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Any advice as to address this or ignore?

Polarbear's picture

My wife just informed me that she is going to meet SD21 (almost 22) after work tomorrow to hang out for a while. I don't really have a problem with them getting together. The problem I have is that my wife feels she has to buy something for the leach. Even on Mother's Day she bought her something....she is not a mother! AND she gave nothing to her mom but a card. The last time they went out I confronted her because she bought us these necklaces...but she bought her daughter one too. When I confronted her about buying her daughter one, she lied. She said she didn't. When I produced the receipt she came up with, oh she bought it, but her daughter paid her back. Another lie.

Anyway, moving on to tomorrow, I want to bring up the fact that she doesn't need to pay for her daughter's meal ticket or buy gifts. We have our own priorities of where our money needs to be spent and her daughter is not one them. I don't want to fight with her though.

Any advice?

Polarbear's picture

But she is the toxic ingredient whose compulsive lies broke our family up (claimed I physically and mentally abused her and her sister every day for 5 years behind her mom's back..which I didn't)

Polarbear's picture

Yeah, tog, I've been trying to show my wife what that "team" thing is suppose to look like. She didn't have a very good example from her parents, step-parents, or first spouse....I don't think she has had unconditional love from anyone...including her children.

Polarbear's picture

I don't mind her giving her a birthday gift or a Christmas gift or a little something on a holiday that she qualifies for but to just gift her everythime they get together, I don't agree with. And I think her daughter can pay for a meal once in a while since she chooses not to see her mom as much as she chooses to go out and drink with friends, get tattoos and piercings, and go to Disneyland all the time.

Polarbear's picture

If history speaks..your right....but the point is she should care. I have always said "If it's not said, then it's not said, so I should say how I feel so at least it's out there." and that goes out to her or my kid... :?

Indigo's picture

"You can't operate from the past with this. You have to operate in the present." -- mouth-of-madness. Good point

Children can be turds and when they grow up they become old turds. Seriously.

There is a very deep river of behind-the-scenes story going on there or, you need to say to yourself: "Wife chose not to spend $50 on HSN, or at the feed store, but with her daughter." So be it.

In my secret heart, I "hear" the outraged "are you freakin' kidding me, I have to foot more money for an entitled so-and-so." Get it. You're never gonna have a good outcome from this power/money flow.

Disneyfan's picture

And this is why I refuse to have joint accounts and will always have a job. No one will ever have a say on how/if I spend my money on my kid.

MamaDuck's picture

If there are financial responsibilities she is neglecting due to spending the money on SD instead, confront her about that (the BILL is the focus, not where she spent the money instead).

Her lying to you about the necklace is a biggy, confront her (LYING is the focus, not that SD got one), remind her that because of SD's lies about abuse, the TRUTH is IMPORTANT to you and you won't tolerate being lied to about, no matter how mundane the 'white lie' is.

Have you explained to her that your frustrations about her spending so much $$$ on SD is due in part to the past abuse accusations?? I deal with something similar and I've not resolved the issues I have because of the accusations, so even though my SO has moved past that drama, he has to respect certain boundaries I now have because of the accusations and that what I need to feel secure in our relations is for us to be a team against our accuser (I accept that he has to interact with the person, but it's all about balance and making sure he respects my boundaries).

Basically, figure out what bothers you other then SD being spoiled, like others above point out, parents do this, they treat their kids without it being necessary, in future, SD will be taking her grown child out for dinner etc, that's how the 'debt' is paid off. Try to accept that, but figure out what else bothers you about it.

Polarbear's picture

Thank you MamaDuck for your constructive feedback. I do appreciate it.

It is comforting to know someone else has walked the same road. I have also set similar boundaries for my own mental protection because I know she will see her children...but they are not allowed over to the house.

And you are right about the lies. I try not to make it about SD like you said. It's the lie...white or a lie and shouldn't be in a relationship, which is what I try to stress.

Thank you again.

