I have had the conversation with DH about how I am going to handle the SD and my expectations on the finances. He is very upset right now and I am praying for positive change.
I keep asking myself, why is it out of the hundreds of people that I have relationships with, why is it just his girls that have these issues with me? I have over analyzed the situation countless times and I keep coming back to it is them and I can't change them.
I am sure happy about meeting my new internet friends. I can't tell you how much you guys have helped me. I will keep you posted.
And, the bottom line, so
And, the bottom line, so I've learned....
is that H isn't going ANYWHERE regarding a divorce. Despite all the "We have to talk..." circumstances regarding the "girls" where I'd be shaking in my shoes wondering what I did "wrong" this time, "daddy" is still HERE and his "girls" have totally backed off.
Take YOUR POWER back; it's like the monster in the closet. At some point you have to tell it it doesn't scare you anymore. In my case, H had 2 choices: a. continue to fight with me over his girlies, which I refuse to do anymore, or b. divorce me and go live happily ever after with his girlies.
So far, so good, but C. works best. You do "your thing" with them, I'll do "my thing" when they're here. It's allowed me to strengthen my OWN friendships/family relationships instead of giving all of my "power" to pleasing them. As we've all stated, we could have wings and a halo, and they would still bitch and moan. Not my problem!!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
Glad to hear you brought up
Glad to hear you brought up the finances, Ann.
I was going to ask...what was he doing before you came along? And is your DH paying loans that his girls took out for THEIR education...or is he paying a parent loan that he took out?
If he's paying their loans, he needs to stop immediately. If they can't afford the payments, they can call and get the payments reduced based on their income or even get into forbearance for a while. There are so many repayment programs...why should you be subsidizing HIS household bills so his daughers' loans get paid back? That's just absurd all around.
Glad to hear you brought up
Glad to hear you brought up the finances, Ann.
I was going to ask...what was he doing before you came along? And is your DH paying loans that his girls took out for THEIR education...or is he paying a parent loan that he took out?
If he's paying their loans, he needs to stop immediately. If they can't afford the payments, they can call and get the payments reduced based on their income or even get into forbearance for a while. There are so many repayment programs...why should you be subsidizing HIS household bills so his daughers' loans get paid back? That's just absurd all around.
Ann-StepAside is so right
Ann-StepAside is so right on. This situation would be happening with ANYONE who married your DH. The issue is not you, it's your family position as your DHs wife. He could have married a toad, and his adult daughters would have played the same hate games with the toad.
It took me a while to realize that my DHs daughters would have hated anyone he married, and in this unfortunate case, it was me they hated on. Because DHs first marriage to Mrs. Bipolar was so screwed up, the one thing his daughters learned to do well was to hate because there wasn't a lot of love in their lives. Now they are professional haters and they blame the world (or me, or anyone, or the next person they meet, or even you!) for their bad relationships.
And your DH will get over it. You are not asking him to change his relationships with his daughters--in fact, he can become even closer to them without you! They can have more exclusive Daddy Time and Daddy Attention without you. What daughter wouldn't want that?
I was surprised that my DH was most upset by the prospect of being alone with his adult daughters--without me at his side. I thought I was giving him a gift by backing off, but I guess he thought he needed me to deflect their rage. When I was no longer in the picture their rage was aimed right at him, and he learned very quickly what they were all about.
I had to jump in on this
I had to jump in on this one. Everyone has made some excellent points here, but this one by StepAside really hit home - "However, I do think that once these men realize that they have created monsters who lack skills necessary to have peaceful, attractive personalities and who will constantly struggle in life because they have unrealistic expectations of others and very little to offer, they can start to change. They are setting their precious children up for misery."
My SD is 26 and lives with me and her dad. We've been married almost 2 years. In the past, her dad has spoken to her on more than one occasion about her rude behavior to me, her laziness regarding chores, and disrepect for him as well. At this point, I really don't give a rats ass about her, how she feels about me, etc. It's all about how I feel.
Recently my mother echoed StepAside's words "he's created a monster." Her dad has created a coddled woman child with entitltlment issues, who has no personality (had problems with bosses on her last job and even though she's highly educated, the phone isn't ringing), spends most of her time with in a sullen state, and is also bulimic (I've addressed this issue with her and dad, but no one is taking it seriously).
The bottom line is that she's aleady miserable! And I'll be damned if I allow her to make me miserable too!
Sarah-I encouraged my DH to
Sarah-I encouraged my DH to spend alone time with them this past year. Recommending that he travel to their residences out of state to spend one on one time with them. I thought this would assure the SD's I am not trying to steal all their Daddy's time. That didn't seem to make a difference either. They are not rude to my DH at all.
StepAside-I find it wierd that the common theme within this group is that we have loving and caring husbands with out of control kids. It amazes me that the chidren of such good people can turn out so differently. My DH divorced my SD BM well over 10 years ago. Since they were ages 15 and 12 he only had every other weekend visitation. I guess not having the day to day influence makes a huge difference. You are DH has told me time and time again how mean and cold their BM is. I guess they have the bit bull factor of influence.
