Will it just get worse? I don't want to leave.
I met my husband 3 years ago online. When my son and I moved in my son was 18 and his son was 19. I had not dated while my son was young to avoid step parent issues, and I had the same thoughts when meeting my husband. The kids are old enough that we will be able to focus on us. Things did not go perfectly. For several reasons my son moved in with my parents after highschool to go to college. He is paying car insurance going to school and has a job. Living with my parents he has much more money and opportuntity. He hated were we moved to-As I do. Originally we were only supposed to live here a year. That got changed to two years and now we are supposed to wait until my step son's girlfriend breaks up with him. Now, we really don't even have the money to move-but part of me thinks that there is definitly some subconscience issues that are keeping my husband from making the efforts to get us to the point were we can move.
3 months ago I left work on stress leave. I am depressed and isolated in our town-we are minimum an hour away from all my friends, super broke all the time. My beloved dog died, and my house is filled with hoodlum 19 year olds every day. His girlfriend is over every night, leaves her laundry here-including her freaking period panties!!! My stepson leaves all their laundry for someone else to do. My husband does it for him, I stick it in a bag and leave it there. The girls clothes go to the tash because yes I am that petty. Then my husband has to take her home every night at midnight despite the fact that he works 12-13 hour days. They are having sex under my roof which I don't really approve of, but have accepted, but sometimes WE are the ones not having sex because he has to take her home! Of course I am the wicked stepmom for being fed up with this.
My step son barely graduated from highschool. He did not start college, and the only jobs he applied for are the ones his girlfriend found him. He eventually found work at a gas station, and they seem to be a rather horrible place to work-but he also seems to possibly not be a great employee. Not really sure, and he is worth the benefit of the doubt on this one. But he isn't starting school this semester and he is not looking for a job. Just hanging out all day in our garage with friends. My husband is the kindest most hard working man and is just broken by the the way things are. He will do anything not to lose his son, but spoiling him is not helping him become a man or helping him become independent. If there is any attempt on my part to insist on standards and consequenses he storms around the house, cries about how unloved he is and tells his father that he is unwelcome in the house and I pick on him all day.
I have been depressed and miserable about our situation. I don't really leave my room let alone pick on this child all day. We fight about dishes-as in just freaking rinse them and I will do the rest, and when your girlfriend cooks she should clean up after herself. Everything else I just let it be despite my misgivings because I can't stand to see my husband in pain.
This morning like most mornings lately I have so much to do, but I get up for half second and then sit down, because I just don't want to go on anymore let alone clean a house. I have always suffered bit from depression but I can't lift myself out of this one.
I don't know where to go with this anymore. Our fight this weekend is that last year I helped my stepson throw a Halloween party-which meant I had to stay home on my favorite holiday. The argeement was that this year would be our turn. Of course this year he asked to have a party and I told him no, because we were having one. As things worked out I had to cancel mine so I told him he could have one instead, on the 22 because I wanted to go out the 29, and he got a party last year. He went behind my back and got his dad to tell him he could have a party the 29th. I am furious. His father doesn't understand why I am so angry, that his son went behind my back after I was nice to him to get what he wants. His father is now saying that we should just let him have a party while we are gone. That's not okay to me. Would you let your 19 year old have a party at home while you are gone? I am really uncomfortable with this. It would never been allowed in my home. Plus it just rewards his son for using us against eachother.
My stepson is not a horrible person. But we are doing zero to make him an adult and I fear he will be living with us forever living however he wants and having people in and out all day-which is not how I want to live, I like my home private. At this point his father and I are not talking, and it's becoming a weekly issue, and I resent the living hell out of him for it. I don't want to speak to him at all, because when I do, I am going to let it rip, he is going to go into high drama mode and his dad will be upset with me yet again, ruining yet another weekend. I know not all our problems are my stepson's fault, but a lot of them are turning out to be.
I fear in the long run if he doesn't move out, I am going to have to, and I love my husband dearly. I am heartbroken. I feel like a complete failure. I wonder daily if I am the problem. I just wish I had never started dating again and wondering what to do about my marriage. I meant every word of my vows, don't believe in divorce. But I hate the way my life is going.
So sorry. It will continue to
So sorry. It will continue to deteriorate unless your DH wakes up and remembers he made vows to you too. SS is an adult and destroying your relationship. DH needs to setp up.
My first recommendation is
My first recommendation is get off of "stress leave" and get back to your job. For your own sake and for multiple reasons: It may help you shake off the depression you're in, it will give you a chance to interact with other people besides those in your household, and most importantly, it will allow you to earn your OWN income ...some of which you should be stashing away for yourself, since you are so unsure about your marriage's future. If you should have to leave eventually, at least you will have a nest-egg saved up.
Your husband sounds like he is too enmeshed/guilty to really demand any change from SS. It also sounds like you didn't get to spend any significant amount of time with your DH before you married. Thus, you did not get a chance to see how things really are with their relationship before you married him.
I believe in the airline theory of life: You must put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others.
In your case, you need to get yourself back on track first. Then work with your DH on making improvements to your marriage/household and deal with SS in a cooperative way.
