OSD withholding OSGS from DH, and generally just crossing the line again!
So SGD's Christening is coming up, and OSD was we suspect, using this as another opportunity to force BM on us after the event, with the birthday dinner for FIL - that OSD would just naturally hold the same day - and naturally have BM there since she was already around for the Christening, yada yada
OSD knows exactly how DH feels about having his EX at his family's get together's and yet she persists in doing this
So, DH made it clear that he & I would not be sticking around for the birthday dinner she was holding for FIL on the same day as the Christening, that we would simply take FIL out the evening before, FIL could then stay at our place, and we will bring him to the Christening the next day (SIL can take him home as she lives 5 minutes away from him)
DH of course didn't say it was because of BM that we weren't sticking around for FIL's birthday dinner. DH made up another excuse
Anyway DH repeatedly called OSD and texted her, leaving her messages that they needed to discuss FIL's birthday dinner, and she ignored every single call and message
She's obviously heard second-hand by now that we're not attending the birthday dinner, and I'm sure she's ticked off...then again she was ticked off before that but that's a whole other post!
Anyway, while all this was happening DH was also requesting to have OSGS for the weekend, since FIL was staying with us and would be happy to see him (as would DH & I)
OSD ignored all of those messages too, when DH finally got fed up and snapped at her via text that he guessed it wouldn't be happening with OSGS last weekend, she responds with "no problem"
DH is livid with OSD...some of it DH brings on himself, but she is difficult and as usual, behaving like a b*&^%
Withholding OSGS crosses the line
But then again, so does inviting BM to DH's family events - like a birthday dinner for DH's father!
I thought DH had already told
I thought DH had already told OSD you two wouldn't be staying. I think, my opinion only, that he needs to be honest in why and not use an excuse. Without honesty, she might even have it in her head you are deliberately snubbing FIL.
When he asked about having his grandson, did he tell OSD that FIL was spending the evening and overnight? I'm a bit confused. I understand she totally ignored her father's messages and attempts to contact, but was it because she was already mad at him, or just pouting due to whatever she may have heard second hand?
Who told her you and DH would not be staying for dinner? I know you posted it was coming up and that you both had decided you would not be staying after the baptism after-party for the birthday dinner. However I had it that Dad and daughter had discussed several weeks ago. :?
No DH has not spoken with OSD
No DH has not spoken with OSD directly at all, as she would not take any of this calls or respond to his text messages, however yes she has probably known for at least a week, since DH did make it clear to FIL, and YSD - who tried really hard to change his mind about it
Perhaps it's YSD you're thinking of, as yes that conversation was a week or two ago
DH most definitely needs to be honest about why but he won't, he would rather come up with an excuse every time, then deal with this situation directly
And regarding YSGS, OSD was already 'pouting' about other issues - long post - but I'm sure the news that DH & I also were not staying for the family dinner she was holding went over like a lead balloon....so, her way of dealing with it is to just ignore all DH's requests to have OSGS for the weekend, which DH did make clear was also because FIL wanted to see him
It's simply OSD's way of exerting her "control" over DH; ignore all his calls, pretend he doesn't exist, refuse to call him back to discuss the dinner, refuse to allow him to see OSGS
The Christening is weekend after next, I'm sure it's going to be interesting.
And YSD will be here for it all, and I suspect she is in on all the nonsense too!
IMHO your sd is punishing her
IMHO your sd is punishing her dad because she is not getting her way, but I think you already knew that.
"OSD knows exactly how DH feels about having his EX at his family's get together's and yet she persists in doing this"
It would be nice if your dh would just be honest. I think that maybe you dh is afraid to say anything bad about bm. He is afraid SD will punish him. She does that anyway!
My dh will make up excuses too rather than say anything negative about bm. My dh divorced after over 20 years of married due to his ex's repeated infidelity. His ex then PAS'ed the kids and 2 of the 3 are currently estranged (at one time all 3 were). My dh was talking to OSD about the estrangement with MSD & SS. I think he was hoping she could help mend the relationships with the other two. Rather than tell SD the truth & say anything negative about their bm, he throws me under the bus & tells OSD that "perhaps I should have never remarried".
Anyway, again, I think your dh is afraid.
Sorry, I really don't have any advise. Wish I did.
Well that's pretty much what
Well that's pretty much what we did stepmomfromhell....no matter how it's put to them, they (especially OSD and SIL) will always throw a fit
It's unbelievable really, they cross the line by inviting BM to one of DH's family events - so they've started/continue "the war" especially when they know DH isn't comfortable with his EX being there/believes they're being disrespectful to him not to mention me his wife when they do this
Then, when we refuse to participate by not attending, they create a bigger war by throwing a fit and ignoring DH & I on the occasions they do see us - not that we care - for my part I prefer it at this point in time!
