Child Support ~ AKA her "paycheck"
My step daughter told me their mother can not afford to buy them jackets or take them places. I said ~ well she gets plenty of child support from your father for these things. Stepdaughter told me BIO pays her bills with the child support money. She pulled the same thing last winter... Refusing to buy them new winter clothes that fit them. So we got them because I don't think it's right on her end but I don't want the kids to go without. Yet ~ Bio has the latest and greatest Iphone, Iwatch, Coach Purses, New Jackets and Clothes for herself. She does not work ~ so her only income is child support... AKA her paycheck. She gets food stamp card so she doesn't even have to buy food with child support. Must be nice!
Don't worry ~ I bought the step kids jackets ~ because BIO sent the kids over wearing HER own jacket. Ladies oversized jackets ~ on both a boy and girl.)
I can't let the kids go without and suffer I don't see how BIO thinks she is mother of the year and doesn't get the things the kids need for them.
How can we get her to spend the child support money on the kids and not herself? It really is sad. Saying no when it comes to them suffering and not having things they need is not an option because we know she will let them suffer and go without.
Is that something that can be brought up to a judge? She wanted to be Primary Caregiver ~ YET she doesn't work and can't provide for them. We are ALWAYS having to get them the things the Primary Caregiver should be providing. I don't know what she would do without her food stamps! She feels so entitled ~ as we are working our butts off.
Does the CO stipulate that
Does the CO stipulate that child support should be spent on clothes that both houses share? Maybe you can keep the receipts for the jackets and subtract that from next month's child support. Check with your lawyer, I'm no expert.
Child Support comes directly
Child Support comes directly out of paycheck. We can not subtract anything.
From what I understand 99% of
From what I understand 99% of the time you can not mess with child support. If you are to pay 300 and BM owes you 150 for half of a medical bill you CAN NOT reduce child support to only 150.
SO's divorce is actually being held up on this type issue. SO is suppose to pay child support through the state and it will come from his check.
He is having to get the courts permission for them to use debts they owe each other to neutralize each other. For example if SO owes her 100 for one medical bill and she owes him 50 for another right now they would both have to show they made the full payment to each other. She'd have to give him a check for 50 and he'd have to give her one for 100. We're trying to get the courts permission for them to keep track of it and him only pay her 50 in this case. You'd think it would be simple but when it comes to legalities and wording it's not.
Simply file all the receipts
Simply file all the receipts for things bought for skids and everything you pay for them...
The day might come you can not afford the CS, or needs it to be lowered and you will have years and years of receipts showing that you actually paid for all and BM for none, who knows, a judge might just take your side
Great advice. Thank you.
Great advice. Thank you.
My husband has a section in
My husband has a section in his CO that says BM must provide SD with everything she needs for her EOWE visits at our house. It's mainly referring to clothing, but if we plan on doing something like going skating while she's here, then BM must send her skates.
Could your husband perhaps have something like this added to his CO?
Some parents are so selfish.
Some parents are so selfish. My mother was like this- had the best for herself while we went without. I'm only mentioning this because she would state her thinking out loud. She did work, but she felt like she deserved things for raising us. She felt like she paid for the roof over our heads and provided food, so she could spend cs on whatever she wanted to pay herself back for that. (I know your BM doesn't even work).
Believe me, the kids notice what she has compared to what she does for them. They notice she doesn't work. Eventually, they'll get pretty angry about it. Sad, but true. I don't think there is really any way to ensure that she spends cs on the kids. If you guys wish to provide more, of course, do save every receipt.
The only silver lining I can think of is that someday cs will end. At that time she'll have no career built for herself and will not be able to afford the things she is buying herself now.
Annnnd that's why so many of
Annnnd that's why so many of these women find another sucker and get knocked up when their first batch of kids are 8-12 years of age.
Interesting thought.
Interesting thought.
Oh yes! That was what BM in
Oh yes! That was what BM in our situation did! My DH was convinced she'd find another victim--er, husband--when her DD from DH #2 left her, but so far, she's had no takers!
My mother was the same way.
My mother was the same way. We always knew the day she received the CS. We lived in a small rural town. My mom and stepdad would get all dressed up a go "to town". They'd take my youngest sister, not my dad's child, and go 20 minutes to the next town to have a shopping spree and eat out.
We never had new clothing. Every few months a cousin of hers would drop 1 or 2 30 gallon trash bags of all of the clothing and shoes that her children and her nieces had grown out of.
