Happy Plane experiencing turbulence
Yesterday afternoon BM and her TH-to-be picked up SS from our house a half hour late. I usually say good-bye to him in the house, and I stay in the house with my daughter while DH walks him out to the vehicle with his bags. When DH came in, he said, 'they must have been fighting.' I asked him why he thought that, and he said that BM was broke out all over her neck and face, and he said that is what happened when they used to argue and that she gets like that when she is 'stressed out.' First reaction was irritation because I don't want to hear about my husband knowing intimate details about her, but that passed. Then I was happy because I was glad that the poor sap was coming to his senses. DH said that there was a pile of crystal and things in the back seat, so they had been shopping for the upcoming wedding, and nothing brings out her true self more than shopping. She probably wanted the most expensive things and he argued against that, since he recently nixed the Hawaii honeymoon because they couldn't afford it. DH said that neither one of them spoke to him, and they didn't even speak to or look at each other, just stiffly got SS in the car and left. I just think it's funny that she has been trying so hard to keep up her facade this whole time to catch this guy, but she is cracking up when it comes close to time to seal the deal. But then I started to worry. What does that mean for us if he and she break up? More stress for her which means more taking it out on us. So I don't know what to hope for in this situation. I feel sorry for SS who has to go home with all that arguing.
- slchance's blog
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You can't control that crash
Our BM has a new BF that she is planning on moving in with in a couple of months. BF and a couple of the kids told me that BM acts like a complete airhead when the new BF is around. She's all flirty and giggly and acts like she loves her children more than herself.:sick: :barf:
I mean come, we are talking about Darkness. This poor sap is eventually going to see her true colors and either fall off that 1 year alcohol free wagon or he is going to run srceaming like a little girl.
BF and I often worry what's going to happen when her happy plane crashes. She will most likely completely lose it.
But it's silly to worry about things that have not happened yet.
Hang in there. Jo