We got the court summons today...
I'd like a little backup on this...I'm not really all that upset, partially because I knew it was coming, but I'm still uneasy about it. BM has been asking me for weeks if we've gotten any "paperwork" in the mail...I don't know why she does that. I guess she just wants to hear for herself from us that she's screwed us yet again...like a sick, masochistic pleasure thing. But at any rate, what she was eagerly anticipating finally came to us today - the subpoena for a hearing over BF's contempt of court due to back child support.
We took it to his attorney who told us not to worry, that they saw and dealt with these literally every other day, and that nothing bad was going to happen to him. They said, like you all told me a while back, that most of the time these things are just computer-generated and we could very easily diffuse it. In fact, having SO much experience with this particular issue, our lawyer even told us that it's actually easier to deal with the DA than it is the local CS enforcement because he's a much nicer guy
Regardless, BF is still nervous. He's trying not to show it, but I know he is. I think he's afraid he's going to get arrested (which the lawyer told us would definitely NOT happen). Luckily the court hearing isn't for another 1.5 months, and we had planned on paying all of the arrears by then anyway.
I'm silently hoping that the judge will see how hard BM is trying to screw us and cut us a little slack. We've provided our lawyer with all the paperwork to prove everything, including that we're paying WAY more than we should have to anyway. I was kind of also hoping that we could bring up other things during this hearing, since the bill will be paid in full by then anyway and there won't be much to talk about. Things like the 25 emails that I get from BM a day, or how she routinely wishes death and harm on both of us, or the 12 phone calls to SS the first night he was here, not to mention screaming like a banshee over the phone so loud that SS could hear her, or her telling him to tell me to go to hell, or her making him go through our closets and tell her what's in them, or when she told him that she didn't want to talk to his "sorry son of a bitch father", or the fact that SS is 8 and doesn't know how to brush his own teeth or wash his own hair, or that it's the middle of winter and SS somehow has dirt caked under his toenails, in the cracks of his skin on his hands and feet, and caked to his scalp...
I asked BF if he would do something for me. I told him that BM would undoubtedly call and try to ask him if he'd gotten the court summons, or try to rub it in his face, because that's just how she is. I asked him that when that happened, if he could just not talk to her about it, or refer her to her lawyer. She did the exact same thing when she sent the CS through the state and wanted to know if we'd gotten the $3000+ bill yet. I think it would be MUCH better for us if he would just avoid the conversation altogether. I also feel like he would come out looking like the better person.
- Nymh's blog
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Sounds like my life
I went through this before w/ my husband & his EX. The state was taking out way more than half his pay, we were struggling to make it,also went through a period of no payments, because of a job change. We were so worried about being in trouble. Went to court so many times with EX harrassing us all the way(she puts the "ass" in harass), let me tell you. EX ended up getting into alot of trouble for that, we now even have custody of SS, and their is no more child supp. That alone kills her now, she does not care aboutSS, but take away $$$,and she exploded. Pay off what you owe, if you do before court date their will be no stones for her to throw, then nail her on harrassment.File your own court date...tell your lawyer you want to press harrassment charges.
What did you have to do to get custody of SS? We are in a very similar situation to you, it looks like, and I would LOVE any advice you could give. We're currently trying to get together everything we need to start the battle of custody. I'd love it if you could share some advice having been there yourself and won.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
First & foremost, DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Keep records of phone calls, keep any voicemail recordings that are nasty( i found that she will leave many if you ignore her),transfer them to a tape, print out all e-mails from her & highlite the "crazy parts".Give all this stuff to your lawyer for your custody hearing. Also, keep notes on any unusual actions on her part, like some of the things you listed in your post, sounds like you may be able to pursue custody on grounds of neglect. My husbands EX, got into a fight w/ SS,told him to go live with his dad & threw him out,he was only 12. Showed up on our doorstep crying. Thats what got the ball rolling for us. So we called police, told them what she did, took statement from SS, and he stayed w/ us for over a month, approx 6 weeks . BM tried to get him home, but their was nothing she could do at that point. Then we started building our case, went to lawyers to tell him what we wanted to do, went to SS school, spoke with all guidance counselors, and his teachers to fill them in on what happend, and while he was with us all of a sudden his grades went up, an F to a B,etc. Then the courts appointed a family counselor to meet w/ us and do evaluations on us, and that assisted the judge w/ the decision on custody. All the while BM, was making a fool of herself. Sounds like yours will do the same. Most people like her really crack, and go off the deep end when they are exposed. The family counselor also met w/ SS teachers, and they gave us a glowing report. We kept in close contact w/ anyone who could help us. Also, I know this sounds extreme, but if you notice your SS, looking raggy, or dirty, take pictures of him, and give them to your lawyer. Its alot to do, and its not an easy battle, but sooooo worth it in the end. Just be strong, dont cave in to the harrassment, or engage in arguments. She'll want to fight with you ALOT when she gets her summons to go to court. Just let her get worked up and she'll hand you all the ammo. you need. Good luck , hope this helps....feel free to ask me anything, I will try my best to assist you. Meshel
Never say a word!