My DH has also told me in the past that since he rarely gets to see them as it is, he doesn't want to push them away anymore. Is that what you guys have experienced?
The good news is that after talking to my DH, he has told me he is going to give the girls a piece of his mind. He promised to tell them that they either respect me or he is done with them.
Thanks to all your support here, I feel like a MAJOR load has been lifted off of my shoulders. I am excited to see what happens next.
My DH told me horror stories
My DH told me horror stories about his EX, my SD36 behaves just like husband described his EX which is why he finally walked away. It is obvious SD36 didn't fall far from the tree. She's insecure and has the emotional intelligence of a 12 years old; arrested development. I have tried, but it's become obvious nothing I do will ever make her happy.
My DH told me horror stories
My DH told me horror stories about his EX, my SD36 behaves just like husband described his EX which is why he finally walked away. It is obvious SD36 didn't fall far from the tree. She's insecure and has the emotional intelligence of a 12 years old; arrested development. I have tried, but it's become obvious nothing I do will ever make her happy.
I love the lioness/cub
I love the lioness/cub analogy. My DH has been away on business since we had our "talk." He comes home tonight. I am anxious to see what he has to say about his discussions with SS25 and SS22.
I also like the jellyfish on the sidelines analogy...hilarious and SO true. I can't help but think that if the jellyfish would have at least stung his girls when they were initally so rude it wouldn't have escalated to this level.
You ladies rock and have helped me more than you can ever imagine. THANK YOU!
I also like the jellyfish
I also like the jellyfish analogy. It's both funny and true.
I think most of us are on this site because we either have a crazy BM, a spineless DH, or both. Skids become problems because of this.
You've taken a stand, and there WILL be backlash so gird your loins. Remember, men just want to be comfortable. They are often conflict avoidant in their personal lives and don't much care that we're being mistreated as long as they aren't in the line of fire. It's a sweet deal for them. I myself spent years being frustrated and hurt by my SD, but it wasn't until I removed myself from the equation that things changed. Without me being his human shield, my DH got the full monty from his disordered daughter and within months cut her from his life. Your DH needs to experience discomfort, be it financial and/or emotional, in order to effect change. Be strong & take care of you!
Yep. 100% I posted above,
Yep. 100%
I posted above, but removing yourself entirely from the situation is one of the best things you can do. And by that...I mean, don't even be an emotional support / someone to 'bounce ideas off' when it comes to his kids. When I removed myself (literally...I would get a hotel room when his kids came over...not every time, but when it was too much), my DH then tried to tell me stories about what they did, what they said, talk to me about them. Um...dude. I left specifically so I would miss all that.
I also started insisting on certain things around the house. For instance, having an office and giving YSD the basement room instead. Or, when we were first married, OSD would often run out to the car and nab the front seat. The first time it happened, I laughed and told her she'd rushed out for nothing because I was going, too, so I was sitting in the front. My DH didn't make her move! Said: "Aw. She's already sitting there and everything..." I was so shocked, that I dutifully climbed into the back with the other two kids and felt so angry and resentful...and also just amazed. When I was a kid, I would never, ever have even thought about taking the front seat if there were TWO adults going on the trip...I just felt like it was a little window into how they all viewed me in the relationship.
Anyway...this went on a couple more times, with OSD grabbing the front seat. One day, we were all going out for a Sunday lunch together. I was last to get ready...everyone was in the car. I walked outside, saw OSD sitting like a princess in the front seat, and then walked right back inside, took off my coat, and started making myself a cup of tea. DH texted me to ask what was wrong...why I wasn't coming out. I sent a text back: "Either I sit up front as your wife, or you can take your kids out as a single dad today." A couple minutes later he texted: "Fixed it. Won't happen again. Please come with me."
The thing I discovered...which you might discover, too, is that DH was actually terrified of not having me there. Removing myself from things I didn't want to do became very powerful...not as a manipulation tool by any means. But just saying...the situation has to be considerate to me, too, or I won't do it. Just like you would in any other relationship, frankly. You wouldn't sign up for abuse from your friends or from the children of your why do that for your partner's kids? Go do something you like, instead.
So what do you do when you
So what do you do when you think they may finally get our of your life and the SD has a magical baby out of the blue? I foresee the repeat of the last 20 years and really don't know if I can go through the same shit again!
What if they stay overnight?
What if they stay overnight?
I have a couple of dogs that are fine with kids but one that is elderly and its like my husband says the dog has to get use to the baby. I told him NO the dog is old and you need to go over there if you're going to babysit!
I'm glad I found this
I'm glad I found this discussion. It's an old one but good. I read all the comments. It gave me relief on this whole adult sd thingy. He keeps suggesting we get married and his daughter hates me. And lately it's been so stressful with his ex wife, miss living in the past crappy self
So much crap and not tall enough boots
It can be so overwhelming.
