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wow.... this time im shocked..i dont know why

Twinkletoes's picture

You may remember my earlier post of dh sticking by me. Well, dhs daughter just gave birth this morning. His brother texts him to let him. know. I tell dh to go to the hospital and give him the gifts I bought for him to take. So, he calls the brother to find out what hospital and no answer. Then he calls his answer. Then he calls the sons house and the wife answers. He asks for the address and she tells him she hates to be the bearer of bad news but he is not wanted there. He was devastated and crying . I find it hard to feel bad because this has been the dynamic for years. Their motto divorce your wife of 24 years and leave your three kids as well or no relationship with us. So here we sit. DH put up with this for years and finally told them to apologize for everything they had done to me or they wouldn't see him. I don't understand why someone would ruin such a happy day in their life with this drama. He ended up on the phone with his son begging him to apologize to me and move on. I in the background said I do not want an apology from someone who clearly isn't sorry. I just wish he wouldn't be putty in their hands. I mean really, is he not used to this be now, They are like three year olds throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way. Hes supposed to divorce me and break up our family and our kids cause they say when they came over they felt uncomfortable. Give me a break. This is all getting so old at this point. Im too old for this nonsense. Its not even high school behavior,. ugh

CANYOUHELP's picture

At least your husband is supporting you, but he is torn. Change the rules, let him go visit with them anytime, just you disengage. Stay away from the stupid drama and let him deal with it. Trust me, this will work in your favor. You are no longer the bad guy either way, or at least at face value. Your steps will never like you and do not expect an apology, they are not sorry; a forced sorry is nothing. Next, give husband permission to see them WITHOUT you. And, tell him you no longer want to discuss them either. Stick with your disengagement at all cost.

Twinkletoes's picture

That sounds great atleast on paper but for me it doesn't work. These children of his have condemned me for nothing. All because we had kids together. I wish I could but I just cannot deal with him going to see them and being the happy family while my children are not even acknowledged as being human beings on this planet. That is not right. They want to deny our kids exist and my husband is gonna play into that hand. Not on my watch. I feel that is very unfair and my kids don't deserve that. My children our children would never be so cruel. I did tell him he could go see them whenever he wants however I would no longer consider him a husband in the true sense of the word. I would live civilly but there would be no marital relations from me. I expect loyalty. I expect my husband to have my back. I expect him to have the feelings of his wife of over twenty years and his three children top on his list. That is what marriage is about. He used to go see them and all they could do the entire time was trash me. He was stupid enough to come home and tell me every time. Yes hes that stupid. Id say talk about the weather,the dog the price of potatoes. Geez why is it always me?? I don't get it. Mind you I had zero relations with them for years already. I was nothing but nice. Hell, the night before my wedding I slept on the floor so she could sleep in the bed comfy. I bought gifts, took the on vacation, amusement parks. But I should of known , the bm sent me sick letters tons of pages long of how my kids have what hers didn't. For example I took mine to Disney and they didn't. I have a pool and they didn't. She raised them to hate and hate is what they do.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I know your feelings too well Twinkletoes, our daughter does not exist as well as me. I got that message maybe a year after we were married and it has cemented, since then. It is horrible to be treated this way and at first, just like you, I insisted WE be included. But, guess what, "I" was not enough, HE had to and in my case my husband is too spineless to ever make certain they treat us like family, so I blame HIM for not making it right from the get-go with all of us. Now, the damage is done and all is left is damage control.

I learned the hard way, this is the only thing that works for me. Time will guide you in the direction you have to go, anyway. You are in my thoughts, this is not easy, it never is.

Twinkletoes's picture

thank you!! It is just so hurtful. The fact that my kids ,our kids are not even acknowledged just really bothers me. Its like don't you people understand. They are living breathing human beings. How dare they say oh well we don't know them and not even give a shit. They've also got the rest of his family only bothering with them and not our kids. Honestly I don't know what she says to these people but they all end up feeling sorry for her. No, I will not ever let me children call anyone up to trash them. We take the high road and say nothing. This has allowed her free reign but that's just not what I teach my kids. And yes, dh should of handled this long ago and he didn't. That's why they pushed and pushed and pushed. No boundaries. a real free for all. He should of nipped this in the bud long ago and he is a sweep under the rug person so he did not. I guess he thought it would go away. The whole family is dysfunctional. He has zero relationship with his siblings and parents. He wasn't even raised by his parents. The marriage counselor asked me one day what I expected of someone who doesn't know normalcy. He was brought up in a far from normal family.

