He actually had the nerve to say "Go the hell" to me...
Ummm to late A$$hole...Isn't "hell" where i have already been for the past six and a half years?? And this stupid "f er" actuallly EXPECTS ME to give his brat a "ride to school t0morrow morning"??? NOPE.. the little bitch can f ing walk!!! Scew Him!!!
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I have been reading here for
I have been reading here for some time and I must say, I think you have some serious anger issues. Have you thought of counseling for yourself?
Yes, anonymous
I typicaly don't respond and just ignore those that post anonymously because for the most part they obviously are not interested in being a part of this blog group but just to lurk her and making snide comments..However, in your case, I will...
Yes, I have received counceling and I am currently in counceling..And funny thing the councelor thinks I have every right to be as angry as I am, given the situation I am in.. Dh however doesn't think HE needs it...
It was at HER (the councelors) suggestion that I find a place to VENT my anger, which I why I am here. It's the keeping the anger botteled up that is damaging, not venting it in a safe place.. I have chosen a healthy out let for my anger, as opposed to many destructive methods out there..
Of Course Your Pissed
You have every reason to be pissed! I can't believe some of these people. I think no matter how much counseling, effort, ect. the fact remains you and his daughter CANNOT live together. People can be judgemental but do you realize how common that actually is. The daughter does not seem normal if she thrives on constant turmoil, and I have really learned that how they are raised the first 5 years determines a lot. I could not put up with what you have, and sorry but I missed where the mother was, or if she is around ect. But I would either send her to her relatives, or I would have to leave with my children. I think your realizing the situation has to change, and absolutely do not care for his child while he takes off for that long. My husbands son was very troubled, and lived with the mother but we both agreed when dating that he would never live with us. Even with the best of intentions, it simply would not have worked. The bottom line is, it often does NOT blend so to speak, and thats ok. Stop getting angry because it will take its toll, and start giving your husband some choices. If he continues to stick his head in the sand then he will need to find care for her during his long leave. But getting angry and not changing your situation will keep you in a rut. I sure hope that gives a different perspective, and above all don't feel guilty. This goes back to your husbands mistake, and ignoring all the signs and passing the buck. The buck needs to stop with you now. Good Luck!
Maybe it's him!! LOL..
You know redwine?? The funny thing is that when DH isn't around. SD and I get a long pretty good..Dh was deployed for an entire year from 2004 to 2005 (He was in the dinning hall tent during the mess tent bombing in Mosul in 2004)..
I mean, in general, if find her annoying for the most part. I certianly don't find her to be perfection incarnate, or the cute little princess/angel his family members do. However when he is gone she doesn't pull any of the crap she pulls when he is here..It's only when he is home...That tells me that for the most part..HE IS THE PROBLEM...
After all, if her manipulating and bull crap didn't work on dad, she wouldn't do it because it wouldn't get her any where accept into trouble...She knows where it will get her with me when DH isn't around to manipulate and "save her"..so she doesn't even try it..
And I was thinking about last time he got home from IRAQ or in other situations also..When SD has tried to mind me or tried to do things the way we did them while he was gone..she would even try to explain to him how choires are done and who does them on such and such night and he would tell her "I don't care what your mom says. Do it the way I told you too." (He just canceled out a year worth of routine and my authority)..I can think of more then a few occasions that he has done that to her and told her he "doesn't care what I say"..
So yes, she is a capitolizer, manipulator and konniver..But it's really far more HIS FAULT then it is hers..Maybe it's HIM I can't live with..LOL..
hmmm I know how you
hmmm I know how you feel
Stay strong, go and be happy!
Even though the words I read
Even though the words I read are angry and hateful, I think mostly you are fearful of how this young girl is going to turn out. And fearful that not matter what you do, you will be minimized and villianized by your BH.
That would cause anyone to be frustrated and express all the anger that's surfacing.
Ask yourself what do you really want for this child? Because no matter how much of a brat she is, she is still only 10.5 and not emotionally mature enough to deal with what's going on inside her. She needs guidance. Does she know you're available for her?
She's acting out; she's taking advantage of DH's lack of discipline; she's being a normal child without boundaries. Keep that perspective and take it out on the DH, not on a 10.5 year old girl.
Is there anyway that the 3 of you can sit down and you can share with them what you are feeling? You sound articulate, can you get some emotional distance to the situation and tell them how this is effecting you? DH needs to know what you foresee and if that's what he wants for his child, then he needs to know he's wrong, wrong, wrong and being lazy.
Parenting is hard work and he's not being the adult and accepting that his job is to be the bow to her arrow...and he has to make the arrow strong and straight. You are so right about what you need to do because you've been there! How can he not see that? He should run to you and say, "hey, this is too hard for me, so rather than abandon my child because I'm too scared to be a father, I give you complete control over the rearing of my daughter." And then he should shower you with praise and adoration for the rest of your natural lives, providing he lives much longer (just kidding).