Sick of being stuck in the middle and having mud slung on me.
Skeeter, I hope and pray he
Skeeter, I hope and pray he will stand up for you, do what is necessary to mend this. This is where it stops. With him. Hang in there.
Skeeter, Your husband must be
Your husband must be in his late 70s if he has a daughter that is 55? Maybe even 80? To call the sheriff on him and have him escorted out of your home, when he has health issues.........was he violent? I would be afraid he would have a heart attack.
You've been married for 35 years, I don't think you realize how hard it's going to be to start over at your age, giving up your home, going back to work (if anyone is willing to hire an older person). And I'm saying this as one senior (I'm 59) to another.
You said you want to save your marriage and you still love him. Apologize to him, for that day of craziness and lack of good judgement. I know he doesn't deserve it, who does deserve forgiveness? Drop the court proceedings and enroll in DivorceCare, which teaches reconciliation. The only cost is that of a workbook ($10)? and you get a trained counselor at no charge. The first step in reconciliation is to admit your role in it.
I've appreciated your perspective on this MB and wish you all the best. That is my advice, from an outsiders perspective.
Sorry TwirlMS, but I don't
Sorry TwirlMS, but I don't agree with you. Skeeter's DH was verbally abusing her. The verbal abuse must have been bad enough for the police to escort him to SD's house. No one should have to put up with that no matter the age. If any apology is needed for a day of craziness it should come from DH. He threatened to leave because Skeeter would not cater to his daughter who was an a$$ to Skeeter. Skeeter merely took him up on his threat and stood her ground as far as being around nasty SD. I can't image living the last years of your life under such conditions.
Until I found this forum, I
Until I found this forum, I thought I was losing my mind! I have been married to my 2d H for 2 1/2 years, and my kids (D15 and S12) love him. He has a D24 (from his 1st marriage) and a S16 (from a "relationship"). D24 is wonderful and I refer to her as my bonus daughter. I even have a very good relationship with her mother. S16, however, is a nightmare. He didn't start out that way, although he has always been a little strange. I had heard nightmare stories about his mother(the "relationship")from all of H's family: manipulative, bullying, crazy, evil, bipolar, etc., but as long as I didn't have to deal with her, it didn't matter much to me. Last year, I found out that she was chasing around after H, and when I asked H about it, he admitted that she had been, but that he was just ignoring it, to keep the peace. After months of it, I lost my temper and texted her, telling her that she was SS's mom, but I am H's wife. She lost it on me! Said that she was there before me and would be there when I was gone. The texts we exchanged escalated, until I finally told her the truth about what the family thought of her. That was when she decided to drag SS into it. Ever since then (a year ago), she and SS have harassed, called names, threatened, etc. both H and me. After a few months of trying, she gave up and went back to pretending that I didn't exist (thankfully), but continued to harass H about me, still calling me names, etc. SS, however, continued to come after both of us, until finally, after a year of trying to forgive and forget, I had to block him. All of this stress has made my once-happy-go-lucky H very depressed, and he is beginning to take it out on my S12. He can't do anything right, and he is now getting depressed and hides from H (D15 does too, for that matter). We have started counseling, but it all boils down to this, H allowed this monster to be created by allowing SS's mom to chase him unfettered, then (finally) cut her off and ignores her completely, which sent her ballistic, thus bringing in SS, and now, because he won't stand up to SS, SS thinks he can say/do anything he wants to us and get away with it. If he'd had some balls with the nutbag from the beginning, SS might be a different person, and we wouldn't be going through all of this mess. It just goes to show, the apple doesn't fall far from the mother tree!
Yes it is very difficult when
Yes it is very difficult when the Skids do not like the Step parent. The majority of us have all been there. My recommendation is to disengage. You stated the oldest SD's live out of state...SO why do you have to interact with them EVER??? Stop trying to force a relationship with people who clearly have NO Respect for you. Yes DH needs to step up and stop any disrespect that his children show to you or ANY adult for that matter. However, you need to let the idea of a big happy family GO and forget these kids exist. Its not like you have to deal with them EOW or even ever if you don't want. If DH wants to go visit, by all means, let him. You don't have to go. If DH wants to see them when they come into town, let him see them elsewhere without you. Fact is, you are a grown woman who does not have to associate with anyone who mistreats you.
Don't buy the grandkids gifts if you are offended that you don't get thank you cards. Don't call, text or send letters. Just act as if they are no longer a factor in your life. If DH has an issue with it then tell him he should have stepped in when they were disrespecful. Since he CHOSE not to, you are CHOOSING not to be a factor in their lives.
There are SEVERAL of us on here who would love for our SK's to live in another state and not have to deal with the daily, weekly drama.
Don't tell the steps how you
Don't tell the steps how you feel. It will only make them feel satisfied. What does the counselor say to your husband?
