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Bio has been whiting out the memo portion of checks or changing what is written to just showing a few letters

101Stepmom101's picture

Bio has been whiting out the memo portion of checks or changing what is written to just showing a few letters of the memo. These are checks I write to her for the Step Kids things for EXTRA things that were court agreed to pay half of. Medical expenses ~ Etc.
I have a feeling she is planning on trying to go back to court and say we never paid her for half of this or that. Why else would she do that?

WalkOnBy's picture

if they are your checks, wouldn't you have copies of the checks as they looked when you wrote them?

I suggest you head on over to your bank's online site and start downloading those babies...if she whites it out before she cashes them, take a picture before you give them to her.

Indigo's picture

Isn't that considered altering a financial instrument? Fraud. Check out the Uniform Commerical Code. 'Whiting out' memo lines materially alters the check as OP mentions with her concerns regarding their contract for reimbursement. OP, check with your bank officers who may need to see samples and check with their legal department. This could put the bank into a liability situation if they cashed altered checks. Do not rely upon your average teller's knowledge-base.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

First off don't give her any money you don't have to. Pay the doctor directly.

Second she can white out all she wants. Keep records and when she tries saying they didn't pay this or that. Show that you paid x amount on x date for x with x check. You can show your bank records that show the money was taken out. A good lawyer would request her bank records to show if she didn't receive the money. Now she can try saying "that's not what that check was for" but what was it for then?

Her whiting out should be very apparent and easy to prove. If she tries going to court about this it shouldn't take anything for it to be thrown out and since it would completely unreasonable with no validity see if your lawyer can demand she pay your lawyer and court cost.

advice.only2's picture

Do you keep the carbons? I kept every single carbon copy of CS checks written to meth ex, when she tried to pull the whole "DH never paid CS" we were able to produce all the carbons in court.

101Stepmom101's picture

Good idea to take photos. Funny ~ I have NCR checks ~ so I have a carbon copy of what I write. But, a photo before handed to her will be even better proof ~ if needed.

She is for sure going to try to pull something with the court. WHAT A DUMB WHORE.


bearcub25's picture

I tend to not make sure the carbon copy is legible, so make sure you write with a heavy hand or bic pen so it goes thru. If you have the carbon copies, they should be proof enough, even if just a little bit of the writing shows up on the carbon.

101Stepmom101's picture

I looked at my bank account online and they show a black and white image of front and back all checks that are cashed. She has done to more than one. I thought maybe it was a glitch until I noticed it's more than one and it's ONLY on her checks. I just realized it. It's so crazy she thinks she will pull a fast one with this. UNREAL

101Stepmom101's picture

She uses a bank app. So it takes a photo of the check for deposit.

I don't think she the bank would cash if she took it in. BUT IDK.
I think it's kind of funny and can't wait to show her true self to the judge.

Thumper's picture

Are you court ordered to pay above and beyond child support?

Did you call the bank and ask about policies? Maybe screen shot checks next time and be sure to send the pic between you and DH?

oyyyy veyyyy

That is a rotten move. Sorry about this stuff. I do understand.

101Stepmom101's picture

Yes, Husband agreed to with the court to pay 1/2 of any activities, 1/2 tutoring, and 1/2 of medical expenses not covered by insurance. PLUS school clothes and supplies. She took him to the cleaners. Child support comes out of his check automatically.

I still have to write her checks for all the extras that she nickles and dimes him for. I write one for each thing and document what it is for so we have a record.

I'm going to wait. I did not even tell my DH. If she tries to take him to court I will take a folder with all my prints and prove it was paid and she tried to forge and cover up the payments. DH would tell her to stop but ~ I want her to look bad for the crap she is doing. It's childish and so wrong. If she does take him to court and tries to say he never paid her I hope the judge puts her in jail over it. She deserves a good awakening.

ESMOD's picture

I do not believe that the memo line has any significance as to whether your BANK will cash it. If it's crossed out.. or whatever.. I don't think that matters.

However, if the memo portion is stating some agreed upon settlemnt of something.. like a loan paid in full etc... whiting it out to try to hide that might cause issues if the person who wrote it did not have a copy of how it was sent.

I'm not sure she is going to accomplish much unless her intent is to prove that she is getting paid "extra" and therefore her EX should pay more CS or some such nonsense.

Keep records of what she provides reciepts.. and from now on, make a copy (even take a pic with your phone is enough) of the check when you send it to her.

She may be just paranoid and whiting out so her friends at the bank don't see what the money is for too.

ctnmom's picture

Banker here. Take a copy of the check *before* you send it to her. She absolutely can tamper with the memo line, not illegal, then say you didn't pay for this or that.

101Stepmom101's picture

That is insane. It should be illegal.

I'm still in shock that she really is doing this. I honestly can't wait to prove to the court that she is a terrible person. She actually took my DH back to court for BACK child support ~ which he paid in cash to her. Which was dumb on his part but he told me he did because he "trusted her" ... LOL URM K the woman who lied and cheated on you for 12 years of you life... You TRUST? UNREAL.

Sadly, with the court DH had no proof of the cash payments ~ so they believed HER over HIM.
She is one evil person.

Thumper's picture


Does dh's court order speak directly about HOW dh is to pay for stuff.
Example does it say: DH must pay mother by check within 30days of receipt.

OR Does it just say dh is responsible for one-half of all activities, doctors etc?

I agree with the person above who said PAY directly to the organization/doctor DO NOT GIVE CASH or checks.

If kid has dance, pay 1/2 to dance instructor, get receipt.

Sorry your husband did not have proof of cash payments :(, hopefully now he knows he must. It is sad when you are faced realizing not all people are honest.

DH could call his attorney and ask for fool proof way to handle this.

Sweet T's picture

When I write a check to my ex for any reason,( I am custodial and before we went through the state there were an extra check twice a year) I would take a picture of my check before giving it to him...just in case.

WTF...REALLY's picture

When my husband was writing checks to his ex-wife, we photocopied every single check before it was mailed. And we had the carbon copy checks.

enuf's picture

Why don't you just make a copy for her and yourself and tell her that since you were making a copy for yourself for your records, that it was easy to make her a copy, saving her the trouble, for her records. This action will raise her antennas and put her on guard.

101Stepmom101's picture

If she actually takes him to court ~ I want the judge to see the shenanigans and discredit anything she says in the future.

I will have copies before and after.