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Ok- one more q!

Sarowyn0608's picture

Sorry for so many posts.
Where we live, the law states you need to be 4 AND 40 lbs to go into a booster seat.
SD turned 4 in August but only hit the 40 lbs a month ago. This weekend he weighed her again on a diff scale to be sure and then made the switch.
BM had a HUGE hissy fit about this because "they didn't discuss it"
I'm not sure why she feels he would need to discuss this with her. He knows the law and in the past when they did discuss it he said when sd meets the criteria that he is making the change.
she did. So he did. I don't see the big deal.
No- I'm not getting involved nor do I push DH into anytning. Even tho I'm a more experienced parent...we all must pass thru the flames! He's gotta learn for himself.

anyway, thoughts on this? I've been in this situation before. My ex said "I weighed H this weekend and she's 40 lbs so I switched her" I said "sweet!" And changed her seat in my car. I don't see the reason to get upset.

thinkthrice's picture

I agree! The Girhippo was EXACTLY like this, however I blame Chef because he kept deferring to her and gave her the power (despite me being an experienced, successful parent).


There is NO way a father can co-parent with a GUBM who views her children as an appendage.

Sarowyn0608's picture

100%!! I told him that the only way she will ever piss off is if he continually does things his (great) way and stop going to her over everything.
She NEVER consults him for anytning on her time but demands that it happens the other way around.
She def feels as its "Her" kid that she lends to my husband and doesn't respect his position as her father.
She used to control my husband 100% and used the child to do so and like an idiot he did. It stopped a bit before we met and then stopped almost completely when we married. She's still freakin out. We have been married a year and a half. Get over urself and stop thinking it's all my fault! She's truly crazy.

Sarowyn0608's picture

I don't speak to her or have anytning to do with her and all these same crazy
Antics were present before I married my husband.
I disagree
About asking her input for a decision that my husband is perfectly capable of making as her father.
Him asking her what brand to use further empowers her and validates her fucked up thought process that he can't parent without her influence.
We are using my daughters old (not expired!) booster so asking her would be a moot point anyway.
But hey, I don't think ur totally wrong! If she had an ounce of decency in her- I would encourage my husband to consult with her like normal parents! It's the backstory that influences this a lot that I haven't fully shared yet.
Ur method is how I dealt with it with my ex. Who is normal. Haha!

Sarowyn0608's picture

It's not what I think that matters or influences my husband. It's their(her) method of dealing with things that has my husband jaded. I'm not trying to control anytning, nor am I stressed. *iI am not the one who suggested using my daughters seat- my husband made that choice for his child.
Not sure why u think I'm trying to control anytning.
My husband is sitting beside me asking me to ask these questions lol!
It's not me.
I'm trying to convince him to join so he can ask all this stuff himself!
Yes- while talking to u guys I share my personal opinion but when my husband makes a choice- I support it. If e asks my opinion I tell him.
That is all. Like I said- I have three kids of my own! I'm happy to raise them. I'm happy to have a SD and if there are any ways I can make her happier or more comfy when she's here, I do! If she wants an Elsa braid like my daughters, I do it for her! In no way do I think "well I made her lunch and did her hair so I can control her life" LOL! No.

Sarowyn0608's picture

And I'm not sure what gives u the impression that I want say in this kids life. It's forced upon me because I'm married to her father and she's in my home! I have three kids of my own, I don't need another! Haha!

Sarowyn0608's picture

Again as I stated already, I'm asking this for my husband. Because HE wants to cut her hair to make it easier for HIM because it's w huge clusterfuck of tangles.
That is all

Acratopotes's picture

Answer for your husband: You change the booster seat in your car, either you mention it to BM or not, it's really has nothing to do with BM what you do with your daughter on your time.

If you are concerned for your childs safety, simply tell BM, we changed seats for SD, then ignore her.... it's up to her to change her own seat and if she does not do it, feel free to report her to traffic dept, and see how she enjoys paying a fine. And no you do not help paying any fines and you do not contribute to BM's booster seat, she did not contribute to yours.

I see no reason to get all hissy or hipper about this BM, she tries to control everything... simply do as you please and inform her or not, for the rest of it, ignore her