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Hppy2Bhere's picture

Hi,I'm new here.I'm a stepmom to a boy and girl.My DH's ex is a manipulative selfish female who uses the kids ,and my MIL to try and cause problems for my DH.I'm overwhelmed trying to figure out a way to deal with these people.They ruin every holiday.And making demands on my hubby,they try to set up situations so him and his ex will 'run' into one another.But she won't let him see his kids because she's jealous he Finally remarried.She's on her forth husband though.I love my hubby,but I'm tired of dealing with these people,and their constant drama.His daughter steals and lies.And his son is violent.I really don't wnat them near my kids now because of it.But I know hubby needs a relationship with his kidsI feel caught in the middle of a situation i did'nt create.And it burns me up that she can justify herself with my inlaws who think she's such a good person.Even though she's hurting their grandkids,and son.Any help appreciated.


Little Jo's picture

One thing I can safely say, This is a great site. As your different day to day or week to week drama unfolds, just post what's going on. we will do our best to see you through.

When we were little girls, I'm sure none of us said, Gee, when I grow up I want to fall in love with a man who has a crazy ex-wife and kids that have problems.

We do what we can.


"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain." Jessica - Soap

lmdavi0's picture

maybe you could get a professional involved. sit everyone down and say 'look, this isn't about us, it's about the kids, and the kids are suffering. let's do something to change that.' i know it's shooting high, but it's either that, or you get so frustrated one day, you just walk out.
good luck.

Hppy2Bhere's picture

I wish counseling was a option.That's what is so weird.I try to get along with my kids SM.We've had our problems,blew up at each other.Then talked it out.But as she and I have discussed,the kids are more important than our petty dislikes.And granted time healed alot of it.But with BM,and MIL, I can't understand a biomom who keeps the kids from the other parent without cause besides jealousy.Or a mother that would hurt her own son because she can.Maybe that's why I just don't concider my inlaws family anymore. But hubby and I could go to counseling.Maybe they could help us deal with this before it goes to far.