SD29's Wedding
I wrote in my last post that SD29 did not invite her 2 half sisters, my daughters with DH, to her wedding. Our DDs adore their older sibs and were very excited about the wedding so I eventually just lied and told them that it was an adults only wedding so they couldn't attend. They did not take it well and that was my fault. I should not have let them get so excited about the wedding but it honestly never occurred to me that they wouldn't be invited. Who doesn't invite their little sisters to their wedding? I sent DDs to their cousins for a week so they would have fun and hopefully not think about this while DH and I were at the wedding.
The wedding was this past weekend...I don't have much to complain about for how I was treated. I was included in much of the day, had my hair styled in the bridal suite, got a corsage, I was in a few of the family pictures. During the ceremony I was seated in the front row next to SF (BM and DH stood together at the chuppah) and at the reception I was seated with DH and our relatives.
But even as I was smiling on the outside...I was a ball of emotions the entire time. Hurt. Angry. Sad. Mad. Irrational maybe but that's how I felt. I was expecting this to be a modest wedding, sticking to a budget with a small guest list to keep costs down like SD said. If I had to guess, the budget she was sticking to was $70,000 - this was the most lavish wedding I have ever been to. While I was having my hair styled I overheard BM ask one of the wedding planner's assistants if she had done the final walk through yet with the lighting designer. The lighting designer. The lighting was very beautiful but it just hammered home the fact that there was enough money for monogrammed cocktail napkins, an in-suite masseuse for the bridal party, a videographer and a lighting designer but adding two place settings for sisters who love you? No room in the budget...and the small 130 person wedding? We were seated at a 10 person table, #3 out of 16. I'm sorry 160 guests is not a small wedding. Even if SD doesn't consider herself close to DD's that didn't sit right with me.
Finally...and this is what upset me the most and set me over the top ...after the cocktail hour when we went into the reception area I saw table #16 was a 12 person KIDS table. An entire kids table with their own decorations and games, champagne buckets filled with sparkling cider, and a special menu. Time was spent making sure kids were included and cared for at the wedding. Plenty of children were in attendance - but not your sisters.
I was on my best behavior and kept reminding myself that SD was being very kind including me in her day and had not asked DH or me for one penny towards this wedding. Keeping that in mind I didn't say anything when the photographer recreated "the original family" and took photos with the skids, BM and DH. I wrote a lovely message in the guest book stationed in front of the family photo wall that included DDs in one 20 person group shot of the 100 photos on display. I told the children who participated in the wedding ceremony what a great job they did. I applauded with everyone else when SD31 said in her MOH speech "its amazing to have the whole family here with us to celebrate".
More than hurt or angry, I felt duped. The first few years we were married I endured heaps of abuse from the skids. They made DH and I absolutely miserable. We almost got divorced. I just kept killing them with kindness convinced that eventually they would come around. And they did, I thought. I thought we had blended. When I found out DDs were not invited I told myself that it was a budget issue. It was going to be a small wedding. The only kids going will be with the wedding party. Unfortunately so many little things happened at this wedding to make it clear to me that none of the skids actually consider our daughters (or me probably) "family". It really is all pretend for DH. SS26's wedding is in October and I don't think anyone besides DH would mind if I didn't go.
ouch. I am sorry.
ouch. I am sorry.
So now you know that the SD
So now you know that the SD is a total POS. Treat her accordingly.
So sorry about your hurt, but
So sorry about your hurt, but glad you were treated respectfully. Still, the kids table sort of smacks you in the face with unfair rejection of two little girls whom you adore. Surely your DH must have seen this for himself. Your SD is small and not worth your thoughts. If your DH expects the same scenario at the next wedding he is not valuing you or his little girls enough. You do not owe it to him to go unless he makes it perfectly clear to the SD who is getting married that if there is a kiddie table he wants to see his daughters seated at it. Has he made any comments about how cruel SD was?
Your husband should have
Your husband should have called the bride immediately when your invitation arrived to clarify. Maybe they didn't mention the kids but it was assumed they were included in the parents invitation and just a misunderstanding? If an RSVP card was included, I would have put 2 adults and 2 children and gotten the thing out into the open. Let them call me and tell me their half-siblings aren't invited instead of suffering in silence.
River, DD's are certainly not
River, DD's are certainly not perfect angels but they know how to behave. They do great at DH's office Christmas parties and our family gatherings, we get no complaints from teachers or coaches, and skids have not made comments to me or the family (to my knowledge) about their behavior.
I agree with you, Fruit. It
I agree with you, Fruit. It costs very little to add a spot for a kid or two. This was deliberate and, in light of all the other details, (mom & dad walking SD down together, "original family" photos, etc.) I think SD wanted to keep OP "in her place" at this wedding. It would cost OP and her DH far more to outfit and bring two kids than it would cost to add them to the kid table.
Sure. It's her wedding and she can do whatever she wants. Doesn't mean it's right or that it's not hurtful. Not only to OP but also to her own dad...regardless of money.
