Going to court with BM tomorrow - wish me luck (please!)
I'm nervous. I talked to my lawyer tonight. He left a message with BF for me to call him. When I did, the first words out of his mouth were "How are you?" And he asked it sincerely. That really made me feel better.
He is so geared up and ready to do whatever it takes to get BM to make a fool of herself. He invited BF to come with us. He's going to call her to the stand first. He's going to bring up old things that she's still pissed about. He's hoping to piss her off so much that she just goes off.
I'm nervous. I don't want to talk in court. I asked him if he could talk for me, but he said I would have to at least say who I am, why I'm there, and possibly testify for myself. I don't want to. I'm afraid. I just don't want to make an ass of myself.
But hopefully I'll go in there and keep my cool. Hopefully I'll be able to be the epitome of calm and cooperation. My attorney said that there's a possibility that the judge may rule a mutual restraining order to make BM happy. I said I don't care as long as she is restrained. He said that BM may try to file for a continuance. I said, I don't care...if she files a continuance, the restraining order will still be ex-parte which covers me until she decides she's ready to go to court. If she's stupid enough to voluntarily keep a restraining order over her head without even trying to get it dropped, I'm fine with that.
I've decided I should be a lawyer. Everything my lawyer said, I kept right there with him. It was so cool. I'll add that to the list of a dozen things I need to do be "when I grow up"!
Anyways, wish me luck gals. I'll have every one of you with me tomorrow in that courtroom!
- Nymh's blog
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Good Luck
I will be thinking about you tomorrow. I hope all goes well!!!!
Good luck!
I think you'll do fine. Just remember "business transaction"... let her do all the emotional work!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
You'll do great! Just don't forget to breathe. We're right there with ya the whole way!
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Good Luck!
Let us know what happens!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
You will be fine.
NCP should have rights too! You have entirely to many good thoughts and prayers going in there with ya. I have added mine as well.
Thinking of you
Nymh. All the best. You are a brave lady, stand up to the bully. I pray that things work out well for you.
Crossing my ffingers for ya right now
sorry I didn't see the post yesterday but wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you today!
Live for today,you may not have a tommorow
Good Luck
I'm sure you'll do fine. Even if you don't...I don't see you coming across as nutty as this woman. Best of luck to you. Keep us posted.
Thinking of you
You are in my thoughts today. I wish you the best of luck
If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!
Good luck
to you today. Let us know how it went.
NYMH you will be great..
The three C's is all you need..
& Collected..
You will be fine.. I know why does court scare some of us so bad. I am scared of it too and just wonder how the heck these criminals can keep going back and back again. Crazy.
The three C's.....
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
Deep breath....
You will do great! Please update us on the outcome...sending best wishes your way
Everything will be just fine....
The worst part is WAITING to go to court.... I promise that once you are actually there in front of the judge, somehow your nerves just vanish... I know that you'll do great and bm WILL make an ass of herself!