Polarbear's picture

I didn't say she not allowed to pay for a meal once in a while or give her kid something when it's appropriate...SHIT DO YOU NOT READ...BUT NOT EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS NOT OWED SHIT EVERY FLIPPING TIME THEY GET TOGETHER!!!! She never contributed anything to the house when she lived here.....she jeopardized everything including my career with her lies which she was NEVER called out on.

Tommar24365 don't call me petty and controlling! I've spent tons on money and time on her kids without appreciation and you don't know my story. And Disneyfan...we both make money....we both have bills to pay....she just killed her car....she can't manage money or pay bills.....she justs I have to keep her account constantly from going into the when she spends money not planned for yeah, kind of hurts the budget a bit...

God..sometimes I'm sorry I go on here looking for advice ......

Disneyfan's picture

Sorry, but it sounds like you have a father/child dynamic going on with your wife.

Forgive me for assuming your wife was a financially, responsible adult.

Polarbear's picture

Yes, I do have a kid also. I don't shower her with gifts. I raised her to be responsible. She contributes to the household and knows how to pay bills. She knows that it's not ok to lie. She respects my relationship with my wife, even though she doesn't always agree with her choices and how she was treated as a step. She doesn't expect handouts. She works two part time jobs and goes to college. She surprises me with presents! While I don't claim her as perfect, she has a good heart and is a good person.

If you read ANY of the previous comments I have no issue with my with paying for the SD's meal here and there. She has two daughters. Both have treated her like shit and don't know how to contribute to any household that they live in.. they only think of themselves. Both abandoned her when she needed them. My wife spent the last year trying to pull through a deep depression...they weren't there for her....we were. I don't TELL her what she can and can't do with her children. They aren't allowed in the house because of THEIR choices. They made choices....choices have consequences. They effected not just my life, but my family and clients lives as well.

Yes, I want her to be happy. But buying her daughter's love is not the answer. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SHOULDN'T NEED GIFTS WITH EVERY VISIT. GIFTS! I'm not talking about dinner or lunch folks. I get that parents take their kids to dinner and pay the tab. Hell, MY parents take us out to dinner.....sometimes we pay..most of the times they want to pay....I get that...I'm not stupid or naive....if it's not her birthday......a holiday like Valentine's Day, Easter, or Christmas, WHY does there need to be a gift involved???? I feel in a way it's almost hypocritical because she criticized my mother-in-law for giving handouts to her kids and grandkids not that long double to kids who couldn't even pick up a can of cat food while she was in the hospital to feed THEIR flipping cat......BUT YOU TELL ME I"M MESSED UP.....whatever.....

Polarbear's picture

Ok on the table.....
If I had a beef about them going out to dinner, why would I tell my wife to go ahead and pay for the meal today but please don't buy her gifts. It's not her birthday or a holiday. Her other daughter has a birthday coming up at the end of the month and sure, I expect her to buy her gifts and celebrate with her. Maybe I phrase my first entry wrong because I was a bit flustered and new to this kid of stuff. Do I like her use to....but after what they did to me and my family and friends, without remorse or being called out on, I don't think they are nice people. Hate is a strong word...I hate liver...definitely...her kids...strongly dislike...but I don't think many could blame me.

Believe me when I say I've been working on letting things go, and probably do still have more to go. I don't claim to be perfect, I make mistakes or say the wrong thing...but I also have the ability to apologize when I know I'm wrong.

I don't know if control is the issue or if I just need clear communication. I don't like lies...not being lied to or about. I rather have someone get upset at me for telling the truth then break their trust by being caught in a lie. Eventually the truth always comes out. Lies don't belong in a relationship. It destroys trust. Trust is a must in relationships.

I came on this site looking for input to address an issue....I guess I got it.....

And you don't have my permission to hurt me.

still learning's picture

Hello There Polar Bear,

I haven't read all of this crazy thread or any of your past posts but I can say that I feel for you. It sucks to see your SO's children treat them like sh*t and SO basically rewarding their bad behavior by buying them dinner, gifts, etc. It irks me to see DH catering to ss30, fawning all over him, buying ss30 dinner on DH's birthday or fathers day. This happened once after ss30 blew up at DH saying, "You didn't do enough for me when I was growing up!" "I would be more successful if YOU had done more for me!" When we were newly married I was outraged at how ss was treating Dh and how dh was just caving and trying to smooth things over. I was always the bad guy for ever saying anything.