DAD will be dealing with the
DAD will be dealing with the fallout of this exclusion for decades to come. His silence will cost him big time.
They're DAD's kids too!
They're DAD's kids too! That's pretty shitty if these kids' own dad doesn't care if their feelings are hurt.
Spoken like a true
Spoken like a true millennial/ young person. What matters most are your own feelings. You'll see on this board that most of the younger posters feel the way you do. The older posters here, ones with actual experience, have long since realized that there can be far-reaching consequences to such actions. Personally, I try to avoid weddings nowadays, as they all seem to be more about the Bride showing everyone up and showing how "special" she is and how physically great she looks and what a big party she can have and how much free booze she can provide. The groom, and not anyone else really seems to matter.
But, again, Some say, It’s the Bride’s “special” day and she can screw whomever she wants. I say, OK, but in the long run the one who the bride might wind up screwing the most, may be her very self.
Sally I have been in the
Sally I have been in the skids lives for over 15 years. The skids do engage with DDs and we spend time together as a family - dinners, holidays, birthdays, and other special events. Thats why I was surprised when they were excluded from the wedding.
The SD DID not pay for the
The SD DID not pay for the wedding. It's possible her mother was willing to pay for the OP and her husband to attend but not their kids.
If the OP wanted a say in who attended, then her husband should have helped with the expenses.
I have 4 kids from marriage
I have 4 kids from marriage #1 and 1 from marriage #2. All my children from #1 call their half-sibling their little brother. They have never called him their half sibling. If they tried to exclude him from their lives they'd have hell to pay from me. I would not stand for it. Life is too short to play those kind of games and put up with that kind of sh*t!
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about? OP has stated that younger half siblings love their sister and do interact at family occasions. What are you talking about?
"Other people's kids"
"Other people's kids" mean her DAD'S kids. They're not some random person's children! Not the same as what you're suggesting.
dh and i ran off and eloped.
dh and i ran off and eloped. didnt tell anyone until we came back to town.
we did however have a wedding ceremony on our 1 yr anniversary, that cost less than a thousand. about 20 people, chair and pedestal rentals, flowers, invitations, my dress, shoes for the kids, a few decorations and favors, yummy food, and a beautiful cake.
So OP did you ever clarify or
So OP did you ever clarify or confirm with SD that her sister's were not invited or did you just assume that they weren't because they weren't on the invite?
Yes, DH confirmed with SD
Yes, DH confirmed with SD when we got the invitation.
Okay... well that does
Okay... well that does suck.
Who were the other kids at the table? Were they the bridal party or kids of the bridal party?
You can't force people to do something but I can understand why you would be upset.
8 kids were with the bridal
8 kids were with the bridal party, 2 were a boy and girl SD and SIL mentor, and I don't know who the other 2 kids were.
I have an adopted sister
I have an adopted sister (kind of another one as well but it's a long story) anyways, so technically she is my sister. Being completely honest, if I could not invite her to certain things and not feel bad about it, I would.
She's spoiled. She's messy. She's bratty. She whines and cries until she gets her way. She has no respect for personal space or personal items. She is almost 18 and can't stand when the grandkids (11, 11 and 1) get more attention from her parents (my dad and SM) or when my sister and oldest niece have attention from them.
Every visit with my dad and SM would be 100% nicer if she wasn't around honestly. It's harsh and I don't like feeling that way but it's the truth.
It's my parents fault so they are to blame.
Not sure if that is the case here with your daughters and SDs?????
I doubt it. Honestly.
I doubt it. Honestly.
People with money.
People with money. LOL.
Honestly to each their own. If you have the money or the means to pay for a fancy wedding, by all means do what makes you happy.
I have been to simple weddings and fancy weddings and they all have their own pros/cons.
People who want those things
People who want those things and are willing to pay for them. :? :?
Who NEEDS to go to Disney World, on cruises, to the beach, camping....every year?
If you can afford to splurge, why not not? What's the point of working your ass off and never enjoying the money you earn?
You can't take it with you. You will never see a Brinks truck following a hearse.
I NEED Disney and maybe
I NEED Disney and maybe cruises, but can do without beaches and camping is huge NOPE .
First, hugs. I have been
First, hugs. I have been lurking for a while and I stumble upon your original thread because I searched for "Jewish" because I had questions about B'nai Mitzvahs and step families.
I wanted to comment on a couple of things -- it is possible that her initial thought was that the number was 130 (which I don't think it small, by the way). My best friend is an wedding planner and nearly every wedding she has planned this summer has had more guests than the formula she generally uses with great success has predicted. So it is possible that their intentions was for the number to be closer to 130. My friend is losing her mind -- perhaps the bride and her mother did too.