It's a one-sided war for sure, but nonetheless it's an ongoing situation, and it isn't going to go away until DH stands up and addresses it
Wow jam, how sad for you!
Wow jam, how sad for you! That's not right - your DH should have simply spoken the truth, and if it means BM is presented in a bad light, well, it is what it is!
I don't believe in bad-mouthing the ex's either, however, I do believe in honesty!
But if it makes you feel better, one day the truth about your DH's divorce will become apparent to your skids
I say this because I grew up in a situation similar to you skids.
My mother cheated constantly on my dad while they were married, and then one day when she met the man who would become my SF, she left my Dad and with all of us. During and after the divorce (to this very day) she did nothing but PAS us against our father, interfere in our relationship with him, convince most of us that it was our father's doing and not hers
Meanwhile, our Dad was deeply depressed about his wife and children leaving him. Tried desperately to see us as often as he could. Always asked about our Mom when he saw us, never once bad-mouthed her.
Well, we grew up. And some of us - more and more of us these days - said just wait a minute. Dad isn't the one who cheated. Dad didn't interfere with our relationship with Mom. Dad didn't lie about stuff. Dad didn't bad-mouth Mom. It was Mom. She did all that
Mostly I just feel really bad for my Dad now and what he went through, and guilty that I wasn't there for him more
Maybe one day your skids will have the same realization!
And as far as my OSD, yes, you're correct that she's punishing DH by not allowing her to do whatever it is she wishes, and that is to play all sorts of manipulative games by insuring BM is rammed down our throats, even at DH's family events which BM has no business being at any longer
We calmly don't react to it all and refuse to participate, let her throw her fits, and hope that one day she will grow up and see her behavior for what it truly is - wrong!
My DH will not cross his
My DH will not cross his Princess, SD56 either; he tries to pad the way into SD's approval all the time. Therefore, I stepped out of the picture 4 years ago, completely. SD56 and SGD32 (mother/daughter) continually did the same things that are going on with you OP.
I finally gave up the games, because they were having too much fun stirring the pot. I told DH that he was welcome to attend any of SD and SGD's family gatherings that he wished, but I was not going to put myself in the middle of this passive aggression. I was not comfortable with BM, SD56, nor SGD32; so I quit attending 4+ years ago. DH has chosen to NOT go without me. In the beginning, DH tried to make me feel guilty and SD56 is punishing him, just as you stated.
Still, SD and SGD try every angle, but I ignore and let DH handle it. Their problem, I didn't raise these nasty women. I had to learn to let them have the problem and wash my hands of it.
My SD56 says she hates BM, but she takes every opportunity to pull us all together. Whatever, I'm finished with it all and have been for years; let me add, I will never go back to this treatment.
I feel bad for DH at times, because SD mistreats DH by "showing him" she has control. Then I tell myself, once again, "not my problem" and his is realizing now where I stand on this.
What would we do without this site!
We are newer Grandparents and
We are newer Grandparents and we love our Grandchild. If dh doesn't want to see his ex, he does not have too attend . IT IS that simple.
For us,
NO one and I mean no one can play that game with us using our Grandchild as a gambling chip. We wont permit it. (yes it was tried with babysitting---quickly squashed that one. Everything is fine now. This was my bio )
Your dh could say or send a note:
HEY OSD, have a enjoyable day. Regrettably, we will not be attending. We look forward to taking you, baby buttons and hubby and FIL out to eat OR we will have a wonderful celebration at our place. It may be easier for Baby Buttons here. WE can make plans at a future date.
I'll call ya after the Christening ...HAVE FUN and we will be thinking of you. Kiss the baby for us ok?
IF is ok to not go.
Parents who use a child as a
Parents who use a child as a bargaining chip are really low. Babymamma of DH's grandson tried that crap with him because he didn't force me to let them use MY vacation home. Didn't work. My DH totally ignored her. Before long Ss was begging DH to come see the GS. So DH went to see him.
Translation: A person who
Translation: A person who self identifies as a "therapist" is basically saying "I have zero qualifications, but I like to give people advice."
A clinical psychologist (phd minimum) will never refer to themselves as a "therapist". Neither will a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), psychiatrist, or various other certified and licensed mental health professionals. They are proud of their true qualifications.
Qualified mental health professionals spend years in academic and clinical training, internships, continuing education, etc. and have strict licensing and certification requirements.
She's either trying to stir
She's either trying to stir the pot, or confused, but either way I simply don't understand her thinking at all
The point is, SD and SIL are deliberately inviting BM - against DH's wishes - to create drama. Using BM to make DH & I feel uncomfortable, ignoring us at DH's own family get togethers, it goes on and on but the treatment of DH & I is disgusting at these events to say the least.