Currently I just stay completely out of THEIR relationship. If dh brings him up I'll listen politely for a short time but not advise or tell DH how I really feel. I bite my tongue a lot. My therapist told me not to intervene, not to let DH dump on me about his son treating him badly, not to get involved AT ALL because DH needed to deal with his son and his feelings about him. I did have to put my foot down hard and create an end date on paying ss's phone bill since it was costing us THOUSANDS a year.

A good therapist may help and perhaps a financial planner to help you and your wife see where the $$$ is going. She may not realize how much she's doling out on gifts and meals all the time, it adds up! When I went to therapy I set some boundaries, DH got worried and that's when he started changing too. He didn't go to therapy with me but saw that I was serious about not putting up with ss30 bullsh*t anymore.

Anyhoo, Best to you.

Polarbear's picture

Thank you again MamaDuck and you too Alzeka. really don't know jack. I was very mad at what her daughters did to my life. But I have learned through the help of my daughter, family, and friends, the the universe takes care of I don't need to waste my time on hating them. And those people who do things like what these girls did, will have to answer to a higher being and to themselves and face what they did eventually. Karma will come back to them and already has in many forms....what comes around, goes around...they repeat their mistakes over and over because they haven't been raised to make good choices...not to be so self centered all the treat others the way you want to be treated.

I love my wife...anyone else would have given up on her by now..

Indigo's picture

Actually, Echo DOES know Jack Shit. She knows the entire shit clan. She has been close personal friends with one or more of the shitheads.

I saw nothing in Echo's post which might ascend to the level of telling her that she didn't know jack shit ...

For Pete's Sake, I can't tell if it's finances with you or jealousy or flat envy. I am beginning to think that it is DW lying to you, hiding receipts and money/power which is irking you currently.

If the Universe is so good, why the heck are you posting here at STepTalk. Not hearing the opening strains to "Kumbaya."

twoviewpoints's picture

Well, Polar, I hope you and wife get this settled before this evenings outing. Otherwise you'll both be having a miserable night. Her because she'll know what she'll face when the outing is over (your 20 questions of where they went and what she spent). You because you'll be suspicious believe she's lying and more than anything else, just silently bristling with anger because she loves and spent time/money on a person you deem unworthy of it.

I completely understand why you have banned the SD from your home. I think you must also, however, take into consideration that action has to some point, set up the situation that is now occurring (dinners out and shopping). If money were so tight they would be hanging at home for the evening. After the family blowout, that's no longer possible. Perhaps what would help would be to decide together how often wife can afford her outings with her daughter and her available budget from her monthly finances. Then what she does on those evenings should be no longer debatable between you two.

Honestly? You gave away what the real issue for you is when you relayed the three necklaces. Shopping wasn't your problem, who she shopped for was. Your wife and you have a lot of unresolved issues stemming from the past actions that occurred. There's not a person here that will disagree that what this SD did to you was horrible and absolutely none of us will say to you forgive the SD and try to have a relationship with her nor bring the family back together. No. Far too much damage was caused. But what we can't really help you with is how to go on from it. Your wife has chosen to continue a relationship with her daughter. She has agreed to the condition it must be outside of your home together. You have chosen to remain with your wife. You've both made your decisions, now you both have to decide together how you both will live with the decisions you've made. Stop comparing your children. Stop trying to mandate which ones are worthy of love. Set your mutually agreed schedules and joint and individual budgets. Then live with your choices.

Disneyfan's picture

As long as he wasn't using my money, I wouldn't care.

But it really wouldn't matter. A kid or BM doing/saying anything that can jeopardize my career, is a deal breaker for me.

Willow2010's picture

This is a perfect blog to point out how some people here pick and choose what they want to and then rip apart a poster with either half truths or outright lies. Classic Stalk.