From your original thread, it seems as though your definition of family and theirs is likely different. They weren't thrilled when you married their father and yet she included you in a very public way. Heck, you were even in the bridal suite, corsage, on front row -- not one of these was the obligation of the Bride to do. She was polite and inclusive. That said, much of what you view as closeness, may in fact be from his kids perspectives, the uniqueness of having little kids around. Going to the dance recital, buying toys, having phone chats with little kids are all fun for 20 somethings with no kids of their own.
Does your H ever spend time with his kids without you and your Ds? If not, his kids may feel like they have to do these things to see him.
What worried me in your initial thread was that your DH had to think about whether he would walk his daughter down the aisle with her mother? Can you explain this? As someone who is Jewish (and you indicated that your DH is Jewish), this made me wonder about his relationship with her and her siblings? There should have been no thinking about it. I wonder if this sent an unintended message to his kids. (It sounds like he has been an involved father with no estrangement, so why the hesitation?)
I am going to post a question about Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and wonder if you can take a look and see if you have any insight....
Hi Awwk - DH does spend time
Hi Awwk - DH does spend time with his kids without me or DD's and the wedding discussion happened when I was not around, DH relayed it to me later. Is it possible DH said yes to the skids and later when he relayed it to me realized - my wife may have some feelings about me walking down the aisle arm in arm with my ex wife - so he told me he said he'd think about it? Yes, I have thought about that. But we do make decisions together so at the time I was very touched that he would check with me about my feelings before committing to something that was so important to him and was a sensitive subject.
I'll offer you whatever insight I can but I wasn't around for the SD's Bat Mitzvahs and although I was around for SS's Bar Mitzvah, long story short things were not good back then and it was better that DH went by himself. As I mentioned, the first years were very difficult.
We found out they were not
We found out they were not invited when we got the invitations, DH had already said yes to walking SD down the aisle. And this is exactly why I didn't tell DD'S they were not invited - it would be a blow to know that their big sister intentionally excluded them from a very important day in her life.
I don't really agree with
I don't really agree with this. My SD was 20 when my oldest was born. She has only ever spent the night with DH and me in the last 10 years when we went on vacation this past winter, so it's easy to say we're not close. She still considers my 3 sons with DH as her little brothers. She sees them a couple times a year, and still loves to call them her brothers.
In OP's case, there very well might have been a reason to exclude the girls, and it sounds like it might have been that the grooms half siblings were not included. If this is the case, while I think it was not something I agree with, the SD could have explained this to DH and left it at that. I think it would have helped future relationships.
While OP and her husband did not contribute to the wedding, they really didn't have a say, but it would have been nice if SD offered an explanation. Shoulda, woulda, coulda, so it's up to OP how to move on from here.
The groom doesn't have half
The groom doesn't have half siblings...
It sounds like the
It sounds like the relationship with SD and the girls needs to be written off. If she had kids in the wedding, and didn't even invite her own half sisters, she must not consider them her family. Maybe she is doing it out of spite regarding her dad not jumping to walk her down the aisle. If BM was demanding it, she could have given an excuse. Since there's no excuse, it's probably best to just disengage. Downplay any involvement with her and her sisters. Try not to have her around or make other plans with the girls when she's around. I feel bad for them, but hopefully you can all just move on.
My own SD25 was originally reluctant to accept that DH wanted more children. Her aunt on BM's side (aunt via marriage, not BM's sister) helped change her mind. SD told me her aunt has a half brother who is 20 years younger than her, and they get along great. I think her aunt's experience helped give SD an open mind. I'm glad because DH probably would have very little to do with SD otherwise. Our boys are sort of the glue for their relationship.
I think there are two sides
I think there are two sides to this..
First I was SD's wedding and she had the right to invite or not invite whom ever she wishes.
Second... as a mother and a wife to DH I would be outraged. The little girls are half sisters..DH's children as well as SD. The fact that they were not invited but you and DH were is an obvious insult. Perhaps if SD is drawing a line through the family you need to pick your side...your DDs.... or ...
There is no doubt that what has transpired will change the family dynamics and how you interact with SD and DH. And so it have two little girls that will have their feelings hurt because what they thought was an older sibling does not exist. You have to tell your children the truth. DH needs to be in on this because they are his little girls too. For a father to be ok with two of his kids being excluded to that extent makes me wonder what kind of man he is. I know it's not an easy thing to do...make everyone happy..but obviously he needed to show a little more support with regards to this little ones.
My personal opinion is that if all kids weren't invited then you shouldn't have attended. The message was that you can leave out your half sisters and you and DH are ok with it. It will continue to happen.
I realize that he has two sets of kids...but he has to protect all of them..the littles are that..little girls. The fact that their older sibling excluded them from a major life event (for what ever reason) will have an impact on them. DH needs to man up and deal with it.
Just accept the fact that
Just accept the fact that your SD has no interest in your children. Her decision. Doesn't matter if she's justified or just a selfish POS. All this blathering about "why" she did it is irrelevant.