CANYOUHELP's picture

When I first put my issues out there, I was told by a poster I was married to a doormat, you seem to have acquired one too. They do not like confrontation so they let certain people run all over them to "keep the peace." it is nauseating to watch, so no more for me. Like me, you did not see this side of him until well after you were married ,nor this side of the steps, etc. Delightful, huh? I

We do not even go to the get togethers for holidays, we were even excluded from presents! It was crazy....crazy that I did it so long too.

Twinkletoes's picture

exactly!! You are right. He is a doormat.. He then cried this morning and punched the walls.. Really?? Grow up and grow a pair. Ya know after dealing with this so long I no longer feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for me and kick myself for being so stupid to put myself in this situation and I feel horrible for my kids that don't have a family and the support that that brings. I actually felt nothing when he was crying but how pitiful he was. After all, how many years can you continue to go back for me when people treat you so poorly. Last week she texted him to tell him off and he responded and guess what she didn't like the response so she ignored him completely. No response. I couldn't ever imagine treating my parent like that. He said you don't know what this is like. If it was you youd be upset. I promptly told him my kids would never ever do that in this lifetime. They are not cold and evil. They would never dream of such a thing. He agreed with me. I asked my oldest if he heard all this going on this morning since he was home from college and he hadn't. I told him and he was blown away. I then read my son one of the letters his ex wrote me. He was so mad. It was very cruel. That was when I explained to him that he should never ever get involved with a girl that had children. It doesn't work 9 out of ten times. I do not want him to have to deal with these issues in life. It sucks the happy right out of you.

Twinkletoes's picture teaching my son that based upon my knowledge on this subject that he should steer clear of anyone that already had children when he decides to look for his life partner. My mom had warned me although she was never in that situation and I did not listen. Clearly that was a mistake. Btw what in the world would ever make you think my children aren't involved. They are his children and he has other kids from his exwife. That is clearly an involvement as they are siblings. My son is an adult and is old enough to know and understand the why of what he has to live through. I don't pretend these people don't exist because they do. When he was a baby he did not know, when he was a toddler he did not know, when he was a middle schooler and a high schooler he did not know. Now he is an adult and yes he knows. I wouldn't have it any other way!

CANYOUHELP's picture

It is true that you reap what you sow....Your husband will deal with his lack of parenting; you need to remove it all from your life. You only need people in your life that bring you happiness.

Twinkletoes's picture

exactly! after years of this abuse im done. Sorry, hating someone because they had kids is just sick. Why not embrace it and be a family?? bm really screwed with their heads. dh sat back and did nothing. Now its one big ball of hate.

Twinkletoes's picture

I think you are right. They probably did say everything knowing he has a big mouth and would repeat it all word for word.

Twinkletoes's picture

seriously, I think we have the same stepdaughter. How cruel just like mine. Im sure yours got worse because you had your son as well. They are narcissists. That's for sure.

Twinkletoes's picture

This has gone on for way too many years for me to sweep it under the rug. I think better of myself and my children to allow that to happen. At this point Im just done. If he wants he can walk. I cannot and will not put myself and my children through this any longer. This is going on way too long for it to be a healthy thing for anyone. Im too old and tired of this to deal with this any longer. Had they wanted to be a family and be civil I was open to it and more than nice to both of them. Their mom poisoned them against him and me and that cant be changed. Even went to marriage counseling and she told him that cant be changed. They've walked all over him for so long. I believe he handled it wrong and he knows it but whats done is done. She spends all her time telling his whole family how horrible I am and like I told her I just don't even care. Its meaningless to me. She calls anyone who will listen and trashes me and him. Im done with all this. I want to never hear their names again. I was just cleaning my office and found a letter his ex wrote him in which she trashed me calling me every word she could think of and that was in 2000. Guess what, the exact same things come out of the kids mouths now and theyre adults. But ill be damned if im gonna let my husband play the happy family with them when they don't even acknowledge their brothers and sister here are even alive. No good. This goes both ways.Im done making concessions. I will not make them for grown adults who are old enough to know better. All they had to do was be civil. That's all. They didn't have to like me of love me---just be civil. Dont we learn that in kindergarten. That's what I teach my kids.They wanna hate let them hate. But apparently since they did it the way where he just went to see them and I stayed here disengaged and all they could do was talk about me it is impossible. They have a goal and that is to get us divorced. They do not sway from that goal. So his ivsitations were all about achieving that goal. sICK. aND THATS WHY I SAY that just doesn't work. I feel they need to be respectful. If they lovede and respected him I feel they would be civil; .Personally I think they need therapy. Yes their parents got divorced but that was 30 years ago. they need to get over it. He wasn't evewn the one who left. Their mother divorced him.