When litigation is pending, never EVER have a personal conversation with the other side about ANYTHING, no matter how innocent it may seem. You never know what they may have up their sleeve and what may seem to you like a completely innocuous question may really be a trap. A little paranoia can be a health thing when litigation is pending. Our old stand-by is this reply, "I don't feel comfortable discussing that with you while there is still a court case pending. Let's let our attorneys handle it, since that's what we're paying them to do." We've also used, "My attorney has advised me not to discuss that with you." Don't engage in any undocumented conversation whatsoever and, if you must communicate due to arranging visitation or whatever, try to do it via email so that you have a record of every transaction. And take photos, like Meshel says, of anything that would indiciate neglect. Document the date, time, circumstances, etc.
What will likely happen is that the judge will not hear any arguments regarding extemporaneous issues at that hearing, even if there's nothing left to say on the arrears. He'll likely dismiss it and move on to the next case on the docket. You'll having to have a separate hearing to address other issues. I think you guys have a lot of ammunition already. And don't worry about the arrears, if he's been paying it down, hasn't missed any current payments and has it paid off or at least way down by the hearing date, then he has absolutely nothing to worry about.
~ Anne ~
See, she has us so pumped up full of crap that I don't know what the truth is sometimes. She had me thinking that she was going to bring up other issues in court that she wanted addressed. I had a feeling that they wouldn't get into things other than what the hearing was supposed to be about, but BM is very insistent and has a habit of completely abandonining all reason and logic (and sanity) to pursue the things that she wants. In a way I kind of hope she does bring up these other issues. Last time she was in court with BF she was unrepresented, and argued with the judge for about 20 minutes over something that he obviously had her pinned on, she just wouldn't shut up. When in meetings during litigation over their divorce, BM would argue with her lawyer right in front of BF and his lawyer, and he often would have to take her out of the room and tell her to shut up and let him do his job. I think the more times she goes in and makes a fool of herself, the better things will look for us, especially since BF keeps a very cool and calm demeanor when in court. One of her biggest pet peeves is when she thinks someone's taking away her right to get her word in or bi*%$ about something. That's when she really goes off. I'd love it if they told her that her issues were not to be discussed that day and she just went off on them like she does on us and her lawyer (who, we've heard from our lawyer, dreads her phone calls and meetings with her because of how ridiculous and immature she is).
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
That exact scenario happened
That exact scenario happened to us. We were in a mediation where it was my husband and me, her husband and her and a judge. There was a brief meeting with all of us together to lay out how the process would work, what would be discussed, etc. before splitting up and the judge going back and forth between the two parties to hash out the final agreement. Well, BM showed her ass BIG TIME in front of the judge and the judge actually reprimanded her in front of us. It was very satisfying that the judge saw it, because that's the kind of immaturity we'd been dealing with outside of court. If she can't control herself during the proceedings, that will just make her look like an ass. It's hard to take someone like that seriously and the judge won't have an ounce of respect for her. I wish you guys all the luck in the world, but I don't think you'll need it. I think you'll do fine.
~ Anne ~
I agree with all the above.
When my BioS dad took me to court over custody I was soooooooooo ready for him. I had documented everything-right down to exact dates and times for six months. I could tell you every time he refused to let me have our son after his visitation, every time he screamed and cussed at me over the phone--no e-mails he wasn't very into the e-mail thing. You look so good when you know what you are talking about in court.