Now it's time for you to make your decision to protect your children from someone who doesn't give a shit about them. Just write her off. You do not have to make a big announcement or convince your DH of why his daughter is of no use to you - you just don't engage with her on any level other than a civil greeting if your paths cross.
Why keep someone in your life who brings nothing positive?
I've got a few thoughts after
I've got a few thoughts after reading the update (and having read the original).
Several have commented that perhaps the children who were present were the children of those in the wedding party. I always thought that the father who walked the daughter down the aisle and stood at the chuppah was part of the wedding party. Dad wasn't a guest at the wedding; he was part of the wedding party.
If you want a no children wedding, it's your choice. To have other children there and exclude your half sisters makes a point that will last. My SD and SIL skipped my son's big day to attend the local air show. I won't forget. Neither will son who drove 5 hours to attend their wedding. Neither will DH who fielded numerous questions asking about SD and SIL that day.
At SD's wedding I got the correct seating, corsage... Wedding guests didn't know that SD told me they only wanted members of the wedding party there when pictures were taken, so when the wedding party went to have pictures taken, I didn't.
Did anyone ask that day about your children? What did you tell them?
DH had already told our
DH had already told our family that DD's were visiting my family out of state so they asked after the girls but not why they weren't there. A few family friends asked generally about them as we were catching up, but no one made any comments to me about their absence. SF was the only person I met from BM's side to ask how they were doing and how old they were now.
I agree - SD did not care if
I agree - SD did not care if she hurt two innocent little girls. You don't owe it to her to hide the fact that she did this. Still, I am wondering why this did not bother your DH more than it did. They are HIS kids too.
So I guess the bride felt
So I guess the bride felt closer to the kids of other members of her bridal party? I call bullshit.
From your original thread I
From your original thread I remember reading that SD and SS told Dh they had made a pact not to invite your DD's to their weddings because they weren't "close." Sd lied about the children, lied about the budget, and lied about the "whole family" being there. You were probably invited because DH would have refused to come otherwise. you were not included in the "real" family pic that will likely be displayed on her wall. I doubt any of the ones with you in it will even be printed.
Your DD's should know that their big sister who they look up to and love so much, purposefully excluded them from her wedding and does not love them or even like them very much. Even at the ages of 8 & 11 they are old enough to know to know when they are being left out. Show them wedding pictures and after seeing the dozen other kids there they'll figure it out on their own. Be honest with them, they deserve to know the truth so that they can decide how much they want SD in their lives. How sad for your DD's to be in a one way relationship w/a sibling that cares so little for them. They'll be hurt yes, but it will save them years of pain down the road.
Dh was a fool for going along w/this egregious exclusion of 2 of his children. Both of you lied to your DD's and supported SD's fantasy that she is DH's only daughter. This can't help affect the dynamic between everyone going forward. SD has very publicly shown her true feelings and clearly established who she considers to be her family. DD's are not included. I would apologize to DD's, tell them the truth and "disengage with love" from SD and SS. DH may pitch a fit but how can you as a mother lie to your own children and be supportive of SD's two faced version of reality. Your dd's deserve better.
Still learning - this is the
Still learning - this is the truth. Well put.
I am going to ask you a
I am going to ask you a question and I mean no offense? Do you think your SD and SS are "ashamed" of their dad's new family? Are you much younger than he is? Did you relationship begin before their parent's marriage ended? It just seems really strange to me, given that there were children there, that they weren't included.
If he did hesitate when asked to walk his children down the aisle, I promise you that would have been a real issue for your SD and SS.
I am guessing that they knew that if they didn't include you, their dad, would be, at a minimum unhappy and at the worst might not come. So you are in. I will say that, in my opinion, she went above and beyond in how she included you the day of, so I am thinking my speculation is wrong.
What I said was that I was
What I said was that I was touched DH would consider my feelings when entering into a situation that involves him and BM. What I also said was that it is entirely possible that he said yes right away and when he realized that I might be uncomfortable with he and BM arm in arm walking down the aisle - which is what happened after the ceremony was over and I was fine with it - told me he he said he would think about it.
My daughter was 15 when her first half brother arrived, 17 when the second one arrived and 19 when the third one arrived.
We didn't switch to 50/50 until she was off to college, so she only spent four years EOWE with the first kid, 1 year of EOWE with the second kid and she NEVER lived with the third kid.
Nonetheless, there they all were in her wedding party. I had ZERO problems with it because they were her siblings. And, they were freaking adorable!!
I agree that the bride in this case was horribly rude and exclusionary. To exclude her siblings, her father's other children was flat out rude, but to then tell dad and SM that no kids were invited only to see a whole freaking table of kids is plain obnoxious, IMHO.
Zippy - I so wish you really did put cardboard cut outs up - THAT would have been epically awesome!!
Pathetic. Second? to two half
Pathetic. Second? to two half siblings?
Everyone...HRNYC is right. I
Everyone...HRNYC is right. I could not accept that my DD's did not come first on SD's wedding day. Here is how I really acted at the wedding:
I told everyone I met that my DD's were cruelly excluded from this wedding and that I didn't know how much longer I could be here without them.