Stepdrama11's picture


Just be civil. Kindergarten manners.
They have a goal and that is to get us divorced.
They do not sway from that goal.
So his visitations (and every phone call and text) are about that goal. It is sick, manipulative, and nefarious.

Twinkletoes, I feel your pain.

Twinkletoes's picture

yes it is sick and twisted..kinda like a tv movie. I swear I could have my own reality show

Twinkletoes's picture

Funny thing is they gave him a choice. He can divorce me and have a great relationship with him or stay with me and live his life where myself and my children are I accepted and they will never acknowledge these children exist. This has gone on for many years upwards of fifteen. So the thing is if you want a peaceful life yes you need to be civil and pretending your half siblings don't exist doesn't make it true. I condemn is behavior and I also will. I will not make like it is rig when it is clearly disgusting and they should of been taught better. The fact that they exhibit this behavior is hateful, evil and in the end gets them nothing but heartache. Years of poisoning by their mother turned them into these beings. They hate our kids because they were raised to jealous of them and everything they have. Not smart parenting on the side of their birth mother. I think each of our situations may be similar but they are all unique. For example, if you and your dh have children from prior marriages, if you had children together if you never had children and have step kids. These are all unique situations. I don't believe that children brought into this world through a marriage where one or both parents had a previous family makes those children any less human beings. They are entitled to live a normal life in a loving family just like the others. Suggesting anything else is wrong.

Twinkletoes's picture

Honestly if dh decides to resent me then I will deal with it. I resent a lot of things that have been done to me over the years. He doesn't seem to resent them or me as he has been in the middle of this for many years. This whole situation has hardly been a blessing in my life. Quite the opposite, as its been a true nightmare. Im no longer at the stage where I have to just swallow everything that comes my way. Those days are over. I know it, he knows it and im sure they know it.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Twinkletoes, do not blame anybody but your husband, it is just waste of your emotion, seriously. Your story could almost be my own, so I relate to what you are saying. I predict that you will have to disengage from this for your own sake like me, when you get to the acceptance stage of this dynamic. Honestly, your husband is crying? Do you want to be blamed for any of that? Look, I cannot stand my steps and I have more reason than most, but in every other way I have a fabulous husband. If he wants to see his children without me, he has my blessing; I will not be there period. I want nothing to do with them or know anything about them; they are dead to me now and in my life, as well as our daughter. As long as they are not creating misery for me, he can do whatever. I know they will never stop trying to split us, but I do not need to play by their rules, any longer. I still blame him for his inability to be a parent and step up as a real husband, but is it all that important to keep my anger continuously directed toward him? He is not going to change and I am not going to have anything to do with them--HE will deal with his own consequences.

You actually get power when you give up power. Your stepkids will hate your disengagement and it will backfire only on THEM for a change. Just give it some thought, okay?

Twinkletoes's picture

Thanks for the input but I disengaged years ago. Havent seen either of them in many years and guess what their hate is strong as ever. Until recently he always went to visit with them and guess what-- I was always the topic of the conversation and my kids. They don't love them and want them to come from a divorced home like them. its sick and I don't know why he would come home and tell me he said this and she said that. It would make my blood boil. Yeah youd think after all these years it wouldn't but it is very hurtful. I am a good person and I don't somehow believe how evil people are. Naïve and stupid I am. I admit I feel threatened for my life and my family when he goes there and they try to persuade him to divorce me and he can live with them. I don't have a safe haven in my own life. This is why I sometimes just want out. I don't want to deal with this anymore. Its been this way for almost 20 years. It is not going to change. Did he tell them who to marry?? Its unfair and they did like me that is until I had kids. Now they despise me. They wanted to be the only kids. Instead of embracing their new siblings they begrudge them for being born. Im sorry I still find this all so hard to fathom. You would think I would smarten up already.

sandye21's picture

"I don't know why he would come home and tell me he said this and she said that." And THAT is the real problem. You wrote that you are disengaged from them but still allow him to tell you about conversations he and they have about you. If you are really disengaged you will tell him you do not want to hear about them at all.

I can't stand being around my SD. I don't talk to DH about her and I don't want to hear anything either. BUT he has the right to see her, and I have the right to not be involved. They can talk trash about me all they want - I could care less. If SD has enough influence over DH to split up our marriage, then DH isn't worth staying with.