Every Christmas or birthday we got new socks and underwear, or something else along those lines as a present.
This broke my heart. It also
This broke my heart. It also resonated with me. I didn't have any half siblings, so I can't relate on that level; but imagining a child sitting there watching as another sibling is treated much better is painful for me.
BioHo does this. She treats
BioHo does this. She treats her oldest son MUCH differently than her other 4 children. They all know that he is her favorite and the rest can pretty much go suck eggs.
I know that you and your DH
I know that you and your DH don't want the kids to go without but as long as you keep supplementing her, she's going to take advantage of it.
Sadly in some cases BM can
Sadly in some cases BM can spend the money on whatever she sees fit. As annoying as it is household bills are apart of raising a kid and I personally have no issue with the money going to pay rent or the electric bill.
However I do start having issues when BM is perfectly maintained in terms of clothing, well manicured fingernails, and the newest best phone. Of course those could be gifts BUT I question it. I also HATE how some of them drop the kids on other people so they can go use the child support to go party.
I wish it was easier to get the court to change custody when it's clear that BM is taking care of herself first and the children last if at all. Any good parent will go without to make sure the kids don't.
For example I'd like a new pair of work shoes but the kids needed winter coats. My shoes can wait. However BM has this REALLY nice new coat we've seen her in and yet the kids jackets from her are from last year and don't even fit.
Again MAYBE it was a gift but this isn't a one off.
I know for a fact that she
I know for a fact that she does not pay for housing, electric, Kids get free lunch, free grocery food. She found herself a sugar daddy to take care of her. And she locked him in by having more kids with him.
She wears expensive Mac Makeup and She also has 5 cats to feed. Child Support money goes to paying her cell phone bill, car insurance, gas money. She is constantly asking for more money for this and that or to split the cost of things they need. URM split the costs with her paying with child support money is 100% my DH paying for things.
Al the time.. GET A JOB LADY!
Even if she had a job, she
Even if she had a job, she sounds like the type who thinks the kids should be entirely supported by the father. Surely HER money is not expected to help support her own children?
OMG don't get me started on
OMG don't get me started on BMs crying poor yet being perfectly maintained.
My BM has never worked a day in her life, yet has cuter clothes than me, drives a nicer car, lives in a huge, pretty house in a great neighborhood, gets her hair done, etc. She gets her cs every month, and my DH can't afford to pitch in his fair share at our house (and that is a different issue where he is at fault).
I work full time, plus free lance internet stuff pretty much every minute I'm not at work, but wear the same old clothes, do my own hair, live in a rented condo and then we get emails and text asking everyone to "chip in" every time SD wants or needs anything.
But she doesn't let SD go without, as in OP's case. You would never know that kid had two broke parents. BM has managed to get others to pay for everything, as does DH. Maybe they should have stayed together, they are so much alike.
BM used to do the same thing.
BM used to do the same thing. When DH and I were dating, she came up to him and said she needed him to pay over $100 that day for Boy Scout stuff (we were at an event, so it could be paid). She then said she needed gas money to tale YSS to the doctor and would need money for his prescription.
In literally the next breath, she asked how DH liked her new belly button ring piercing. Yep, she lifted up her den mom shirt to show him.
DH wasn't making much at the time, so CS was very eager, which is why he would pay 100% for other things when he had it extra. The Boy Scouts thing didn't bother him or me. However, the medicine and gas money? BM wasn't working and had the kids on Medicaid, so the med co-pay was less than $15. Gas would have been $15 max. She needed $30 to buy essentials for the boys that she didn't have, but spent at least $50 on a new piercing. I was floored, and wondering what she was treating herself for. Being a mom to kids who are in school while living in a filthy house with no job isn't that hard.
Anyway, I wish I had a solution for you other than just sharing sympathy. Keeping receipts and taking pictures of the extras you buy is a good start. Keeping records of her texts or emails asking for things is another. Make sure that anything you send to her place doesn't have tags or receipts where she can return it. Don't buy nice things for the kids that she can sell for a decent value. Buy in small quantities so it would make it harder to sell. If the kids need something nice for when they are with you, keep it at your house.
When I first met DH, BM would
When I first met DH, BM would send him a "list" every month of "extras" she supposedly paid for. No proof of payment, just a request for $200-300 additional dollars each month. Before I met him, she told him that one of their children broke a window in her house and DH "had to pay for it" because one of his kids broke the window. This wasn't a house DH owned with BM, she was renting it with her SO. Turns out, her stepson (not DH's child) broke the window and she just got DH to pay for it.