X had nothing--come to find out his attorney hadn't bothered to tell him to write anything down--I had a binder full of info. He looked like a complete ass on the stand. It didn't take long for the judge to see that he had done nothing but make our life a living hell for months--Go For it, just be ready. My Attorney had my X stammering and stuttering for words on the stand.
Hey and tell BF to relax. I agree he has nothing to worry about. If I remember correctly you have to be severely delinquent--I'm thinking like years of non pay- for anything as drastic as jail. It's one thing if he had never paid a dime of his support order--but that doesn't sound like the case. I would definately pay it off though just to make the X look insane in court. Good luck.
I really like the 'don't
I really like the 'don't give them what they want approach'....
She is obviously dying for a reaction...she can't even shut her mouth , sit tight and wait for the paperwork...she can barely contain her excitment at the latest drama...and has to ask 'get any paperwork? huh? did ya? huh? did ya? Did you check? huh? ...sad.
She's dripping with anticipation of the drama..that's so obvious.
It's THE BEST way to make her suffer a little over this..!!!
I'm telling ya, She will loose what's left of her mind!!!
Child Support
I am only speaking from the other side (a mother who has a deadbeat dad in her life) who owe's roughly $8,000.00 in past due child support. I can understand the ex's frustrations and the thrill of knowing your BF was served only because I have had those exact feelings in the past. You might see her as the B*tch. But it's not so simple getting child support to send out an enforcement letter. And as a parent dealing with a deadbeat let me say that child support really makes it easy on the deadbeat dad's who tip toe around the system as if they mean no harm or it's not intentional. In my case my ex did not work "on the books" he just did odds and ends here and there. And everytime we went to court he would just spew the same old excuses. It made me furious! And at the child support hearings they speak to the deadbeat but usually the mother is only allowed to let the courts know any additional info because the magistrate doesn't want to hear all of the bickering.
I have made my ex's life hell in hopes that he would pay something just to get me off his back. I have cursed him, threatened him and wished all the worst on him and anybody who associated with him for the mere fact that I knew he was a deadbeat dad, and it made me mad that he was enjoying life while I was living paycheck to paycheck praying that I could keep my son in the nice school and pay the household bills on time.
During all that time he was partying, drinking, romancing, the works - included being arrested several times for getting another girl preggo and beating her up nearly every month until she was around 7 months and she decided to move out of state or risk losing her life to him. But when she met him she defended his deliquency, wanted to be supportive and thought I was the EVIL one yet now she is living in another state, has a daughter two years old and doesn't get a dime in child support - I told her this would happen. So, she shouldn't have been surprised.
But anyway this is how he worked the system. He would go around 7 months and not pay a dime, I would hound child support every single day because according to the court order a writ was supposed to be issued if he became deliquent that meant they were supposed to arrest him. But that wasn't the case... LOL Big joke... Instead they have to send out a letter of address confirmation, that usually takes a few weeks, then they have to send him letters asking him to comply or come in to make arrangements, then time passes and they have to re-confirm his address through the us postal service, they they schedule a court hearing. He pays a purge payment "the standard $500.00" and that will usually stop the proceedings. But if we go to court he will sit and look stupid and when I try to tell the magistrate about the partying, the drinking, the arrests - and how angry I am at the system in general they tell me to HUSH! Last time I told the courts they could arrest me, because I was going to say everything I had too. But still she ignored me! LOL Because a contempt hearing is only to discuss the past due amount, why it's past due and what plans the deadbeat has to make it up. They will usually increase the monthly payment so the additional money will go toward cutting down the arrears. This didn't bother my ex because he will go 1-year with no payment and pay a purge, make an arrangement and it's just a continuous cycle.
Until last court hearing. I did some research online and found out that I can actually file a Notice of Interrogation at the hearing. This means I get to ask 10 questions in front of the judge, and have them answered in front of the attorney for child support, and magistrate. They were really embarrassing questions and I also had copies of all his bank accounts, credit cards, etc. so he was screwed. I was upset because child support should have done this in the beginning. I also asked in the questions if it would be fair since he was found in contempt 5 times prior & never kept his word to make good on his payments if spending time on house arrest until a job was secured would be a good idea. And should the magistrate consider it. I also put down that this was how I wanted him to be punished if found guilty. So, he paid a the purge payment & never showed to the hearing. He signed a promisary note with child support and has paid faithfully for the past three months, not a day late
He also sent my son a card for Christmas claiming that he wanted to be responsible and become a better person and that he hoped his son and him could be close in the years to come. He also bought son an Xbox 360 @ $450.00 and a bluetooth wireless headset @ $50.00 along with some other stuff when I took him up to visit. He promised me he would pay on time and get his head out of his butt. However asked if I would help erase some of the arrears. Which I agreed too, only if he can pay on time for one-year. So, we will have to see how that goes.