Even without BM there, not sure why we should attend anymore. Just an excuse to 'pay us back' for all their perceived wrongs that we've committed....in other words, all the things they are seething with jealousy over and looking for revenge in order to somehow build their own self-esteem. Very sad really. Just two jealous, petty women who want to "win" at all costs....
And too bad if OSD spent time planning (conniving) up this event - no one asked her to. She elected herself host even when it wasn't welcomed, then got angry when we didn't want to get involved :?
The ones who can't maturely handle the situation, are OSD and SIL.
BM I actually feel sorry for. I simply could not continue to participate in family events at my ex inlaws while knowing my EX truly did not want to be around me. The only reason she does this, is she also wants revenge. She can't get past the fact the DH left her. But then again, DH never loved her. She got pregnant young, and DH's parents forced him to marry her. It never worked. DH doesn't love her, never did, and while he feels really bad about what happened (she clearly doesn't feel the least bit sad about entrapping him) he really has no interest in having her at his family events, and his family should grow up and respect that.
Which is why we decline to attend
And then when we do, they throw a major fit
Why all the drama?
Yes, great question there!
Why all the drama?
We chose not to participate in the pot-stirring and that's makes them angry. Hmmmmm, they are the mature ones. Good one!
Disillusioned, Let me first
Disillusioned, Let me first qualify myself by stating that I am nowhere close to a 'Therapist' but I DO see the little game SD is playing. I agree SD's actions are just plain immature. Just asking what you did when your kids pulled fits when they were young children? In my house I left them to pull the fit all by themselves or they had time out. Too bad that you have to apply this technique to SD. "Why all the drama?" Because she thinks she can get by with it and it will break you down enough to give her what she wants - a little sadistic fun. Good for you for removing yourself from it. Maintain your boundaries.
That's funny Sandye21, DH & I
That's funny Sandye21, DH & I were joking with each other the other day that maybe we should invite OSD's EX to the next family dinner we host, or, even better - SSIL's EX....let's just see how OSD would react to that one!
Of course we wouldn't do that, wouldn't stoop to her level, but we did have some fun joking about it
In all seriousness, it's all very sad, and mostly for BM.
When we are at get together's (where it's appropriate that everyone is there, like sgkids birthday parties etc...) BM does all sorts of things to make a statement to all (me).....makes a point of referring to herself as "Grandma ______ (DH's last name)", to her own embarrassment too as people are usually confused who that is - as was DH & I when she did that
, then almost shaking their heads in disgust for the obvious attempts to stick it to me, she hovers around us trying to eavesdrop on everything DH & I say, she tries to barge in on any group of people we might be chatting with, she waits for any second I might leave DH's side so she can join him...and of course SD's and SIL jump right in forming their happy little family gathering around him
I used to feel bad for her and was kind, forgiving, and welcomed her to our space and group. We actually got along for a very long time. But in the last few years her, and SIL and SD's have cranked up the nonsense, and now DH & I just avoid her/it, and keep our distance
Enough is enough. Time for everyone to grow up, get over it, and show some class
Thanks Sandye, that's exactly
Thanks Sandye, that's exactly what I plan to do. And your advice, not just on this post but in general, is always excellent! You're a wise lady!
Second to Everyone, wow, very
Second to Everyone, wow, very well said! Couldn't haven't worded it better myself! That is exactly what I wanted to say
Curious is also basing her "opinions" with next to no knowledge on the whole situation. And that just simply isn't right
FIL is not okay with BM being there, most definitely not in place of his own son, DH, which is FIL's most favorite person on this planet.
And FIL also definitely seems to prefer me to BM.
FIL gets to have his family birthday dinner without the people he would like to be there, because SIL, OSD and BM insist on using these occasions to stick it to DH & I
That is all this is about.
Nothing at all to do with "having made peace with BM" they're petty and jealous and think they're somehow paying us back for they're own insecurities
And BM has never gotten over DH leaving her, uses every opportunity to be in his presence, even when she knows he would rather than be anywhere but in the same space as her, even when these events end up being a pathetic embarrassment to her as everyone can see her desperation and really just feel sorry for her, and again, embarrassed for her
It's okay to have opinions Curious, but when you start posting things and making statements as if they're true, when in fact they are the farthest thing from reality, that's when you lose all credibility, and yes, I start to question what your true motives are in responding at all
So my advice to you, especially if you are in fact a therapist, is to get ALL your facts straight, before you dare to give any advice - any practicing therapist should know this. Anyone would know this in fact, its called plain old common sense?
I think maybe if people don't
I think maybe if people don't respond to CG's uninformed posts, she hopefully will just go away.
One would hope. BioHo is
One would hope. BioHo is polite to DH in public situation. Privately? Ha! Which is ehy he rarely answers when she calls (she cannot leave a voice mail as he won't set it up) - forcing her to text so he has a record of her toxic BS. He will only respond to actual issues. Her text rants are ignored, but documented for his attorney.
