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Any bets on whether DH will receive more than a phone call on Father's Day- if that?

LONGTIME SM's picture

There is usually either dead silence or a late day text from middle aged steps. That's it. Been that way for years. Funny though that DH was asked by middle aged step daughter to show her houses for sale about mid day on Mothers Day this year. Given that SD 39 is a mother and that BM is still around I feel certain she picked Mother's Day to want to shop for houses just to divert DH's attention from me and our children to her. She obviously knew it was Mothers Day and most people had plans.

When DH told me about her request I laughed to myself and innocently asked him if he thought he could even gain access to the home she requested to see given that it was.....ahem..... Mother's Day.

Guess SD 39 didn't think it through all the way because just as I thought - nope the owners were busy given that it was Mothers Day so her planned disruption just didn't materialize.

But it just confirms that it NEVER ENDs. SD39 is still trying to compete with me and our kids over her daddies attention. It's so pathetically funny.

But I bet she doesn't make any effort to see her daddy on Father's Day under the quise of a made up house hunting trip. Just sayin.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Actually it is important to her. She's always made a big show of worshipping the BM shrine on that day which is why I made the observation. Also sine in the last conversation I had with her Sd39 also had a little melt down because her attempts to get at me were no longer working as I had disengaged. I understand that you don't know the whole story about her as for the most part I don't post but yes she has informed me that yes indeed it is a sport for her and her mother to attempt to torment me. She gets excited if she thinks she has succeeded. It shows in her words tone and actions and came up in our very last conversation. Hence the reason why it was our last conversation.

I am neither jealous nor resentful of this adult child. I am just amused at her antics and I know that many stepmothers on here can identify with their own adult babies pathetic attempts.

I do agree with some of the posters though that diverting my husbands attention would not really be unwelcome as I also enjoy my alone time or time with just me and my kids. Sd 39 wouldn't know that though. Lol.

Monchichi's picture

I am going to secretly admit I appreciate my SO leaving me for a while on Mothers Day with my girls. He goes to his mothers house and I get +/-2 hours of just us girls time.

It's Fathers Day I really am dreading. Chucky doesn't care. He has no interest in "this dad" and wants to be with "my dad" (SF). I can see tantrums and meanness and SO hating the day. I've agreed to a shared time with all the children from 10am-3pm. I am dreading it.

Wednesday is SO's 40th birthday. Chucky refused to pick a present for SO. Had to be forced to write in the birthday card. SO and Chucky are spending Wednesday night alone together with a father son dinner out.

I am going to confess, only here, that I am relieved to not be handling the fall out of Chucky just not caring. I feel for my other half, I just can't do it for a while. SO needs to handle this mess. He let it go too far.

Monchichi's picture

tog, sometimes I feel the nothing would be preferable to the outright rejection. I am going to be thinking of your DH Sunday and every other parent on here who is going through this.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Since her effort went unfulfilled I didn't mention that the Mother's Day celebration was actually planned - not for me but for our elderly parents who have very limited mobility - one of which was SD39 s own grandmother that she never acknowledges either.

Lemonlimez's picture

Well if your SD really wanted to be a pain in your butt, she would invite her dad out that day and keep him gone from the rest of his children all day long. So at least that isn't happening. Now if she pulled him away on your anniversary, I could then maybe agree with you.

LONGTIME SM's picture

She doesn't know when our anniversary is so I have no worries on that. Actually it wouldn't bother me if she did as I know DH wouldn't compromise any plans he had made for us. Lol.

But yes if she had succeeded in finding someone desperate enough to show their homes she would have kept him out as long as she could have but I doubt that he would have let it go on too late. That's how she has always operated in the past - asking us to keep her kids for a few hours always turned
Into all day events. Unfortunately for her the "homeowners" all had something better to do,

I am just amused at her attempt given that she never wants to see him on his birthday, Father's Day, or any other holiday. The only time she wants to see him is if he can do something for her. Kinda like Twit.

As a matter of fact SD 39 still owes her daddy lunch that she promised him the past two years for Father's Day. I used to feel sorry for DH but since I disengaged I'm just amused by it all now

sandye21's picture

I'm getting prepared for the sulking DH does when SD forgets him on Father's Day, and it appears it's important to him. In past years he would make numerous trips to the mail box and was vigilant when the phone rang. Then, when nothing happened he would pout all day and the day after. Even when SD was allowed to visit DH never received anything for Father's Day so I could not understand why he made the effort. Eventually his disappointment and frustration worked it's way toward me. Last year he seemed to OK. Hopefully he will be OK this year.

peacemaker's picture