But I can understand her cursing him, threatening him and wishing harm to him. Because it's so frustrating when your dealing with a deadbeat. I'm sure her only motive is to make him pay by being a thorn in his butt. By law she can do it, if it's only to discuss the deliquency and his failure to pay. The courts told him and me that.
However asking her child to snoop through your closets is harrassment as is discussing other issues that don't pertain to his deliquency.
If I was you I would advise BF to pay as much as he can to pay back the arrears and keep on paying and after some time has passed then he should petition the court for sole-custody. If you feel the child would be better off with him.
I am also on your side because my BF pay's his child support faithfully and gives even more "much, much more" so that his ex won't take him back to court & increase tbe child support amount. But while he is giving her most of his paycheck, she is giving us the kids "FULL TIME" and it's driving me insane. The kids are always sick, the house that she own is infested with rats and roaches and when I spoke to his daughter yesterday she told me that she wants to live with us but her mother said if she lives with us that she is not ever welcome to see her mom and her mom will write her off and never speak to her again. Isn't that sad! So, we are going for custody and I already printed out all of the paperwork to do so and have kept notes of all the issue's I have had with her & her neglecting the kids. What's funny is she doesn't come after me - because I think she know's that I know how the system works. Or maybe she knows that I am the better mother who knows. But I have rambled on and I do apologize but I just wanted to explain why biomom might be so mad at your boyfriend. Think about how you would act if you were in her shoes and you were left to care for his child living paycheck to paycheck without support from him. It sounds like she is a crap mom anyway but it's hard when the other parent doesn't meet his obligations and is a struggle on the other parent who is providing for the child and if he has done it to her, who is to say he wouldn't do it to you if it ever came down to it.
Just let her be angry, be patient and hopefully your BF will make good on his past due arrears and you guy's will gain custody so this child can have a healthy environment to grow up in. Take care.
Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.
BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.
While I appreciate your input...
Julie, while I appreciate your input, my BF is in no way a "deadbeat dad." He is in arrears because his ex sued him for back child support for the six months that they were working on getting a divorce. We have faithfully been paying the entire amount of child support, month by month, and even have submitted extra payments when able.
Keeping this in mind, your comment about understanding her cursing, threatening and wishing harm to him really hurts. We've been doing everything we can to pay her off and she still continues to harrass us. While I can understand how you felt in your situation, please understand that mine is very different.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I've got your back, Nymh
Julie just didn't understand your situation, so don't let her comments hurt you. She just said them out of ignorance of the truth in your situation.
You know you're in the right. Julie is just struggling with an entirely different (and horrible!) situation and projected that on you.
Some dads who are in arrears are not deadbeats!
In my fiance's case - and I believe Nymh's BF's case - he is not in arrears because he went off partying and didn't feel like paying for months at a time. Julie, I understand your situation, but please don't jump to conclusions that everyone's case is just like yours.
BM filed for CS 2 years after they separated and the exhorbitant amount she was awarded (60% of his take home pay) was retroactive for those two years. So he was in arrears of $3000 before we even got started! Now, his take home pay puts him under the federal poverty level and after paying his minimum payments on his credit card debt that SHE racked up during their marriage, he literally has NOTHING left to put toward a) arrears and b) our household. He would be homeless if it weren't for me footing every bill. The courts were totally unfair to him. He is expected to live off of $800 a month. That wouldn't even cover rent, let alone utilities, food, travel expenses, and let's not forget their marital debt. He gets stuck with all the debt, none of the assets and she's sitting pretty with no job, but a nice steady income from her ex and her daddy and the state.
I don't remember the details of why Nymh's BF is in arrears, but he's doing his damnedest to pay it all off. He's not a deadbeat like your ex is. He's been putting every last dime he has into paying it off. BM of Nymh's SS is neglectful of her son and vindictive to her ex. She is seeking drama, not payment of CS that he "doesn't feel like paying."