I brought life size cardboard cutouts of DDs and placed them front and center during family photos. I insisted on me and the cutouts being in all photos DH was in.
When I saw the family photo wall had only one picture of DD's, I went to Walgreens, had 20 adorable photos of them printed out, plus a photo of me and DH on our wedding day, and taped the photos over the other pictures. The photo wall was in black and white and my photos were in color, so DD's really stood out.
During the ceremony I decided I didn't want DH and BM together, so I made SD walk her mother down the aisle, then walk back to the entrance and walk with DH down the aisle and I made him stand with the grooms parents. I told her if she didn't agree DH and I were leaving.
During the ceremony I also called DD's and narrated what was happening so they wouldn't miss anything.
At the reception, after DH was done with his toast I grabbed the mic, and held my phone up to it so DD's could give a speech.
Thinking about the father/daughter dance I was so enraged that my girls would not be a part of it that I had them driven to the venue and insisted that each DD get a dance with DH, while wearing SD's veil so they could feel like princesses.
HRNYC, you were so persistent... I cracked under the onslaught of your comments and you got me to reveal what really happened.
As much as I just loved
As much as I just loved reading this (hilarious }:) ), we all know HRNYC will believe it.
As soon as she picks herself up off the floor from her faint, she'll be back typing 'aha, I knew it blah blah '
Ha! Great post, love it!
Ha! Great post, love it!
Oh, you are SOOO bad,
Oh, you are SOOO bad, Zipper!! Don't know if I would have been as nice as you if SD was treating my children like dog doo.
I wish more people would
I wish more people would speak to the long term consequences of these exclusionary type weddings. And, right or wrong, there is no doubt half-sibs were excluded. Because, the point I think that needs to be made is that whether you hate your SM or not and don't want to invite her, or whether you don't want to invite your half-sibs or step-sibs, life probably isn't going to go back your "normal" after SM, Sdad, step-kids or half-sibs have been excluded, and money really has nothing to do with it either way.
Unfortunately, for many of these events, as OP stated above is true: "so many little things happened at this wedding to make it clear to me that none of the skids actually consider our daughters (or me probably) "family". It really is all pretend for DH."
So, it is your special day and you can invite whomever you want, fine. In the past, weddings were about joining two families together and creating bonds with families, religion, etc. Part of the issue is that nowadays weddings are seen just as the bride and groom's thing, where they are having a big, ol' party to celebrate their marriage in whatever fashion they want. Goth wedding, okay; getting married in a horse barn, okay. It is all about the party and the focus being on the bride (mostly) and groom. So, the saying now is that "you can do whatever you want on your special day" and include or exclude whomever you want.
So, SM is excluded or treated extremely rudely and/or half-sibs and/or step-sibs, etc. How do you think your dad will feel about that? You think you are the only one who can pretend? Maybe your dad is royally pissed and maybe not, but do you know which or do you even care?
SM is dad's wife and half-sibs are dad's kids. Do you think you are going to improve your relationship with your father by not inviting or disrespecting his wife and children? To say "probably not" is an understatement. Dad, more than likely, isn't going to want to go any of your functions in the future minus his wife and kids. Would you want to go to functions where your spouse was going to be treated poorly or ignored? Again, probably no. SO, SM and half-sibs are not going to want to go these events, and why in the hell should they, so dad isn't going to want to go either, = less time with dad, = poorer relationship with dad or maybe even zero relationship with dad.
SO, go ahead and invite whomever you want. Exclude whomever you want. Do whatever you want. Wear a black wedding dress, have your wedding guests stepping on horse shat for your barn wedding etc., but don't you dare think for one moment that you haven't just screwed yourself and minimized your relationship with certain family members, and there is a high probability one of those certain family members is going to be dear dad.
Fair play to you for being so
Fair play to you for being so classy but I would have pointed out the kids table and said to dh ' I thought you said no kids'
You are now officially not 'close' to sd or 'family' nor are your children so act accordingly. Though honestly I am such a mule I prob wouldn't go
If and when she has kids no presents from you and no babysitting - all on your husband and if it doesn't get done tough cause your not close not family
And I would tell your daughters in language they can understand exactly what has gone down
Also if and when your daughters get married, skids are not invited - if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander
The person I am most disappointed in however was your husband - to accept the exclusion of his children.
