Found a needle & syringe in SGD-12's bedroom ...
SO asked me to let the cat in from SGD-12 bedroom door. (Opens onto an upstairs patio which borders garage roof). I did and brushed against a needle/syringe on the carpet near the side door.
Back downstairs, I told SO. He was quiet but went right up to check. I tried to find lots of innocent explanations for a young lady who visits every Friday night. Art? Found some syringes from the cat oral med and used them in the bath. Using her dad's insulin for weightloss ? (Wasn't trying to be a bitch which I am quite good at, but actively trying to justify the situation. )
SO raised SGD from 6 wks til 8 years and has visitation once/week.
SO stuck the needle in a stale hamburger bun and we took it to the hospital a few blocks away. No handy Sharps container.
SGD12 claims that the oral antibiotic for the cat included a needle. Must have --- except I got them from vet w/o needle. Or ... alternative reality, it was some girlfriend from a month or so ago who must have brought it over. .
(Her biodad is supposedly no longer diabetic after gastric bypass and doesn't do insulin.)
Lying bullshit all around. SO knows she's lying and doesn't know what to do about it. SO is nervous about raising a ruckus since G-parents have few rights in our state and her biodad/sm are total flakes but better than her mother, his daughter.
As many of you know, her mother --- the adopted daughter of my SO --- SD-30 is hiding from a felony warrant. Mainly drug/alcohol issues with the current "assaulting a police officer."
So, lots of background, but SGD-12+ denies bringing the syringe and needle into the house. (BS has not been there during the last two months) There is no one else over the last month beside SO/myself and we do not enter her room unless we let the cat in/out. Period. Dot.
Tonight I'm all over the place. I did IVF and gave myself shots. This syringe width was quite narrow, but the needle length was longer than I would expect over 1" ? Narrow. Thoughts?
Clarity: SGD blamed some
Clarity: SGD blamed some other girlfriend, not my SO's other girlfriend. Crap. I was already married to one, but seriously
As a T-1 diabetic since I was
As a T-1 diabetic since I was 16 (for 35 years) I can attest to how diabetes supplies find their way into the wierdest places. Syringes included. The length of the needle does not sound like an insulin syringe. As for taking it to the hospital for disposal, I believe that is overkill. I just break the needle off inside the cap and pitch it in the garbage when I am done. This renders the syringe unusuable and keeps the needle caped.
Not what the med pros would agree with but, it works for me.
Did the hospital determine what had been in the syringe. It might be time for a drug test for Gskid 12. If she were mine, she would be tested.
Non-capped bare needle I
Non-capped bare needle
I mentioned the IVF thing since we supposedly used insulin needles in thigh/belly but to my mind's eye they were smaller and thinner than what we saw today. The biggest resistance was the imagination.
Overkill? Yup. Perhaps. Bare needle opportunities for troubles with trash trucks/people etc. The perception is greater than the reality. Until it's your reality of contact with a bare needle from unknown origin. My ex=FIL was a coroner and he had lots of stories of 'bad sticks' and a few series of injections from his own exposure to unknown ...
Rags, I understand how
Rags, I understand how diabetic supplies migrate. That is exactly what I thought when I brushed against it. Until, ... I discovered her father is now claiming to be cured of diabetes with his gastric bypass surgery. No longer needing insulin. Well, heck, he was hit-or-miss anyway with insulin prior so I assumed that he had a stockpile.
Except that my memory of diabetic needles was that they were quite slender. This one was easily over an inch ... using finger digit measurements, but the syringe was quite small. 10 ML?
Significant weight loss can
Significant weight loss can reduce or eliminate the need for insulin. He's not "cured," but no longer needing insulin is indeed one positive outcome of weight loss surgery.
My DH had gastric bypass.
My DH had gastric bypass. His diabetes was cured by the weight loss. No insulin. No metformin. His AIC is normal. He did, however, cut out a shit-ton of carbs and sugars because his favorite foods now make him ill.
