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OK, asking again..

Susanna's picture

I'm having posts drop all over the place. Is this a technical prob or am I being edited?

Appreciate some info here,
// Susanna


happy's picture

them too..

slchance's picture

I've lost some posts, too. I thought it was because I didn't hit post after I hit preview. There should be an option to direct post instead of having to preview first.

Caitlin's picture

I wrote a nice long-winded reply a few days ago and then it wasn't there the next day. Like slchance, I assumed that it was because I didn't hit post after preview. Is this what's happening to you, Susanna? Or are your posts appearing and then disappearing?

Susanna's picture

I posted, saw them go up and then they were gone. The fact that they went up and then came down is why I wondered about editing.

I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think my longer posts disappeared. I'll try to keep track in case I can help with troubleshooting.

// Susanna

"One breath at a time is an acceptable plan."
Ani DiFranco