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Question for first time bio moms and existing stepmoms

Mrs Katch 22's picture

What feelings did you go through when you were pregnant? I've asked a few of my friends in this position, and there seemed to be a few things in common.

Ie. for a while, I was sad that this was my first time experiencing this and not my hubby's first time.

How I'd counteract this feeling: I'd think about how it's OUR first time experiencing it together..but part of me wanted for him to only experience it with me (yeah, maybe it's selfish, but whatever).

What other crazy thoughts/feelings did you have to deal with when pregnant with your first bio child? Maybe it's insecurity, I dunno.

This kind of ties into the post about having SD at the hospital. I KNOW BM will try to show up at the hospital, especially if SD is there...I know SD will want to share her excitement with her mom and invite her there (even if DH's family member picks her up and brings her to the hospital). BM didn't have to deal with an ex during her pregnancy/delivery, I kinda want the fairness. SD will be on the phone giving her mom a play by play and I want this to be OUR special day. I know that probably sounds selfish...but I know it's good for SD for her to be there to see her sister.


unknown's picture

i am a first time mom to a 1 year old daughter with my DH. my DH has a 12 year old boy. some of the emotions i went through when i was pregnant were:

- resentment toward the fact that this won't be my husband's 'first' baby
- resentment toward the fact that we went to unncessary extremes to ensure SS didn't feel left out and at times, it almost felt we needed his 'approval' to have our baby
- resentment toward the fact that my husband was referring now and then to the birth of his first in order to help provide me with some misguided support about being pregnant
- EXTREME resentment after a conversation with SS one day when he told me he wishes that he could always be the only child and that no one else would ever be born.

as for having my SS in the hospital, taht wasn't an issue as he was SO pissed off we were having a baby, he didn't want to be anywhere near us. i personally feel having your SD and ESPECIALLY the BM at YOUR delivery is 100% inappropriate. this is not acceptable in my eyes and i would make it clear that SD and BM cannot be at the hospital. it's a busy and chaotic medical environment and you, the MOTHER, needs peace and a tranquil environment. this is not a fucking circus sideshow. it's the birth of a child. and YOU get to decide who is there. for me, only my DH was there.

when baby was born, here are the emotions i experienced, and to a degree, still am a year later:

- resentment that SS12 is costing my family thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of dollars. i feel angry that his BM is literally taking from teh mouth of my daughter to feed hers.
- resentment that SS12 pays absolutely on attention to his baby sister. even when she actively seeks his attention,he ignores her. this makes me nervous as i wonder if he is harboring dangerously negative emotions and thoughts.
- anger that he YET AGAIN admitted to me that he was an only child so he could get ALL the attention and ALL the gifts at christmas time, etc.
- anger and resentment that my DH probably doesn't want any more kids b/c he has 'two' biological children. well, i don't consider SS my child, and never will, and i feel this is unfair to me and our daughter. she will grow up with virtually no siblings. or at least no siblings that acknowledge her existence.
- annoyance and frustration that our schedule and our life somewhat is dictated by another child that isn't technically part of our family full time. every decision we make, we have to take that situation into account. and this will continue to affect us for at least the next 5 years until he's 18.

anyway, i struggle each day with these emotions. but i remind myself over and over that i picked my DH and i KNEW at the time he had a child. i am responsible for making this situation work - along with DH - and along with SS. my attitude has to be in line or things can go sideways. but, it gets harder every day. especially since we are poor because of him, well, no, because of his greedy mother.

at the end of the day, your love for your husband has to supercede all the resentment and anger and negative emotions you have about the fact he has a chlid with someone else. this is what i feel works for me. i love my DH so much and am so thankful for him, that i remember, if i didn't have him, i wouldn't have our beautiful daughter.

when your baby is born, do yourself a favour and don't let a parade of people in yoru house for the first couple of weeks. let SD visit (does she live with you?) for a short while, snap some pictures of the two of them, and send her on her way. having a baby is such a intimate and loving experience between two people, you need to make sure you protect your privacy.

and as a new mother, you have every right to. good luck. pm me anytime if you need more support. i have been there and i am STILL there.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

Mrs Katch 22's picture

SD 12 doesn't live with us. She's mentioned she wants to be the only child until she turns 15, but now I think she's excited about having a sibling. I read about jealousy and how some kids may unintentionally inflict harm upon the baby because of their existence -- something need to watch out for. YES to about 95% of everything you wrote, omg! Our life is dictated by another child who isn't part of our family full time..but it seems as even though she's not here, her presence is felt...deciding what to do when she's here, what we can't do...etc. I totally understand the struggle - I know my love for my husband has to supercede all the resentment...but it's SO HARD SOMETIMES! I have to remind myself that I knew what I was getting into...actually, I didn't. We dated for a loooooong time without SD's presence (BM kept her away). When she found out he moved on, she went psycho and took him to court, then he got visitation. By that time, we already lived together.