Twinkletoes's picture

yes you are right .. that is the real problem. He should not put wood on the fire but he does. Maybe he likes the tug of war that hes in the middle of. I don't know. I should cut him off . You are 100% right. I do disagree about them talking trash about me. Someone once told me something that stuck with me. If someone were to talk freely about you to someone else you should ask yourself why. What that means is why would they feel comfortable talking about you to this person who is supposed to be your friend, or husband or whatever. You get the point. They shouldn't. Like my one friend is not gonna talk trash aboutmy other friend to me knowing we are friends because I wouldn't want to hear it. I would not engage in it. period. Friends don't do that. As for my husband I will no longer tolerate that. He can have my back or walk. He cannot sit on the fence and sway from side to side. I deserve better than that and wont settle for that anymore. I have a right to a husband that will live by the very vows he made to me when he married me. engaging in trash talk about me is disrespectful to me. Today I actually overheard him speaking to his son and I have to say he had my back. Who knows why. as we get older we lose tolerance for this behavior. I know I sure have.

still learning's picture

Totally agree with sandy. For the first 2 years of my marriage I would listen as DH repeated all the hate that ss31 spewed about me. Finally I told DH not to repeat anything his sons said about me and better yet not to talk to them about me. The other night DH said that ss31 was acting like a teenager. I'm sure he wanted to engage me in conversation about what was going on but I had better things to do like wash my hair. Not gonna engage, don't care at all about what is going on with ss31. I always listen and am supportive of DH, but when the subject of his sons come up (esp ss31) I get real busy.

Twinkletoes's picture

Your quote is exactly how I feel. After years of this I had no choice but to walk away. I tried and tried to no avail. Sometimes you just have to save yourself.

Twinkletoes's picture

It was his own action but im sure you could understand that sometimes people say and do things and then are not sure if they will like the outcome. However, in this situation which is a major life event I indeed think he should have been there. absolutely! Not for me, I could care less but for him as a father and her as a daughter. As far as me deciding when they should be over it---on that id have to say that if your parents got divorced thirty years ago and you still consider yourself broken because of it therapy is definitely in order. Therapy that can help that person deal with their feelings and why they have not been able to overcome those feelings after such a large amount of time. Their mother left their father. He did not choose to end their marriage. While they lost their family, they should count their blessings. people go through a lot worse than being a child of a divorced home and are still able to function in society as decent human beings. You don't get a free pass because of it. I have friends that lost parents and siblings and yet they manage to be nice to others. yes even the ones they don't like. Its part of life-learning how to behave like a civilized human being.
and he did not push the issue-hes not wanted. great. He did not go. My neighbor had a set of twins and she will get the outfits I had bought for the baby. no biggy.
and why do I feel like im on trial with that post?? crazy!!

Twinkletoes's picture

Before you start judging you should really top and ask yourself why you would like to come across like a ...well you get the drift im sure. I think your remarks are quite cruel and unwarranted. With that said, Id hope youd realize when you read a post from anyone that it is a snippet of a situation. It does not go into years of detail of what the stepmother has endured. Surely I did not spend that much time on a simple post looking for support. I can assure you I do not have torment. That is ridiculous. There is only so much a person can take and I have my limits like everyone else. He does not hold anything against me nor does he hold against them their demands and ultimatums. This has been a tug of war if you will for more years than I care to count. btw, they do have issue with him as has been told to him when they cry to them on the phone that they are all f&*cked up because of the divorce. The divorce that was their mothers doing. I don't know why she really divorced him and I guess I never will. I was not in his life at the time so that will remain a mystery. I do not that she was cheating on him but claims he was not a good husband so who knows. Anyway, I think you are a very cruel person and need to ask yourself why. You are clearly not looking to be supportive or shed light on anything. You are just cruel and that is not a great quality to posess in this life. I learned a long time ago that if I don't have anything nice to say I say nothing. You should try it.

Twinkletoes's picture

Thank you so much for your input. I know you speak out of experience. Yes, my husband does blame himself for allowing all this to go on as well he should. In the beginning, im talking over 15 years ago I told him to fix it or how would we all ever be in a room together. Well, he didn't and here we are. Everyone has told him he should of spoken up early on and he didn't. Hes very sorry now because so many years have went by and now its all a lost cause. I wont even get into all the cruel things they've said and done to me. Youd be astonished. I don't even want an apology because I know they are not sorry at all one bit. They don't care about anything but themselves. Its sad. The point that they are grown is so true. Why cant people just live and let live. Their reason for their all out war against me and our children is that I had the children and that's just crazy. I was in my twenties and yes I was entitled to have children whether they like it or not. That's just too bad.