This is definitely what I
This is definitely what I needed tonight. I have an evil SD who has continuously hurt mine and my husbands feelings and broken our hearts over the last 13 years. It started out rough when I first came into the picture as her fathers significant other, she was a teenager....15 maybe, but we eventually made it through. She gave us grandchildren, but then takes them away from us for months even years at a time. SHE chose to call me "Mom", but behind my back I was Dee. I thought we had a good relationship.... and one day she flipped, took the grandbabies and left. Months later she comes back to apologize. She is forgiven. We have a good relationship again. Her and the grandbabies eventually moved in with us because the relationship she was in was abusive (according to her). I was learning that she lied and manipulated EVERYONE around her. She would keep everyone around her from interacting with another by lying to them about the others, lies that encouraged dislike of the others. This way she could keep lying to every one of us and none of us would be the wiser. She got busted by us in a lie. We had a bad falling out. This created a real weak point in my marriage, because my husband seemed to be siding with her. I threw hers and the kids belongings out on the lawn when she decided to move out and back in with the abusive ex boyfriend. Eventually we heard she moved out on her own and was doing well. Somehow we reconnected again. She had met a new man. We helped her move in with him. Things went okay for awhile and again over something insanely small, she flipped and left our lives with the grandbabies AGAIN!!!!! Im done! My husband is done!!!! Its been about a year and a half now and we have found out she is getting married. Her and her new boyfriend have invited my husband over for the holidays that have come and gone (Im not included)and I was proud of him that he declined, telling her that she needed to fix things with this family and make things right before he will consider holidays with her and her family. Well, today we received an invitation to her wedding and it was strictly addressed to my husband. Even the response card was specific to him. It makes me angry that she constantly is trying to hurt me and come between me and her father. I have gotten to hatred with this girl and there's no chance in hell of her ever coming back into my life. I will never trust her ever again. My husband kept the invitation instead of throwing it away and that kind of hurt my feelings. Then tonight after I express my anger about this blatant disrespect, he tells me that I need to "rise above" . I got ripped because I don't want to rise above anymore. I want to hurt her like she is hurting me. I am so grateful I found this site though because I just read and kept on reading these posts and felt better and better as I went. I am going to rise above. She doesn't talk to me. I don't talk to her. Her father doesn't talk to her. We have three very loving daughters (1 of which is in the wedding) and 7 other grandchildren to dote on. We are completely fine without her in our lives. I am praying that after the wedding we wont hear anything about her again.....and we can live happily ever
I'm so relieved to find this
I'm so relieved to find this forum, I feel like I'm going mad sometimes ( my DH certainly likes to tell me I am) we have been married two years I have three grown up sons he has one grown up daughter who is 24 and a princess. When we met he was separated from his wife of 20 years who had left him they were both devastated the SD didn't have to work and daddy gave her everything when I met her she sat on his lap told me that she hopes I can't have children as she's the only one in his life and kissed him then swore and ran in the house and he followed her I should have left then but I didn't I tried to understand how hard it must be to be her as time progressed I found out that sometimes she would sleep in his bed with him and walk around naked in front of him he said this was normal as they are close she moved to Essex to become a glamour model and he moved in with me my sons and family welcomed him with open arms he used to stay with her one weekend out of month and sleep in her bed with her again all normal in his eyes when I said I was uncomfortable he went mad but did start sleeping on blown up bed any how time has gone on she is ok to me when it suits but they text each other and speak constantly and it's always about loving and missing each other it's always so secretive he treats her so differently than my boys who are hard working and respectful to him she gets what ever she wants and doesn't have to work got a lovely detached cottage a new car and six dogs she is now getting married we are paying for the wedding she only invited two of my sons as I had a row with one and told her about it I don't want to go to wedding all my sons aren't invited my husband went mad and it nearly split us up my SD has fallen out with her mothers partner as he could not take the spoilt princess any more my SD has fallen out with her finances mother as well when we have spent time together my husband is all over her and forgets I'm there he just bought her a new TV and when I said shouldn't we discuss this he told me to mind my own business and he can do what he wants with his daughter my sister has had a baby whom I adore and I can see my DH get jealous when I show him pics he even said when his daughter has a baby he will get that baby to beat up my sisters baby all unde guise of joking he hates the fact that I want to be close to my family and often sulks if I organise get togethers I feel he just wants me and his daughter all to himself I feel like she is the other woman there is so much more I could put on here I'm not jealous I actively encourage him to go to her my family unit is suffering as I don't get us together his daughter never wants to come to anything I organise I wlways invite her she says yes then talks to her dad then tells him no I'm at wits end like I said I could go on and on I just wanted one big happy family but I honestly think my DH thinks they're to God for us HELP
Get rid of DH. He is using
Get rid of DH. He is using you, and he is VERY sick. Your feeling of being uncomfortable with what is obviously incest is completely justified. Tell him you are turning him into the authorities and see what his reaction is. Again -- GET RID of him!