So, he was okay with just calling SD after the baby was born then a family member bringing her over to see her sister. It wasn't until SD told BM and BM told DH's parents that SD wanted to be at the hospital. Now, DH wants to arrange for one of his family members to pick her up and bring her to the hospital. I think this would be good for her, but I know it'll practically be like her mom is there.

THEN, once we get home, I KNOW BM will want to come inside and see the baby. DH even knows this...and is okay with letting BM see the baby. UGH, I guess this is okay? But I remember in the beginning when SD was a baby....those few times where we'd see each other, if SD came anywhere near me, she'd snatch SD up (this was when I was still DH's gf) and leave. Almost every time, DH (bf back then) would walk her out and she'd curse him out.

I'm getting the feeling that I have to share our daughter with SD/BM...I only want to be left alone with my family, his immediate family to enjoy our child. I know eventually they'll be included, but not from the beginning beginning, does that make sense? BM and I are not friends and I don't want my life/our baby's life/her ex bf's life shared with her....I only want to have to deal with her because of SD.

bellacita's picture

ur SD yes, definitely is and shud be a part of your new family, but BM is not. she doesnt need to see the baby or come anywhere near her. that is too close and its unnecessary. SD can show her pics u give her of SD and baby. dont let BM anywhere near ur new babys life...shes a part of urs unfirtunately but she doesnt need to be a part of hers.
i also feel that same resentment about life being dictated by a stepchild...this past wkend was a great example for me. we couldnt go out for my bday bc we had SD and no one to watch her. its love for FH supercedes all that but it doesnt stop it from hurting sometimes.
maybe once the baby is born this will all go away and u will just feel that bond w SD now that u are binded by blood...sita tara speaks of this. she said that having anna made her feel like they all, she, DH, her kids, his daughter, shared that family bond...

frustratedinMA's picture

I say tell him that then. You dont have to please everyone all the time. Some of the people is just fine, and that someone does NOT need to be BM. She is not w/your dh, therefore your child is NOT any concern of hers. I would make it clear she is NOT coming into your home and she sure as Heck isnt picking up your baby. Too bad, so sad... you get what you reap!!

I would also make sure that you let your dh know that sd is the responsibilty of WHOEVER brings her to that hospital. That he is NOT to entertain her.. He is to be there for YOU and that baby only. If there is ever a day in this child's life that needs 100% attention from your dh, its THIS DAY!!!

Read my post below. I have outlined these w/my dh and will stand firm on them. for sure.

bellacita's picture

we arent pregnant yet but we want to have a baby shortly after we get married later this year. the thing that my fiance says separates it for him is that it will be his first time being in love and choosing to have a baby. he never wanted to have a family b4; naturally he embraced his kids when they were born. he was never an active participant in any pregnancy either...didnt do dr visits, baby shopping, rm decorating was a situation he found himself in but didnt really want to be a part of. his oldest happened when he and BM (then girlfriend) were young. they were together awhile when she got pregnant again w SS15. then they decided to get married bc they felt like it was the rite thing to do for the kids. after the divorce he hooked up w BM2 and well, we wont go there but he didnt want to have a baby w her at all. so although he love skids and loves his children dearly, their birth was never something he really felt like celebrating bc he wasnt doing it w the rite person.
i was upset at the same thing u are for awhile when we first started dating...i will never have a first w him. even today when we talk about how much we cant wait to have a baby he always says hes so excited an dit really will feel like the first time for him bc the experience will be so different.
so hold onto that...the new experience of a baby w his soulmate, the woman he loves and wants to be w forever. it will feel different for him im sure...