Nowhere does she "brag" about
Nowhere does she "brag" about the lack of financial contribution at all. She's says they were never asked to contribute. That's a very different thing. And even if there's a comment or two where she expresses relief that they aren't on the hook for this lavish what? I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on my skids over the years (MY money, not "our" money) and will probably offer some kind of gift toward their weddings. But it won't be a lot, and it will certainly be capped. I would not want me or DH "on the hook" for an absurdly expensive wedding. We see horror stories on here all the time about princess SDs expecting crazy amounts of money for their weddings...of course OP is relieved that's not the case here. sounds to me like NOT asking for money at all is a rejection move by SD. Wanting her mommy and daddy to walk her down the aisle together, no step-siblings, wanting "original family" photos. This is all meant to exclude OP and deny her place in her husband's life, and of course it's hurtful, especially as she did so much for her skids when they were younger (or did you miss those posts?) That, in a nutshell, is the stepmom's dilemma. You can give and give and give when the kids are younger...but it's all a gamble. The truth about how they feel about you comes out when they're older and have more choice...and you find out too late that it's been time and money energy...all wasted.
I don't know the financial
I don't know the financial circumstances in detail because OP hasn't told us. Unlike you, I don't assume I know intimate details of a poster's life and financial or family situation with no actual knowledge (i.e. Her kids are probably raging brats, she wanted to make the day all about her DDs so SD put a stop to that, SD was probably hurt that her dad didn't jump at the opportunity to walk her down the aisle and that's why she excluded her sisters...etc.) So I don't know if they offered or why they didn't if not.
My point is, adding two kids to a wedding is so negligible. I highly doubt it would have affected the budget at all, frankly, so, to me, that's a non-argument. But, while we're on the subject of paying for another woman's you really think that there was never one time in the past 15 years that OP picked up the tab for her skids? Never a birthday or Christmas present she bought? Never a meal she paid for or an extra-curricular activity? Never a month when she had to cover more than her fair share of the household bills so that her DH could afford to help his kids out with something? Is it only stepmoms who should be gracious about accepting and paying for someone else's kids once in a while?
We paid for her masters
We paid for her masters degree.
I'm sorry, but you can't
I'm sorry, but you can't expect to have a say in who attends an event you aren't helping to pay for.
The they are her sisters line doesn't fly here. If it does, then SKs should be able to invite their BMs to events (birthday parties for example) that SMs host and pay for.
The SD included the OP. She could have invited just her sisters and father. When questioned, she could have said it was a family event. Now that would have been a bitch move.
You're kind of proving my
You're kind of proving my point, here. SM plans and pays for a birthday party or Father's Day event for her DH and invites ALL his kids...her skids and their kids together. Everyone thinks that's normal, right, and just expected. BM plans and pays for SDs wedding and excludes the half-sisters everyone jumps all over SM and calls her "entitled" for "expecting BM to pay for HER kids!!!"
OP. As some others have said, family lines have been drawn now. Guard your heart and your finances accordingly.
It's normal to include all of
It's normal to include all of dad's kids to the SM's event because she's his wife and the funds for the event came from their household.
It's ridiculous to have the same expectations when mom is covering the expenses. BM had no obligation to the OP, her husband or their kids. The SD included the OP in all aspects of the day. Many of the SDs posted about here have used their wedding days as a platform to showcase their hate fortheir SMs. This girl didn't do that. No she didn't invite her sisters, but she treated her SM with respect and kindness. That has to count for something.
Had dad contributed to the cost of the wedding, my opinion would be different.
Really? Did you read the
Really? Did you read the other posts where dad and SM offered / wanted to talk budget and were turned away? Or that dad and SM paid for the SDs masters program?
Why should it be "normal" for SM to put money into her skids lives, education, pursuits, etc for years but verboten, ONE TIME at a big family event, no less, for a BM to include the half-siblings of her kids? That makes zero sense to me and seems incredibly petty. SM also has no obligations financially to her skids...but gives and does for them anyway out of love for her DH. Until crap like this happens and she wakes up and requests separate finances...
I was referring to parties,
I was referring to parties, not big ticket items like education. I think it's ridiculous for any of each to expect a SM to fund big ticket items for her SKs. (College, weddings....)
It was mom's money, so she has the final say on how it was used. Same applies to SMs and their money.
You can love your husband without turning your pockets inside out for his kids.
To be honest,none of the major players(SM, SD, BM) in all of this evil. After reading the OP's first blog (and pastill blogs here about SD weddings), I really expected the SD and/or BM to be awful to her if she attended the wedding. That did not happen.
Understood and I agree with
Understood and I agree with you regarding big ticket items and about the fact that she wasn't treated horribly...though I do think it's unkind to exclude her half-sisters, no matter the reason.
I was only mentioning expenses because of all the posters saying she shouldn't expect BM to pay for her kids at the wedding. What does it cost to add two kids to a wedding...$150, $200? $300 at most? I think it's highly unlikely that SM hasn't spent at least $300 of her own money on the skids in 15 years. I was just pointing out that if people want to get petty about "who's paying for those two kids to be there" then let's get petty. To me, it's not about the money. I think it's wrong to exclude your siblings / your dad's kids from your wedding.
at $70,000 for the wedding,
at $70,000 for the wedding, it would have been gracious for the bride to invite her half-sisters. sad the father did not press this issue.