Think I need to add SD now
Think I need to add SD now lives close and works for her father part time gets paid loads and they see eachother whenever they want
Maximus. This will NEVER
Maximus. This will NEVER change. Don't wait 20 years like I did. It sounds like you have yourself a narcissist DH and probably his daughter too. See if you can find some of my threads. I'm here to talk if you need to.
My Heart breaks when I sit
My Heart breaks when I sit quietly and watch my H.cringe as his 29year old daughter disciplines him through digital abuse. Texting.
Her latest outburst was accusing her father of not going out of his way for her and her 3 girls.That he never defends her. But, has enough time on his hands to come to Canada and spend all of his time with her controlling and manipulative wife..Then she ads things of the pass with him and ex wife and reiterates passed events of her reasons for her outbursts and Justifies. Her projection of used terminology raises other issues. She then ends her outburst with threats. He won't ever see his grand girls and her again.
A little history, my H.was married to her mother where there was abuse apparently all the time. My husband had 2 jobs to attempt to keep his family above water. Into, there 16th year of marriage she evicted the father and daughter out the house,which they owned. The father and daughter moved in together for years. He was now supporting his daughter, wife and two boys. Through a very messy divorce the father losses everything.
He states the kids only call him when they need something. He works ot,picks up jobs here and there to keep paying for his last sons education now in college.
I always thought things were good with the daughter and I. Her last rant involved my two children who loves H. to death. They find it repulsive and disrespectful. He and I see my adult children maybe three times a year, why, because they live in canada.
Yes, my husband is the problem, he hates confrontations, he has a passive attitude.
So, to end this conversation he the very next day found time and visited. She played the cold shoulder...Go Figure.
My Heart breaks when I sit
My Heart breaks when I sit quietly and watch my H.cringe as his 29year old daughter disciplines him through digital abuse. Texting.
Her latest outburst was accusing her father of not going out of his way for her and her 3 girls.That he never defends her. But, has enough time on his hands to come to Canada and spend all of his time with her controlling and manipulative wife..Then she ads things of the pass with him and ex wife and reiterates passed events of her reasons for her outbursts and Justifies. Her projection of used terminology raises other issues. She then ends her outburst with threats. He won't ever see his grand girls and her again.
A little history, my H.was married to her mother where there was abuse apparently all the time. My husband had 2 jobs to attempt to keep his family above water. Into, there 16th year of marriage she evicted the father and daughter out the house,which they owned. The father and daughter moved in together for years. He was now supporting his daughter, wife and two boys. Through a very messy divorce the father losses everything.
He states the kids only call him when they need something. He works ot,picks up jobs here and there to keep paying for his last sons education now in college.
I always thought things were good with the daughter and I. Her last rant involved my two children who loves H. to death. They find it repulsive and disrespectful. He and I see my adult children maybe three times a year, why, because they live in canada.
Yes, my husband is the problem, he hates confrontations, he has a passive attitude.
So, to end this conversation he the very next day found time and visited. She played the cold shoulder...Go Figure.
I have been with my husband
I have been with my husband for 27 years. He had full custody of his 2 sons when I met them, ages then 5 & 7. Your troubles are all too familiar for me. My husband seemed to want to put is time into his interests and wanted me to deal with the children but there was little support for my decisions and efforts. He wanted to keep his good face and played the position as passive, not wanting to get involved like your husband but that is a BIG problem. I think it is good to be involved but if your husband won't step to the daddy plate when you are being treated with disrespect he is setting you up for further treatment of the same. In unsaid words he is telling his children they can treat you this way because he is not stepping in to support you.
My thoughts as far as being called your husband's wife rather than stepmom....find a way that this does not bother you.
Very new to this forum. I am
Very new to this forum. I am shocked to hear all of these stories that relate to exactly what I am dealing with! I've been struggling with the SD's for more than a couple of years and the past two have been over the top!
Well, I finally put my foot down ... but why am I feeling like crap about it!!?? I'm sure it's because I would rather just keep the peace but I'm loosing my sanity.
Where to start....My
Cootiek, perhaps you should
Cootiek, perhaps you should have started a new thread, you may have received more replies rather than tagging onto an old thread.
I do feel for you, and my advice is probably not what you want to hear, but here goes :
IMO this relationship should have progressed beyond dating by now , it's been 3 years ! I imagine due to the complicated dysfunctional relationships he has with his daughters, it is unlikely he is going to have a healthy relationship with anyone. Whilst it is hard right now for you , trust me in the long term you will be better of. Don't grieve for this man too long, start dating again and find someone who will treat you as the love of his life. This man, I'm sorry to say, treats you very poorly. Stay Away.