Mrs Katch 22's picture

up until the getting pregnant again with ss15. yeah..he proposed to her because he thought it was the right thing to do because she was pregnant.

i know i have to hold onto that, but there's still a small part of me in the back of my mind that's sad that this isn't his first. he was in the delivery room, he cut the cord....and in almost all those birth videos, they show the happy mom and dad kissing/loving each other ....and books explain how being there during the birth of a child is a forever bonding experiencing (which makes me sick when i think of those two people being bm and dh). yes, they were young (20 years old)....i know i need to get over it because i have to believe that it's all different for him. he didn't do the dr appts, they didn't live together (i'm sure the foot and back massages weren't as frequent)...i can't help but to compare sometimes "did he do this for her like he's doing to me?" i don't know how to snap out of it or make peace with it. these feelings aren't as strong as they were when i first got pregnant, but i never ...ever expected to feel like this when we finally got pregnant.

oh............and another thing..i'm due anyday now, yet dh still wants to go to sd's events. we've seen them every weekend for four weekends straight now (we have every other weekend) and i just want to be left alone and not have to worry about anything else....just mentally preparing for birth, but dh just doesn't see this.....UGH.

bellacita's picture

its so amazing how we live alot of the same experiences and consequently, the same feelings...the comparing im bad at too...i ask him already did u do this w her? blah blah...thank god the answers have been no and i know its the truth but i just shouldnt do that to him. thankfully he understands...
a part of us will always be sad that we saved that experience for them and they didnt for us. but in some cases it wasnt their choice and trust me, if your DH is anything like mine, he suffers from it more than u and i ever will.

frustratedinMA's picture

I have not yet had a baby, nor had a viable pregnancy, HOWEVER, I had discussions w/my DH on my expectations of any pregnancy we do have.

That is the skids are not to be here during the delivery.. ABSOLUTE no. I dont want my dh to go missing to entertain the said skids, while I would be in excrutiating labor pains, because I know what I am like, and I know that I would harbor resentment over that for the rest of my life.

If the skids want to visit AFTER the delivery, and my dh does not have to go get them for this (as I expect him to stay by my side, unless its to get me non hospital food and a diet pepsi) that is ok.. PROVIDED the BM goes NO WHERE near the maternity section. She will not get to see or hold my imaginary baby, nor would she be allowed in my hospital room.

I made those VERY clear to my dh. I dont think its asking a lot. Also, the skids will not be coming for extended visits all of a sudden, their normal EOW will do just fine.. and if the inlaws come to visit, the skids will NOT be there the entire time the inlaws are. I just dont think I could deal w/that circus as unknown so poetically put it!

unknown's picture

wow! we have similar experiences! my DH said the same thing. he was very involved with my pregnancy and is EXTREMELY involved with his daughter. he experienced neither with his ex and their child together. and while he also loves his son, he has admitted to me that having a child with someone you truly love and know you are meant to be with, is a completely and utterly different experience. and he, for the first time in his whole life, finally feels like a 'daddy.' it's really wonderful to watch him with our little girl.

mrs. katch, remember this - and it will get you through the shitty times.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

bellacita's picture

yeah my fiance is just over the moon already about us having a baby! he talks about it all the time and even started a list of names! the way his face lites up when we talk about it is shows me that it really will be different.
watch...easy for me to say all this now...i'll get pregnant and probably be hells on wheels uber-bitch about it all! lol!

Colorado Girl's picture

is a special time.

It is also the most painful experience of your life. You will be so absolutely focused on the excruciating pain, you won't even BEGIN to care what the hell BM or SD or even DH is doing. You are going to be extremely concerned with where the nurse is that is able to adminster DRUGS.

The Pope could pass thru your room and you won't care.

I understand your jealousy. I am guilty of being green myself. I will NEVER have a child with my DH and I hate it. We were both neutered and have opted to stick to our very separate decisions to not have anymore children. I hate that we will never share that bond. Be grateful for that. This is YOUR first child TOGETHER. I've had two children and BOTH were EQUALLY as important to me. Both experiences were very different and the second time around was not any less special because of the one before.

Mrs. Katch 22. Don't let your negative thoughts inundate your experience at becoming a mother for the first time. You have this surreal experience happening for you that is in jeopardy of being tainted by what "could be". Take a deep breath and enjoy it. Stop worrying so much.

That baby will come and the rest of the world just melt away. You and your husband will hold your baby for the first time together and nothing else will matter. I promise.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Mrs Katch 22's picture

maybe it's the hormones, anxiety about labor/giving birth...and from all my recent posts, i know i'm a worry wart -- but the thinking of what could happen and being prepared for that situation has come in so handy before when dealing with sd/bm. i would read about common situations in blended families and think about how we would deal with them before they happened; because they did. then, when it did happen, we'd be prepared...but it did cause anxiety. so it's the anxiety now or pick.

yes, i'm working on not focusing on the negative, i don't want to thikn of what "could be" but i know that the could be is a "will be" and want to be prepared.

funny thin you mentioned the pope, i was thinking about this yesterday. if the pope was in the room or wanted to talk to me, i probably woulnd't care because of all the pain. GIVE ME THE DRUGS!

thank you all for your responses Smile

sweetthing's picture

and as I said before I would do some things differently with the kids, but my end result is a positive one.