Twinkletoes's picture

Don't be sorry... lol.. that is funny. His kids gave him an ultimatum to leave me and our kids and have been doing so for many years. As youd guess it has put a strain on their relationship. Why should he be forced to leave his wife of over 20 years and their children because they are jealous of the other kids??

as far as timelines Im not even sure what you are referring to. Im not trying to decide anything other than keeping my life at peace.. period. As for trying to manipulate my husband that couldn't be farther from the truth. If he was easily manipulated im guessing we wouldn't be in this mess.

I was actually shocked when he gave them the ultimatum to apologize as he let a lot go on for many years. His lack of a spine is why it continued for many years.

When reading posts try and realize that what someone posts is not the entire history of every hateful event that has happened along the way. I don't understand why when someone comes here for support this is the treatment they receive. Im guessing if you had the perfect way of dealing with this you wouldn't even be on this board. Your life would be perfect. Try and empathize at least a little.

Twinkletoes's picture

Thank you so much for your kind words. I bought gifts actually to make it easy for him s what does he know about that yes she screams and cries like a baby (and shes a grown adult) when she doesn't get her way. Its sickening. For example if she texts him and gets an answer she doesn't like she ignores him. when he didn't divorce me a couple of years ago she ignored his birthday and didn't even send him a card and had her brother do the same. When she texts she puts her brothers name on the end of the text. Like really?? hes like 40.. cant he send a text himself. She controls everyone. So what you say about punishment is spot on. when he doesn't do what she wants she punishes him. Telling him not to go to see her and the baby was his punishment yet again.

Twinkletoes's picture

Our stories are so similar and Im sorry you've went through this as well. How disgusting of them not to be there for their dad when he had a stroke. My dh just last month had to undergo numerous tests and biopsies. They thought he had cancer. Notone call from them. They just ignore what they want . After all its all about them. sd laid on the couch for her entire pregnancy because she claims shes high risk because she had one miscarriage. What a joke. Dh couldn't call her because according to her she was not supposed to be upset or stressed. Are you kidding me?? Dh even thought it was ridiculous. We wont get into how they treated me when I was pregnant. Animals in every sense of the word.

Twinkletoes's picture

Yes, thank you so much. I got strong because after years of abuse I woke up. Instead of letting them destroy me I realized I would never change them or the situation. I realized I didn't deserve it and neither did my kids. Ive dealt with their viscious remarks and when I came here for support I was met with some comments that were crude and rude. They were not supportive rather I felt I was on trial. All I can say is they should walk in my shoes before they open their mouth. I was nice and got shit on. I no longer care what my steps think. I will not defend myself here to people that want to be cruel. I don't have to. I will steer clear of them and anyone who wants to disrupt my life or cause me stress. I don't even give it a second thought.

Twinkletoes's picture

All this is so true .. I could of written it myself. Funny thing is he begged them to apologize which I was and am still totally against. Anyway he would beg them every time he saw them to please make life easier for him and apologize so everyone in his family was happy. They would say but dad in 1994 she had a fight with mom or dad when I came over I felt uncomfortable. Really?? you know who felt uncomfortable?? me. In my own home as they sprawled out on my couch with their feet up and the remote. They looked really uncomfortable. lol... So at this point he sees that he begged for 15 years yes that long and they completely ignored him. Hes not happy that they care that little for him that they wont apologize for their wrong doing. I don't even want an apology. I want noting to do with them. I told him I would not even speak to them on the phone. They claim they are afraid I might yell. He told them if I did id be entitled to because of all they did to me. I just don't like the begging. I wish hed talk like a father with some authority. I think thats why they don't respect him one bit. Hes pitiful. He just did it the other day. I hate it. But this time I was in the background and calmly I said I m not waiting for an apology , its not necessary and why would you people ruin whats supposed to be a happy day with this drama?? crazy

sandye21's picture

"I felt uncomfortable." These words resonated with me because for 20 years that was the only thing that SD could convince DH that I did. And for 20 year I was at a loss for what I was doing to make her and her husband uncomfortable. Like your skids, SD assumed ownership of my home when she visited. The last time they visited she and her husband made cookies in the kitchen of a house I owned and never asked if it was OK with me - I wound up with one cookie!

When SD had her meltdown, the subject of she and her husband being uncomfortable came up again. I asked DH what I had done to make SD and her husband feel uncomfortable. I will never forget the look on his face - something like a deer in the headlights, but he could not come up with one thing that I had done. Not one word, not one action, not one attitude in 20 years! He never brought it up again.

Twinlketoes, I admire the way you have handled this. He wants them to make an insincere apology to you then begs them for acceptance as a Father. Yes, it IS pitiful but you don't owe it to him to listen to it or deal with it.

