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One more rant. Bf is now friends with Bm and her kids

SweetMom's picture

Have so much on my mind. My best friend or so I thought she was my best friend is a traitor. I get on Facebook snooping because something's my dh told me today has me up and a bit bothered. I snoop at step kids Facebook and notice her sisters page (dh ex step kid) my best friend that I have vented everything too about feelings of his ex step daughter treating me very badly , saying she was glad I had misscarage and baby never existed. My best friend has liked , and loved her photos...Wth! So they are good friends now! Something's are starting to make since. I'll just keep to myself for now on. I feel alone.

Rags's picture

I would not read too much into this. It may be that your BFF is doing research for your benefit. I would just speak directly to her about it. No need letting your imagination run wild.

Rags's picture

Yet she chooses to feel the way she feels and chooses to leave it a mystery and remain perplexed rather than just calling her friend and talking about it directly. Why?

This avoidance of actual information over feelings never ceases to baffle me.

Even my bride returns to this place of female comfort even after she finally directly addresses a situation that is causing her concern and it turns out to never be as difficult to address as she builds it up in her mind to be before she actually addresses it.

I guess I am just a clueless man.

Acratopotes's picture

and that's why I say - never tell a person you know about step hell... smile and pretend all is going well....

vent on this site Wink

Disneyfan's picture

It's OK for your friend to be friends with people you dislike. :?

Your friend doesn't have to share your anger/dislike for that woman. As long as sge isn't causing problems(gossiping back and forth), it shouldn't matter.

CLove's picture

Sorry Disney - you cant play on both sides of the tennis court, just cant. If her friend listened to her exposing her most hidden deepest secrets and problems, and most of those issues were with BM, and BFF goes to BM in a friendly manner, something is definitely UP. Especially if they weren't friends BEFORE. That's how I feel. I could be wrong here, but when my friends become friends with my sworn enemies, they can no longer be my friends, acquaintance that I used to care about yes, but never in my trusted circle.

sunshinex's picture

I understand how you're feeling. My sister and I have known DH for years and years (before we were ever together we all hungout) so when DH started dating BM, my sister made friends with her. Skip forward multiple years and me raising BMs kid, my sister still acts buddy-buddy with BM over FB. They like eachothers photos, comment nice things to eachother, etc. My sister is my BEST friend and she knows how much I dislike BM for the way she's treated SD.

I think my sister is trying to keep the peace, though. She doesn't want drama I guess, but it hurts, because she knows what BM has done and she knows BM is a crap person and mother. But to be honest, some girls just don't care. Some girls make friends with anybody with no thoughts to loyalty. Personally I'm not like that. If my sister hates someone, or my best-friend hates someone, I trust their judgement and steer clear out of loyalty.

BethAnne's picture

I decided long time ago to make my own mind up about people rather than relying on other's opinions and gossip. Your friend is doing just that. She was supportive for you when you needed her but she does not have to share your opinions and follow your lead on all of her relations with others. She is entitled to make her own mind up and do what she wants. If you no longer trust her to be a safe outlet for your rants then that is your choice. Rant here, it is much better than those people in your real life.