I had some advice for this poster but I am sure that he is gone and probably won't be back because his blog was ripped apart. Shame.

twoviewpoints's picture

Willow, if you've got some sound advice, give it. If OP is still reading I'm sure she'd appreciate it. If so, please read her back story so you have more of OP'S side and what she's been through in this relationship and all the children/young adults involved.

Her self given history of the past 5ish years, it's pretty sad what this poster has tried to deal with:

"We usually get a long pretty
Submitted by Polarbear on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 10:08am.

We usually get a long pretty good. It's only when it comes to the it seems with a lot of us on this site. I see so many parallel stories. Her daughters are not welcomed at the house. They all had to move out in 2010 when my DD then 14 and SD then 16 got in a fight during daycare hours. (I run a home daycare) The SD16 had just be dumped by her boyfriend. Neither SD14 or SD16 liked having house rules or a step parent who followed through with consequences. I was turning into more of a glorified maid and they were being allowed to treat me rudely. WE sought counseling. My wife didn't follow through on the counselor's advice. She empowered her girls. SD16 tried calling CPS who said we were doing everything right. When that failed, she got into a fight with my DD14 which got physical. SD16 then proceeded to tell everyone I beat her from head to toe (not true). Her mom and I didn't know this was what she was saying. My SO took SD16 & SD 14 the the counselor to see why they were so unhappy. More lies. Mandated reporter. CPS re-involved....and daycare licensing now involve. CPS drop the case. Daycare Licensing, while they knew the girls were lying, (their story changed with every interview) I ended up taking a deal in which I lost my License for 2 years (instead of 3 if it went to trial and they continued to lie to the judge, because no adult in their family could tell them lying is wrong, we couldn't trust what they would say, and in my record I would have all the support letters from all my daycare parents who all stood behind me and all returned when I re-opened.
They moved into a place she couldn't afford, but the girls needed the luxury. The SD16 promised she would help her mom get through this, another lie. SO has ADD, Diabetes..oh yeah and depression. SD14 has ADD. Even though I gave my SO a folder with all the lies the girls told (my lawyer subpoenaed interviews) she bought into all the stories they told her. because she herself was abused on all levels and it went ignored I took care of everything from bills to meds to laundry ....(glorified maid while they were here). Every month she was overdrawn, even though she stuck me with all but 2 bills. Kids didn't do crap to help out. I was not allowed over unless they weren't home. All pictures in the house were of them. In her room there was a pic of us that I had given her, which was laying face down or in a drawer most of the time when I came over unannounced. A couple months after SD16 turned 19 she moved out her Grandfather's house located right between our two houses. Left a note for her mom to come home to. (This by the way is the man that beat and raped his own kids and allowed his father and friends to molest his kids and his kid's friend..but ok) A couple months later I hook SO up with a cheaper condo for her and now SD18 that one of my daycare mom's needed to rent out. I figured win/win. Well, the SD19 almost 20, who has worn out her welcome at Grandpa and Step-Grandma's and their 2 kids, because she does nothing to contribute financially or physically around the house, decides to move in as well. This is August. Right before Christmas...the 17th....she sends a text...sorry mom, I think it would be better if I live with my boyfriend and his family, I can find better work there, and have more space. When SO responded it was kind of disrespectful to do in text and right before Christmas, SD20 responded, "Well the real reason is because I can't sleep knowing that "SO" know where I sleep at night and this is causing me to be depressed and I'm trying my best but blah blah blah,but I'll