When I met DH, he also had BM on his health insurance - saving her hundreds of dollars each month. When he told her he was switching jobs and she would not longer be insured, she said that she was going to come after him for more child support since she now had to pay for her own insurance.
She still demands that DH pay for extras because she thinks his child support payment is too low, but now - thanks to SS's bragging - we know that BM recently got a big raise, so I told DH he should ignore her threats. I wish I could find out what she was making. I would love to put in a child support modification to actually lower DH's payment because now BM is making more money than when they divorced.
That must be right out of the
That must be right out of the BM handbook!
BM here would just tell DH she paid for xyz and he owed her $$$$$$
Until I came along he just paid it.
SD needs a flight back from Uni, its $900. Nope, I look online and it's $350
SS needs new bball shoes, they're $150. Nope, my brother works for a sports store and they are $80, $40 at his price!
SD has to be added to BMs insurance or she can't drive BMs car, its $850 a year. Nope! SD can drive without being specifically added and it's only $200 to add her for the year with SDs own car!
On and on it went.
I kept checking her costs and DH started saying no, not even paying the actual costs.BM caught on that it was me. I'm sure that's why she hates me!
SD tried it once.
She said she needed books. DH said no problem, tell notsobad how much you need and she'll get it to you. SD called me with an amount. I said wait at the bookstore and I'll meet you there. I was also at the same Uni. Turns out the books were $100 less than what she'd told me.
She at least had the decency to be embarrassed.
She's never done it again and I'm pretty sure she gave BM hell for suggesting she try it.
BM never had the money
BM never had the money upfront to spend, so every weekend the boys came over, there was a list of things she needed to get and gave DH an overinflated amount of how much it would cost. Before we got married, it wouldn't be unheard of for him to give her $100-200 in cash every other week on top of CS for the extras.
I told DH that once we lived together that it had to stop. We started taking the boys shopping for the things they needed, and BM rarely ever got cash for anything. I think it made her mad at first, but she seems mostly over it now (probably because she's getting double the amount of CS thanks to DH's new job and the fact that she's working so she has money).
I think my favorite "BM got DH in too deep" was when she let the boys pick where they wanted to have birthday parties then told DH he had to pay for it. Of course the boys picked Chuck E Cheese-style places that were $200-250 EACH, and she informed DH after invitations went out. He wasn't happy, but didn't want to disappoint them. I paid part of it as my gift that year to each of them, but DH told BM never again.
DH didn't tell BM no a lot before me,partially because he wasn't dating anybody and didn't "need" the money. All it did was subsidize her laziness; it never actually improved the boys' standard of living. Once BM realized DH was in a better position financially and could realistically take custody of the boys, she got her act together and has been friendlier/more accommodating since then.
"he wasn't dating anybody and
"he wasn't dating anybody and didn't "need" the money. All it did was subsidize her laziness; it never actually improved the boys' standard of living."
Yes, yes, yes!
DH didn't need much to live on. Even once we started dating, he was spending more on gas and meals out but not so much that it affected his everyday life.
He said to me once that he didn't want the kids lifestyle to change just because he and BM weren't together anymore. BM thought that her lifestyle shouldn't change either.
She didn't bother to get a job but she kept shopping and getting her hair and nails done.
I told him once that he wasn't doing her any favors. That when the kids aged out she'd be a 48 year old with no career and no prospects. She was very close to ending up there!
DH followed the CS charts for our province and cut way back on what he gave her and cut out the extras.
I will say that when she finally did take control of her own life, she did well. In the year before SS turned 18 she got her realtors license and started to sell real estate. She's done quite well and went on to build a house in Resort town.
She got in way over her head and is desperate to sell it but at least she's working and supporting herself.
Once BM sent SS who was in
Once BM sent SS who was in elementary school at the time, to school in her jacket WITH HER CIGARETTES IN HIS POCKET. The school called to notify me of "the incident" after BM frantically texted me, asking if when I picked SS up from school that day (we had him every weekend at the time) if I could grab her ciggys too. She said the secretary understood and felt bad throwing them out "because cigarettes are expensive". Turns out that was the exact opposite of the case.
She lucky the school didn't
She lucky the school didn't go zero tolerance and expel the child for bring drugs to school. Yeah I know over the top but kids get kicked out for had a Advil in their bags.
