Another day, another pain in the ass.
blah. That is my exact feeling today. Just freakin blah.
I tried to be nice this morning but everyone in my house had an attitude from hell. So I decided to stop trying to be nice. My day is off to a terrific start. Over the stupidest crap imaginable. Whatever.
SD won't be coming over for her EOW. BM has completely brainwashed her. She won't even speak to DH. He told her he loved her on the phone, she said "whatever, bye". This is just a kid, not even a teen w/an attitude.
My EH refuses to return phone calls so who knows if the other kids are going for their EOW over there. Or if I'll get my CS this week.
Good news is, I got a permanant job, hallelujah.
Now if only I could actually save some money, I might be able to get out of this extremely deep hole I'm in.
If I allow myself to sit back and dwell on everything - well, let's just say that's not a good idea. So, I'm gonna smile and pretend everything is f*cken peachy.
- Monica's blog
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I admire your spirit !! :)
YAY, I hope you love your new job. Pay yourself first. Put a small percentage away in a sock somewhere and it will grow. Don't tell anyone, you never know when it will come in handy.
I really hate that your not going to be able to spend the weekend with your SD, AH SHUCKS ! (that was me being funny) When your hubby's little brat talks to her dad like that, how does he respond, most would ignore it. Maybe he should use a little reverse psychology on her and talk to her the same way, and see how that makes her feel. Surely, he is concerned with her attitude, I hope he doesn't displace his feelings to you. BETTER NOT, OR I'LL GET ON MY BROOMSTICK AND TEACH HIM A LESSON. You let me know.
If your Ex hasn't returned your calls, then oh well, it's his loss. That will show your children that you are the responsible parent. You don't even have to spell it out. They know!
Don't be hard on yourself, I think you are awesome!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Congrats on the perm job!! I think your attitude is awesome, smile and it will make every wonder what you are up to!!
And if Stepwitch has room on her broom I will fly out there with her!
As for the ex, if he does not return your calls - f*** him. Kids are pretty smart they know what is going on!
we are here for ya
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
Good Morning Sai You know,
Good Morning Sai, Steppy & my Sunshine Pissy
You know, that shove some money in a sock idea ain't so bad. I think I'll start that as of tonight lol. I think 10% of each paycheck is a good start.
It totally does suck that she talks to him like that, because it not only hurts him, but when she does realize what's going on, she's going to hurt too, for hurting her father. He usually does get upset, and sometimes his anger can become displaced, but all I have to do is remind him that's is not me he's angry at, even though his being with me is what causes BM to act like an escapee from the local mental facility. Then his anger become hurt, and then anger again at BM for putting bullshit in his daughters head. Then it turns into submission so to speak. "Well, if she doesnt want to come here, she doesnt have to, I'm not dealing with either one of them anymore" (BM or SD)
He actually told her not to come over anymore if that's how she felt, and he would be waiting when she decided she wanted to see him again.
Now that is sad. After all of that is said and done, he promptly begins to ignore the situation, it can't hurt you if it's not real you know?
As for my ex, look lady loves... we're some honest b*tches around here right? Well, you're right, it is his loss, and I could care less in the big picture because my kids are very well adjusted with or without him.... but, I love the EOW's. It gives me 2 days of grown up time. Quality time with DH, I can go out to grown up places, watch grown up movies, take a bath, pamper myself, and yea, get drunk if I damn well please. I've grown accustomed to that little break in the constant responsible life I lead from day to day. It's selfish I suppose, but everyone else in my life is selfish so why can't I be? hehe.
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman
I know how you feel
about the ex not returning phone calls, I called him in July of 2007 and he was supposed to call me back...haven't talked to him since than...priorities I guess, huh? it IS his loss if he doesn't want to see his children, but it also hurts the kids which breaks my heart, I'm sick of telling my daughter her dad is busy working. I don't have the heart to tell her that her dad is an alcoholic and can't take care of her..I can't even trust him alone with her, I'm scared something will happen to her. So I've decided he won't be visiting her unless he comes to my house to visit, which will never happen because he has better things to do..