Dang Sue, I just took my
Dang Sue, I just took my BS-13 there.
Edible marijuana is legal for the older set ... like over 21. Oh, and some pets. Edible brownies are offered by parents apparently as gleefully harmless things. Until kids OD. (per local narcotics officers.) Brownies were consumed on school grounds and I drove my kidlet directly to the cop=shop. DO NOT PASS GO.
Do diabetic's still use
Do diabetic's still use needles/syringe. Here in the UK diabetic's tend to use 'pen needles' which look like pens rather then a syringe.
You know? I have know idea. I
You know? I have know idea. I was trying to toss off ideas about why a needle and syringe wound up in the SGD's bedroom ... diabetic supplies seemed the most innocuous.
Also, empty laundry
Also, empty laundry detergent and bleach containers can be used.
What do you think is going
What do you think is going on? Are there any behaviors that are suspect for drug use?
SGD-12+ is a major PIA, but I
SGD-12+ is a major PIA, but I don't see stuff that I'd think is hard-core drug culture.
She just changed middle schools to a public school mid-term from a private Christian school where she had a scholarship through high school. Cursing is much more frequent and talking about hitting people, getting into fights etc.
I think she is just trying to fit in, but a freakin' naked needle in the house is frightening since we don't know where it came from etc. A used early pregnancy test would be more likely.
SO has never drank and been a straight arrow most of his life. Me, well, you know that I enjoy my wine, but otherwise, never done much that was outside our social norm ...
Just wondering if you all had some other viable excuses/reasons why one would be in the house.
I'd have done three
I'd have done three things-
#1- Tossed her room head to toe searching for other drug paraphernalia
#2- Check her head to toe for injection sites
#3- Get her drug tested
12 is NOT too young. Not these days. If she is legitimately innocent, then she may be mad for a bit, but she will know that you guys love her and care.
Oh, well, perhaps you should
Oh, well, perhaps you should educate our Colorado narcotics officers. The comment regarding OD on edibles is taken directly from a face-to-face meeting last month with an active officer working with the DEA.
Apparently, edibles are not like the old "brownies with a little extra" which were popular in the past. Edibles (in my state) are extremely concentrated. Intended to be nibbled over time, not chomped like most kids would do when offered candy, fudge or brownies. Hence, the increase in children being hospitalized due to "OD" of pot in our state.
I thought of something (I
I thought of something (I know -wow a thought) when one of my cats was a kitten the vet did give me needled syringe because the amount of medicine from the tube was too much so I had to draw up a specific amount.
i don't know the actually
i don't know the actually thought comes from which perspective, why this is happening, is it because of some grief that needs to be filled? Does it really help to get over it?
Cursing does not equate drug
Cursing does not equate drug use at all, I agree. I mentioned that her biodad had her change schools mid-quarter. It is a huge change for SGD-12. She is struggling to fit in and make friends like most middle-schoolers. Unfortunately, she is 240 lbs, socially awkward and lonely. I worry about her making poor choices as she tries to fit in ...
I just cannot figure out why a bare needle and syringe suddenly appeared on her bedroom floor.
Check the kid for track
Check the kid for track marks. The webs between the fingers and toes were my SD's favorite places to shoot up insulin. We didn't even know until she got sent to the mental hospital for suicide attempts. She was using insulin to lose weight as well as binging and purging.
I thought insulin use for
I thought insulin use for weight loss. Her dad had bariatric surgery and no longer needs insulin. I considered that he had left supplies stockpiled. The needle was thicker and longer than the insulin needles that I've seen.
SGD12 has a huge weight issue at 240+ lbs. She no longer fits into the 22W swimsuit which I purchased for her last year. Hiding food. Binging. Biodad & SM are both morbidly obese.
SO has visitation one day/week. He tries to watch what they eat, encourages her to walk with him around the park, paid for her to play a sport, etc. It is a huge concern.