annoyed and frustrated, and not wanting to feel this way
Too make a long story short....I am very annoyed with my sd. almost to the point where I dont want to be around her (she lives in our home). I am becoming that mean step mom. I have no paitience with her. She is very clingy and needs lots of motherly attention b/c her mother is not stable and is alway in and out of her life. I feel bad b/c the last 2 months I just dont have that to give to her. Im too annoyed. What is goin on? I this normal?
(if you need more of our situation/background please read my bio.)
- Mesha's blog
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We all get Frustrated, even with Bio Kids...
If You are frustrated with other things,Her being clingy, will make it seem worse. I have gone through phases with My Bio- and Step-Kids. Have You been taking You Time, and You and DH Time? Much as we all Love our Kids, Honestly Grownup Time is Necessary, individually and as a Couple.
In Short, as far as I can see, at a glance, Yes it's Normal for Grownups to get Frustrated with Clinging Little People, so You aren't completely nuts...