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You Don't Know Me, But I Know you

KeeKee's picture

Hi everyone,
I have been a member of this site for 2 years now and I can't tell you how invaluable it has been to me. The lessons I have learned from all the "steps", past and present, have helped me more than you can possibly know.
My story follows a common theme of wacked out BMs, guilt-ridden DHs and out of control SKs. The end result has been a SD17 who moved 2000 miles away to be with a boy who she was court ordered to stay clear of during her probation (for stealing cars and break and enter) and she now claims she is pregnant (probably is true, but given her history, I'll believe it when I see it).
I posted a couple of times and responded to a few blogs when I first joined but for the longest while I have been just too damned depressed to make any effort to communicate and was contented to just lurk and draw strength from all the amazing people here.
Mama Sita's post about "Normal Teenage Behavior/BPD" really inspired me and I had my husband sit down and read the entire thread. We are dealing with this as well, so he could really relate to all that was said.
He was so happy to find people that would understand exactly what he was up against (BPD) that he even suggested that he would like to post on this site as well
(he does qualify, as he is SF to my 2 kids).
Anyway, this is just a quick re-introduction of myself and if anyone is interested in a bit of my story, you can track me (I really didn't write a whole lot...I promise).


BabygotBack1988's picture

stick around this time ey

KeeKee's picture

I've always been here, it's just that most of the times it seems that others have already said what I wanted to say ( and with much more eloquence).
I certainly have been feeling all your pain and disappointments, as well as your joy.

lil_teapot's picture

Hi sweetie, welcome back! I'm pretty new here myself but thought I would say hi and hope that you will continue to post here as much as you can. Everybody has been super to me and has kept me from going completely
hugs, lil

KeeKee's picture

Thanks for the welcome.
I haven't had to deal with such an intrusive BM, but we all have our crosses to bear (ugh). I find that even though our situations might be different, we all have something to learn from each other with regards to relationships and our right to be respected.

BabygotBack1988's picture

but you know me big mouth here likes to have her say hahahaha

i like to stick around even tho i am not a step parent any more i have grown very attached to this website and stil have a lot to share and hope i still help people

Sita Tara's picture

Thanks for the mention. I am happy to know that my longwinded babbling isn't all for me. Sometimes I feel like my issues with SD are my own doing. Just re-read that in the book I've talked about. Apparently I'm in an actual real life "stage" people who are dealing with this go through.

Your SD sounds like an old friend of mine I had to let go of years ago, who eneded up being found guilty of felony ID theft. It was interesting, given my eventual SD situation and all my reading. BPDs have no sense of their own identity, so they "try on" those around them that they are holding in high esteem. I have been on the receiving end of that. At first it's flattering, then...

Kinda "Single White Female" ish.

Let me know if there's anything I can do for ya!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

KeeKee's picture

I look forward to picking your brain. You have been able to verbalize the SM's perspective in such a difficult situation in a way that I never could... You have certainly opened my husband's eyes to what it must be like for me.

Sita Tara's picture

Maybe I should have my own DH read that thread!

Just kidding. I tell him in bits and pieces. Too hard for him to hear it all at once like that.

You're welcome anytime.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Sia's picture

Glad you are here. Sita's blogs always help me too, because we are in much the same situation. I am glad that you found the strength to post, look forward to hearing more from ya! Smile

sarahbernheart's picture

my FSS is an accident waiting to happen, he is 18 with absolutely no prospect, read my blogs you will get a better picture of him, glad to have you back and all that you can offer!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Colorado Girl's picture

Welcome back...

I'm so glad you are here. Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

luvdagirl's picture

happy to have you back in view, I feel the same way most times everyone else puts such prospective on their situations and I just spew out the thought of that moment but it does make me feel so much better to just do it sometimes.

I hope your SD pulls her head from that place soon, I know myself how bad being self distructive can be even if only for a short time but alot of us have to learn for ourselves too-

There is no reason where logic does not exist

KeeKee's picture

of you for your warm welcome. The conversations on this site move so fast that the keyboard-challenged have a hard time keeping up.... I will do my best.