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Not invited to party so might as well go out of town????

ETexasMom's picture

I need advice! I know what I want to do but I also know it will start a huge fight!

My ODD is moving 4 hours away in a couple weeks. So I'm planning on us going to visit her for a weekend before school starts next month and for her birthday. Unfortunately my SDs are planning stuff for DH all month long! The best weekend to go is the weekend OSD has planned for grandson's birthday. She made sure to pointly invite DH but not me or any of my kids. DH doesn't really want to go because it's always his ex's family and their stupidity. The weekend before that is MSD's wedding shower and the weekend after that is when I'm in-between moving MDD into college and school starting for my high schools.

DH says he does not mind if we go weekend of Grandson's birthday party since he doesn't want to go alone to the party anyway. But I know if we go then it will start a huge fight with them screaming I'm keeping him from them.

So should be go the weekend convent for us and DH skip party or wait till next weekend.

twopines's picture

Yep, go the weekend that is convenient for you and DH. He said he doesn't mind missing the party, so there you go.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Let go of that worry and guilt, and just live your life the way YOU want to.

Hateful, negative people shouldn't be allowed to influence your choices. If you close your eyes, click your heels three times, and mentally take two steps back from your DH's family, you'll magically find yourself in a happier, more positive land.

ltman's picture

There's no real problem, dh doesn't want to go to sgs party. He wants to go with you.

Now when Sd fusses, click your ruby cowgirl boots together and say loudly, "Be gone Satan, get the behind me!"

notasm3's picture

Let them scream and yell. Then laugh at their stupidity as you continue to "ignore the whores".

Lemonlimez's picture

Sweet Jesus that's a load of drama! My DH wouldn't go and be around his ex's family. He always has his own party or whatever for skids. Maybe your DH could take his grand kid for the day and spend time with them, give the gift then. I don't see the point in making anyone feel uncomfortable. Life is too precious to spend miserable for even a minute.

Rags's picture

Oh hell no. You go to the party with your DH. And better yet .... bring your kids. Rude gets met with animated and energetic attendance.

Own her ass.

HappyHome's picture

An invitation is not a summons. DH can decline and they can respond however stupid people respond.

I have had issues with declining invitations because my DH thinks we have to go to everything we are invited to. He is very sociable and doesn't wanted to miss anything. But if it's inconvenient or you have other plans, then say NO.

Why are they not inviting you? That's pretty rude. If I'm not invited then DH considers himself uninvited. Everyone's situation is different, of course. Years ago I was happy not to be invited because I didn't want to be around DH's family anyway. Now that the dust has settled, it's okay to go to his family functions.