Twinkletoes's picture

It's amazing all these skids same the same thing. Plllease.. What a joke... I also asked dh what I had done since I was rarely alone with them and never alone while they were in my home. He could come up with nothing yet the subject still comes up. I will no longer defend myself against bull rap. I don't need to. He knows the truth I know the truth and honestly so do they. They wanted him alone living by himself at sir disposavle when they felt like throwing him a bone and he knows it. He admits it. They are never happy for him only jealous alike when he gets a new car or we go on vacation their blood boils. Too bad.if I had done something to them I'd understand but I will not be made into a monster because they want their father miserable and alone.

sandye21's picture

Forgot to say that I asked DH 'specifically' what I had done to make them feel uncomfortable. When SD had her meltdown and was screaming at me every accusation was so vague it couldn't be pinned down to any specific incident. I said, "Maybe I should have been more sympathetic about your Mom and Dad's divorce." The look on her face spoke volumes - the hurt and anger were still there after decades, THAT was really the issue. Since I didn't even know DH when he divorced, it became fully apparent to me that I had nothing at all to do with SD's being uncomfortable, but as I told DH she made ME uncomfortable in my own home.

It DOES make you wonder though if they are still trying to get back at DH for the divorce by throwing a bone attached to a string and treating his new wife like dog doo.

Twinkletoes's picture

I think that years of poisoning from the bum make them who hey are as adults. As our marriage counselor told him you cannot change what has been imbedded over the last 25 years.

still learning's picture

Hun, there will be no "normalcy" in the relationship between his first family and your children. Your husband was raised in a dysfunctional dynamic, raised his first set of kids that way and has no idea how to be a strong family man and hold it all together. I understand and totally get this, my dad was the same way. He had kids from several mothers and did nothing to bring us together. My half sibs and I do not have normal gooey sibling relationships, we are not "close." As we have grown and the BM's are no longer keeping us apart, a few of us have formed friendships. My older half bro has nothing to do with any of us and I've stopped trying to reach out. I'm in my 40's and am a whole person regardless of his lack of approval of my existence. Funny thing is that his daughter is reaching out to our side of the family. She is a doll and I'm all open arms.

The more you push the more push back you will receive. My 2 cents is to just drop all expectations of DH and his kids. Let it all go and just focus on your children. Live parallel lives, let DH be free to go between both worlds but insist that he wipe his feet of all their drama at the door.

Their half siblings acknowledgement does not make your children any more human, it's not necessary. One day they may come around...or not, don't hold your breath.

Twinkletoes's picture

I can say that I no longer live in a dream world. I don't think our kids and his kids will have a relationship nor do I want them to at this point. There is too much jealousy and no love for that to be good.

Twinkletoes's picture

It really is crazy that this kind of thing even exists. Its a shame. Why not just act civil. When my dad started dating I was devastated after my mom passed away. I was always civil and kept my distance and my father dated a woman for many years. She made him happy. That in turn made me happy. If you really love your dad don't you want them to be happy. They want him alone and then they would see him occasionally because they are all for their mom. With the divorce, they picked a side and it wasn't his. He is fully aware of this a they make sure he knows it. BTW , your blog on stepdigest has a wealth of wonderful information. I enjoyed reading it and will be back to read on.

moeilijk's picture

The hardest part is, I'm sure, watching your DH being hurt over and over. I hope one day he accepts that he won't have the relationship he wishes with (some of) his children, and decides to be pro-active about what relationship he is willing to be part of.

Of course he shouldn't go off playing happy families with his kids while they are disrespectful to his marriage, his partner, and his other children. But he can draw appropriate boundaries. Not everything has to be so dramatic.

Families are all different. One of my cousins was expected by her husband/in-laws to host her in-laws and extended family, including an all-out meal, within hours after delivering her first baby. Her brother thought this was so ridiculous that when his wife had their first, he told everyone they would be welcome to visit for tea the following week.

It was really tacky of your SS's wife to get involved.

Twinkletoes's picture

Yes, it is hard watching him get hurt time and again. I think he needs to see what is clearly in front of his face. His first wife tried to control him and her daughter is the exact same. I wont even get into all they've done to hurt me because id be typing for hours but lets just say its been very hard and hurtful to say the least. I think had he acknowledged it all from the start it might have been different. However, I can now see why he didn't. He knew they would walk away and not turn back when they didn't get their way. Funny you mention SS's wife. That really pissed him off but she is sd's soldier. I think it was very cruel. I wouldn't of said it to someone else's father. but in life we live and learn. I try and avoid conflict.

joan mary's picture

After 17 years of marriage and 5 step kids (all grown) 1 with depression, 1 with paranoid schizophrenia, and 1 with borderline personality disorder I have seen a ton of problems. My step life used to look like a Jerry Springer show - restraining orders and all.