Seriously, based on my experience, it's time to get indifferent for a while and have serious discussions about what the 3 of you want for her future. Maybe you've done this, and it seemed like hitting your head against the wall, only to end up with brain injury and no results, so forgive me if I'm spewing the obvious.
Regardless, I'm glad we're here for you to vent safe and sound.
Hi...Yes, I am very very angry..And it's bound to come out on this board..Sometimes the anger needs to be released so that things can get better..This is where I come to do that...
What I really want for this child is for her to turn out to be a productive, self suffient, member of society...I WANT HER TO DO WELL IN HER LIFE....I have always been avialable to her until recently..
But honestly I am not right now..I think I got so burned out on being available for her that I have not been able to be available for myself...I need a break..I have had her 24/7/365 for the past almost 7 years..I have only been away from her when I was in the hosptial having my son...I think I am just plain emotionally, and yes mentally worn out...
I have tried to talk to DH until I am just burned out..He automatically gets defensive and doesn't want to her it..All three of us together?? Step daughter sits there with a grin on her face the entire time..
If she knows I am hurting or she is causing unhappiness in our house hold it would only encourage her to continue..She thinks it's all just a big "joke"..Her dad doesn't make her take anything or anyone seriously, including either of us or anyone elses feelings.
And yes, I feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall with both of them...Thanks for being here and not judging me for being angry..I appreciate it..
Riley, great post
I am new to the board but I too sense that you are very angry at this child and while her behavior IS frustrating, she only knows what she is taught and she is not absorbing what you are trying to teach. She needs to get it from her father, and he is failing her. Moreso, he is failing YOU. Imagine this--SD is acting crappy as usual, but DH is someone else. He's kind, loving, attentive to she AND to you, he's understanding and compassionate and selfless. Imagine that you are a team and that he is supportive of your role. Do you think that you would still have as much anger as you do?
My point is that while SD is definitely old enough to know better, she DOESN'T know better for some reason, and her father must be the catalyst in making positive change. Since he is NOT doing that, and since it seems like YOU are the only one around dealing with this, you take the brunt of everything. This is about HIM. And it seems like he knows it. I guess I would suggest therapy, and if that doesn't work...I'd ask if you think you can be happier on your own. I get that the child needs guidance, but she doesn't respond to yours and if after therapy it's STILL not happening, you cannot continue to be their victim. You cannot suffer when your "partner" is so flippant about it all. You deserve happiness too. I have no other advice but I am glad that you have this place to come to so you can vent away when you need it:)
No, I don't think that I would be angry at all if that was our situation..How nice it would be to be a team and a united front..I think that is what she needs to see..As soon as DH stopped allowing her to divid and conquer I think we could be well on our way to finding some resolutions..
Thanks for the understanding and words of support.. I agree with everything you said..
OK I Don't Get It
Why is it wrong for people to show kids they are angry at the way DH or the SKIDs treat the SM and not be able to Show it? Why should we swallow our anger and take the bad treatment of others? I find the way I get treated at times unacceptable an quite frankly I let them know it. I am not saying be so angry that you lose control and abuse the child but this little princess needs to know you are not tolerating her bad behavior. I happen to know my Skids adore me. They all 3 wait for me to come home. I love them as well but they do step over the line quite a bit and I never really have problems with them until they go to visit BM. My youngest Skid decided to take a temper tantrum in the car when we picked her up after the last visit. Two seconds into her tantrum I just looked at her and told her very angrily and very stern to "Cut it out". She looked at me and said ok and stopped the tantrum dead in her tracks. It was obviously a tatic to get attention. She was her sweet self again a second later. She acts like that with BM but she knows I won't tolerate it. She knew I was angry.
Septembers_Child I know how you feel. I agree with the united front. It is a must if you are going to make things work. My DH is in the Army as well. Here is the problem. I WON't do what you are doing and keep the kids if he gets deployed. I made that clear BEFORE I married him. No way in hell am I going to be the single parent of 3 kids for a year and a half. It is way too much for me tohandle and none of his family who live here will pitch in. I give you kudos. I know this puts my DH in a situation but I am not responsible for his situation. I didn't agree with him rejoining the Army to begin with when he fought so hard for custody. We will see how this turns out.
Stay strong!
I know what you mean Cruella
I know what you mean Cruella..The issue is that she really has no where else to go..Mom is not an option, realistically, and while his family would be more then happy to take her..If she were to come back to us after the deployment she would be just an absolute mess..
They are a vast majority of the reason she is the snotty, high and mighty, princess, who is a habitual liar, manipulator, and konniver..DH's family of origin is an absolute night mare most all male members of his family are ex convicts, a fair portion of the females are ex prostitutes, males and femals in his family have health issues due to IV drug use, are complete psychos or are dying from over doses and addiction issues. They are bottom feeders for sure..This would be yet another reason that DH has next to nothing to do with his family as a whole..