When SD got engaged DH and I
When SD got engaged DH and I took them out to dinner, just the 4 of us. They already had an idea when they wanted the wedding to be, and as soon as the word budget was mentioned SD headed us off at the pass, and told us BM was paying. As TwoOfUs said, it felt like a rejection move, as if she was warning us away. Steplife is complicated. Everything has a hidden meaning. This felt like one of those no-go areas where any offer would be seen as an unwelcome intrusion to planning being done by BM and SD. It's true, we never actually offered and if we did contribute money we would have liked to be involved in the planning, which clearly SD did not want.
DH and I had discussed this before any of them were even engaged and we felt comfortable with a $10,000 contribution for each skid. When I found out DDs were excluded I told DH to do whatever he wanted. DDs gave them a Vitamix from their registry and made them a picture frame, I don't know what was in the card DH brought. After attending the wedding I was so relieved that we didn't offer to split it. I will not deny that. There is no way we would have been able to afford this scale of wedding, especially not three times if it's the same for all of the skids.
Oh geez. It seems to me like
Oh geez. It seems to me like there is no winning for stepmoms with you.
Of course she's hurt that her kids weren't invited after being in her skids' lives for FIFTEEN YEARS. It's like you expect stepmoms to have no normal human feelings or expectations at all.
Seriously, a 70K wedding is absurd and her DH is not a "bad father" for not wanting to split that with BM, especially after having funded her M.A. Perhaps her DH saw that expense as his while wedding became BMs to do. Sounds reasonable to me...if that's how he was seeing it, then it seems as though they actually DID help with the SDs wedding expenses. much CS over the years? What else did you help pay for for this SD who now can't be bothered to include two more place settings at a 160-person wedding in order to include her own sisters?
OP-did BM offer to split the M.A. with you? Do you think it's because she's a horrible mom or just selfish? Or maybe she's a dunce and doesn't value education?
I keep forgetting that
I keep forgetting that everything a SM posts "speaks volumes" to you, and that you're so much better at seeing what's really going on than the average commenter. I really must remember that! It "speaks volumes" that the dad didn't ask for his kids to be invited...what does it tell you? To me it says SD is a diva and dad has lost his balls when it comes to her.
I am so confused now about what your argument is that I can't untangle it all.
First you say that the SD shouldn't have to invite her sisters because they probably aren't that close, then you say that the OPs kids are probably awful brats and SD doesn't want to deal with that at her wedding, then you say that since dad said he needed a minute to think about walking down the aisle with his ex she got offended, then you say that OP wanted the wedding to be all about her DDs, then you say that since they didn't offer to contribute to the wedding, they can't possibly expect BM to co er their two kids!
That all gets refuted and explained. This SM is, in fact, not evil or unreasonable. She's been in their lives for 15 years, shes paid for things for them, the skids always seemed close to her girls, they paid for her M.A., they had an amount they wanted to contribute to the wedding and SD preemptively said 'no thanks,' despite this and despite her DDs not being invited, her girls got the couple a Vita-Mix ($400-$500 expense) and the dad took a card with money in it to the wedding. Sounds pretty gracious to me.
Now you're saying dad didn't have to split costs but should have at least offered to pay for his younger kids? Like...You're really saying that the Dad should have called SD up and said: "Hey, sweetie. We know that the reason you're excluding your sisters is because your mom is paying for the wedding, and it's really not fair of us to expect her to pay for Zipper's kids, despite the many thing Zipper has done for her kids over the years. So, could we just please pay $50-$75 per place setting and bring our girls?"
Are you for real? Why can't you just admit that excluding your sisters from a wedding is a shitty thing to do?
Oh, cool. I see. So another
Oh, cool. I see. So another situation where only the dad and his first family's feelings matter at all. Understood.
The lengths you go to in
The lengths you go to in order to twist a SMs words and use them against her are really quite fascinating.
OP said that her SD sent her DDs cards and gifts in response to someone asking if they were close. Her response..."I had always thought so. They seemed close. She used to send my DDs little cards and gifts saying she missed them..."
This was meant as an explanation for why the exclusion was surprising and hurt her feelings. I'd be surprised, too, if I had a friend who emailed me and called me and sent me things suddenly decided we "weren't close" and left me off the guest list for her wedding. I'd wonder what had happened...or why she had bothered reaching out to me for all those years.
Somehow, you've taken the very simple example meant to illustrate the OPs confusion over the whole affair and turned it into some weird, tit-for-tat proof that SD is awesome and totally justified and OP and her girls are terrible and entitled: "Well, where were SD's little presents and cards, hmmmm?!" Meanwhile, you conveniently gloss over the fact that OP has said more than once that her girls love and adore their half-sister...and that her girls sent a nice gift, card, and homemade frame to a wedding they were specifically excluded from.