Hi: It's uncanny how similar
Hi: It's uncanny how similar all of our experiences are. My SD who is now 34 yrs. is a very strong personality and for the last 20 years I have been walking on egg shells in a major way. People have commented that she's very immature for her age and unfortunately quite spoiled. Anyway, I could list some of the incidences of disrespect but that would be a lot of work - not to mention take up too much of my time. The last incident just had me shaking my head. Just couldm't believe it! I was going up to visit her and the step grand-children on the bus (some distance away). Her Dad told her I was bringing up my new CPAP machine (for sleep apnea) and would need to buy some distilled water on arrival at her place (she's on well water). She was convinced I wanted distilled water because I didn't think Denman Island and the well water were "good enough for me". When I arrived I explained that my insurance company paid for most of the CPAP machine but If I were to damage the machine I would have to pay $2,000.00 out of my own pocket. I nicely told her that it would be better to be safe than sorry and get the distilled water (which I paid for). So we got to the store, I bought the water and some groceries and she put all of this in the back of the truck. Later that night I asked her where the water was and she couldn't find it. I searched in the truck and all over the house. No BIG bottle of water. Hmmmm! I won't be getting too involved anymore. No more trips, no bending myself out of shape anymore! Sayonara!
OMG I'm so happy to have
OMG I'm so happy to have found this. I've been seriously thinking to myself - is this worth it.
I'm engaged, going to be married in 6 months to my soul mate. The problem, his kids - not all of them, just one. His two youngest (Daughter - 7 and son -12) are good. We're good, they are respectful and I enjoy spending time with them.
The oldest (daughter - 14) is the devil.
Complains that I bought her pants and only her mom buys her pants - because I buy things from thrift stores and she doesn't wear "gross" used clothing. Doesn't want her dad to tell me anything... why because she has been sexting men and getting penis pics sent to her - it had to be reported to the police. She did it three separate times. Then her mom got her a cell and she started texting her cousins 24 year old husband and it turned into a relationship with him. She randomly calls her father to tell him he's ruined her life. She even lied to the police and said her dad abused her so she could keep her siblings away from him for 9 months.
She is literally evil at 14. And I can't stand her. I don't want to be around her - ever. The eye rolling and deep sighing and refusal to follow the house rules - I don't know if I can take it. He's my soul mate and I love him so much when we don't have the kids. But when we do... he says she's still his kid and he has to be the good dad. I think she should be put in military school. He just agrees with me and does nothing. Idk if I can do this...
Hi Island, sounds like you've
Hi Island, sounds like you've come to the right place! Since this thread is 7 years old, a lot of people might not read your post. I would recommend posting a new thread. Your situation, with the acting out teenager with heavy sighs from the doom of dad's other woman around, and the father who thinks he is being good a dad but really isn't parenting his kid, is pretty common. Since you're not married yet you definitely want advice on what your future looks like before moving have a long road ahead of you based on the kids ages.
Thanks lamb! I will start a
Thanks lamb! I will start a new thread to see what everyone thinks!
My DH says the same thing, he
My DH says the same thing, he doesn't want to get in the middle of it. I'm going to let things cool down, and the next time SD (36 years old) is mentioned calmly explain to him that he has to be in the middle because that's where she put him. I've tried so hard to be inclusive, but no more. This site has helped me see I owe her nothing. Her father is irritated with her, and allows the emotional blackmail. He needs to realize he's not her possession and we both deserve respect.
I couldn't imagine having three conniving against me. Good luck
My DH says the same thing, he
My DH says the same thing, he doesn't want to get in the middle of it. I'm going to let things cool down, and the next time SD (36 years old) is mentioned calmly explain to him that he has to be in the middle because that's where she put him. I've tried so hard to be inclusive, but no more. This site has helped me see I owe her nothing. Her father is irritated with her, and allows the emotional blackmail. He needs to realize he's not her possession and we both deserve respect.
I couldn't imagine having three conniving against me. Good luck
He is in the middle because
He is in the middle because he is the one with the daughter and the wife. Would you be hanging out with SD36 if you had not met him?
The best thing to do is simply remove yourself from their relationship. Men respond to actions much better than words. I had asked my DH who was the one who put him in the middle. While he KNEW who was putting him in the middle, that didn't matter. He is too passive and uncomfortable telling an adult daughter to straighten up her behavior. Tell him everyone is an adult, you support him having a relationship with his daughter but you don't need to be involved. There's a good chance she will have a meltdown because she no longer has influence on your life or your marriage, and that you didn't go away. But that also isn't the will value the peace from not having to deal with SD.
you have every right to be
you have every right to be upset. that is just ridiculous. I know how you feel. I just posted and got a ton of replies about my bf's daughter not letting me sit with him at her wedding recently. you have been with him long enough and married to be considered a part of the family. seeing from your post, I guess it will never get better in my situation. ugh sad.
if you and your husband talked about the pictures and he just completely ignored this conversation at the actual wedding, I would be seriously hurt. I'm sorry this happened to you. there is no excuse.
my bf's daughter (who blocked me on social media also for no reason other than to be hateful) - tagged him in a picture of their family with his ex on his fb page. lovely. it's never ending.