Diabetics can't even keep their own medication on them personally and have to turn it into the school nurse, don't think of keeping an inhalator in your pocket either.
How old is the step daughter?
How old is the step daughter? I wouldn't have said anything to the child about child support.
But yes, I would let the courts know if it came to that.
“We just remind the kids
“We just remind the kids repeatedly that things need to stay at our home so they have them when they need them.”
BM is high maintenance AND high conflict, so she can never be called out on her behavior. It will not change. When DH finally found his balls, and informed his lawyer how Skid was being sent to our home (no jacket, two sizes too small shoes and underwear, etc), he instructed us to purchase those things (of course, we already had), but to keep those things at our house away from BM. That we couldn’t control how BM spent child support, but we could lead by example, in providing for skid, while showing what a lame and selfish parent she was.
When I first met SO he was
When I first met SO he was rebuilding from the break up and had nothing. BM was packing an overnight bag for the kids and it was horrible. She never included anything to sleep in, all the clothing was too small, a lot of times there was only 1 sock / no underwear, or just not the correct clothing for what we were doing and heaven forbid something not get returned. Or even she thinks something not get returned. We've had her go through the lawyer to demand we return an articular of clothing we didn't have.
Anyways after seeing this go on for a few months I went and got the kids a few cheap outfits so we didn't have to worry about it anymore. It wasn't anything special but when BM found out she tried to demand that the clothing be sent to her with the kids. She even lied to her family about it though I have no clue what she said that they could even begin to think she was correct.
Later when the kids started to outgrow things we sent a few things back with them so they could get a few more weeks wear out of it. Being we only have them every other weekend there are times that pants get worn once before the kids outgrow them.
This stopped because of the shoe incident. One weekend SO noticed the boys shoes were 2 sizes to small. He tells BM and sends home a pair that's almost small but not quite. She argued with him claiming that the shoes the boy had were not too small and was otherwise just rude. To make her point she sent the kid in the same shoes. He was literally crying because they were hurting his feet. Knowing he had bigger shoes and she was doing this to spite us infuriated SO.
I've written about this before and everyone just tells us "go by the kids some $5 shoes." Really? Why, so she can just keep doing this? SO puts back about a 3rd of his check for her child support. The kids get brand new bikes and tablets from her for birthdays. She has enough to donate over $50 dollars in supplies to the boys classroom despite it being privately funded and we're suppose to buy them new clothes every time she is petty. We knew the kid had shoes that fit and she was just refusing to send him in them. How wrong is that? And if we send him in new ones she will just send him back in older ones again. It would be shoes one weekend, jeans the next, a new backpack after that (she's tried) on and so on. I don't know about you but it does add up and why should we support her home on top of ours.
Where was her support when we had to buy the kids new beds, sheets, blankets, and so on so they didn't have to sleep on the couch anymore when SO moved in with me? Oh wait dad's home is suppose to be sh*tty because the kids shouldn't enjoy being with dad and after all EVERYTHING needs to be amazing at moms.
Omg, we’ve experienced these
Omg, we’ve experienced these exact situations too. It’s like it’s right out of the self-centered BM handbook or something.
BM denied up and down that the school shoes she was sending skid over in were too small, when DH pointed it out to her. Of course, he was just looking for reasons to be an a-hole, per BM.
Once we replaced skid’s school uniform wardrobe, skid must have told her, because BM sent a raving mad text to DH demanding ALL of it. DH was doing drop off and pick ups several times a week - there was no way. That’s one of the first times he really started standing up to BM and telling her “No”.
OH heaven forbid I throw away
OH heaven forbid I throw away a pair of dirty underwear and use the excuse "oh little one these are size 4 and you wear 5 now" so I don't have to make him feel bad for crapping his pants and there's no way I'm washing them.
Nope the next day we get a picture of boy in just his underwear with BM's fingers shoved in showing just how much room they have and they are in fact not too small.
The children's clothing from their mom has not gone up in size since I met them over a year and a half. Even when she's buying new things its like she's stuck thinking daughter wears a size small and boys still in toddler stuff.
I've had fun trying to explain to the girl that there is nothing wrong with her needing a large bathing suit when BM is having her wear the same one for the 3rd year in a row.
Nothing wrong with buying
Nothing wrong with buying clothing for your house, to be used while the children are in your home.
BM is required to buy the kids stuff too. That IS IS IS what CS is for.