My skids love their baby brother with all their hearts. Everything he does is amazing to me as it is to them.I know they go home & share with their mother what the baby is doing because she said something about it the other day at baseball.

I have & had days where I wish it were the first time for both of us but it wasn't & no amount of wishing could make it so. I have days when I wish it were just the 3 of us, or that so much of of $$$ didn't go to the skids so we could have had another baby someday...but it is what it is and I thank God every day for that amazing little boy in the room next to ours at night.

Concentrate on the positive, enjoy your pregnancy & if SD shares all her excitement over the baby with her mom just be glad she is excited. I always tell myself that long after DH & I are gone that his brothers will be the only family he will have and I never want him to feel the odd man out.

Mrs Katch 22's picture

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm also afraid that if SD is there, DH will go missing to entertain her and do his best to not make her feel left out; which is good, but I need him by me during this experience, the whole time. I know SD will call her mom, mom will say she wants to talk to DH, blah blah blah. I just don't want her to be anything near the experience. It's hard breaking the SD from BM bond...sometimes it's like even though Bm isn't there, she is because of SD.

Oh, about the whole daddy thing. DH says he doesn't feel like a dad to SD. He didn't take care of her when she was a baby...although lately, for his bday and father's day, she's given him cards that address him as "DAD." But get this , she doesn't call him dad, she calls him the nickname BM and his family call him. In our family, even if you're not related (at least when you're a kid), you call elders auntie/uncle or Mrs/Mr out of respect.

I just feel like I have to make these choices that I shouldn't have to make when it comes to SD/BM....when all I want is to be left alone and concentrate on the pregnancy/birth....sigh. One could say to not bother with details, but I'm the deciding factor so I have to think about possible scenarios.

I had a dream last night (when you're pregnant) you dream like crazy and most of them are sooooo vivid! Anyways, I had a dream that DH pissed me off so much that I didn't tell him when I went into labor and found someone else to support me....and I didn't even give our baby his last name. I don't know if it's all the anxiety I'm feeling and probably blaming him for having to decide/deal with SD/BM decisions/issues. We deal with SD/BM all the time -- weekends, deciding what we can/can't do...I just want this time to NOT have to think about them. If SD can go to the hospital and sever the umbilical cord from her mom that night and the proceeding days..I'd be okay; but that won't happen.

Then, in the days after recovery if I'm still in the hospital, DH can't spend the night so I know he'll be at home. I know his phone will be ringing off the hook and SD will want to come over more....BM would bring her or something, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but how do you get them to keep their distance.....

Colorado Girl's picture

are a pathway into our subconscience.

I have an ongoing dream that I am in the backseat of my car and there is no driver. I am desperately trying to grab for the steering wheel but simply can't reach.

I have this dream when I feel less than in control of my life. Which usually is on the heels of one of BM's manic episodes. She is my constant chaos.

Your dream is not only vivid but also revealing. You will only put up with so much before you put your foot down.

Compromise is such an important factor in this step-life. Your DH needs to understand that you will support his relationship with his daughter...but you have needs that need to met as well. Just like you need to meet his needs too.

Find a middle road. Don't completely alienate SD from the experience and explain to your husband that you want to wholeheartedly encourage a positive relationship between baby and big sister but that you also NEED the alone time to bond with your baby too. Break out a calendar and dictate a schedule so you AND SD can have something to look forward to. Like when the baby goes for a first checkup - SD doesn't need to be a part of it. So schedule it on a day she's at her mom's. That sort of thing.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Elizabeth's picture

I would just tell your husband you don't want any distractions with the delivery. When our first BD was born, I arrived at the hospital at noon and she was born at 1:30 pm. Yep, that's right, 90 minutes. Thinking we had all the time in the world, husband went off to get himself lunch and almost missed the delivery. You don't need him to be distracted by SD or anything else. You need him there to coach you through it and help you with the pain. Believe me, I almost crushed my husband's hand because I decided not to have any pain medication.

frustratedinMA's picture

Tell them. Let SD know that if she comes w/a relative of dh's, dh wont be available to hang out w/her or entertain her, that he will be to busy. That it will be pretty boring waiting in the waiting room, and that childbirth can take hours!!

Then tell Dh your expectations of just you and him in the delivery room, and that he is NOT allowed to leave your side or that delivery room... most of them have private bathrooms these days, so there would be no popping out for a moment to "use the bathroom" (but really to go see if SD is "hanging in there"

I just dont think a delivery room or waiting room during the delivery is ANY place for a child.