What I learned to do is - NOTHING. You cannot control DH or his kids or his EX. You can control you. Disengagement is a great word but what does it look like? Don't buy gifts for the new baby - or any of them, don't remind DH to go visit, or call his kids, if he brings up their names you should interrupt him and tell him "it would be better if you talked about your kids to someone else" REPEAT as necessary, walk away, make a phone call, anything to stop that conversation. Do NOT talk about SK's to him, your kids, in laws or any other family member.

If the SK's call and you answer the phone I would hand it to DH and leave the house. Don't listen in the back ground or let DH talk about them other than to let you know when he will be gone to visit them. If DH comes home from a visit or a phone call and wants to vent do not listen. Again, tell him that it would be better for him to talk to someone else about his kids.

The less I talk about toxic SK's, the less I care. If your bio kids ask about them let them know that the SK's have chosen to be distant and that is their right. Short and sweet and then change the subject. Your kids are better off with these SK's out of their lives.

The controlling temper tantrum the SK's are trying only works if someone is watching, listening, and paying attention to it. Since it has worked for 24 years to some degree don't expect it to ever change. But smile - you can change how you react! DH will pay less attention to them if you have no time for it. When DH cries that they hurt him you can shrug your shoulders and remind him that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Do not feel sorry for him or angry for him. Don't let him rant and go on about it. This is his problem and he is only handing off the issue to YOU when you engage, get angry, show sympthy for him, etc.

My rotten SK's dont get any birthday gifts, christmas gifts, or cards on holidays because my DH forgets or is distracted by everyday life. They get almost no phone calls or facebook messages or texts. Their kids (the grandkids) also get very little if anything. It is my DH's job to manage those relationship and that is his choice.

I do mantain a relationship with the one SK that I like and she likes me. I talk to her, message her, buy her and her kids gifts, I plan meals with her, and I don't rely on DH to keep that relationship going.

Good Luck and focus on yourself and your reaction.

Twinkletoes's picture

You are exactly right. Engaging in any talk only makes it worse. I do not want to be part of it so I try and stay away from it at all costs. DH is learning to do the same. It is different for him since they are his kids. I am changing my reaction which is so important but that has taken years and years. lol.. I used to get crazy and so upset and now im like oh ok and lets move on. Nothing never will. it took me years to accept that but I have. As far as my children, skids are 95% of the time never even mentioned in this house. They never bring it up and I don't either. Sometimes it comes up as now it did but that is rare. I do teach my kids how they are so lucky they have each other and that is a relationship they need to cherish. They are quite close and I love it. Im thankful to God every day of my life for them. They are my life. I will always love them and protect them . I end every text with an I love you and my kids do the same. I make sure they are brought up in a loving environment. thank you for your input. You have great insight.

joan mary's picture

I suggest you read the book CoDependent No More. Where it talkes about adict - mentally change to DH. Where it reads alcohol or drugs - mentally change to SK's. Not an exact correlation but pretty good. It was very helpful to me to help figure out what are my problems and what are not my problems. If it is not my problem I learned (try) to leave it in the hands of the person who has the problem.

sammigirl's picture

It's amazing how Skids say they don't come around any more, because "they don't feel comfortable". My SD56 told my DH the same thing after 30+ years of me bending over backwards to make everyone comfortable, fixing holiday dinners, hosting card games, doing BBQ's, and doing all the cooking for camp-outs. When I decided it was Skid's turn to do some of these events, I was "wrong". I "split" up the "Brady Bunch Family".

I only have one thing to say; it's their problem, I am finished with it and have been disengaged now for 7 years. I don't care any more and I am free of all the work. I never got credit for being nice, so now I am not nice.

If it doesn't suit your SD, of course it's your fault. It's sad that she excluded her Father and you; she will regret it. My SD56 has excluded me, but not her Father, which works for everyone.

Sorry to hear your DH is not enjoying his grandchild. That's very hurtful.

Twinkletoes's picture

Yup, ofcourse its my fault. She wants him to be alone and miserable. Im not sure why since he wasn't the cheater or the one who wanted the divorce. He met me like a year later after it was final. She had a boyfriend for years by the time I came around. I suspect that not going her way and her life that she thought shed have with the other man turning sour turned her sour. He got married and had kids and shes still single even now. Shes always been very jealous of me and everything out of sd mouth is exactly the mean things that have come out of her mouth. That even includes dh. Its odd shes like a machine repeating word for word all her mother has ever said about us even to this day 25 years later. That shit must of been drilled in their heads. Not very healthy. I was surprised by the latest but im actually glad. why prolong the inevitable. It can never work. now ss wife got involved and dh is livid with her. oh well. now they can live with it.

sammigirl's picture

Yes, it is their problem and if you enter into it, you will end up with all the blame.