be there for presents!" Always thrown back on me with lies when her truth doesn't work out. Right after Christmas SD18 had disappeared for a couple days...a common thing after barely graduating and was not working or going to college. (She needed a break which included not contributing to the household) My wife didn't get along with this daycare parent very well so when a problem came up with the stove knobs I offered to come over and change them out for her...since no kids were there. We were watching a show in her bedroom when SD18 come though her bedroom window...apparently lost her key again...saw me and took off. On morning of the 2nd, she comes back and has an argument with SO and tells her she is moving out. This threw SO into a spiral. SO stops going into work. She never misses work. After a couple of days I bring her back to my house. (My husband and I purchased this house from his mom in 1999, he passed from cancer in 2002) Jan. 10, 2013 I take her to the doctors because something is definitely wrong...but new year, new insurance, with switch to whole new provider. I check her into a place for depression that afternoon because she doesn't want to be here anymore. She is in the hospital a couple weeks out one, checks back in, transfers to another, in there almost a month for a total time of almost 3 months. I visit pretty much every day during visiting hours as long as I can. SD18 visited 2x SD20 4X..(If my mom said she didn't want to be here any more, I would try to be there more than that)..I took their cats back to my house...when she got out of the hospital I took her back to my house. My DD now 20 same age as her youngest and her BF21 live with me. My DD doesn't like my SO because how she was treated by her and her daughters when they lived here. It wasn't all bad...but there were times....esp. when I was working outside the house on the weekends. But my DD loves me enough to let me have my relationship and I have raised her to be respectful and she is polite and contributes to the household chores, buys food, they pay rent, and their own bills. Both DD20 and BF21 work and go to college. DD20 helps e=with daycare and works part time catering and babysitting.
I help pack and clean most of SO an SDs apt. We ended up putting a lot in storage for the time being. Her youngest had moved from place to aunt, grandparents, dad's, another aunt, eventually moving out to live with a boyfriend she met weeks before...(honestly I think she burns a bridge with everyone she stays with because neither her or her sister know how to help with housework and are self centered so they don't realize these people aren't obligated to take care of them and provide everything for free for them.) SD21 almost 22 after 6 months of living with BF's family moved in with her dad and new step-mom. (I kind of wanted to warn the new SM but she'll learn in time) I told my SO before we gave notice on the condo and moved stuff, she had to understand her children are not allowed to come over to the house, whether I'm home or not. She can have whatever relationship she wants with them, but she can meet them somewhere other than the house. (They were never corrected or told lying was and is wrong and you should be respectful to others...because you should...golden rule....treat others the way you want to be treated. And until they are confronted with what they did, I don't need to be subjected to them) And while I'm sure there is a picture of them around here somewhere, it's not out on display anymore. I don't want to look at their face, nor do I feel I have to. My SO has a desk at work she can keep a picture of them if she wants.
I love her. I wouldn't have married her if I didn't. I had a great first marriage, ( he passed from cancer in 2002 after a 7 year battle) I took a vow for better or worse times and believe I need to work trough the hard times.
My SO was diagnosed with severe depression, PTSD, OCD Thought Patterns, ADD Inattentive,'s come out that she was physically, sexually, mentally, abused and abandoned during her childhood, physically abused in her first marriage, and told by a therapist if I stayed in this relationship, know she is coming with trunks, not just regular luggage bags.