_Jess_'s picture

I'm due in 8 weeks. My SD11 lives with me and DH full time. Its been EXTREMELY hard.

Emotions I've felt: sadness, anger, resentment. None of it really stemming from wanting it to be DH's first time though. Perhaps because this is his first time actually being with the pregnant person! He left BM just a couple of months into her pregnancy (they had only been dating a few months when she became pregnant....he moved in with her to try to make it work but just couldn't do it).

My sadness, anger and resentment, unfortunately, are all directed at SD. From the moment we began talking about having a baby, even hypothetically, she was violently opposed to the idea, saying she would push any child of mine in front of a car, out a window, etc. Once I was actually pregnant, she started with talk about how DH really needed to take me to get an abortion (we subsequently learned that BM had decided it was appropriate to inform SD that DH had suggested she have an abortion).

SD told me that it was fine with her if I had a baby, as long as it wasn't with HER dad. She obviously was (and still is) having a very difficult time with the idea of having to share dad with anyone.

SD makes nasty little comments about my baby every chance she gets. She has suggested that the cat's litter box should be kept in the baby's crib, that the baby's car seat should be tied to the roof of the car, and that the baby's name (Sophia) sounds like the name of a dog....just to name a few of her little gems.

So...I am extremely resentful of SD for turning what should have been a joyful 9 months for me and DH into an absolute nightmare. She is actually (maybe) starting to come around now, after lots of visits to a therapist. She still occassionally acts like a jerk about the impending arrival of her sister (see my recent thread..."SD being a jerk about baby shower" for an example), but the frequency of her mean comments has significantly decreased, and she even helped me with putting up some nursery decorations earlier this week.

I do sometimes feel angry at DH because I feel like he puts up with her behavior too much. I had to beg and plead with him for MONTHS to get her into therapy, which I still think is ridiculous considering the nature of the comments she was making. I think he was in denial of SD's behavior and that it was a real problem. He did finally see the light though, and started lighting into her if she said anything remotely threatening about the baby.

I don't think I want SD in the room with me when I give birth, and DH agrees with this. She will likely be at the hospital, and just in the waiting room with another family member of mine. BM will have nothing to do with it (she wouldn't even try it thing DH has been terrific about is boundaries with BM).

sweetthing's picture

had made comments like Jess's sd does dh would have beaten the crap out of them for me & then sent them to therapy.

I am glad she is making some progress, but I really hope that she won't be left alone near her sister.

Just a piece of advice go for the epidural ladies. Child birth was a breeze... even after having an emergency c section I say this. And my son came out just fine even with the epidural.

Mrs Katch 22's picture

omg, I'm praying it will be a breeze! So many people see a cesarian as negative....but I think I'm willing to do that instead of all the pressing/pushing....major damage to your parts down there! And....omg, how will it be going to the bathroom afterwards? A cesarian seems less damaging than an epiosotomy to me...

About the comments..I guess those are normal, I've read about them...but with all the stress of pregnancy already, it totally sucks that we'd have to even deal with more stress! Sad at least she's getting better.

sweetthing's picture

where the internal incision was made & I know exactly where it is when I do a lot of heavy lifting ect... but I did not think recovering from a c esction was a big deal. I was off the pain meds by the end of the first week. Every one is different, people were amazed that I was out & about & fighting DH to let me vacuum. His cousin told me is sister could barely get out of bed & I was at the Mall of America with DH & the kids at camp snoopy.

I have a huge pain tolerence level though. That & I am stubborn. I sometimes get it in my head becasue I am older ( 40 in August) that I need to keep up or surpase the younger moms just to prove I am tough.

DH & I joke that I am unscathed down there. Everything is as it was pre baby...not a bad thing.

I still say do an epidural even if having a vag delivery. I was admitted for induction due to preclampsia 3 weeks early ( I went to basball play offs in 100 degree weather & wasn't taking it wasy as I had been told to)I had the epidural when they induced me & just lay around resting and napping. It is so the way to go.

Elizabeth's picture

I was the same way. Dead set against an episiotomy. But even more dead set against the idea of someone cutting open my stomach (c section). I ended up having no pain medication for both my deliveries, but had an episiotomy with both. You heal, and I had no serious side effects. Just sore to sit down for a few days.

sweetthing's picture

I knew you were a tough chick ( and deserving of one of tiaras I was talking about handing ou)No pain meds, you are amazing.

Elizabeth's picture

My dad used to call me stoic. Even when I was little and I was hurt, I never cried. Too stubborn, I guess. And reserved.