Just thought I'd come to Nymh's defense on this one.
Caitlin, Julie & Nymh all
Caitlin, Julie & Nymh all have valid complaints and make good points. I think the frustration, anger & resentment with support payments in all cases comes from a lack of fairness or deception from one side or the other.
In my case If hubby's X was legally entitled to support ... based on truth & fairnes...fine. But based on lies, bogus rent documents drawn up by her BF, etc.....of course not.
If any Dad makes a child...he is finacially responsible to support that child...period. The frustration comes from someone (usually the woman) using the court system, loop holes, lies, gender bias, etc for their own vendictive purposes....to inflict finacial hardship on a man for that reason only!! To me that's completely different.
I would qualify for spousal support from my x...because I was at home raising kids for most of the marriage while my education grew obsolete and he continued his education..etc. But after child-support what would he have left? Would that be fair or vendictive?
I'm on both sides.....my mother should be recieving alimony from my father...she is not. He is buying up toys left & right, while she scrimps for basic neccessities...her fault for not filing.
I don't think Julie in jumping on anyone in particular...she's just sharing her point of view as the victim of a true deadbeat....
I think any order for anyone to pay anything MUST be fair and based on facts.....that's what's frustrating for everyone dealing with the court system. I think the courts are often a very corrupt place..where the facts just aren't important sometimes. Family court is a very 'closed' system...it doesn't make front page news..decisions arent broadcast for all to hear & analyse..judges aren't held accountable...or held out for mass public scrutiiny the way criminal law is. That it itself makes it vunerable to corruption....and the whims of individual judges..etc.rather than how the legislation intended the law to be applied.
I believe...That's where the frustration comes from...on both sides of the support equation..
Oh ya!! I've got a guy here
Oh ya!! I've got a guy here at work..under a garnishment order for CS..and he tells me Maintenance Enforcement take every penny of his income tax refunds. And when hubby was paying CS & SS he had to file a copy of his court order with his income tax forms...so they could verify that he was NOT in arrears.
Ps I don't know if that's different in the States ...
In colorado they can garnish
In colorado they can garnish tax refunds if the obligor is in arrears, however, I am not sure about other states... That is something to look into!
In our case, his tax refunds go toward arrears
My fiance's tax refund went over to BM to go toward the arrears last year and we'll probably do the same this year. I don't remember if it was just his idea to do it so he could pay it down some or if he's required by law to hand it over, but I would definitely tell your friend to look into it.
Just to mention....my BF was
Just to mention....my BF was in 'arrears' at one point too
But not because he decided to not follow a court order...or an agreement....
there was no order ..to follow...for 6 months....then it became a retro order....bamm!! just like that..instant 'arrears'...
Also in my guy friends case...the mother is telling the 1 child that lives with her..that her dad is a deadbeat...because he doesn't pay child support. But she didn't pay him a dime when he had both kids for 2 years!!!! What did she call herself...technically she owes him a shit-load of arrears...for that....
And the both kids spend 70% of the time with him....although one is supposed to be living with his X..
SO go figure!!
bend over and take it like a man!
It is very easy to get in arrears during reevaulation of cs. My husband got screwed. We got the ammended documentation in april. He signed it immediatly agreeing to the new amount. She waited for whatever reason until october to sign her portion. By the time the new amount became a court order it was december. When it was finally processed they went back to the date he signed it. So we went from always being current to instantly owe $2000.00. Then we got the next hit becasue it should have been our year to claim the child for taxes and we couldn't. As part of the court order 'dad cannot claim child if there are any arrears as of December 31st. The arrears went into effect December 20th. We couldn't come up with that much money in only a few days. Son of a Bit!%......
The real criminal...
...is the system. No matter how you look at it, whether you're the visiting parent who is paying your heart out or the custodial parent who is anxiously awaiting needed CS checks that don't ever come, I blame the unfair, cumbersome, blind, bureaucratical, disorganized, heartbreaker of a child support system. Sometimes the kids get supported and sometimes they don't, sometimes you pay too much and sometimes you get too little, but in just about every case the process is so freaking convoluted that at best it's a pain in the ass and at worst it can destroy lives, security and financial stability.
~ Anne ~
Glad you said it!
I was getting into this topic late, and reading some of these post, and wanted to bring up the same very fact that you said...
I am just going add that it's easy for all of us to go about bashing and blaming, getting hot headed over issues, but the simple fact is that the system is corrupt. That's it.
We have family after family out there struggling to make ends meet... WITHOUT these issues... so I don't think that CS is ever just the problem- but a means for people to bicker about the other side. It's fuel for the fury when things don't end up the way they envisioned it.
The other simple fact is that the court automatically give rights to mothers. That is the truth. However, if that mother is a "deadbeat" herself, where's the repercussions for that? There isn't any, instead fathers have to literally jump through the bureaucratized crap loop holes for just a simple 'piece of the pie'. They are expected to just hand over their pocket books.
There are more and more cases of fathers gaining custody, courts viewing the bigger picture and fairly assessing both sides equally. I wish this would happen with every case, but the point is, it doesn't.
So, while we have mothers out there with deadbeat fathers, pissed because they don't have their cs check rolling in, there is also father out there who are constantly denied their court ordered time with their children, yet courts turn a blinds eye.
It is not always about cs, it is about control. Who has the power and control. The cs is only a means of an avenue to yet again, drag everyone, themselves included, through the mud, rather than looking at the bigger picture.
Nymh, I am sorry, I
I am sorry, I didn't know that your BF was current and it was just the arrears. In my case they included the arrears in his monthly payment. Like Cheri said about the $10.00 going toward arrears each month, in her friends case. So, I was kind of confused as to why, if he is current, can she take him back to court?
Now I am really confused. She shouldn't be harrassing the two of you or her son, if he is paying. I tried to work with my ex on numerous levels. But he's stubborn and loves drama. But now that he see's that I can take him to court and play thing's my way, his tune has changed dramatically.
I didn't mean to upset you. And if I did, I apologize.
But if something has been discussed it's the controversy of child support. I believe it's really messed up and yeah, some guys pay more then they should and others don't pay enough. I get both ends with BF and my ex. I have my ex who I am trying to work with, just to get some money. And BF who gives everything and more. And it's funny when we Ex and I initially went to court they asked me if I wanted to go back two years in arrears. My ex flipped at the mere possibility. And I said I will go back one year in arrears because the first year I gave him a run on his own, hoping he would pay just a small amount toward caring for our son and that didn't happen. And I filed because I gave him advance warning. Which he couldn't deny.
But in your case, I would just ignore her because it does sound like she is just trying to cause trouble. Also during the divorce did your BF keep any receipts that he paid for childcare, gifts or that any time was spent with him because this can be deducted I believe at the court hearing because they do take everything into consideration. At least that is what they are supposed to do.
Cheri as for getting the tax return. As far as I know in the state of Florida a letter is sent to the IRS advising them that a certain percent is supposed to go toward the arrears. My ex has just never filed, because he was never on the books
But anyways. I just wanted to let Nymh know I apologize for jumping to assumptions. So, wish you all the best in your persuit of custody.
Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.
BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.
You're not the only one who is confused!
I can't figure out any legitimate reason that she would be taking us to court. We are faithful in our payments, and up until she sent the CS through the state and smacked us with the $3000 bill, we were even giving her extra money for gas and other expenses. Not to mention making extra payments whenever we can. So why is she taking us to court? I don't know. I would say maybe it's because she wants to force us to pay her all at once, but that doesn't make sense and wasn't the original agreement. Personally, I think it may all come down to control. I think she needs to feel like she's in control of our lives, so she's going to drag us back to court and try to force us to give her money that we don't have. She makes me feel like she spends all her time thinking up ways to ruin our lives. Honestly sometimes I wonder if she does these things out of boredom or loneliness. I think she feels like no one pays attention to her and she needs to cause a ruckus and "be heard" to put some spice into her life and feel like she actually has an effect on something. I don't know. Some of my friends have come up with the theory that she really has gone over the deep end, like is actually certifiably crazy, and actually believes these crazy things that she keeps claiming like that BF never pays his child support, or that he calls her every day to tell her that the divorce was a mistake and that he still loves her (she even claims to have recordings of each of these conversations which the police department retain...when I bring up the fact that we have our phone bills which indicate that these calls never happened, she says that our bills have been tampered with!). Maybe in her head inside her crazy world we really DON'T pay child support and BF DOES still love her and begs her every day to take him back... These are all just a bunch of theories that I've come up with, but no one really knows why she's doing it but her.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
My dh comes from completely crazy family, so the holidays are really interesting. He has an aunt that is literally "out there" and she likes to create drama, in fact she lives for drama. She does everything to embede herself in others business, then acts like she is helping when in fact she is just making a bigger mess. Some people just don't know better.
My dh's aunt has planted drugs in my car, then called the police and stated I tried selling drugs to a 10 year old, and she really believed that I was a drug dealer. That is how far she is out there. But since I know this, I can better prepare myself.
I wouldn't waste your time in trying to make "sense" out of the ex's behavior. She doesn't operate with rhyme or reason. Trying to figure her out is like trying to make a dog into a cat...it aint gonna happen.
I would try to get bf to relax about his worries in regards to contempt of court...you guys probably won't even make it into the court room, the da and his attorney will probably negotiate in the hallways, and call it good. That is how 90% of our proceedings occured.
My advice, if you can, buy your bf the beverage he likes, light some candles, and do what you guys find relaxing. You need to help him take his mind off the stress she is creating, and you need to do so by getting him preoccupied....with you;)
Ok Fearless, here's an update!
BM called yesterday and started asking BF all these questions about paperwork that she'd supposedly gotten in the mail. BF kept telling her he didn't know what she was talking about...so she says that apparently she got a summons to be in court TODAY (Monday). The way I see it, she was just trying to get him to admit that he'd gotten paperwork, or to argue with her about the papers she got. To my disappointment, BF somewhat took the bait and started discussing how he didn't get any paperwork that said that, and told her HIS plans for today. He makes me so proud sometimes, but I kind of see that as a minor setback...I feel like she was just digging or trying to start an argument, and he gave in and played her game with her. At any rate, he called the Sheriff's department to both our county and hers, and both told him that they had no idea what she was talking about and that she was probably just yanking his chain. If she was going to court, it probably didn't have anything to do with him.
That's the only update that I have right now
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Working the System
I agree how the system is messed up. BF works his ass off every week and has very little to show for it. His pay check after taxes and child support is $246.00. Tell me how anybody can survive off this. In the mean time BM barely puts in 20hrs per week, collects her child support filed for CCPO ( daycare supplement, WIC,medicare and the Lonestar card. Now the CCPO her mother collects and gives back to BM and pays her bills. She has no rent because her mother owns the trailer she lives in. Her tax return was well over 3500.00 and she had no problem running out there and buying a new pickup that a 20hr per week job could not pay for. So the well needed child support goes to the truck payment.
BF has a 1993 vehicle which is getting close to it's last leg. Fortunately truck payment is only 260.00 per month so monthly income is 984.00 - 260.00 = 724.00 then there is gas and insurance. There really isn't much left for him, how do u pay rent, utilities? most place rent for 500.00 and what about food... oh that's right he don't qualify for food stamps. So while he is busting his ass he is suppose to starve. But it gets better, he has his son every weekend so now he is paying double child support. Buying all the things he needs for our house. We can barely get her to part with 2 cans of formula per month. I am the outsider to all of this we are not married but I too provide for our family. He is very thankful for our struggles because we have made a difficult situation a very happy one. We work together to get through the struggles life has. I have a two bedroom house, I have a newer vehicle we both commute in. We both know things could have been very different for both of them if our relationship wasn't as strong as it is. I don't know where he would be, or if his relationship with his son would be as strong. I find it very funny how the other day the BM had the nerve to tell him how she was doing this all on her own and how he has me and my income to help. Has she forgtten the weekly checks? or the governments helping hand in all of this? You know I feel she has it pretty easy not everyone is lucky enough to have the BF who pays his child support on time and takes the baby every weekend so she can party without regards to the care of her son. I guess by her pointing out how he has me and my income makes her feel better by sticking it to him. I mean really.... is anyone keeping her from finding someone or is it just because she wants us to feel sorry for her?
I know being a single parent cannot be easy, anytime she feels like it is just too much believe me BF will be there waiting with open arms to relive her of her duties.
What doesn't kill uswill make us stronger.