Sacrificial Lamb, I second
Sacrificial Lamb, I second that ^^^^^.
OP you do NOT have to attend nor your husband any event. Poor FIL too. SD should have taken into account the trauma your husband has gone thru all of the years by his ex. He doesn't have to subject himself again. He doesn't like her nor does he want to be anywhere near her. HE does not have to suck it up for anyone sakes, not now and not in the future.
The solution is to have a fabulous private event, cookout, dinner or what ever without BM.
Have a great time too!!!
That is what a decent therapist would suggest, a solution to avoid reliving trauma.
Again Curious , the problem
Again Curious , the problem with your statements are that they're misleading. Insinuating that DH has the post-divorce anger when it has been made abundantly clear that the anger is with BM, like a crazied obsessed physco insists on attending her ex's family get togethers, when her ex wants nothing to do with her
And he wants nothing to do with her based 100% on the nonsense that she pulls at each and every family get together
You go on and on about how they should just be able to get along - yes we agree - but she can't do that
Forcing Dh, not to mention me, to put up with her drama, and need to make a statement to everyone at these get togethers. The manipulative games that she, OSD and SIL pull
Are you really suggesting that DH, and myself, should be forced to tolerate these things?
I'm curious as to why you repeatedly ignore the facts you're given when it comes to the motives of BM, SIL, and OSD and yet continue to insist that DH is somehow in the wrong?
It's been mentioned to you numerous times now that their motives are NOT good, they do not desire that everyone gets along. They revel in trying to torture those they're jealous of. They want to cause upset, drama, and humiliate those they seek revenge against
Why is it you simply disregard this information, and continue to insist that DH should just accept that his ex will be at his family events, and that he should be forced to tolerate their bullying abuse? That I should have to tolerate it?
What sort of a therapist would disregard all the facts, create misleading information, just to make a point that does not even remotely apply to this situation?
"Why is it you simply
"Why is it you simply disregard this information, and continue to insist that DH should just accept that his ex will be at his family events, and that he should be forced to tolerate their bullying abuse?"
Because CG is a bored and lonely troll.
Thanks for all your support
Thanks for all your support ladies, I know you get it. I agree we should just ignore the one poster who seems to refuse to acknowledge any point but her own. I was willing to hear her out, until she inserted some made-up statements about DH having anger issues, and that totally did it for me - as if she actually knosw anything at all about my DH :? almost made me laugh when she started about DH's "post-divorce anger issues" and needing counseling.
Come on! To insert this lie, just to prove your point, when it has been said over and over and over that DH is in fact avoiding the very people who DO have anger issues about the divorce - well that make for a very poor therapist IMO!
We will stick to plain old common sense, avoid the people with evil motives, and continue to not attend any of DH's family events where BM is present
As for the events where it is reasonable they're both there, we will do as we've always done: be polite, decent human beings and civil to all. At the same time avoiding anything more than that when it comes to BM, SIL, and OSD, which means steering as far clear from them at these events as we possibly can
It's a shame they can't do the same thing!
They must spend hours and hours planning/conniving all the little tactics they'll use to try and humiliate DH & I, make us feel uncomfortable, unimportant and unwelcome. Fortunately for us, it usually does back-fire. Most reasonably intelligent people with a bit of wisdom can see through that sort of nonsense at these events....DH & I tend to gravitate to the 'normal' ones out there, and go out of our way to have the most enjoyable time we can.
We're at the Christening for SGD, therefore we will go to it and and do our best to honour her at this important event. We do that by dressing appropriately for the occasion, buying the gift/card we think best expresses our best wishes for her. Unlike BM and her SO who will literally run to the front row to make sure BM has a seat upfront as the grandparent, DH & I will sit several rows back...SSIL's parents will probably join us at the back as they did last year for SGS Christenings, even though they are in fact the grandparents as well. We will smile and be polite of course to everyone, greet YSD warmly as this will be the one occasion she'll actually grace us with her presence this visit
And then we'll go back to the OSD's house with all the guests including family and friends, where BM, SIL, and SD's will gather and loudly laugh and carry on, completely ignoring DH & I - until of course BM realizes DH & I are having a nice time on our own chatting with the other guests, then she will start hovering around us, listening to everything we say, inserting herself in any group we're chatting with. Normally I wouldn't so much as be able to go to the washroom LOL, as she'll jump at the chance to join DH, and then SIL and SD's will gather around him and everyone will try to talk about all the happy times they all had when BM and DH were together still....and during all of this DH & I will continue to not participate, side-step all the nonsense, which of course drives them nuts because they can't get a reaction from us, or in fact any attention at all from us
And then when all the guests leave, and only "family" which will include BM is left, they will hold the birthday dinner for FIL, at which time DH & I will have politely said good-bye, thanks for inviting us, and we'll be on our way
End of drama