Its now been 12 years dealing
Its now been 12 years dealing with lies, manipulation, and using. My step daughter will go so far out of her way to hurt me it is just crazy. Over the years Ive tried everything. She will ignore her dad to just hurt him. She will post things on social sites just to hurt him. She seems to despise our daughter and is just mean. She lies all the time, she talks about us behind our backs, she is so fake and so mean and I have always taken the highroad, until the other night. She had us spend a good deal of money to fix up our downstairs apartment so she could be closer to her work, and me of course thought it would be a good way to become close. Boy was I wrong, of course she just took advantage, letting her friends party and use our home for their crash pad and then when the fun was over and the mess was left she disappeared and never said anything to us, she would show up to grab something and ran out as fast as possible, then the other night shows up at like 10 pm to move furniture months later. Well that was it, I snapped! I told her I was done she will not use, lie or manipulate me anymore! She is grown and I'm done! If my husband wants to continue being disrespected so be it! Ive told him don't ask me anymore what to do or what I think unless he is prepared to hear the truth. I have bent over backwards for her for so many years and I have countless stories about her bad treatment of me. I will love her til my dying day...But how can anyone expect anyone to like someone that has treated you so bad for so long!
I suffer from endometriosis,
I suffer from endometriosis, ovarian cancer, I'm 30, and have been married for 4 years. I have a daughter of my own who is 11, three stepdaughters, one that is 12,16,and the last is married, out of the household, and 34. The two youngest stepdaughters are actually half sisters to the eldest stepdaughter. My husband is a great father, however I find myself home with his two youngest because the biological mother and himself have joint custody meaning every other week we have the two youngest on mon, tues, Friday, sat, and sunday. I understand teenagers can be full of surprises, drama, and hormones, however the 16 year old could care less about my medical condition and continuously gets mad over simple things and guess who get that blame? Me! Example: I am the substitute who takes them to the doctor when the school calls,and I'm the caregiver spending more time with them while being sick and while their father is at work. They are spoiled, and if I say the word no, for another example, 16 year old had dental appointment and I was busting my tale getting everyone ready and out of no where she ask if her boyfriend can come over. I say not without your father here, please get ready, pick up your room, and she literally jumps up and down claiming her mother cancles dental appointment when she didnt, i contact both parents and they say no, she has to go get braces off, and I have blown most drama off until recently. She slipped and told me her biological mother cried because she went with her 16 year old friends who are new to driving with new driving license, and her mother told her to ask her father and my 16 year old stepdaughter said no he will just say no, so the biological mother let her go. When she was here on our weekend she tried to sneak that she was going to a football game with her friend and the friends parent would be driving them and driving them back home however I sensed she wasn't being honest and when her dad seen she wasnt, i was blamed when he was mad at her, because for safety purposes I warned him she let me know she had been riding with kids new to driving without parents present. 16 year old stepdaughter gets mad, calls her half sister who is in her 30s and her older sister cussed her father, sent me a text with f u, and I tried letting it blow over and shutting my mouth. It didn't work so I let them know for now own I wasn't their friend, i was a substitute parent who was concerned for safety and her dad would now drive her wherever she needed to go whether it be the store, her moms, to get something to eat, or whatever and the only time I would be her taxi driver would be when she was ill, and needed a doctor. They don't pick up after themselves, expect me to clean their room, wash their clothes, clean their bathroom, pick up after them after supper, etc. That has now stopped, because anyone 16 or older knows how to pick up after themselves and when i said "I do" I didn't mean I do your teens laundry, i didn't mean I do your teens xhores, i didn't mean I do take cussings from your eldest, and I sure didn't mean I do agree to be a nanny.
Ahhhhh it never changes ...
Ahhhhh it never changes ... it’s the same scenario might be worse for some of us and some might be better. It’s the same characters they just have different faces.
My SD ... is a sociopath/naracisist. Her BM is a total narcissist. My SO is just a trophy ..BM does want him but wants to control him. SD is the same age as my oldest 24 ... my SD was great with me in the beginning that was when she was pulling my strings and manipulating me. I soon wise up and saw what she was doing. Her douchebag bf was no longer allowed in my home ... she flipped her shit and decided she was not coming back either. She proceeded to bully my daughter in high school ... the principal notified all parents involved and it seemed like I was the only parent actually parenting. She claimed that she was bullying my daughter bc she left clothes at my home .. i brought the bag of clothing to the school and it sat there til the last day of school. ( obviously not the issue ) she egged my house , and basically had a tantrum. My SO tried to discipline her ( through text which I think is cowardly ) she again had a tantrum and wrote him a letter telling him that she basically was writing him off bc he had a new family.
There has been so many shit sandwiches I was expected to eat but the thing is I don’t like shit sandwiches. All this shit happened in 2011 and it hasn’t gotten any better. She has trashed me and my kids on social media , she has driven by my home ( I live in the woods so there no reason for her to be in my neighborhood.) her senior year in high school her douchebag of a mom moved out of state with her bf and left SD to live with her then boyfriend family. ( who does that ??)
That year is when SO decided he wanted to fix things .. they started to have month lunch dates but of course her boyfriend would have to tag along. ( stupid ) he apologizes to her for god knows what but there was no apology from her for him.