It is unreasonable to ask paying parent to supply clothing for custodial home.
If you decide to supply her house with clothing when she receives child support---that is just crazy on your part. That is not being nice that is being used.
Perhaps your husband can take
Perhaps your husband can take her back to court and have how the money is spent with a little more detailed regarding clothing etc.
And sometimes you just got a let go. We have been supporting my husband‘s child 100% for the last eight years. Biological mom provides absolutely nothing. Sometimes she mails her daughter her used clothing that she got tired of but that’s about it. Sometimes you just got to let go or the anger will eat you up.
Kids are not stupid and
Kids are not stupid and they'll soon realize that they never have anything while she is always decked out.
My exMIL used her CS to buy herself all the new best things. ExH remembers many many incidents where he and his siblings went without while she was dressed to the nines.
None of her children or grandchildren talk to her now.
Being a BM and a SM....I
Being a BM and a SM....I stand in both roles.
As a BM, I have a separate account for my CS. I have two children and my ex is very responsible in paying and sharing the kids expenses. I do not allow my DH access to this account. This account is for my children's expenses only.
Now as SM, my DH ex wife was suppose to be paying the CS....but alias she is a deadbeat. My DH wanted initially for me to put my children's CS in the joint account and I refused.
My children's CS is their money. I provide the house, food and clothing for them on a daily basis. The child support their father provides pays for all the extras that I can not afford.
Now, my EX Husbands new wife, would claim I do not need the CS because the kids do not need some of the items they have and she gets angry whenever my EX husband pays his half of the extras like school trips, medical bills, and etc. All approved by my EX before the expense is incurred. However, I feel my ex and I have a healthy relationship regarding our children.
Not all BMs spend the CS money inappropriately. I am always amazed at how many BM make the some of look bad.
As a SM, I just want to say
As a SM, I just want to say that your XH's new wife is a *bleep*.
I may complain about BM not spending CS appropriately, or not spending within her means, or not giving DH a heads up about things...
...But I would NEVER get angry when DH has to pay his half of something or pay his share of CS. It's his job to pay it, and I'd be more annoyed if he balked at paying it.
In our case, BM was primary
In our case, BM was primary caregiver, and DH gave her money.
Despite being primary caregiver and getting extra money to take care of ss, SS was usually with DH/me, and DH was the one buying things. More often than not, these things would end up at BM's, and we'd have to buy another for our place.
Eventually, DH got wise (with a little and started putting ss back in the clothes etc that she'd send him in.
Our routine became such that as soon as ss would arrive, he'd go change... and then change again to go home.
Where previously ss would go back to BM's after the weekend with new stuff, now it was the same stuff she'd sent him to daycare with Friday morning. She started complaining that DH wasn't changing ss etc during the weekend... DH set her straight, that he had things at his home, she wasn't the only one who had things for ss...
With my own kids, it's slightly different.. we don't care what goes where. We both buy them things for our own homes - if the kids bring them to the other place, too bad so sad, you'll get it next week, shouldn't have brought it over, you'd have it now. But neither of us avoid getting the kids what they need... so... lol
DH and I were talking about
DH and I were talking about this today, the situation not steptalk specifically.
He told me of the second Xmas after he and BM had split. He'd been to the states shopping with his Mom and sister. He'd bought a ton of presents for his kids.
BM called saying that she needed money to buy the kids their Xmas presents. He said he'd already bought gifts for them from him, she could buy for them from the $5K he'd just given her for CS.
She lost it! That money was already spent on all the things she needed and if he didn't give her any money his kids wouldn't have a Christmas.
He said yes they will, I have presents for them!
I was shocked. Where was this man when we met 2 years after that? He laughed and said he wasn't sure but that BM had just really pissed him off with her attitude. He had presents for his kids, that he'd give them Xmas eve, so he knew their Xmas wouldn't be ruined.
Needless to say, BM figured out a way to get the kids gifts, maintaining her MOTY status. She also never asked for Xmas money again!
Bio is trying to ask DH for
Bio is trying to ask DH for 50% of anything the kids need...
Kids need new shoes... She wants DH to pay for half. Kids need more undies... DH should pay for half.
SO ~ WTF is child support for? and she also gets the child tax credits for both kids so that even MORE MONEY in her pocket to be used on the kids.
If she wants to split everything 50/50 than we should split the time 50/50 and she will get less child support. AKA ~ her paycheck...