If my step daughter does
If my step daughter does that to my husband.. there is a big chance that she will because her mom will brainwash her.. there is nothing him or I can do about it.. All these guys can keep in mind is that they are trying or have tried. It will be up to her when or if she wants to have a good relationship with her father.. sometimes they have to be a lot older to see the real picture. As far as your ex.. screw him.. let him be the one to blame for the bad or non exhistant relationships with his kids. Your kids have a good mom and thats all that counts. Im glad that you got your permantent job.. def. a weight being lifted isnt it? I hope the rest of the day isnt being impressioned on your shitty morning.. keep your chin up.. THERE is light at the end.. Im in that tunnel too.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine
You off work today? Or did
You off work today? Or did you hack into the system? LOL
Monday I'll be moving upstairs to my new position so I dont know if I'll still have access to this right away since I'll be training, you guys might miss me for a few days
oh yea, and thanks for what you said, I think you're gonna be a pretty kick ass momma yourself when the time comes
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman
yeah they gave me the day
yeah they gave me the day off...
I really wanted to get in some good hours to get a decent pay check but today I guess they are moving the office around and making some changes and they werent gonna get a whole lot done today so they just told me to stay home today.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine
I would like to invite yall to a weekend at Beale Street! Great Music, Great Drinks and Great Company!!! Wouldn't that be GREAT.
PissedoffinNC is right, tho and I can tell you from experience. I tried to be the fixer. I have finally came to the conclusion, that I can only fix me. People have issues and the issues are not owned by me, nor did I cause them; therefore, not mine to fix.
I know you want to protect hubby's feelings, Monica, but damn, girl he is a grown man and can take his own attacks. SD attacks you to jab at him. LITTLE BITCH!! My Switch has said in the past, my daddy will choose blood over water anyday, but what she has failed to recognize is that he choose me out of free will, she can't say that. OOOHHHH That was bitchy, wasn't it?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Gotta Run
Have to get the oil changed in my work car, have to work tonight. Catch ya later!!! Hope I helped this morning.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I don't know if I agree with your DH
How old is SD? I just feel that kids need to be told what to do when it comes to visitation not left to their own devices to figure out on their own (or with negative influence by another parent). I don't know your full story by IMHO Dh should tell SD that he expects her to be ready when he comes to get her and she does not have to like it but she does have to come and be respectful while she is there. We don't get to choose are parents, none of us do. DH needs to put his foot down. The kid is running the show.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
It's not the kid though,
It's not the kid though, it's the BM. She doesn't want SD coming over anymore because FH told her (BM) that he doesnt want anything to do with her, his concern is his daughter and he could care less about her or her personal life, so she needed to stop calling/texting him. He also told her that I wasnt going anywhere so she had to learn to deal with it.
BM proceeded to tell him that SD hates coming to our house and can't wait til she's old enough to say for herself whether she wants to go or not. That's so not true, but it hurt him.
When they talked SD was really cold to him and he didnt want to add fuel to an already blazing inferno, so just told her I love you, I dont know what you're being told, when you're ready, I'm here.. etc.
UGH. Makes me wanna stick a hot curling iron up BM's a**.
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman
Let me just share this
Our BM totally poisoned SD for several years after their divorce (she was only 7 or so then). SD would make any excuse possible to not come to our house even for weekend visits. This went on for quite a long time, then BM got gravely ill and SD had no choice but to come and live with us full time. Now we are back to joint custody and every other week visitaion and now she hates to go to BM's. My DH "feels sorry" for sending her over there EOW but that is because he is an idiot! Again IMO, I would encourage DH to keep his visitation schedule with SD no matter what evil BM plants in her head because you just never know what will happen. Your SD needs both her parents as does mine which is why we will not change the visitation schedule (at least not while BM and I are still alive). lol
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
The problem is that they
The problem is that they were never married so there is no paperwork. I keep trying to get him to believe me that visitation rights and child support have nothing to do with each other but he's hard headed. he doesnt want to go through any more with her on this because she lies so well.
And as for not changing the visitation, it's really not his call, it's BM. He doesn't drive, so SD gets dropped off and picked up and if BM doesnt want to bring her, she won't. She's got residential custody and theres nothing saying she HAS to bring her over, so for now we are S.O.L
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman
I see
The picture is a little clearer now. I guess all you can do is leave it in DH's court. He will have to take things to the next level if he chooses. Its sad that SD will miss out on having a loving father because of a crazy jealous BM. I just don't understand some of these BM's. I would be so happy if my BS's father would even call him. Its just so sad.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
It really is, and I try to
It really is, and I try to explain to FH that it's not SD8's feelings that are being portrayed, but BM's feelings being portrayed thru her. He's just extrememly hurt and depressed that SD is turning out to be so much like BM, to the point that any feeling BM has for him, so does SD.
To him its like he either has to do what BM says, including go back to her, so that he can have a daughter who loves him,
Or be happy with me and lose the daughter.
Or fight for the daughter and deal with the drama and craziness of BM in court and risk having daughter hate him anyways.
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman