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smothering soon to be SS!

Juanita's picture

My fiance's son is smothering me! He's 6 years old and his mother passed away shortly after his birth. I try to be sensitive to that and understand that he's excited about having me around but his demands for physical affection and closeness is exhausting. He constantly wants to sit by me, hold my hand and is forever trying to be physically close to me. I can't count the number of times I've turned around and tripped over him. I've also gotten compliments from him on my appearance which I find unsettling. My fiancé has noticed and tries to put some distance between his son and I by sitting in the middle when we are watching tv and having his son hold his hand when we are out and about but it never lasts. The first chance he get's his son is back over next to me. I also worry that by his father continuing to put himself in the middle might ruin any potential bond between his son and I. My worst fear is that his son feel rejected but continuing to give in to his demands for affection and closeness is beginning to wear me out. I'm also beginning to suspect that the boundary lines are blurred in his mind. He's begun to get upset when he doesn't sit by me or has to hold his dad's hand. It's almost like he wants me to be his girlfriend. He's commented a few times, "Dad she gets to sleep with me tonight" That comment made me feel very uncomfortable. His father firmly told him that was out of the questions and that was the end of it but I feel more needs to be said. The problem is I'm at a loss as what needs to be said. My fiance also seems unprepared to deal with this. My fiance is very sensitive to both his son's needs and mine. He makes an effort to leave his son with his sister-in-law and plan evenings alone with me at least twice a week. We also go on weekend trips alone fairly often. We do not live together but on average we spend 2 days alone a week (usually Wednesdays and Fridays) and 2 days (usually Saturday & Sunday) with his son. On those two days when his son insists on sitting in the middle or holding my hand he gives in. He figures we've had our time alone and considers the time the three of us spend together his son's time. He's trying really hard to please everyone and make this transition comfortable for all of us. I love my fiance very much and am looking forward to being a family with them next year but this issue has been very challenging for me. It's gotten to the point where I dread going places with the two of them. Does anyone have any advice? I want to resolve this issue before we get married and I move in with them.


Kelly's picture

Thanks for commenting and making feel like i'm not so alone in this strange situation! I think maybe both boys need some counselling. the hard part is telling the fathers without them getting all defensive! Good luck!

happy mom's picture

Maybe try and give him activities to focus on rather than having him hang on you all the time. Take coloring books, writing pad, legos in the car or to just about anywhere you go so you can have him do that if want to take a break. After a while you might have to change his toys so he doesn't get bored with the same stuff. Tell your husband to not always dump him to you but find other ways to keep the boy busy w/puzzles and things.

-happy mom

emily's picture

Oh my goodness. I have the EXACT situation with my fiance's 6 year old boy. Like yours, he's never had to share Dad with a woman. He's never laid down to watch a movie with Dad and had some woman want to be there next to him. But instead fo wanting me out, he wants to be smashed in between us at all times! He can't stand to let us have 5 minutes alone and throws tantrums about it. Emily - I want to sleep inbetween. Emily - why did you take Dad on the wave runner for 17 minutes and me only 10? Emily - why do you stay up late with dad and not me? Emily - why do you tickle Dad's back and not mine? Emily - even though you've spent all morning with me, why do you now want to be with dad instead of play checkers / watch star wars / watch me ride the 4-wheeler?

And the comments about my looks!!! Emily - you're hot. A SIX YEAR OLD!! Creeps me out.

This creates a tough situation where Dad feels guilty and lets him cling. I'm starting to dread time with him too! Dad worries this means I'm just "tolerating" the him and not really loving him. It's constant tension where if I say I need a break - I'm being selfish when the kid is obviously emotionally traumatized in ways I can't understand. But I need some space!!

Please know you're not alone!