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help need help wiping off slush.more trauma

madison's picture

omg, what next, so...after sunday when the witch came to pick up the kids, and made such a scene pounding the door and screaming for a replacement cheque because the mail man didnt bring hers fast enough.....(altho it was mailed a day late) another tramatizing event for the kids and i helped.
she has been told time and time again not to get out of her car she is asking for trouble she used to honk the horn, we have a pick up time, we are usually watching and she leans on the horn until the kids come out, nothing like pressure they cant get their boots on fast enough.........especially after sunday the rcmp say we should get a section 8-10 (restraining order)
so, tonight, she comes to get the kids, after a fight on the phone, we are celebrating the kids birthday, we got a house full of company (witnesses thank god) coloring easter eggs and making baskets cause she wont let the kids stay over night and "share" the holiday like we have always done in the past regardless of whose weekend it is...oh did i mention cause she is taking them out of town to visit 'freinds" the kids dont even know where they are going, and who they are going to see...they are returning to her home town to visit her high school freinds parents she hasnt seen in 20 years....
last minute plan. so we say could you leave a couple hours later to comprimise so we can do the easter egg hunt in the morning....our 3 year tradition...forever with mine.
she says no, so i tell my dh play like her, say if you want them that bad then come and get them.
she does immediately 15 minutes later cutting the visit short, she gets out of the car.
i stop at the window and say, bm, go back to your car, the kids will be right out, they are getting their jackets on...she says fu.. you, i am not getting in my car as she approaches the door. i say bm dont make me come out there......(as my blood begins to boil after sunday) company here my kids....
she says, f..'n come out here then...come on...i say okay
i run get my boots on those would be my ass kickin boots...
i step off the step and she is dialing her phone, i walk up to her, i say bm, we dont want no trouble here, just go back to your car, the kids are comming she says, i am standing right here and i am not going anywhere til my kids are at my feet , i said...b...i mean bm she says i am calling the police, i say, oh good, them, you dont have a court order, you got nothing, what are you calling em for, your asking for trouble...
she begins with 911 i need the police, my ex husband wont give me my kids...
i am peaking...
trying to dial myself...i go back in the house, my flipping...i said let her go....hold the kids, she is crying swearing freaking out to the police...i hear her say, yes he has firearms, and i am afraid...
3 of my coworkers are here...standing at the door watching her i am in the house by now, watching her pace on her cell phone,
i told them what she just said, they said WHAT? who said anything bout guns my god i hardly spoke to her and dh is nowhere she didnt even see him, not even home for all she knows...for god sake..
and by the way, we do have a 22 varmit gun, we are on the farm, FIREARMS? ya right...
my dh, (in training to be a cop himself) is freaking, wondering what the hell is this going to do to his perfect record life and possible carreer...he has never even shot a gopher for god sake..he is so squeaky clean....

about five minutes by now the kids are hearing the word rcmp and the birthday girl breaks into hysterics my freinds trying to console her...we sent them out the door...dont know what else to do, not like we want to hold them hostage, but not really wanting them to see her like that either, what the fu...
i am finally on the phone with the rcmp..saying please get me on the line with who she has on the line...
i get an officer finally she is in the car with the kids and gone, i explain. she hates me, its a power struggle we are dealing with court for multiple issues with her and difficulties...
my dh had nothing to do with this, its me she is pissed at...i am the one she has the problem with....i told her to get back in her car and get off my doorstep the kids are comming, this is not about tonight this is about control.
afer the cop hears my side, says he will speak to her and call back.
he does a couple hours later, we laugh joke, he says, i asked her why she called she said she didnt know.
cop was totally understanding, of course i am rational, i explain in clinical terms what her issues are, and he totally understands....he was awesome...
i told her there is nothing we can do. the cop said, i said ya i know i told her that too...but...ya know....he laughed...
it wasnt about we wont return the kids....she needs to get a consise order and stick to it, meanwhile we are working on it, since last may, she will not agree to specified access she likes to use the "no specific day" to say not to what we ask for.
we want....specified child support with maintenance enforcment doing yearly auto recalcs based on his honest wage. we pay half of daycare half of all extra expenses, she refuses to put the kids on her own health care plan so i have them on mine and we pay 100 bucks a month for dh so they have dual coverage....we pay her biweekly...
we want one mid week supper every second weekend and half of holidays, alternating each year who gets first pick
am i crazy? what the heck is wrong with me....for thinking we should have this huh?
why do i insist on thinking we are being would be all spelled out.....easy to follow right?

been there done that with my own ex, i was the worst bm you can imagine the first couple years til i got my head outa my ass and grew, 5 years later, what goes around comes around as they say...but why isnt she getting it, its been 7 years for them.
i know i know , its me, she hates that we are happy, that i have what she wanted, the kids like me, they like comming....and it drives her insane, worst of all i am making her lose her control over what happens when they are here. the 12 year old bday girl wants her hair dyed like mine. i would never normally think of it, but sd came with a temp dye job that didnt come out the color she wanted it was red. i told her i would buy her the right it wrong i am dying to dye her hair just to send her back to her bm that way...
i mean the kid wants it, and cleary, mom does it, so can i? course i am have dual purpose, to give her what she wants and we can bond...but dont think i wont be giggling when mom picks her up...
i am witch arent i ...........what do i do next.......
bm says we are never gonna see them again after tonight...
kids were having a blast til that, eggs cake all my freinds fussing over them.....sighhhhhhhh
help me wipe this slush off girls....
set me straight.....i am soooooooooooooooooo pissed off...


tootsie's picture

What a coincidence! Your husband and MY husband were married to the same woman!! That is exactly our situation.

You are quite in luck that I'm having a moment of enlightenment. Of course I've had 2 glasses of wine, and doesn't a good bottle of "hooch" always make us smarter??

Anyway, the reason she behaves that way - and part of it may certainly be a control issue - is (and you pointed this out yourself) is that...the kids like me... they like coming... daughter wants her hair died like mine....and we bond... Sounds to me like it's not so much of an issue of her needing to "have control" as it is fearing the "loss of control" that she's maintained so far. Paradoxically, by demanding control, she only succeeds in losing it.

My best line of defense is to completely ignore BM. In 2 1/2 years, I've only met her twice. (The first time really doesn't count though because I saw her at SS's band concert and when she saw me, she LITERALLY RAN from me - straight out of the doors of the school!)

I refuse to participate in her antics. But she continues to constantly attempt to provoke me. (And having a "varmit gun" available at the time of her arrival would be too tempting for me.... Hell, having a WATER GUN would be too tempting!!! And then that temptation would lead to the temptation of filling it pee or something!!!) Wink

You can take a lot of satisfaction in the knowledge that her children whom she has undoubtedly coached to the contrary, truly love and look up to you. What they really need are loving caring parents - who love them MORE than their own personal need to be angry, cause an embarrassing scene and call the police at their birthday party! She's nuts!!

You hang in there girl. Sounds to me like you're doing all the right things, and they are loving you for it.

Keep us posted on the events.


"You gonna skin that smoke wagon, ‘er just stand there and bleed?"