Look. I don't know if OP and her DH did everything perfectly when they got together 15 years ago. I'm sure there were some hurt feelings, and I'm sure that if we went through the tapes, we'd find plenty of places where the OP was insecure or lashed out or didn't behave 100% perfect. But that was 15 years ago. This SD is an adult now, almost 30, and it sounds like OP and her DH have tried to be welcoming and accepting and supporting to all of the kids. That has not been returned to them, and OP is understandably surprised and hurt by that.
OP - I agree with the poster below me. This can be liberating. I would not tell my DDs what really happened, as that would needlessly hurt their feelings. Just limit your involvement with the skids from here on out. They aren't your family. I'm sorry about that.
What a truly nasty person you
What a truly nasty person you are. In fact I think you're nothing more than a TROLL. To clarify - that's HRCYN woman.
I can't believe you people
I can't believe you people are all still bantering over this. The SD does not care for her step sisters. Why debate they why of it? It doesn't matter if they are brats or she's a bitch, or neither or both.
When one is faced with a fact just accept it. SD DID NOT WANT her stepsisters at her wedding.
Just quit expecting any love, caring, and kindness from the SD to her step-sisters. Actually it can be quite liberating to stop the charade. Move along with reality.
youre lucky. sd in my case
youre lucky. sd in my case is having her father pay for everything while fiances family pays for nothing. of course when dh is an ass she backs him up because he holds the purse strings.
nothing is too good for this spoiled brat. wedding is at the end of seprtember and i cant wait to see her stuff herself in to her spaghetti strap wedding dress with all those rolls of flesh hanging over.
Yep, invite whomever you want
Yep, invite whomever you want or exclude whomever you want, but realize you just probably screwed yourself and minimized your relationship with certain family members, and there is a probability one of those certain family members is going to be dad. Dad is dad, and he is not an extension of your mother, the BM who probably had a lot say in your wedding plans while dad had none. Dad, more than likely, isn't going to want to go any of your functions in the future minus his wife and kids whom he is with 24/7. Would you want to go to functions where your spouse, love was going to be treated poorly or ignored? SM and half-sibs are not going to want to go these events, and why in the hell should they, so dad isn't going to want to go either.
All this talk about whether it is okay or not. SM vs. SKs. What about dad? Like someone mentioned earlier, it some ways it doesn't matter. Invite or do whatever you want, but you may pay a much higher price later on down the road than the $50 or so it may have cost for a couple of extra wedding dinners.
As I said earlier: "Maybe
As I said earlier: "Maybe your dad is royally pissed and maybe not, but do you know which or do you even care?"
TIME OUT for both fruity and
TIME OUT for both fruity and river. take a break from eachother please....
here u go, darlin'!
here u go, darlin'! -
2750.00 *gasp* dont know how
*gasp* dont know how we're gonna swing that.... my friend, whose house he got sick at, is going to set up a gofundme today, we'll see if her rescue network might help
if he could have made it to the regular vet, she was going to cover the bill, so she feels a gofundme is the least she can do.
she's got rescue folks all up
she's got rescue folks all up and down the east coast so anyone she knows are complete strangers to me IRL anyway. i'll just PM you with it when she gets it set up and leave it up to you. that goes for any STalkers who care to look him up, i'll just PM upon request.
I did not read all the
I did not read all the responses. However, if my minor child(ren) were not invited to the skid's wedding, I would have declined to go as well. I also would have made damn sure that any gift to the wedding couple was taken out of DH's money and not mine or joint money.
My DH's oldest sister (has a
My DH's oldest sister (has a different mom) got married 8 years ago. DH and I were living together but not married. DH's daughters liked me and so did DH's family. Except DH's stepmom (his sisters mother).
Long story short. We were invited to the wedding and we went, gladly:-) But this is where it got weird. DH was not included in any of the "family" pictures. Okay, fine. Then we were not seated with the family for the wedding. Ouch! Then came the dinner. We were not seated with the family. We were assigned a table in the corner of the ballroom far away from anyone we knew:-( It was really sad and very hurtful to DH and his daughters. I can take a punch. So can DH. But his daughters? They were confused and hurt. They were 10 and 12 at the time.
Come to find out, DH's stepmom HATES DH and even threw her step granddaughters under the bus, even though she professed to love them SO MUCH! And then to add more drama to the mix, I found out the real reason for the displacement, DH's SM hated me because DH moved on and she was "hopeful" BM and DH would get back together. So she made sure to punish all of us. What a *itch!
Moral of the story, just because you are invited doesn't mean all is well. Maybe your daughters were spared some injustice by NOT being invited. If I could have spared DH's daughters this drama, I would have.
And, the moral of all of this
And, the moral of all of this is: It's the bride's special day and she can screw whomever she wants, but in the long run the one she may have screwed the most may wind up being herself.
My DH has 2 daughters and I
My DH has 2 daughters and I wouldn't even think of making them feel excluded. They are family, even though they hate me. Do I go out of my way for them? Hell no. Do I intentionally exclude them? Hell NO!
Not all SM's are bad HRNYC. Many of us are compassionate creatures that are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.