Most everything in our relationship we are able to work through. But when it come to the kids....her sparks this anger in her that makes her lash out and she seems to lose all the ground we gained. Things I've read on this site by others ring in my ears as it comes out her mouth...."YOU HATE MY KIDS" well, i didn't at first, but can you blame me now "YOU GET TO SEE YOUR KID ALL THE TIME, I DON'T" not my fault they are so wrapped up in their life and don't make time for you. (SD21 can be in the neighborhood with friends but not call her mom to get together.) They are always victims. They don't see we were all victims in this relationship...we all suffered...but my DD and I don't play the victim role, we moved on to be survivors.

I asked my SO Saturday during our "let just ignore each other" time if "IDIOT" was what her parents called her when she was a kid and that maybe she should think about it...because you would think she would learn NOT to do that since she knows how scarring it is to be called names.

Last night I made a reference to being an "IDIOT". I told her she never apologized for calling me that. She then did. I told her she can't call me names when she gets mad. She can't call me an "IDIOT". I'm not putting up with the abuse anymore.

Thanks for letting me vent and get my story out there....." [end of post]

Willow2010's picture

Not clear why people have to be so mean on this site. It's as if they enjoy it.
Some of them LOVE it!! It is a shame

robin333's picture

Polarbear, I would have issue with my spouse lying to me. From what I gather, your SD is not allowed in your home. So, your DW has to see SD elsewhere. I don't think that your DW paying for dinner should be an issue and I think your concern is about that DW "treats" the SD that made accusations about you.

Did you get counseling as a couple when this happened? You have some underlying anger (I'm sure I would to) and that isn't healthy for you.

I would consider the cost of dinner as a piece of mind tax (SD not being in your home). If money is a concern, talk with DW and together determine what can be afforded. Most parents pay for dinners with their adult children most of the time.

As far as lying goes, it sounds like DW is afraid to tell you. Try to determine her motivation and find a way to allow her to be honest. Not blaming you for DW lying. But you don't sound like you would be with a pathological liar so I'm assuming it's isolated to issue on SD.

still learning's picture

At least the daughter was thoughtful and got her mother a card for Mothers day, dh is lucky if he gets a text. One year he picked up and took ss30 (not a dad) out for Fathers day and paid for the entire meal. ss30 didn't even say thank you, just yapped about himself and his terrible life the entire time. Oh well, it's DH's time and $. The only stipulations I set are no living here, no paying his bills co-signing on or giving large loans.

21 is still young and she's probably not financially able to buy expensive gifts. I take dd20 out for lunch when we're together, I pay with MY $$$. I buy her gifts now and then. DH does not care or try to control my relationship with my children nor I his.

Polarbear's picture

Jasper was correct...they didn't scare me away, I had to get some sleep. Between a long day and the how the talk started going in this forum, my emotions started getting the best of me.

I have observed on this site for a long time before I was brave enough to post anything. I posted my story on 8/3/15 when talking about being called names. Some of you actually posted on that post but must have not read my story. For if you did, you would know that I am not a "he" but a "she". Not a "husband" married to a "wife" but a "wife" married to a "wife". Welcome to 2015 people. I encourage you to go back and read it before judging.

Some of you are blunt. I don't mind blunt, if it truthful blunt. If it's blunt , just to be mean without the facts, that's wrong.

Tommar24365 you are so wrong to say what you said about the SD's being right. You have no idea what you are talking about and shouldn't say things like that. Especially since it's not true.

I want to thank those of you who offered advice. I'm not sure if it matters at this point because when she saw I was a little upset last night she asked who I was talking to. When I said I was on a site for step parents...she got quite upset...but at least she didn't call names! Smile She goes to therapy...I thought I might be able to figure some stuff out on this site as sort of self therapy...when you have a spouse with so many ailments and your supposedly the "well" one and have tho take care of everyone and everything...there's not much time for self help.

I will keep in mind the helpful advice...thanks

Disneyfan's picture

Why would the wife act like a responsible adult when the OP has spent years treating her like a spoiled brat???

I swear the wife sounds like a spoiled kid who knows she can blow her money on wants because mommy is always there to fund her needs.

twoviewpoints's picture

But it does relate to OP in that DW does not have the available finances to 'treat' the SD as often as DW seems to be doing. If it affects the bills and DW's ability to pay DW's share it is an issue that needs addressed. How many of us here just willingly open up our bank account for our partners to gleefully dig into to 'treat' the skids while our partners can't pay bills? Zip. Zero.

The DW does need to live with a budget she can afford. That's reality and something everyone of us who tell any member here if they wrote their partner is taking advantage of sliding on household expense.