With first BD, I went into labor at 4 am but didn't want to go to the hospital too soon and be sent home (you know, overreacting first-time mom). So we almost waited too late. Doctor told us to wait until contractions were three to five minutes apart for an hour. I finally gave in and went when they were seven minutes apart. Arrived at the hospital at noon, was admitted and in my room dilated to 4 cm at 12:30 pm, doctor broke my water at 1 pm and I dilated to 9 cm instantly, baby born at 1:28 pm. He almost missed it as he was down the hall with another woman in active labor. (He made her wait because she'd had an epidural.) Nurses sent delivery kit to the wrong room because I'd just gotten there and they weren't thinking I would deliver yet.

So, all that said, you can see there was no time for me to get pain medication. (I didn't want it anyway, but I was tempted about 1 pm.) The second time around, I figured what the heck. Didn't need it for the first, I can do without it for the second. Went into labor at 4:20 pm (at work), went to the hospital at 7 pm, baby was born at 11:10 pm. Only reason this one took that long at the hospital was they couldn't find my doctor (never did). Had to get another doctor, and he was busy delivering another woman. So again, just there in time to catch the baby after three pushes (two with first daughter).

I guess having babies just comes naturally to my body! And I had the benefit of both my mother and SIL, who had babies with and w/out epidurals and said they recovered faster without. You won't die from the pain of childbirth, that's one thing to remember!

frustratedinMA's picture

You might be the exception. Are you SURE one couldnt die from the pain??? remember, you have a HIGH tolerance for pain.. some people's threshold is way way low.. and there is nothing wrong w/that!!! lol...

I am a low tolerance girl... if you didnt guess!!

sweetthing's picture

I have a severly tipped uterus. When they did the cervadil to induce me they had a really hard time even reaching my cervix. It was the most pain I had ever experienced & like I said I have a high tolerance ( I have lived through a ruptured fallopian tube & the rusty pitch fork through my leg while pregnant) It was probably a blessing they did the c section for me. I was in labor for 24 hours as well.

From start to finish getting pregnant, being pregnant & giving birth were all a challange. We have joked that the world would be in trouble if I were left to populate it. Smile

I always think when I read your posts, this woman has a lot of inner strength, her girls are so luck to have such a great role model. You should be proud of yourself.

frustratedinMA's picture

Holy smokes.. a pitchfork through your leg??? How did that happen!?!?!?


sweetthing's picture

pregnant & we were at the compost site getting rid of leaves from a trailer. DH had this old nasty rusty pitch fork that the former owners of our house left & he had just said, as the head fell off it I wish I would have brought yours with ( mine had three tins, was not rusty & was new. This one was onld with tins that curled upward) he moved to the other side of the trailer & I offered to bring it to him & while doing so turned my ankle & fell on the pitch fork. It went into my leg in two places right on either side of the bone. Hurt like heck & bled something awful. The wounds were filled with dirt & rust. They had to use novicain to numb them to clean them. Hurt so bad I almost passed out.

Of course the skids were with & witnessed it. They were terrified as was my husband as I lay on the ground & for a split second DH was afraid it had gone in my belly. Before we went to the ER DH & SS10 had to finish empting the trailer & the truck so we could go on the freeway w/o leave going every where. SS8 prayed for me & the baby the entire way.

My boss says that was the best excuse he has ever heard for calling in sick the next day.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I started to tear, so they did an episiotomy and it must have been pretty major because my dr. never would tell me how many stitches he put in me. Sounds horrible, but you don't feel it while they are doing it. Afterwards, they gave me a little water bottle and what you do is fill it with warm, sudsy water and you rinse with that instead of wiping when you urinate. They also sent me home with a donut to sit on, which helped a lot to ease the pressure there while sitting down. Also, and this is really important, make sure you buy some Dermaplast and keep a bottle or two on hand. You can get it in the first aid section of the drug store, next to the Solarcaine and Lanacaine. Spray it on your stitches and it will numb you down there. The stitches eventually dissolve and fall out. Five or six weeks later, you're good as new.



bellacita's picture

i need to stop reading this blog or i will probably NEVER have kids! lol! im a wuss! when i do i will be heavily drugged, trust me!

SerendipitySM's picture

Jess I gotta tell ya if my SDS' ever made those sorts of comments about any child of mine while I was pregnant - oh my god, I would never want them in my house again. It might be the end of my relationship if the FH didn't do something drastic to deal with it. Goodness....

frustratedinMA's picture

Which is why I think Jess should be Step Mom of the year.. For putting up w/that constant abuse.

sweetthing's picture

that is for sure. Pregnant & unhappy SD who is anti baby. The optimist in me hopes that little girl gets over it & moves on.

