child abuse by biomom?
Hi, I know, I know, 2 posts in 2 days. I just have a short one here. You know the 10 yo SS that lives with us was at his Biomoms and her BF for a week not long ago. Keep in mind they are 2 adults who when not at work sit around and play video games all day and don't clean house, mow grass or any other contrustive normal adult activity--they are very childish. They live in the boonies and that week the grass was 2 1/2 feet tall-ticks, mosquitos, whatever all over in it. My SS is 4 ft tall. NOT THE FIRST time they made him mow this grass with a push mower! I can just see him lifting it trying to use it as a weed wacker. She never puts insect repellent on the kids or herself--I have even sent some over there.
I think this is just asking for an accident for him to fall with the mower or encounter a poisonous snake-there are alot here in southern Ohio, or whatever. It is just rediculous.---PLEASE TELL ME YOUR OPINION, DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CALL SOMEONE ABOUT THIS? IT WOULD NOT BE THE FIRST TIME I CALLED ON THEM OVER THERE. HER BF PHYSICALLY ABUSED MY SS AND CS INVESTIGATED AND FOUND THERE TO BE ABUSE. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ON THE FIRST TIME THOUGH.
**Here's a laugh for ya! Biomom's legs are so ate up that every 2 inches there is a huge open bite --and since she had a stroke a few yrs ago (in her early 30's)she is on blood thinners, they never scab over and are bright red. Well, she also works in a deli at a popular grocery store. She frequently wears dresses with no hose and tennis shoes -yeah real cute! --would you like some P and P loaf?
- KPAYNE's blog
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That is just nasty. I hope she doesn't have any open sores on her arms! Yuck!
It sounds like bad judgement/laziness on their part. Is there any way that you can just suggest to them that it isn't a good idea. We had to do that when biomom's ex-boyfriend(that she lives with) wanted stepson to cut their grass. He was 9 or 10 at the time I think. Once biomom knew that we knew about it, it didn't happen again.
That is gross....
The dept of health should be called on her, or that deli!! How lazy is that making your 10yr old son, mow grass out in bug, and snake infested grass? She sounds like a real loser. She needs to get off of her lazy a$$ and mow the grass herself. I dont think a 10yr old has any business mowing the grass with a push mower anyway. Im an EMT, and Ive picked up an 11 yr old before that fell while pushing a lawn mower and it ran over his hand, and mutilated it. It can be dangerous!! Id say something to her. What an idiot.
Listen to ...
If I were you I would listen to your gut on this one.
I know that what I got told by CS when I called about my EX's house they asked me if my children live there full time. When I said no. They told me there was nothing they could do. (I called because of cleanliness and the birds flying around inside)
I have to agree with Dawn and ACopsWife.. THat is nasty. Gross any word that you can think of..
And she handles meat..
No wonder you and your husband have custody.
Keep us posted on your decision..
I have thought about it
I know it probably won't do any good to tell his doofus bio mom but I am going to mention it to her that he could get hurt mowing grass that tall. He helps here some with a push mower in a fenced in area we have but the grass is not let to get that tall-I mean why would you let it?-Duh! He also sometimes helps my husband mow our 3 acre yard on the riding mowers. But like I said bio mom is real stupid and would bring that up I am sure, not knowing the difference between what she is having him do with that high of grass and what accumulates in it vs our regurlarly mowed grass. I don't know how --but he hasn't come back with legs looking like hers but the first time he does I am definately calling CS and a doctor's visit will be taking place. That is bullsh-- to be so stupid to get ate up by bugs like that and risk infection and disease. The bugs just don't seem to really bother him. They have to leave their trailor doors open because instead of buying air conditioners they buy games --and the bugs, flies, varmits, (her boyfriend makes it a game to try to hit mice with a ball bat) run amuck.
AND TO HAPPY about that situation, you are responsible for the child's health and safety at all times. The only thing you could do is have another hearing about the custody and the conditions the child is enduring when having visitation. When CS found my ss biomom's bf to be abusing my ss they said we were to make sure he was safe and report if happening again. Sounds confusing from CS.
--You know, I never want to see a child be isolated from a parent that they love, unless it is life threatening. It happened to me, my mom remarried and my stepfather kept me from seeing my biodad for 7 years and did irrepairable damage to our relationship. BUT WHY CAN'T ADULTS WHO HAVE KIDS, BE RESPONSIBLE AND GET THIER SHIT TOGETHER AND STOP BEING STUPID AND START DOING THE RIGHT THING?
Hitting mice with a baseball
Hitting mice with a baseball bat….WOW they sound like REAL WINNERS!!!
can you say
REDNECKS.. I think I seen an email of there trailer in an email before. OK I know that was not very nice..
I live in a trailer too, so I can't talk. But there is a difference between trailer trash and someone taking pride in what they have and having dreams for the future, I am 31 and going to school so that I can have a beautiful house one day. I keep my trailer looking like a home, not a trailer, as much as possible. I didn't get a chance to start out right, was on my own at 16 due to the stepfather thing I ran away. My mom has Multiple Sclerosis and is away from him and has been for years, and is now bedfast. I am just greatful to not fear for my life everyday, like I did growing up. It is people like my ss biomom and her bf that give all people in trailers a bad image.
YOU GO HAPPY, be as mean as you want they deserve it--I am so so sick of them--I mean I practically raised myself and my little brother who it 10 years younger in a horrible environment with a very sick mother --and they both had it better than me growing up, safe environments, well parents, far closer to normal than I ever dreamed of having--what the hell is their problem?
I grew up in a trailer as well..
I did not want you to think I was picking on trailers.. I grew up my whole life in one. And people often do think of everyone who lives in a trailer as trash.. But like you said there is a huge difference.. And I even lived in one after my divorce by my mom and it was all mine..
I just think for a mom to subject her son no matter what kind of place it is to that enviroment should not be fit to have kids.
The sad thing is there actual wonderful people in the world who cannot have kids but then there are mothers like her..
Just be as normal as you can for this little boy, your reward will come later in life..
I wish you the best..
Psycho X -wife used to call
Psycho X -wife used to call my me "trailer trash"..laugh like a crazy maniac..and hang-up.
My first home was also a trailer...we had student loans up to our eye-balls to pay for our university educations..and limited finacial resources and we wanted our kids to have a yard in the suburbs ...rather a concrete parking lot. It was also immaculant..we had beautiful maple trees..flower gardens..walking one of Canada's top 10 parks.
So I don't get offended about the trailer trash comments..I use it myself.. The comment speaks more to the caliber/character of people than the location of their home...I know lots of very good people who live or are living in trailers as well as some real stupid assholes who live in beautiful homes.
I would laugh at x's attempts to get a rise out of me... How many hotels/motels do you have to screw your internet pick-ups in behind your husbands back before you consider YOUR OWN SELF to be trash!
Maybe you can speak to them about the danger...I don't think CS will deal with it.. Maybe speak to SS about it as well..that you don't want him to get hurt.
(My x allowed my daughter in a swimming pool with a leg cast on..duh!! disintegrates when it gets wet. So I instructed the child on what SHE would have to endure if it got wet..recasting/resetting/another I.V...etc...She took responsibily for her own welfare while in his "care" and stayed out of the pool.)