It will probably continue to
It will probably continue to happen until you do want to leave. Your issue isn't SS, it is DH and the question isn't if you love your husband, the question is how much does he love you? If he continues to allow his adult son to walk all over both of you then you have the answer.
There seems to be an adult
There seems to be an adult couple already running this household. And it isn't you and your husband. Is your step contributing financially to the household?
I don't think it's right that your husband is sacrificing time with you for his son's girlfriend. It may be time to lay it all out to him. He is putting others before his wife and that it just isn't working. I know you meant your vows but he is breaking them. I'm assuming he promised to "forsake all others."
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Since your son is with your parents, would they be willing to take you on as well for the time being? Maybe you can just separate until his son has launched.
WOW, I'm so sorry you are in
WOW, I'm so sorry you are in this situation. Not your fault and you are not a failure. You are trying your best to compromise and stay in the marriage, but by the looks of it, you are the ONLY one compromising and that simply isn't fair. I know you don't want to leave and you are depressed so it must be difficult to even imagine leaving, but I truly believe it is the BEST decision for you. You may still be sad if you leave but at least you will have piece of mind, dignity and somewhat of your sanity left. Sorry but they are doing nothing to alleviate your stress or depression. Maybe DH will realize the severity of things when you actually take a stand for yourself and what you believe in and no longer tolerate the dysfunction going on in your home. DH is enabling a total freeloader and its at your expense. F THAT! be mad about it and do something about it to save yourself.
As far as the girlfriend making herself at home at your house, leaving laundry, cooking up a storm and not cleaning up after herself, among the other things going on under your roof, HELL NO! I wouldn't like it or tolerate it either. I would be beyond appalled at your DH for allowing this crap. No fking teenagers would be playing house under my roof, FK THAT! sorry but your situation is ticking me off the more I think about it. Trust me, you will feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders and complete and total relief when you remove yourself from that situation.
Welcome to ST for
Welcome to ST for starters...
I felt sick for you reading your current situation inside your home. Your ss and his gross girlfriend should be booted out of your home today. NOT tomorrow, but today.
I would not ask dh I would tell him. They are adults not minors.
IF dh wont, then maybe you should pack bags and move in with your parents too.
What do YOU want to do.
Check your messages. It
Check your messages.
It sounds as if you and DH really need to address the 'elephant in the living room.' If you cannot do this on your own --- and some folks just can't --- perhaps a bit of couples therapy would help both of you.
Personally, I'd be looking for a separate solo therapist. (Depression kicks my butt whenever I'm not paying attention.)
So sorry you are having to
So sorry you are having to deal with this situation; in my opinion, it is unreasonable for you to have to do so. First, this son of his is lazy and no way would they be having sex under my roof, etc. etc., this is your husband's fault clearly for tolerating and reinforcing this highly dysfunctional behavior in his own home. Allowing this behavior is no way being a good father or role model.
This is not your fault. Now, with that said you can continue to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Do not be afraid to tell husband no more of this...or that, or else you are parting. Do not continue to live in a situation you hate with conditions dictated by somebody who could careless about your feelings. You are being used, not loved.
Go to work and start putting yourself first in everything you decide to do---start planning an exit plan if your husband continues to do nothing for you to change this horribly ridiculous situation.
I understand your situation
I understand your situation and relate to it. My situation is not the same, thank God. We do not have children living with us and I could never stand to be where you are right now.
I can tell you what I did. My SD56 has decided for the past 15 years, she is going to split our marriage up. She has tried every trick in the book and I'm sure have more up her sleeve.
We separated for a few months because of my SD, long story. I also love my DH thru thick and thin. DH thinks SD can do no wrong and this will never change.
I did these things: I set boundaries for myself. I have my own little world. I include my DH, only if he wishes to join me. I have friends, go to the gym, sew, quilt, garden, read, do all the yard work, and travel to the neighboring State to visit friends and family often (3 hours). I am retired and stay way too busy. I am exhausted when I go to bed every evening. I never stop; with that said, I never see or engage with my toxic SD56 or her family. She lives one block from me and I don't see or hear about her, because I don't place myself there.
I cannot imagine her living under my roof. I think I would make it so miserable, she would be happy to move.
I think you need to take charge of your own house and flush it out.
(((hugs))) If you get busy at whatever it takes, you won't be depressed, you will feel the freedom.
Just confronted him on his
Just confronted him on his shit. Told him I bow down to him and his children and revolve my life around him and his girls. Told him I'm tired of his shit. Told him I pay rent and yet still my life revolves around him and what his girls want. Shaking. Honestly, I think that most of his problem is a lack of self esteem. He seems to get most upset when he thinks I don't care.
Frenchie, I'm glad you spoke
Frenchie, I'm glad you spoke up. The first time is the hardest. It will get easier.
Now, I suggest you start a new blog under your name. People are interested in your story. They are more likely to see it and comment when you start a new blog.
Glad you came back here.
Work will save your sanity,
Work will save your sanity, husband needs a deadline to step up and impose order and if not, then the parasite needs to find a new host and I am so sorry you feel so alone in a town you do not like. That's the worst. Remember, the SS has nothing to lose by leeching off of you for as long as he can. You have everything to lose including your marriage. He is counting on it.