There are quit a few SM on steptalk that should get tiaras handed out for their acts of daily bravery. Smile

frustratedinMA's picture

See.. if it were me, I would let SD know next time she makes an inappropriate comment that she should treat people how she wants to be treated.. and god help her when she gets pregnant, You might JUST pay her back w/the little gems she heaped on you, rather than being HAPPY FOR HER.

sweetthing's picture

when it was that BM first saw our baby. I am pretty sure it was the next week when picking up the kids & I know DH let her hold him. ( he also had her watch him once and I almost killed him over that..nother story nother day)

Heres a little funny for you... my oldest skid is very handsome, he was a beautiful baby and is a real head turner, the second is cute too & is spitting image of DH. BM always said SS looked like her family ( she is NOT very attractive so not sure why she thinks this except for the coloring)... guess what my son is the blonde haired blue eyed version of him. They look soooo much alike except for coloring ( SS has brown hair & eyes like DH & BM)

I always think to myself when she sees my son that she has to know both her kids get their looks from their dads side. She has even made comments in the past that the baby looks like me & not him, but ha he looks like his brother if he were scandhoovian. BTW I have red hair & green eyes so genetics are amazing.

Mrs Katch 22's picture

i have to wonder if bm is trippin' out that her baby daddy is having another child with another woman. for so long, she's held onto the fact that she's the mother of his only child...and now she'll no longer have that title; but yes, she can say she's the mother of his first child. i hate hearing that when other people say that "you're having his second child"

i know it's petty, but i'm sure there's feelings going on on bm's end.

bellacita's picture

whenever people who havent seen FH in awhile DO see him, its always, how are the kids? how many do u have now? how old are they? and im just standing there feeling like an idiot bc theres 2 boys close in age and then the girl whos only 3. i just feel like if he has a kid that young it shud be to me, ya know?
petty i know, but its rough

ps...people who say that to u are insensitive idiots.

sweetthing's picture

and was on mines end. She once made a negative comment in an email before the baby was born over money & has been smart enough not to repeat it. She is always very nice about the baby & because I don't want him upset about his brothers leaving with her as he gets over we have always promoted a positive enviroment at exchange time.

I am sure the day will come when he is upset that his brothers have to go to their other home & don't want him to view her as evil. ( that is my job:) )

ColorMeGone2's picture

My pregnancies were different and each time it was like the first time for me, so it was no stretch for me to believe it was like that for DH, too. You miss out on a lot of "firsts" when you are the subsequent wife, but some of those things, like pregnancy and childbirth, are brand new each time you experience them. This is the first time with you and that will make it unique. I felt the same way at our wedding. We'd both been married before, but not to each other and that made it totally different. It's okay not to have SD there until after you've actually given birth and then, when she does come, to limit her visit to a short time. Make sure you have a trusted family member standing duty to prevent BM from interfering. Plan ahead and, hopefully, you won't have a thing to worry about when the day comes.



Mrs Katch 22's picture

i was thinking more about this...why have people wait in the waiting room when i go into labor? it's not like they can see the baby immediately right? shouldn't they just come the next day? for those of you who have given birth, i'm assuming a few hours recovery time isn't enough time for you to feel like entertaining people?

Colorado Girl's picture

My first child took 20 hours and I was not ready to "entertain" until the FOLLOWING day. I felt like I had run a marathon and just wasn't up to it.

My second one took an hour and a half. I was ready for a cocktail. (No drugs, he came too fast) My ex's ENTIRE family was in my room after one phone call to his sister. My son was probably less than two hors old before he was being passed around. But for me, I really didn't care. So it didn't matter.

You're the mom. YOU dictate the visitation standards (how long, how many, whatever). DH should back you up on this one.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

ColorMeGone2's picture

My first one was horrible. I was in the stirrups for sixteen hours and I was in complete and utter agony. As soon as he came out, I sent my sister to get me a 12" Italian sub and a two-liter of 7-Up because I went to the hospital at midnight and he wasn't born until 5pm the next day and they wouldn't give me anything but ICE CHIPS. Aaarrrggghhh! I was starving! I tore really bad with BS and I was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to see anyone but close family right away.

Now with my second one, she came out before the epidural even kicked in. I only pushed for about 45 minutes with her. She came at around 8pm at night and I felt pretty good after having her. My sister brought my son over to the hospital to see her and they stayed for about an hour and then I had no other visitors until the next day.