Yes, the other issue of the past history with this SD also gives the situation another side to the building resentment and depth of the soaring emotions.... but bottom line is DW can't afford the numerous 'treats'. There needs to be a mutual agreement on how often and how much expense on those outings the DW can actually afford without the outing affecting OP.

forever2's picture

Divorced parents try to buy their kid's love rather than parenting. They just do. You can try until your head explodes to get thru to your wife, but from my experience, your wife won't hear you and will just resent you or in your case, start lying to you about it. You can read my post about my husband pissing away our retirement money buying his kids everything and beyond if you want to see how bad things can get. I bet, given your SD's age, that your wife feels that if she doesn't buy her things, her daughter won't spend time with her. I am gathering that she doesn't live with you (be very grateful) so your wife needs to entice her. Your wife probably doesn't want to risk realizing that the kid is only choosing mom for free meals and free stuff, and she isn't going to stop the money train to find out something so painful (that she probably knows deep in her heart). Ignorance is bliss. If it was about quality time rather than free things, why can't your wife and SD make a fun meal together, rent a movie, take a walk on a nice day, window shop? There are so many inexpensive things to do together if the purpose is being with someone you love, and if your wife always has to buy something to hang out with her daugher, she is probably well-aware deep down that she is being used. Anyway, when this is affecting your money, ie. your retirement, your vacation money, your mortgage money etc. then you have a real problem. If you are married, that isn't just her money. It is yours as a couple. When I posted about my husband spending every dime on skid, a helpful reply was that I should take my spouse to a financial advisor and hear from that unbiased person why we need to save and be careful with our money. This way your wife won't see you as attacking her, but merely being wise about your future. You can plan a budget with the advisor, and your wife's expenditures on her daughter will have to fit into that budget, just like your expenditures on whatever fun things you buy for yourself will have to fit into the budget. Ideally, when your wife is forced to keep track of the funds, she will realize that too much money is being siphoned to her daughter.

robin333's picture

It's hard to follow someone's story on the forums. If all that happened, I would feel used to the point of no return. I am all for having a neutral party financial advisor illustrate the big picture and helping with a budget. Sometimes, folks have to hear it from someone else worded in a different manner for the message to sink in. That said, I would walk away for my own sanity.

Disneyfan's picture

The OP's gender doesn't change my opinion.

The bit of the back story that I read, did reveal things about the OP's wife. I think she's a user who has zero respect for the OP.

The wife is milking the OP-the woman she claims to love. Your wife has taught her daughter that it's OK to financially abuse the people you love.

Your wife had done/is doing the exact thing to you that you are complaining about the daughter doing to her.

Mom and daughter are two peas in a pod.

I still think the two of you have a parent/child dynamic. You are aware one raking care of/rescuing her.

It may be time to start loving yourself more than you love her.

Disneyfan's picture

Why are all of the responses on one page? There were 3 pages before the site blinked a bit ago.

Polarbear's picture

Yeah, Sally, give me a Fireball Tommar and make it a double.....

Sally, I don't know if you watch "The Walking Dead"...but I've always seen you as sort of like "Carol" from that show. She is a kickass-do-what-needs-to be-done woman. I think everyone enjoys seeing your input.

Thank you Ladyface for pointing out to Tommar that she has missed my issue at least 4 times. I did seek out couples therapy for us, even one that specialized with all the issues my wife deals with and including that we are a same sex couple. The last two therapists told me that until my wife works out her past issues, there is no point in continuing sessions...because she was hitting road blocks. And to know that if I stay in the relationship, there will be a lot of luggage to carry for a while.

Tommar who hurt you? Seems like you may have been abused yourself a child and or adult. My apologies if my story wasn't broken down into small paragraphs for you. After spending a long time typing it out the first time, the cat walked over the computer and deleted it. So the second version was typed out a bit faster...but I'll keep you in mind when I'm typing in the future...small words and more paragraphs. JK

Tommar you ask why don't I leave my wife. I love my wife. I made a commitment to her that I don't take lightly. I don't think giving up during hard times is the answer when you love someone. If I remember correctly that's all in those vows we chose to take. We all have issues. My wife more than others maybe. But we are working on them. In the mean time, I just have to keep loving her unconditionally.

I don't mind my wife seeing her daughters. They are her daughters. I get that. I'm not sure why people, Tommar, don't think I get that. I'm the one who has to ask her if she has talked to her girls lately! I really don't mind if my wife picks up the meal tab, unless it's her birthday or Mother's Day. But I don't think they need to be gifted just because they are getting together. And I certainly don't want to be lied about it afterwards.