Part 7. My step daughter my be evil.
It's been a few days since my last post.
I have avoided making a new post, actually, because I've felt a few of you needed to vent a bit more than I. My friend "goingcrazy" in particular. If you've not yet read her posts, please take a moment to do that. Afterwards, I'd like you to take another moment...and pray for both her family and for her. I am humbled by her strength, and her reaction to certain recent events. This is a tried and true woman, mother, and friend.
With that said, here goes.
If you have followed the posts about my SD, you know what is up. Pretty much, anyway.
What I've not mentioned is that her dad, a man I truly love, and her bio mom, I woman I truly can't stand, are in on this shit.
Her bio mom has come in three times. Once when the girl first started calling me mom. After ONE CALL the girl stopped calling me mom. That's all good, tho. I understand. The second time she called and made contact, we instructed her to call our girl's therapist. We figured that if the BM had anything genuine in her heart, the therapist could help her dad and I resolve our anger at her disappearance.
We made that appointment and the bio mom never showed, or call with a reason why. At least we got to pay for that visit.
The third, and last time, was about 2 years ago. She called and begged me to be in the girl's life. I said she should go to a therapist, and when she was deemed mentally healthy, she could see her.
My thing is this: I don't want to keep a kid from their parent if they are OK and have good intentions.
The woman, Miss Bio Mom USA, never showed up. That has been her contribution in this.
Now, her dad. The man I love. The man SHE loves.
More so than confirming what we both see, he has been in denial. More than back me up, he has told me that I "see things" and "make too much of things".
He says he defends me when I am not around. ???? What does it tell her, though? If she shits on me and I am there, he is mostly silent. But if I am not around and she talks shit, then he is at my side? I dunno.
Then, there is the fact that he lets her see her bio mom's blood family. Those assholes hate me. I don't even know why. HONEST! I don't know!
I barely know them, yet they have been less than welcoming. Why should they welcome me? I replaced their blood family. It's all right that they don't like me; no biggie. BUT WHEN THEY ARE OPEN WITH THE GIRL ABOUT HOW THEY DISLIKE ME, she gets confused and deluded and messed up. She gets an idea, on top of her already wrong ideas, that she doesn't have to pay me any mind. Ya dig?
So I told her dad not to allow them so many visits, because it is confusing her. He ignored me.
They buy him cars. Like, brand new cars. They pay for his cell phone. They bought him a new water heater for the house when the old one died. They send her to expensive camps when we can't. They take her out to dinner at nice places. They buy her CLOTHES FROM NORDSTROM THAT SHE HAS DESTROYED IN LESS THAN EIGHT MINUTES. I swear, you guys. In 8 minutes, she destroyed a suit from Nordstrom with grease from a BBQ.
We still don't know why she was playing with a BBQ.
They have paid for his school.
I have never said this to his face, but man, is he not the most over-priced whore ever?
I mean, if they pay...they play. Right? What? Is he going to tell them to stop talking shit when they have more money and power than me? I don't think so. I mean what am I? JUST THE WIFE.
So there's that. Her family has been down on my religion, my own kids, my way of living, my hair, my clothes, my EVERYTHING....but he can't tell them no. That's just crazy.
They reinforce what she is doing, and he won't say no to them.
Basically, I might as well have the bio mom around all the damned time. I get just as much crap either way.
Yes, they hate what the kid does, or what they have SEEN of her behavior....and they know it's about the BM....yet I am some piece of trash to be dealt with. Uh-huh.
OH AND HEY!!!! Just a side note: my family treats her like she is theirs. Even my ex husband.
I'll go into THAT in a minute. NEXT POST.
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I am afraid to point out
I am afraid to point out that you have an excessive amount of patience. which may be seen as enabling your DH, who (from your descriptions) sounds childlike and ball-less. WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE? Dont give us that love thing. Comfort? Habit? Fear of being single? Judgement from others?
Come on....
Fear of being single?! Please! It takes a lot more courage to face what she's facing than it takes to be single.
~ Anne ~
"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)
THANK YOU!!!! lol. Being single would have been way, way, way easier, and I wouldn't have an ulcer!
haha, yeah.
My patience is bigger than my intelligence at times. haha.
Why am I still there? Well, I am in my own place now. A big first step.
And love? I don't believe loving my husband has ever been listed as a reason for staying through it all. If I did write that, then I went nuts for a minute or something.
I have stayed, in full or in part, for a mixture of reasons. Love is an easy word as a descriptor; I mean I *do* love my husband and the girl, but that isn't all.
I think I didn't want to be just another woman who walked out on her, so I stubbornly stayed put, hoping that each passing month or year would be different. Some nagging voice in my head plead with me that that had to be the case. After all, no kid could STAY that way. Kids mature, they change, they grow, they become young adults and their hormones calm down. Right? I thought right. But not so much. Things stayed the same or got worse.
Comfort? Well, I'd love to meet someone who would feel comfort in that situation. I mean yes, we owned a home and I didn't want to just walk away from all the work and money put into it. Really, all the love put into it. That was my home, too, you know. For a person to walk away from that kind of investment is difficult for many reasons.
Habit? That well may be. I guess a person can get used to anything, and there is something to knowing what is coming day in, and day out.
I have no fear of being single. None at all. I've lived in this apartment, as shabby and small as it is, with VERY little sex from the hubby. Very few real kisses, outside of pecks on the cheek once in a while. I am also held rarely. Ours has become a partnership rather than an emotional and love-filled relationship. It has, sadly, become more about business. Sad, really. So no....fear of being alone doesn't play a part.
Also, no amount of fear of alone stuff could make me put myself or my sons through this. As I said before, I didn't want to be just another bitch who bailed out too fast.
Judgment from others...hmmm. Without being an asshole, I'd like to point out that I feel like I am being judged right now, being as that I am having to defend myself over not only staying, but venting here in the way I have thus far.
But no, the biggest judgment I fear is my own. Had I just taken off with the dead rabbit, or the pants dropping, etc...I would have always wondered what could have happened if I'd stuck by her just a little longer. Or helped just a little more. Or tried a little harder.
And had years gone by after my early exit, and I got word that the kid was in prison or something, I would have blamed myself for being another horrible witch who ran like hell instead of working at things.
That's it...and that's all. My reasons may not seem sane to anyone else, but they don't have to. At the end of the day, only I have to live with my choices. My sons could grow up and hate me, or love me more, or perhaps not even care....but they'll grow, G*d willing, and I will still be the only one who looks at my face in the mirror.
I hope what they take from this is that you have to really try for someone you love and care for....but that you also must know when enough is enough. My hope is that it won't take them as long as it has me to learn this.
Actually, I hope they never experience this in their adulthood. It's hard, and heart breaking, and awful.
Hope that answers your question.
I wonder Why
Correct me if I am reading this wrong but why would a grown man want his family to pay for his needs??? That is a big red flag for me. I don't want a man dependent on his family for his needs. Nothing in life is free. Nothing. He will have to pay his family back with his loyalty. You wont stand a chance.