Don't bring anyone to the hospital with you, except for DH. He's all you'll need and God only knows how long you'll be in labor. When you've given birth and gotten a chance to nurse, get cleaned up, eat, rest and are starting to feel human again, THEN have people visit. If you deliver early in the day, you might feel up to visitors that afternoon or evening. If you deliver at night, then not until the next day. They can see the baby immediately. My mom, dad and sister all came in to see my firstborn before they even had him cleaned up, but I wanted them there. Once it's over, you'll be riding on a wave of euphoria for a little while. I was okay seeing close family minutes after the birth both times and I'd say I was capable of seeing other family, friends, etc. a few hours later. You'll be so excited you'll hardly notice your fatigue at first. You'll be wanting to show that baby off!



Most Evil's picture

threaten to knock the living crap out of her if she ever touches my baby! I would literally try to scare the shit out of her for saying such a thing.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

CrystalNAZ's picture

I am a first time Bm to a 2 1/2 year old boy. DH has two kids 11 and 8. while I was pregnant my ss threw a fit one day when he found out we had to go to the grocery store. He climbed up on the top bunk of his bunk bed and wouldn't come down. I couldn't leave him home alone so I climbed my 7 month pregnant behind up onto the bottom bunk trying to pull him down and He Kicked me really hard in the stomach. It nearly knocked the wind out of me. I and the baby were fine but it was the point he really could have done some damage. Being pregnant wasn't as exciting as i thought it would be. I always wanted to look at the baby clothes and he would always give me a hard time about it. But we as a couple shared alot together. Our sons birth was vaginal and the first one he got to witness. The other two were c secion and his wife didn't want him there. But now that i think about it I wouldn't have it any other way. He is my Rock he always calmed my fears about the tiniest thing when our son was an infant. I think I am a better parent because i don't over protect my son I let him be a little boy and don't worry about every little scrap or scratch he gets.

luvdagirl's picture

When I was prego with my first bio son, sd was 4, and I had so much resentment toward BM and it did leak over to sd- usually because BM was running her mouth about my baby and how it would make daddy different towards sd, sd was excited about being a big sis though and through the pregnancy my feelings were:
resentment of BM for trying to act as if she or SD were supposed to be more important
sadness that it wasn't the first time for DH
alone- just because there was so many questions all the time that I felt awkward asking DH, but they never went away either.
worried- that there was a difference in the way DH would treat the kids, or how it would all end up

Here's what I learned looking back ten years after the fact:
It may not have been DHs first time, but he still cried(even at our babies birth 8mo.ago, it's always different- every child),and was super excited when he first saw our son.

We did go out of our way the first few years to make sure SD was included in everything we did(we weren't doing so hot financially so there wasn't much to do) but in time we began to just live life as she would be doing the same, and we'd pick her up stuff so she knew we were thinking of her.

BM has always tried to convince herself she has some special bond w/DH- sooner or later she may figure out she has screwed up every hope of him even not vomitting slightly when he thinks of her and she may move onto making her ex hubbys life a little more miserable instead- until then I will live my life with my love and our amazing blessings of all three of our children happily in the present as she grasps to what ever was past.

I wish I haD realized sooner that letting her peeve me took another day from my life that should've been enjoyable there by giving her the power she wanted.

as for the hospital thing you (my opinion here) should let SD come to see her, set a time limit if you want and tell DH- okay 20 minutes is it then we need to get back to us, but it is really important to have them do some bonding, afterall siblings are you longest term family and usually your dearest friends in life. Maybe SD is feeling a little threatened by the new arrival and that happens within every family I have ever seen, to a degree.
as for the BM coming- nodda- I try to be decent to BM in most situations but I totally put it down when BM tried to see the oldest son and I just told SD we were in a rush so we couldn't. by the time baby came SD was 14, she showed her mom pics but thats as close as she needs to be as far as I am concerned.
If she comes to the hospital , put her on a no visit list, most birthing/mother/baby units have extreme security measures there and ask for each persons name before letting them in the unit, nifty I say and tell DH how you feel- don't hold back it's not healthy for either of you.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Oh Canada's picture

Count your blessings. Not everyone is able to be blessed with a child.

I totally understand how you feel about wanting to share this WITHOUT BM - she didn't have to have an ex around when she had her kids. I am glad you voiced that gripe because I feel that way all the time (and wondered if I was being too self-centered). It sux

I don't have kids so these other posts will be a lot more helpful and insightful than mine, but all I can say is at least your DH and you have a child together. You are blessed & congratulations!