Another Ultimatum
I am becming the Queen of Ultimatums because, dammit, that's the only way I can get anything done around here.
SD24 was kicked out two months ago now for bad behavior (see earlier posts), and it's clear that she wants her sticky fingers to remain in our family and home life. For starters, she has not filed a change-of-address with the USPS, because picking up her mail is another excuse for her to drop by. I told DH that he had one week to either get her to fill out the form, or do it himself. If it wasn't done, I'd get rid of the mail.
Today I gave the post office a heap of mail and told them to return it all to sender, and continue to do so for all mail that came in her name. It felt good!
Last week SD24 took our dog, the family pet. I woke up to my BD11 in a panic, telling me the "dog was gone." Turns out SD24 felt "lonely" that night and just took our dog! She claimed that she "paid for the dog and has a rights to take it anytime she wants to!" She refused to bring the dog back to us, and DH had to go to her place and pay her a $400 extortion fee to make it clear that the dog is a family pet and she has no rights to it whatsoever. In the meantime, BD11 was a sobbing wreck all day--terrified that her beloved dog wouldn't come home.
I told DH that if any property ever disappeared from our home again, I would file a report with the police, and send them to her place. Period.
Now for the final ultimatum of the week. I still hold the loan for SD24's car--I did her a favor a few years ago when I was still trying to be nice. Two months ago I told her to refinance her car--I not longer would hold the loan for her. Nothing happened. Then she stopped paying on the loan. Yeah, I saw that coming from a mile away...
I told DH that if she is not refinanced and my loan paid off by March 1, I will call the police with her location,license number, and description of her car. As of now, the car is unregistered and illegal, she carries no insurance, and her license has been suspended. Still, she drives (laws apply to other people--not to her). I'll pay to have the car taken from impound, then sell it to recover what costs I can.
I am sick of this crap. Quite frankly, I don't care if she rots in jail--that's where she's headed anyway. DH, of course, thinks I am being too harsh. That's crap too. I informed him of every move I was planning to make and gave him time to get the bitch's butt in gear.
Time just ran out.
- Sarah101's blog
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i'd do the same..
I don't think you're being too harsh...she needs to grow up..if she wants to be treated like an adult maybe she should start acting like one.
Go Girl
Wow, I feel empowered just riding on your coat tail.
Sarah, you are handling everything beautifully in what would otherwise be an ugly situation.
You are one of my new heroes.
Oh thank you!!!
You just made my evening, Need2vent!! Thank you so much! It's hard to go through life being so defensive. These ungrateful, loser adult skids have made me a much crispier person.
Good for you!
Stay strong!
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Why don't you just go get the car?
Why wait for it to be impounded and have to pay the impound fee? I really doubt they will put her in jail for having an unlicensed or uninsured car. Maybe if they pull her over while driving (hey, happened to Paris Hilton!)
So why not just go get the car and sell it now? Is the car in your name or hers? Because if the car is in her name I don't think you can sell it even after impound (unless you get her signature).
What a freaking mess Sarah. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. What is wrong with your DH. Sheesh.
I think you should move to my city and become my BFF. You are inspiring.
Nellie (you know my real name ha ha)
Not harsh at all
You're doing the right thing. Hope everything works out great.

"For the love of herself, she acknowledged her worth."
Go Get The Car
She is putting you at risk by driving it...If she wrecks the car and hurts someone they are going to come after you.....There is a reason that her dl is suspended....You are doing the right thing, I just think that you are being way to nice, lock up the car or hide the car and if she has done all of your above mentioned items then give it back.....Don't risk your financial future on a train wreck waiting to happen.
You're right
My DH hold the title to SD24's car. He recently learned that is she gets into a scrape, then he's the one who will be sued. Right now he's in the process of trying to get the title out of his name. Yes, that means I wouldn't be able to sell the car. But first he has to refinance the car so I don't hold the loan. Then, honestly, I don't care.
Such a mess! She refuses to get auto insurance, so our state (MA) won't give her title. Her credit has been destroyed for years, and everything that touches her is in collection, so any insurance she would get is much more $ than what she paid us under our policy. So she's trying to get her mother to be on the title.
The BM--a serious bipolar scumbag--will likely take title then sell the car outright and pocket the money. She's complete trash--much like her daughter. What this means is that DH and I will probably take a loss on the car--but at least we will be done with it and not get sued.