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I had to call the police on MIL

laughterandtears's picture

MIL calls about 9:oopm, saying she's right by my house and she is comming over. I told her it was too late as all the kids were in bed. She said she was comming anyway. So I shut and locked the doors and went ot bed myself. Before I could even get into bed, there was banging on my door. Not wanting to wake the kids, I went ot answer the door. MIL was drunk, I mean swaying, slurring her words drunk. I told her to go home and sleep it off. She said she was here to get the kids and proceeded to push her way past me in the house. MIL started toward my room where the baby sleeps and Hell NO, she WAS NOT getting my son. She definately NOT going to put him in her car and drive him anywhere being drunk.

So I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down the hallway and shoved her out my front door, which was no easy task. She kept banging on my door and I finally called the police. They came and asked her to take a breath test, she refused and started bawling saying that she wanted to raise her grandkids. The officer that came out knows me quite well and couldn't figure out what the hell she was talking about. They took her downtown to "dryout" for the night.

The saddest part was that the SS's had to hear all of it.


Catch22's picture

If this is your current MIL, I would get rid of her!! If this is the ex MIL lucky you called the police to record her little scene. I can't imagine how this felt with a baby in the house!! You must have been mad as hell, I know I would be. Whoever she is connected to you by, he needs to sort her out when she is affecting the welfare of your kids!!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Cruella's picture

I am so sorry you had to deal with that. There is nothing like having some Invader especially drunk and out of her mind knocking at your door while you and your children are minding your own business. Please document everything. She obviously has an agenda.

didddos's picture

You did the right thing. Sounds like she needs help. Maybe after this, she'll get it???

happy's picture

timeto sober up Granny. And that is what I would tell this woman either sober up or you are out of the kids lives for good. Its not a good thing to be drunk and disorderly. Its one thing to have a few beers and stuff but not to her extent..
You did the right thing 100%, if anything maybe you got her thinking..
which would be ok...

" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

laughterandtears's picture

TO make matters worse, they let her out early this morning b/c she "had to go to work", did I mention she was a nurse? Anyway, she starts calling my house at oh-god-thirty this morning, waking up everyone in the household. For those of who have ever had babies, do you remenber how pissed you would get when someone woke them? Yea, Well I have yet to answer the phone, I just turned the ringers off and the latest message I listened to was "Why did you call th epolice on me? That was mean. I can't believe you would put your own kids grandmother in jail. What kind of person are you?" Slience for a few seconds then "Hello, answer the phone, I'm sorry, I don't know waht got into me." Another few senconds of slience followed by "Fine, be a b**ch then. You always are. You never let me raise the kids the way I want them raised, b**ch." Then she hangs up. Okayyy, why is she so obssessed with raising the kids? And no, I am not going to let her raise MY kids, they are MY responsibility. Crazy woman. I talked to DH a few minutes ago and let him know what is going on, he said he was calling her right now. Let's hope so. This is crazy and I cannot subject my kids, S's or ortherwise to that kind of behavior.

Oh and I am saving all the VM's she left, just in case. Thanks everyone, I am just amazed at her nerve and needed to vent.

texaswonder028's picture

I can't believe she came to your house drunk. I could never image my BF mother doing that. As far as being obessed with grand children, I feel your pain. His mother pretends to be helping and keeping the peace between BM and BF, when in all reality she has stirred up so much shit lately. She has went as far as having the BM lie to BF in order for the MIL to keep her grandson for the weekend. This weekend the BM kept their son from him. She stated that he is trying to get custody of him. This information could have only can from his mother. I don't understand what her problem is. I could understand her involveness if BF sucked at being a parent, but he doesn't he is great with him. She constantly tries to out shine him and create insecurities about his ability to be a parent. She did the same thing to her daughter, her now 6 yr old call her nana (momma) which is completely uncalled for. I have put a stop to all this nonsense. Until his mother understands there are boundries that are not to be crossed (like going behind our backs to get the grandson) then she will have to come to our house if she wants to see him. I am not trying to be a bitch, but I will not have any woman running my household. As far as the custody goes, we are getting a lawyer and will try to get him as much as possible. BM has been playing games for the last eight months and we are tried of playing by her rules, so the table is about to turn and she can play by ours.
Did your husband stand up to his mother and if so have you seen an improvement? I know the things I say and do now I will pay for the rest of my life with my MIL. I have stepped back and try to keep my mouth shut for a long time, but I can only take so much. BF and son are my main priorties and I will do whatever it takes to protect my family.

Little Jo's picture

I had know idea you had a nut job as a Mil. Wow. I'm soo sssoorrryy you had to deal with that horseshit. Some one recently gave me advise. Let her leave messages. Voice mail, e-mail. Don't pick up the phone. Reson being that a recorded message is admissable in court because they know they are being recorded.

Keep protecting yourself & your children. Best wishes. Jo

"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain." Jessica - Soap

laughterandtears's picture

I was feeling guilty for manhandling her and calling the police, even though I know she didn't leave me much choice. But thanks to all of your comments, I feel like I did do the right thing. My DH was pretty upset at his mom for her little stunt and left a message on her phone telling her she is to stay away until he gets back home, which will be sunday. Thank you all again, I really do feel a little better and not like a mean evil woman.

septembers_child's picture

ummmm...I am utterly speechless..Even the "sea hag" hasn't pulled that one with the Golden Child! Not to say she hasn't tried to "take her" or hasn't wanted to "raise her" herself but she has certianly NEVER done something like that! Hopefully, she got busted for a DUI!!

Now I must admit that the thought of the MIL cooling her green warty nose in a jail cell does appeal to me immensly and the thought of having a legitimate reason to "man handle" her does bless me..I feel sorry for you, your DH and especially the kids..It makes you wonder who some of these MIL's think they are..You handled it like a pro..

laughterandtears's picture

My DH called her this evening when he got off of work, after leaving her a message this morning. She complained that I brusied her and she was thinking of presing charges against me for assault. Yea, okay, you just do that, are my thoughts on it. My DH told her if she did that, not only would he not speak to her again but meant that she could not see the GK's b/c they would not want her around me and since he is gone a week at a time, she would be screwed. It would suit me but the police won't press charges against me for her causing the problem in the first place, would they?

didddos's picture

You were protecting your children from a drunk nutcase! I can't see any officer or judge looking at it any other way.

If you want to protect yourself, get a copy of the police report so that you know what it says.

laughterandtears's picture

I called yesterday for a copy of the police report. They told me to give them about 3 days to get it typed up and into the system and since it was as late as it was when the "incident" occured could I please give them until tomorrow? Sure, at least I will have it.