In the last year or so she has told him off for not being invited to family things ... meanwhile she makes no effort with her aunts, uncles and cousins. We went out to dinner w his entire family and she lacs into him about not being invited ... and this is where Daddy guilt comes into play.
I have told him repeatedly I do not wish to be in her presence ... i told him I have no problem with you inviting her but if you do please know I will not be going. He didn’t believe me and Super Bowl Sunday was his first lesson in I’m not playing. He told me the day before that he invites her and I aaid ok well then I’m not going. My youngest daughter went with him and i stayed home. I received all kinds of texts from his sisters as to where I was. I said you will see shortly as to why I am not there. He tried to do it again for St Patrick’s Day ... nope not going. I told him I will make other plans if she is invited I will not go.
And here is where he tested me ... Black Friday we all meet at the bar/restaurant and hang out. I noticed something funny in his behavior but didn’t say anything. I caught him texting someone but wasn’t nosey but my spidey sense were alerted. We get to the bar and not a hour there who shows up hit his daughter. I start to get myself beats up ... I don’t make a scene I text my middle daughter to pick up .... I go outside to calm down and his sister follows me. She said what is going on .. I say your brothers a douche ... he invited her and said nothing to me. My daughter shows up , we go inside I get my jacket and pocket book and my daughter says hello to everyone and I say goodbye and I leave. I text him ... had my daughter pick me up. I go home ... his sister text me how she is disgusted by her brother n her niece.
He comes home and he’s trying to talk to me .. I said you are a sneaky bastard and a liar. I told him you want your cake and eat it too. I’ve told you I will not be in her presence and you took my decision of what I wanted to do away when you connived your little plan. I’ve told him a million times I will not be around her until I receive an apology and we hash shit out. That night he asked me if I would accept her apology ... what am I five ?? He told me she is willing to apologize. BULLSHIT ... what he said to her through a text again ... there is some animosity between you n her can we do something together to fix things ??
Her response : yes I’d like that. Maybe we can get lunch this week.
That’s her wanting to apologize???
Seems to be a thing that needs to be dealt with
I've got a similar situation. My husband and I have been married for a little over a year, together for almost 10. I have two teen girls and he has a 19 year old son and soon to be 24 year old daughter. The daughter moved away to another state five years ago. We recently remodeled my husband's home to upgrade and allow space for his young son and my daughters. His 24 year old was upset because we didn't include her in the decision of what we built. He brings it up each time she comes out to visit as she complains abd says she feels like we are pushing her away. We have a yurt in the backyard which use to be her room prior to the remodel, which is still there... so he space isn't gone.
Recently she and her mother (the bio mom of the daughter and son) came out for the son's high school graduation. I try to make conversation with the daughter and joke lightly with her, and she laughs with me, but later, when she's having a pity party, she complains to her father that I'm being rude and am not talking to her like an adult, and also tells him that I belittle her brother and him and their mother. He then comes to be and berates me based on what she told him. She never liked me, for reasons unknown and continues to wedge tension between us. My husband still pays for her car insurance, cell phone, and car payment as well. I told him that if she has an issue with me or what I say, to address it like the adult she wants to be treated like the moment it happens and it wait and cry to her father like a child.
She behaved the same way when she was here last christmas and according to my husband, I'm the bad guy. He has stated that I talk to him in a demeaning tone and says that I think he's stupid and dumb and that I feel like I'm better than everyone and that no one can survive without me. His words, not mine. I refuse to argue with projecting and self-deprecation comments. I don't understand how the man I married and love can choose to speak to me in such a way where it leaves no room for me to defend myself.
The only way I see it is to not engage with his daughter in any way at all for fear she will turn my actions or words around and force me on the back burner.
Meanwhile, his ex wife, the mother, invites herself into our home, without notice when she's in town, calls my husband "daddy" when discussing their grown children, and it infuriates me. I've told him this before and he dismisses my feelings, telling me it's no big deal and to let it go.
If this behavior continues after my girls are grown and out of the house, I'm going to leave as well. I cannot subject myself to this type of treatment for years to come, coming in as 2nd best.
So I feel for alll of you, such a hard choice to blend families.
And things are still happening like this. Why no more books, and movies? Why are therapists still struggling to catch up? Well, facebook is helping people become more knowledgable. We have the language to describe what is going on and now are coming up with solutions.
Im glad you found this forum and this post from the archives. Every now and then I see things from 5-10 years ago and read them and am really struck at how current they seem, how history keeps on repeating itself.
I Survived the Storm - What I've Learned
Context: 2 SD I've only known as 20+ adults, now they are 40+ and neither can hold down a job. Initially friendly, ended up quite hostile. Definite emotional and financial co-dependency (look it up, I thought I knew but didn't) between SDs and H. Currenly 90% resolved. What I learned:
Good luck, be smart, seek counselling to help you feel whole if need be.