My Skids give DH very little time. I just don't understand. I've listened and paid attention to the life they all had for 23 years, prior to my coming into the picture. My DH and his kids are very dysfunctional in what I perceive to be family. Nothing like my background; with all of that said, I decided to disengage from my toxic SD56 and SGD31 (mother/daughter) let it be their problem; it was their problem before I came into the scene, so why make myself miserable, just because they are miserable. There is 4 generations of toxic women in my DH's life; I want nothing to do with that mess.

My SD56 is extremely jealous of me and her Dad's marriage; it's her hang up, not mine. My SD is also constantly repeating BM's drama.

Whatever! I blame my DH for creating this dysfunction over the previous years; therefore I have very little sympathy. Sorry!

Twinkletoes's picture

yeah I have very little sympathy myself. I'm so done with all this and thankful that our children exhibit none of these self centered evil jealous hateful qualities. thank God. However, I do teach them to walk away form confrontation, suck it up if they are around someone they don't like , be nice to everyone, never be jealous of others and what "things" they may have so I have very laid back kind children. They would never act like skids act. I am proud.

Goodwife's picture

Its incredibly cruel to deny a grandparent the right to hold their grandchild in their arms. Thats some cruel messed up stuff. These people are scary and sorry to say, I do feel sorry for him but also see that he has created this by not parenting them with authority. So typical of guilty divorced dads.

I am way more sorry for you because its always a lose lose to be partnered with someone who cannot stand up to his ex and children. It breaks your heart. At the moment, I am accepting that when my husband lets me down then it will make me sad. I will be disappointed and that is not my fault. He is a good and intelligent person in almost every area of his life and then spectacularly weak and complicit when it comes to his daughter. Its not parenting its enabling. You and I have that in common. Its terrible to look forward to potentially years of this via wedding, grandchildren etc.

I have learned that the ex and SD will punish him for partnering. I can make no sense of why. Like you my husband was legally split from his ex partner for a year before we met and married. Its so weird that the women in these situations can't move on and poison their children. Its a cliche happening everywhere. At some level aren't they embarrassed to be living walking pathetic cliches?

Honestly detachment is the only way to have peace. Not total peace but at least some peace. let him go visit. I get that it seems unfair but its kinder to him and you don't have to accept their lack of acceptance of your children. Yes thats awful and wrong but its just their problem and does not reflect on you family and your values. Run your own race. They will try to trip you over, just get up again and keep going. It all you can do if you want to keep your family together.

Twinkletoes's picture

thank you for your input and I agree when they have no spine they set the tone that there are no boundaries and skids are free to do and say as they like having no respect foremost for their dad and secondly to me. I personally think it says more of their lack of respect for him than it ever could for me after all hes their parent. Its been a long time dealing with this and I think everyone is sick of it. Would of just been easier for everyone had they been respectful and civil. At this point I do not engage at all. Hell always say "do you want to talk to them" and Im here like hell no. The last conversation was the last conversation. I know at this point I would not be nice so id rather just stay away.

Twinkletoes's picture

absolutely!!! I look forward to all the moments in life that are so important. Our kids are not even capable of such behavior because I raised them to be respectful. This shows their lack or love and respect for him unfortunately.

enuf's picture

My ex was a divorced from ss mother and bachelor for 20 years before we met each other. Even through it was that long, ss would not allow him to have a committed relationship with me. He interfered on a daily basis, all day long, and ex could not put boundaries. I which I had been stronger by completely detaching, however when ever I attempted to detach ex would get really angry at me by not accepting his ds with open arms, unconditionally.

Kudos to your dh for finally putting boundaries regarding their behavior on how they treat you. It really did take a lot of courage for him to do so, as his behavior has been anything but that in his history otherwise his dc would not be reacting the way they did. Little, by little, the sks will realize that he means business, that is if he does not revert to his normal behavior, and they will adjust how they behave with him and you if they want to have a relationship with him. Just stand your ground as your dh will take any opportunity he can to slide back in order to have a relationship with them. It is human nature to take the easy way out.

Twinkletoes's picture

Yes, you are right when you say they act this way because he allowed it for way too long. He knows it too. He blames himself and as I feel bad on one hand on the other hand he really should of grown a pair a hell of a lot sooner. I also think as we age we change our views and get tired of the constant battle. I know I have.