If she were to go back to them temporarily. Any progress I have made with her in the past 7 years, and she is 110 times better then she was when I came into the picture would be undone in a matter of weeks with those peoples influence..She would come back worse then ever and I would be right back to square one with her..
Do i want here in my care and custody while he deploys..Absolutley not..I am so sick of this kid and seriously need a break from her..But her only other option is foster care, seriously..I don't know...I have some tough decisions to make in the next few weeks. And I am glad I have this place to come too to help me.
I know how you feel
I am a new here, but I truly know what you are talking about (sorry to say). I have only been married for 5 and a half years and it is hard as ever to not llose your mind!!! I have 4 step-sons. And I am almost certain that I have been called every name there is and been told to go places that are not even possible!!!! Just try and remain calm. Wait until you have been told to go to hell in my own home and a few other choice names and my husband took up for the kids. I was told if I didn't like it to leave. I was taking up for my husband when it all started and some how turned out to be the bad person. Life is hard being a SM and just keeps getting harder. The ex wife does her best to make my life hell and i truly felel like I have earned a gold medal by now.
Yes i do realize marrying a man with 4 kids is not very bright when you are getting married for the 1st time in your life and you are 32 years old!!!
Oh Girl...I admire you!! 32, four step kids and married for the first time??? I am not feeling quite so bad about my situation right now..LOL..In my book you have earned a gold medal!!!
Hey Sept...
You are so right, keeping this anger bottled up is going to wreak havoc on you emotional and physically, so please come here to vent.
Kids can be major brats, especially if there are no rules. My ss is a major manipulator, and a pathelogical liar, which equals no fun to be around. He is very toxic, and with his mother contantly dropping the ball on discipline and consistency, there is no winning in setting boundaries with this kid. I feel it isn't my ss's fault that he behaves the way that he does, but it isn't any easier being around him knowing that.
I think part of what you are feeling is being undervalued by your dh. Your marriage is his #1 priority, then his children. Right now, he is placing his first child higher than his marriage to you, and he expects you to sit back and accept that. You have every right to stand up for your #1 spot, no one will accept being #2 or #3 as a wife. Children depend on their parents to make their marriage work b/c your marriage is their security.
Keep your counseling going, and maybe your dh will eventually go too. I hope things can get onto smooth ground for you guys, it's no fun fighting.
Exactly Candice...He seems to be under the impression that I married HIS daughter...I don't recall standing up with her and promising to "love, honor, and cherish until death do us part"...
And yes, I have told him for a long time now that I am sick of feeling like he is to busy being married to his daughter and a united front with her to be married to me..
I told him that I feel like I am just here to be the built in maid, nanny, cook, taxi, and "hole". And that is precisly how I feel...However, I have refused to perform the last "choir" for a few weeks now..LOL...I don't even enjoy that aspect of married life with him anymore because I have so many feelings of anger, bitterness and resentment..
Does your dh have custody? He's in the military and gone a lot, right? I'm just trying to clarify so I don't say something stupid... though I might anyway
I'm going on these assumptions.
I haven't been around here very long, but it sounds to me like your relationship with your dh has ended up having more to do with SD than with your dh. It sounds as though he's pawned off his parental responsibility onto you. It's a tough place to be. You could put it ALL back on him and refuse to take the responsibility. You could walk. You could work a miracle and get dh to partenr with you on parenting SD. You could stay and deal with things as they are.
As angry as you are (and are justified in being so, imho), you obviously care a lot about that girl. It sucks to have to shoulder the responsibility when you can't do anything about the bad behavior and are treated badly. Yet you keep trying. Why? Is it for dh? I'm guessing it's for SD.
Some day, when SD is grown and on her own, she owes you a thank you. She's LUCKY to have you stick with it.
Well the legal documents say he has custody..But in actuality it's me that gets all the responsibility of his full custody..Yes he is Army and gone a lot..He has already done a one year deployment to IRAQ in 2004-2005 and we just received notification that we have another one coming up that is going to be 15 to 18 months long..
And yes, he has done his best to pawn all of HIS and her BM's parenting job off onto me. In fact, the only time he wants to exercise his parental responsibilites is when it's to intervene to undermine me or critisize me for something..
Nope it isn't for DH..Honestly it's for our son for the most part. But yes for SD as well..
To Septembers Child
Hey, my hat is off to you. I observed similar behavior when my SD was visiting my then BF/now DH. (we were dating, not living together) She was young & as I look back on it viewed me as a threat. I think your SD's explanation of chores & how & when they are done is a way of trying to re-connect with her father. And for him to undermine you, what a Bas****!!! If he would just shake his head & say "good job", it would diffuse so much, but then you know that...I agree, SK are a handful, but their DADS can be worse b/c WE choose to marry them!! Whose the crazy one now!?!?!?!?